"You... should have heard of the five-step bee, right?"

Zi Yun looked at the people around her and asked.

After hearing this, everyone started discussing it.

"Five-step bee?"

"It is said that if you are bitten by a bee, you can only walk five steps! ?"

"Bite? Isn't it piercing?"

"No, no, no, the five-step bee is different! It's a fierce beast!"


"The poison of the five-step bee is all on its teeth, and it likes to eat meat... It is a small ferocious beast!"


Everyone started discussing.

Some people naturally knew what the five-step bee was.

"Five-step bee!"

The burly man was also startled, and his eyes were a little confused.

Then, he looked at the meat that had just been thrown on the ground, frowned, and observed it carefully.

"This meat... Could it be that it was really eaten by the five-step bee? And then the poison was left behind?"

He muttered to himself.

After all, he didn't know for sure, so he didn't pay attention at that time.

"Five-step bee...? If I remember correctly, Lian Yeshan did exist.……"

"Well, I think so! It must be the poison of the five-step bee!"

The plump and strong man also nodded.

"Moreover, the mouth of the five-step wasp is long and flat... Although it can't eat much meat due to its size, the concentration of venom is too high!"

"It's very easy to inject the venom."

Zi Yun also said smoothly.

She knew more about these beasts. She lived in the mountains in the past and lived with these beasts.

In the fairy world, mountains are endless and there are many of them!

For example, this Yan country is surrounded by mountains on three sides!

But because of this, their food reserves are extremely rich. There is a lot of food on the mountain.

Zi Yun's words were like enlightenment, and everyone opened their eyes wide.

"Yes! That seems to be the case!"

"Five-step bee... I didn't expect this thing to be the cause"

"Oh, I have to say, this girl is really amazing!"


Everyone began to praise Ziyun

"Hehe... It's nothing."

Ziyun scratched her head shyly. Chen Tianyu

's eyes twitched. He didn't expect this girl to be shy?

Usually this little girl is not like this!?

"Didn't expect it to be like this?……"

"Brother, I misunderstood you."

The sturdy man also walked forward slowly and gestured with his hand.

Seeing that the matter was resolved, the plump man also laughed boldly.


"That's good, that's good!"

The plump man reached out and shook hands with him, with a bold smile on his face.

This farce was over.


"The matter has been resolved and the melon has been eaten."

"What are we going to do next~"

Chen Tianyu put his hands behind his head, looking lazy.

"What are you going to do?……?"

"Or why don’t we go to our Lingxun Sect first?"

"We two want to go back and take a look."

Wang Xin took the lead and stepped forward to ask.

When Chen Tianyu heard this, he touched his chin and seemed to think that this was a good idea.

Suddenly, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he nodded and said,"Interesting... Lingxun Sect?"

""Is the Lingxun Sect seriously damaged?" he asked.

"Several houses on the outside were destroyed by General Liu Lie, but the houses inside were still intact."

"If Senior Gojo Satoru wants to go, it's totally fine."

Li Niu also replied quickly.

After hearing what the two said, Chen Tianyu also stroked his chin, which sounded good.

"Okay, Lingxun Sect, is it the sect of immortal cultivators?"

"It sounds good, then take me for a walk~"

Chen Tianyu said with interest.

Seeing Chen Tianyu's statement, the two were also happy!

"Okay, our Lingxun Sect is at the southernmost part of Yancheng, come with us!"

Wang Xin said with a happy face.

Chen Tianyu turned his head and looked at Ziyun, who was dazzled by the praises of everyone, and shouted:"Hey, if you don't come, I will blow up your hometown."

The hometown he mentioned was naturally the"Ten Thousand Beast Sect".

When Ziyun heard this, she was also shocked.


""No way!"

Zi Yun shouted hurriedly, and then quickly rushed towards Chen Tianyu.

Then, the four of them started their journey to Lingxun Sect again.


However, Lingxun Sect was not far away.

It didn't take long to get to Lingxun Sect. It was fast, but not slow either.

At this time, many houses in Lingxun Sect had collapsed, and it was simply a ruin.

There were still some disciples of the sect repairing buildings here, but after this blow, it was difficult for Lingxun Sect to stand up again.

""By the way...what realm are you two in?"

Chen Tianyu suddenly asked.

Seeing this sudden question, the two did not think much about it.

"Senior Gojo Satoru, I am at the low level of foundation building."

Li Niu said directly

"I am at the peak of the foundation-building stage."

Wang Xin also said

"Are they all in the foundation building stage? That's normal.……"

Chen Tianyu said casually, and then looked at the ruins in front of him.

Suddenly he found that there seemed to be a coffin in the middle.


"What is that?"

Chen Tianyu suddenly asked with some confusion.


Li Niu and Wang Xin followed his gaze and saw the portrait on the coffin. Their eyes widened instantly and their faces turned grim.

"Lingxun Sect leader... Fusu, Fuzongzhu……"

"Sure enough...did he go?"

Wang Xin couldn't help but ask

"Sect Master?"

Zi Yun raised her eyebrows and asked.

"Yes, that is the leader of our Lingxun Sect... a powerful person who has just entered the golden elixir stage."

"Facing the possessed General Liu Lie, they were really helpless."

Wang Xin sighed, then looked at the two of them, and then said:"Come with me first, the houses in the sect are not damaged."

As she said, she was about to walk forward to lead the way for Chen Tianyu and the others.

At this moment, a man wearing an exquisite ancient robe and with extraordinary temperament walked past Chen Tianyu.

The man looked to be in his thirties or forties, and his figure was neither fat nor thin, neither tall nor short, just the right size.

He saw Chen Tianyu's white hair and felt a little strange, and took a closer look.

Then he suddenly stopped and walked towards Chen Tianyu.

"There is no"qi" on his body, his skin is so good and he looks so young, why is his hair white? And he is not a cultivator... It's really strange."

He said curiously.

When he saw the person coming, Wang Xin was startled and hurriedly walked forward.

""Minister Zhao, why are you here?" she asked.

"I heard that General Liu Lie went insane when he visited Lingxun Sect, so I came to visit him today."

Minister Zhao said, looking at the damaged environment around him, and said with emotion,"Also... I heard that your Lingxun Sect suffered heavy losses, and today I see that it is true.……"

"Oh...it's really a pity!"

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