Late at night.

Chen Tianyu was already fast asleep.

There was only an extinguished fire on the ground, with wisps of green smoke still rising. Zi Yun, who was standing by, quietly opened her eyes and then walked slowly towards Chen Tianyu. She didn't even dare to make any sound with her feet... Just like that, she walked over gently and quietly.

She looked at Chen Tianyu's sleeping face, gritted her teeth, clenched her hands...

Then, as if she had made up her mind, her hands suddenly turned into sharp claws!


She attacked him directly.

However, Zi Yun's eyes suddenly widened.

The claws were only a fraction away from Chen Tianyu, and then they stopped, unable to move forward even a little bit.

"it turns out……"

She was extremely surprised. She didn't expect that the other party could still easily block her attack while sleeping.

The gap between her and the other party was simply an unbridgeable gap!

It was too exaggerated!


Although she was unwilling, she could only clench her fists and turn away.

After all, she could not do anything in this situation.

However, Chen Tianyu quietly opened one eye, looked at Ziyun's back, and smiled faintly.

Then, he closed his eyes again.



In the early morning, the sound of birds chirped continuously.

The sun rose slowly from the east, and the golden morning sun fell on the ground.


"In the fairy world, there is also one sun during the day and one moon at night."

"It really looks like Blue Star."

Chen Tianyu held the back of his head and lazily lay on the straw mat.

He was very curious. This world should have some connection with the mortal world.

He wanted to know, but he probably wouldn't find any useful information in the lower world. But if he could go to the upper world, he might know more.

But with his current strength... he didn't know if he would meet a real immortal, so he planned to proceed step by step.

"Hey, aren't you going to leave yet?"

"It's daytime now, and the wild animals in Luomu Forest are all waking up."

Zi Yun was chewing on a fat roasted hare, which was obviously caught early in the morning.

"I say, it's not good to eat something so greasy early in the morning."

Chen Tianyu looked at Ziyun speechlessly.

"Tsk, what do you care about me! ?"

""If you don't leave, I'll leave!"

Ziyun yelled angrily. Chen

Tianyu looked at her fierce face, and suddenly curled up a smile, narrowed his eyes, and continued:"You are a little noisy... I'm a little hungry this morning, how about I eat something too?"

"I wonder what the alien half-orcs taste like?"

When these words came out,

Ziyun trembled all over.


"You want to eat me!"

She covered her body and looked at Chen Tianyu cautiously.

There was a look of fear in her eyes.

Seeing the other party's appearance, Chen Tianyu couldn't help but smile slightly.

"You are such an interesting girl. I guess you have eaten a lot of humans, right?"

"But...if you encounter a stronger human who wants to eat you, you will be afraid too?"

Chen Tianyu said with a smile.

After all, who says that only aliens can eat humans, and humans can't eat aliens?

Since the other party is not the same race as you, why worry about the Nguyen virus? Just show off.

This thing is no different from a monkey. There are still people in China eating monkeys!


Hearing this, Zi Yun felt even colder all over. She didn't expect the other party to be so cruel!

Humans eating aliens, this is really the first time I've heard of this in hundreds of years.


"When you go to human territory, don't eat humans."

"Otherwise I will eat you."

Chen Tianyu shook his hands and chuckled.

Ziyun's face was full of resentment. It took her so long to meet such a big Buddha.

It's too damn cruel!

Even an alien like me can eat it!

"I'll give you a few choices then."

"Braised, steamed... or stir-fried?"

Chen Tianyu raised his mouth.

"I refuse all of them!"

Ziyun looked like she would rather die than surrender, which really made Chen Tianyu want to laugh.


"You are really interesting."

""Let's go."

Chen Tianyu laughed.

Then he walked forward, slowly walked to Ziyun, and put one hand on her shoulder.


In an instant, he disappeared from the spot.


At the same time.

In the mortal world, in Hangzhou, on the mountain, in the Mo family's private villa

"You will live here from now on!"

"Senior Brother asked me to protect you well when he is not around."

Mo Ningxue looked at Xia Yutong's family in front of her and said with a faint smile


"Can I really live here?"

"It's so big~"

Xia Yutong walked forward in surprise.

This villa can be said to be very luxurious and has everything you need.

"This place is far from the city, and this mountain is under the strict jurisdiction of our Mo family."

"There shouldn't be any problem."

"From now on, your food, clothing, housing and transportation will also be taken care of by our Mo family's bodyguards."

Mo Ningxue also explained seriously.

"Is it... because of something happening in the fairy world?"

"Brother Tianyu asked you to do this?"

Xia Yutong tilted her head and began to ask.

Mo Ningxue also nodded slightly and continued:"This is what my senior brother specifically told me to do, so that I must protect you."

"The gate to the fairyland has recently opened, and I don’t know what will happen, so it’s better to live here first, and I have the ability to protect you."

Uncle Xia couldn’t help but sighed when he heard this,"Oh, thank you so much...but my barbecue restaurant……"

He was still more concerned about his Lambo barbecue.

Mo Ningxue smiled lightly and then shook her head.

"Don't worry, if you want to go to the barbecue restaurant, we will send a special car to take you there."

"And we will also strengthen the defense there."

She said so.

After all, Xia Yutong and she were considered friends after the last meeting, although they didn't see each other often. In addition, with the relationship with Chen Tianyu, she had to protect him a little.

Now she didn't know where Chen Tianyu went, but recently another piece of news became a hot topic.

It was——「"Gojo Satoru destroys the immortal".

This really makes Mo Ningxue look forward to Gojo Satoru's strength. Now... it has been a month since she became Gojo Satoru's apprentice.

However, Mo Ningxue has no idea about his strength.

The less she understands, the more she looks forward to it!

Uncle Xia is also happy. After all, the barbecue restaurant can continue to operate like this.

"It would be best if the barbecue restaurant could continue to operate!"

"Thank you Miss Mo for your help!"

Uncle Xia also smiled honestly.

But Mo Ningxue shook her head slightly.

"Nothing, I'll leave first."

"If there is anything, just ask the bodyguard outside the villa to contact me."

"Or you can contact me using the landline in the villa, my number is saved there."

Mo Ningxue said so.

Uncle Xia also laughed when he heard this, and nodded repeatedly:"Okay, thank you Miss Mo!"

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