At the border between Yan Country and Luo Musen, a man and a woman were seen running towards Luo Musen.

They seemed to be in a hurry, as if something was chasing them from behind.

They were wearing the same clothes, and seemed to be running from the same faction.

""Hurry! Run!"

The two ran forward like crazy.

At this time,

Chen Tianyu and Ziyun happened to meet the two

""Hey! Two people in front! Run quickly, General Liu Lie has gone crazy!"

The man shouted to Chen Tianyu and the other man in front.

But Chen Tianyu raised his eyebrows, still a little confused about what was going on.

"Liu Lie, who is that?"

Chen Tianyu raised his eyebrows and asked in a strange way.

The two men had already run to Chen Tianyu.

"What are you doing!"

"Why don’t you run away!"

"General Liu Lie is coming!" the man continued to shout. After hearing this,

Zi Yun touched his chin, looked at their clothes, and thought for a moment.

"Are you from the Lingxun Sect?"

"Liu Lie... If I remember correctly, he was a general of the Yan State, and was at the peak of the Jindan stage, right?"

"That's even more powerful than the master.……"

Ziyun opened her mouth and said

"You are... actually knowing that we are from the Lingxun Sect?"

"Now the Lingxun Sect has been attacked by the possessed Liu Lie, and we are the few who escaped!"

"No... He's catching up soon!"

The man looked extremely worried, and he kept looking back. The loud noise had already come from a distance.


""Run!" the woman said hurriedly.

It was not hard to see that she was extremely nervous.

"The peak of the Golden Core Stage?"

"That's not bad, let me take it!"

Chen Tianyu also raised his mouth slightly excitedly.

But when these words came out, the two were stunned.

"What? Do you know what you are talking about!"

""The other party is a powerful person in the Jindan stage! Can you accept him just because you say so?"

The man shouted immediately.

At this time, the woman, looking at the other party's confident face, seemed to feel that the other party was extraordinary.


"Maybe we can let him try?"

The woman said.

She also turned her head to look at Chen Tianyu, her face seemed to be a little expectant.


"Are you kidding me? You believe him?"

"Look at his white skin, he has never practiced martial arts! He must be a young master from some family!"

"How could a guy like this possibly beat Liu Lie!" the man said seriously.


Ziyun, who was standing by, laughed out loud when she heard this.

"Ha ha ha ha——!!!"

"He said you are a young master, are you a young master?"

This sentence hit Ziyun's funny spot, and she asked.

After all,"young master" has another meaning, which refers to those who are spoiled and useless.

But Chen Tianyu just glanced at Ziyun.

Ziyun froze and closed her mouth. Her mind was full of Chen Tianyu tying her up and roasting her.

That scene made her shudder.

"Really, do you look down on people like that?"

"There is a saying of hard cultivation, but... don't you know there is another way to cultivate?"

Chen Tianyu said, and walked slowly forward.

However, his words and actions attracted the attention of several people.

"What do you mean?"

The man frowned and asked

"Haven't you heard of... cheating?"

Chen Tianyu finished speaking.

He looked at the two-meter-tall, muscular Liu Lie rushing towards him.

The corners of his mouth were raised.

"The peak of the golden elixir?"

""Come on! Let me see how strong you are!"

Chen Tianyu was excited.

Liu Lie exuded a red aura, forming a huge tiger, and pounced towards Chen Tianyu!

Chen Tianyu blocked it with one hand!

"go to hell——!"

"Kill you!"

Liu Lie attacked Chen Tianyu like crazy, punch after punch.

The momentum was tremendous!

Swish, swish, swish!

Every punch made an explosion in the air!

The power contained in it was even more amazing!

This scene really made the couple on the side hang in the air.


"As expected, I can't hurt that man. What a pervert!……"

"Even a peak Jindan stage cultivator couldn't do the slightest harm to him."

Zi Yun couldn't help but sigh.


The man was amazed at what he saw and couldn't believe it.

The woman also covered her mouth.

Chen Tianyu blocked Liu Lie's attack with one hand, and Liu Lie couldn't move forward any more!

"I'm not really interested in the weak.——"

Chen Tianyu smiled.

He stretched out his finger and flicked it slightly.


A sphere that tore through space burst out!


The sphere actually opened a bloody hole in his abdomen!

Scarlet blood continued to pour out!

【Congratulations to the host for destroying the peak Jindan stage cultivator and obtaining the Five Paths Enlightenment Template. Progress increased by 1.4%】


Liu Lie fell to the ground!

"This... How could he be so strong!"

The man exclaimed.

He had never thought that Chen Tianyu had such strength to kill a Jindan strongman in seconds... He must be at the Yuanying realm at least!

""Wow... so amazing!"

The woman was also amazed.

""Okay, tell me! Who are you two?"

Chen Tianyu turned around and asked the two of them.

After all, he still wanted to know more information. Didn't these two people come from Yan Country just to deliver information?

"And what about this person?"

He looked at Liu Lie who was standing aside and asked

"Hello... Young man, my name is Wang Xin, he is Li Niu, we are disciples of Lingxun Sect"

"Because today General Liu Lie came to our Lingxun Sect to inspect, but for some reason he suddenly went crazy and slaughtered all our Lingxun Sect disciples."

"The Lingxun Sect has been beaten to pieces by him. All the dead are dead, and only a few have escaped... Even the Sect Master was killed by this guy!" said the woman named Wang Xin.

"Isn't this guy only at the peak of the Golden Core Stage? Your Sect Master can't even beat him.……?"

""What a loser~"

Chen Tianyu said casually.

After all, for him, this Jindan stage is really not a big pressure.

And he has now surpassed Gojo Satoru's original limit of strength by about ten times!

The peak of the Jindan stage... is nothing at all.

The guys here are useless to him, and they are just some experience potions.

"Uh... you are too strong."

Wang Xin said quickly.

The man beside him was dumbfounded.

He seemed a little overwhelmed. He never expected that the"young master" he mentioned would have such impressive strength!

Zi Yun touched his chin, looked at Liu Lie's corpse, and said:

"Lingxun Sect is just a small sect, but it is really rare for someone to go astray and become possessed... I don’t know what kind of skills Liu Lie practiced to lead to this."

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