The Association of Superpowers,

Beijing Headquarters.

In the solemn and dignified conference room, many people with serious expressions sat around a huge round table.


The man sitting in the main seat.

He was huge!

On his side were Yang Baxiong and Li Fengwu.

Obviously, these people were the presidents and vice presidents of the various local branches of the Association of Superpowers, and all of them gathered here!

"Ba Xiong... That man, has he really gone to the Immortal Realm? ?"

The man who opened his mouth was the man in the main seat.

He was also the president of the Superpower Association - Xu Xuanxun!

"Yes... That's right"

"This is what Commander Wang of the Apocalypse Military Base and I reported. I didn’t expect... that Gojo Satoru would actually dare to do this!"

""He's a bloody man who takes on the immortal world alone!"

Yang Baxiong couldn't help but say.

As everyone knows, the power of the immortals in the immortal world is extremely strong. It can be said that no one in China dares to enter the immortal world at will.

But Gojo Satoru dared to go to the immortal world alone, which really surprised everyone present.

At this time, the president of the Western Wilderness Area's Superpower Association, Liu Zhe, was standing aside. He was not strong, but a tall and thin man. He was the only one among the strong people present.

He stood up suddenly, frowned,

"Gojo Satoru? If I remember correctly... the Daxia Daily seemed to have said that this morning?"

"That guy teamed up with the sword master of the Yan family and killed the immortal?"

"That's right!"

Liu Zhe said suddenly.

His words were like a fuse, directly setting off everyone!

"Yes! I saw this news too!"

"That being seems to be true……"

"That Gojo Satoru’s strength is indeed extraordinary!"

"The kid from the Yan family is also amazing. Remember he is only 18 years old this year, right?"

"What!? Killing an immortal at the age of 18?"


"By the old is Gojo Satoru?"

"I don't know... Gojo Satoru is a very mysterious person.……"

"Just like a guy who suddenly appeared……"


Everyone started talking.

Listening to the noisy people around.


Xu Xuanxun slapped the table made of stones, and a palm print was left on the table...

But the stone was a Qinggang stone table!

The hardness was comparable to that of fine iron!

It can be seen how powerful this palm was!

"Stop arguing, now is not the time to talk about this!"

"Everyone has gone in, what else do you want?"

Xu Xuanxun glanced at everyone and then said,"Now... what we should do is to prevent immortals from coming out of the gate of the immortal world, and if those immortals come out... it is possible that Gojo Satoru will also die.……"

"But I didn't expect him to destroy the fairy world. After all, this is an impossible thing!"

"We just need to know... Brother Gojo Satoru has the heart to help China!"

Xu Xuanxun's voice spread all around, and everyone could hear his sonorous words.

Everyone's face became even more resolute.

"Yes, what we should do now... is to concentrate our forces and guard the gate to the fairyland!"

"It would be best if Gojo Satoru could come back."

"If he can't come back, we in China won't treat him badly... Find his family and give them the best treatment."

Liu Zhe said solemnly, with a serious look in his eyes.

"By the way, so...Baxiong, do you know where his family is? Is it also in Hangzhou?"

Xu Xuanxun turned to look at Yang Baxiong and began to ask.

"He probably has no family."

"He doesn't even have Hua Xia's ID, but he... has no ill will towards Hua Xia."

"But... he has two apprentices……"

Yang Baxiong was silent for a moment when he said this.


"Don't stop... Tell me, who is that disciple?"

Xu Xuanxun asked with great interest.

The disciple of such a powerful guy must be very extraordinary!

"The second disciple is the eldest daughter of the Mo family, Mo Ningxue……"

"The eldest disciple, named Chen Tianyu... doesn't seem to have any special identity. He seems to have been missing recently and the phone number he found is also unreachable.……"

"I also feel strange, maybe he is practicing somewhere."

Yang Baxiong said so.

Ever since he knew that Wu Tiao Wu went to the fairyland, he immediately tried to find a way to contact Wu Tiao Wu's apprentice! He tried every possible way but only found Mo Ningxue, and the one named Chen Tianyu could not be found.

Even the GPS on the phone could not locate him!

It was really strange!

"Chen Tianyu... this sounds a bit familiar……"

Li Fengwu was silent for a moment.

Then she opened her eyes and looked towards Yang Baxiong.

"Oh, right! Lao Yang!"

"Do you remember... a boy we met at Lambo BBQ before?……"

"If I remember correctly...his name is--Chen Tianyu!"

Li Fengwu suddenly mentioned this matter.

As soon as this was said, Yang Baxiong suddenly had an epiphany.

He also thought of that man.


He stood up quickly, his eyes wide open.


"Isn’t that person called Chen Tianyu!"

"Oh my god... I didn't expect we had met before!"

Yang Baxiong was also really moved.

He thought he had never seen him before, but he had clearly passed by him a month ago!

"Old Xu, I roughly know where he lives... How about I look for him again?"

Yang Baxiong looked at Xu Xuanxun and asked.

Seeing that they had some clues, Xu Xuanxun nodded.

"Well, if you have any clues, go find them first. There is no better way now."

Then, he turned to look at Liu Zhe and said,"Brother Liu, send some superpowers to strengthen the military guards of the troops in the West Wilderness."

"Is it okay?"

Liu Zhe nodded sternly, then smiled and said,"Leave it to me, don't worry!"

Seeing this, Xu Xuanxun also smiled and nodded slightly.


"I really feel at ease with what Brother Liu is doing!"

"Ha ha ha ha——!"

Xu Xuanxun laughed loudly, then turned around and looked at everyone with a serious expression, and then said:

"Then everyone should mobilize some troops to go to the Western Wilderness Psychic Association to assist Brother Liu!"

"Everyone should be fine, right?" The presidents of the various major superpower associations in China all stood up after hearing Xu Xuanxun's words! They all shouted:

"Execute for China and defend to the death!"

"We are willing to sacrifice our hearts to protect China!"

"Please let President Xu be a witness!"

Xu Xuanxun looked at the crowd and nodded slightly.


"I, Xu Xuanxun, am here to witness your dedication!"

"Chinese heroes, you are all on the list!"

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