"Huh... isn't that all?"

"I understand."

Jiang Zitang curled his lips, and then continued,"You should send troops to search for Liu Lie first. If there is nothing else, just leave the court."

After he finished speaking, he looked at the beauty beside him.

"Let's go, my little beauty~ Let's go to the harem and have some fun~"

Jiang Zitang's face was extremely gloomy, and it looked like he was going to soak in the beauty pool.

Looking at King Jiang's leaving back, the ministers were really helpless.


"The current King Jiang has no ambition at all, which is really a headache."

Prime Minister Cao stroked his forehead, looking a little helpless.

"Oh, what can we do?"

"Now that Emperor Yan is no longer in power, everyone will listen to you... Prime Minister Cao, the Yan Kingdom... still needs you to run it.……"

Minister Zhao looked at Prime Minister Cao with deep eyes and said so.

After all, every time King Jiang attended the morning court, he would directly push many things to Prime Minister Cao, and basically let Prime Minister Cao do everything.

Now the one who holds the real power is basically Prime Minister Cao.

"Now that things have come to this...……"

Prime Minister Cao was also very panicked.

Don't think that it's a good thing for him to have this power. If he doesn't do it well, or if what he does is not in line with Jiang Zitang's wishes.

Not to mention the position of Prime Minister... he might even lose his head! The current King Jiang either ignores the government affairs, or uses his power to kill people only when he is forced into a corner.

Although King Jiang is now in his twenties, his mind is like that of a teenager.

In this generation of the Yan Dynasty, countless loyal ministers have died.

It was all because of disagreements with Jiang Zitang, and Jiang Zitang couldn't convince the other party, so he just killed him.

In this Yan Kingdom, it can be said that everything depends on Jiang Zitang's mood.


Yan Country,

Outer City.

The streets were bustling with people, and the scene here was just like the ancient China, very noisy.

This scene made Chen Tianyu marvel, after all, this scene was much more exciting than the TV series.

There were bun shops, small teahouses... and... brothels!

Chen Tianyu was a little dumbfounded when he saw the countless graceful beauties soliciting customers in front of the brothels.

At this time,

Ziyun on the side also saw Chen Tianyu's sight, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help but curl up.

"Oh my, I didn't expect you to be so frivolous?"

"Where are you looking at?"

She said teasingly while looking at Chen Tianyu, her mouth full of sarcasm.

Chen Tianyu heard the other party's words, but he just raised his eyebrows, and then said:"I'm not looking at you, what are you talking about."

After he finished speaking, he continued to walk forward.

As soon as these words came out, Ziyun was furious.


"You bastard!" she said angrily.

Wang Xin and Li Niu were stunned.

"I still don’t know your names, right?"

Wang Xin suddenly asked the two people’s names.

After all, they had walked all the way, but they still didn’t know the names of the two people in front of them, and they didn’t know how to address them.

"Oh... you can just call me Ziyun."

Ziyun turned around and introduced herself, then looked at Chen Tianyu. To be honest, he didn't know the other person's name.

There was curiosity in her eyes.

"So... what's your name?"

Zi Yun looked at Chen Tianyu and started asking.

She was also very curious about his name.

Chen Tianyu smiled.

""Gojo Satoru."

His light words came out from his mouth.

""Gojo Satoru?"

The three of them blurted out these three words at the same time.


Chen Tianyu said inexplicably

"No no... nothing"

"Mr. Gojo Satoru, I want to ask you what you are going to do next?"

Wang Xin tilted his head and asked curiously

"Next... of course, I'll find a restaurant to eat at~"

"By the way, do you have money?"

"It shouldn't be a problem to treat me to a meal, right?"

Chen Tianyu turned his head and looked at the three people, and asked.

Li Niu immediately ran forward and said quickly:"Treat? Leave this matter to me, Li Niu!"

"I still have quite a bit of money in my pocket, all earned from previous sect missions ~ Hahaha!"

He was considered a diligent person in the sect, so he still had some money saved.

Hearing this,

Chen Tianyu also laughed and said excitedly:"Great, Li Niu!"

"Then I'll leave it to you to pay for the meal today~"

Since you can get it for free, why not do it?


Zi Yun crossed her arms and said"tsk".

She really didn't have much money. After all, she was an alien race. How could she get money from the human race?

"Let's go, that restaurant looks pretty good!"

Chen Tianyu said, and he was about to rush up.

He saw a nice shop not far ahead.

"Then let’s go together!"

""Come on, follow Gojo Satoru!"

Li Niu also said with a smile, and then waved his hand and quickly followed Gojo Satoru.

Wang Xin and Ziyun also looked at each other and followed together.

The hotel chosen by Chen Tianyu.

Yan Guo Guo Cheng District is already a relatively famous hotel.


Qingtian Restaurant.

The four of them found a seat and sat together.

On the table were engraved various dishes in the restaurant, most of which were based on exotic beasts.

In the fairy world, spiritual stones were naturally used as a transaction.

For meals, low-grade spiritual stones were enough.

At this time, a waiter ran over and said in succession:"Hey, guests!"

"You look unfamiliar. What would you like to eat today?"

Chen Tianyu stroked his chin and looked at the waiter. It's true... he looked a bit similar to the one he saw in the TV series in his previous life.

He then turned his head to look at Li Niu and said,"Li Niu, you should know which dishes here are delicious, right?"

"You have some."

Li Niu's eyes lit up when he saw this.

���Leave it to me!"

He said, turning to look at the menu.

Suddenly his eyes widened.

"I go……?"

"This price is so black...……"

His face was livid, and he took out the spirit stones from his pocket and placed them on the table.

He then pointed to the menu engraved on the table and said,"Let's have white jade greens, stir-fried crystal radish, and stir-fried white tiger meat with spirit peppers.……"

He nodded his head, and then looked at the waiter.

The waiter also hurriedly wrote down the words on the paper in his hand with a brush, and then said with a smile:"Okay!"

"Dear guests, six low-grade spirit stones are enough."

After he finished speaking, he counted the spirit stones on the table, counted them, and then took out six spirit stones.

"Okay, that’s almost enough!"

"Dear guests, please wait a moment~"

The waiter said with a smile, and then turned and left.


Chen Tianyu took a breath, then looked at the three people and continued,"Then wait."

"It's a good opportunity for you to talk about the affairs of Yan Country now?"

"After all, I still don’t really know much about this country."

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