"Can cultivating immortals really lead to obsession?"

"If you reach the last step and then go astray, then all your efforts will be in vain."

"Tsk tsk tsk……"

"I don't know how to practice something that requires a bit of luck."

Chen Tianyu said casually.

When he said this, the three people around him were stunned.

"You said that your practice seems to be very easy.……"

"Is there a 100% sure way to avoid going astray?"

Li Niu asked with curiosity in his eyes.

When this was said,

Zi Yun also looked at Chen Tianyu with curiosity in her heart.


"Do you have any secrets?"

She also asked repeatedly.

Chen Tianyu raised his eyebrows, glanced at Ziyun, and said:"If it is a secret, why should I tell you?"

Ziyun: (ꐦ°᷄д°᷅)

""Tsk! Say it if you want!"

Ziyun yelled unconvinced.


Chen Tianyu turned his head to look at the two of them, waved his hand casually and said:"Go and do whatever you want, we have to go into the city anyway."

He turned around and walked towards the capital of Yan State.

"Oh, it really is."

Zi Yun pouted, then turned her head to look at Wang Xin and Li Niu and said,"Then let's say goodbye here, both of you."

But if it was her in the past, she would probably just start eating, but now that she is with Chen Tianyu, she doesn't have so many thoughts.

The two of them also seemed a little confused, not knowing where to go.

Wang Xin gritted her teeth, immediately took a few steps forward and shouted to Chen Tianyu:"Please take us in, okay?"

Chen Tianyu seemed to have expected this, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and said casually:"Come if you want to."

He did not stop and strolled in the forest.

Walking in the woods is also a leisurely flavor.

When the two heard it, they were also delighted and quickly followed.

The originally disdainful Li Niu has become a loyal fan since he saw the scene just now.

"No... you agree to go with me now?"

Zi Yun was stunned.

She rushed to Chen Tianyu's side.


"After all, city people are more familiar with it than you, right?"

Chen Tianyu glanced at her and said directly


"What a guy who loves the new and hates the old."

Ziyun smacked her lips.

But when Chen Tianyu heard this, he couldn't help laughing out loud.


"If I really like new things and hate old things, you have been eaten by me"

"After all... you are useless."

He grinned and waved his hand.

Zi Yun's face turned pale when she heard this.

If she was useless, wouldn't her final value really be the other party's food reserves?

When she thought of this, her heart was chilled.

"Hey... don't say such terrible things!"

Zi Yun hugged her body with both hands and shouted


"Are you scared? Coward!"

Chen Tianyu looked at Zi Yun beside him and laughed at him mercilessly.


"You bastard!"

Seeing the other party teasing her, Zi Yun could only grit her teeth and go crazy.

After all, she was no match for Chen Tianyu. She wanted to beat him but was afraid of being eaten. She was very confused.


Finally, she sighed. She didn't want to die young.

But as long as she followed the person in front of her, she would be able to catch him one day!

In this way,

Chen Tianyu walked in front, and the other three followed behind.


Yan State, Imperial Palace.

Jiang Zitang sat on the throne, surrounded by beauties on both sides.

"You bunch of rubbish, what do you want today that requires me to come to the morning court?"

He looked at everyone and shouted angrily.

In front of him were a group of important civil and military officials!

"Emperor Yan, please don't fall into such depravity! Although Yan State is rich, if you don't care about state affairs anymore,……"

An old minister opened his mouth and spoke.

This person is the current Prime Minister Cao

"Shut up, can't you, as the prime minister, just take care of the government affairs?"

"Otherwise, what's the use of me having you?"

Jiang Zitang said, looking at the beauty in his arms, grinning evilly, reaching out to grab the big white rabbit, and said:"Come here, beauty, didn't you say you were not feeling well this morning?"

"Today, I will examine you carefully."

The beauty also looked shy.

"Oh, this is the imperial court... King Jiang, please stop messing around.……"

She said coquettishly

"What is this……"

Jiang Zitang looked at all the court officials and said bluntly,"Everyone, close your eyes. Don't you see that you are disturbing the beauty's mood?" When the officials heard this, they were worried about Jiang Zitang's mood, so most of them closed their eyes.

"King Jiang! Today's morning court... don't you feel like something is missing?"

The Minister of War, Zhao Shangshu, stood forward and said to everyone.

His face was firm and his tone was even more sonorous and powerful.


"What's missing?"

At this time, Jiang Zitang looked back at the court and looked at everyone.

It was indeed missing.

"Why don't you see General Liu Lie today?"

Jiang Zitang asked immediately.

Under normal circumstances, General Liu Lie should have arrived earlier.


"You can actually tell! Liu Lie went to Lingxun Sect to further his studies, but he went astray in his practice!"

"The Lingxun Sect was turned upside down! Now, the Lingxun Sect has been destroyed!"

"General Liu Lie is nowhere to be found now. If you lose a great general who is at the peak of the Golden Core Stage, King Jiang... can you still sit in your position safely?"

Prime Minister Cao said angrily.

"Oh? Liu Lie... Actually, what are you doing here?"

"Send someone to find General Liu Lie!"

"Really are!"

"Do you still need me to teach you about this?"

Jiang Zitang said without hesitation.

However, he didn't seem to care that much. After all, there has been peace among the countries in recent years.

This also led to the fact that he didn't care much about the military strength of Yan Country during this period of time. He was in ecstasy among women every day.

"You are Emperor Yan! Even if you don't give orders for these things, you must know them!"

"Now you are in a daze all day, indulging in wine and women... If you continue like this, I am afraid that Yan State will fall in your hands!"

Prime Minister Cao said to him with a serious face

"Huh? Prime Minister Cao...what do you mean?"

"My Yan Kingdom is prosperous and has abundant granaries. How could it be destroyed in my hands!"

"Humph! This is a joke."

Jiang Zitang said with disdain.

Prime Minister Cao was indeed very bitter, and continued:

"King Jiang, you really don't know enough about our army!"

"Liu Lie is a general who protects the country!"

"If he dies, the country's fortune will surely decline!"

"It will also make the country laugh at you!"

"You know, other countries hold their national defense generals in the palm of their hands, and so does our Yan Country!"

"If something goes wrong with Liu Lie and other countries find out, they might attack our Yan Country!"

"You...you are still so lazy! King Jiang! I hope you can open your eyes and take a good look at the current situation!"

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