"So you're here to visit. By the way... Shangshu? Could it be the six ministries?"

Chen Tianyu raised his eyebrows and asked.

"The term"Shangshu" was often seen in TV dramas in the previous life, which made him think more.

And the fact is that

"Oh? Young people also know about the six ministries? You don't look like a local."

Minister Zhao was also a little surprised.

The so-called six ministries are the six major departments under the prime minister.

They are: the Ministry of Personnel, the Ministry of Revenue, the Ministry of Rites, the Ministry of War, the Ministry of Punishment, and the Ministry of Works.

These are also the departments that Chen Tianyu had seen in the history books of his previous life, but he never thought that they would also exist in the fairy world of the whole world?

"This world is really messed up.……"

"The Immortal Realm is fine, but there is also the Yan Kingdom of Emperor Yan... The system of the Yan Kingdom is actually the system of three provinces and six ministries?"

Chen Tianyu murmured in a low voice.

To be honest, even he himself was a little confused.

In the previous life, these two things were not from the same era at all...

No... Now is indeed not the era of the first generation of Emperor Yan, there is only the Yan Kingdom...

However, the system of three provinces and six ministries is too outrageous, isn't it?

As if hearing Chen Tianyu's murmur, Minister Zhao asked:"What are you talking about?"

Chen Tianyu raised his eyebrows and waved his hand quickly

"Nothing, you heard it wrong."

He finished speaking, then turned around and walked forward slowly, turning his head to Wang Xin and said,"Where is your guest room? Take me there."

Seeing this, Wang Xin hurriedly led the way.

"Senior Gojo Satoru, please come this way."

As she spoke, she walked side by side with Chen Tianyu.

Ziyun glanced at Minister Zhao and also walked forward.

Minister Zhao frowned, feeling something was a little strange.

Just when Li Niu was about to catch up, he grabbed Li Niu's arm.

Li Niu felt his hand being grabbed by him, and his whole body trembled. He turned to look at Minister Zhao and asked,"You...what do you mean?"

Minister Zhao looked at Chen Tianyu who was walking in the distance, and asked,"Who is that person...?"

Li Niu was slightly startled when he heard this, and then there was some unintentional evasion in his eyes, and his mouth became stumbling.

"Um... this, that person is……"

"Oh, yes! It's a friend I met on the road.……"


Li Niu laughed.

But this made Minister Zhao even more suspicious.


He looked at Li Niu suspiciously and asked

""Yes! Friend!"

Li Niu said with certainty.

Little did he know that his back was soaked with cold sweat!

Because he didn't know what the consequences would be if these officials knew that"Wu Tiao Wu" killed Liu Lie. After all, Liu Lie is the current general, and it is bound to bring a lot of trouble to"Wu Tiao Wu".

And Minister Zhao also has certain strength. It is rumored that he is an immortal cultivator in the early stage of Jindan.

He couldn't feel the spiritual energy on Chen Tianyu, so he naturally let down his guard.

After all, there are few immortal cultivators in the Jindan stage. He didn't believe that a strange boy he met casually would be stronger than himself.

But because of the other party's unique dress, he did have some interest in him.

"This person is not from the Southern Region, right? Where is he from? What is his name?"

Minister Zhao asked three questions in a row and started to inquire directly.

Li Niu was also very nervous at this time, but these did not seem to be a big problem.

Li Niu also quickly answered"truthfully":"This person is a friend we met on the road. We have the same ideals as him and we can talk to him very well, so we asked him to come to Lingxun Sect as a guest."

"I don't know where he came from, but his name is Gojo Satoru.

Minister Zhao looked at him, touched his chin, and pondered for a moment.

"Is that so?……"

"It's really interesting"

"White skin, white hair"

"At first glance, he is not a local. Could he be from the Northern Territory?"

He asked curiously.

But Li Niu shook his head and said helplessly:"I'm sorry, Lord Zhao... I really don't know."

Seeing Li Niu like this, Minister Zhao nodded slightly.

"All right……"

"Since you said so, I won't ask anymore."

Minister Zhao was helpless.

He didn't know whether the other party knew or not, but he certainly wouldn't say that.

He had no choice.

"Lord Zhao, you come here seldom, and now that the sect leader has passed away... Can I receive you today?"

"How about I take you to the guest room first, how many days will you stay here?"

Li Niu also asked respectfully.

After all, Zhao Shangshu was a subordinate of King Jiang, and Li Niu did not dare to be too negligent.

"No, I'll just look around."

"As a sect of Yancheng, I naturally have to come to express my condolences... Just do your own thing, I'll take a look around."

Minister Zhao said to him.

Li Niu was slightly stunned, and then nodded repeatedly and said,"Okay, I understand, Lord Zhao"

"Then you can wander around freely. If you have any questions, just call our sect disciples."

Shangshu Zhao also laughed and nodded slightly, indicating that he understood.

"Then I'll leave first?"

Li Niu said carefully.

"Let's go."

Minister Zhao also waved his hand and spoke frankly.

Just like that,

Li Niu also breathed a sigh of relief. This feeling was like being caught by the leader, and he was really panicked.

And how could Minister Zhao not see it?

Li Niu's panicked look was in his eyes, and he was naturally clear.

"This Gojo Satoru... looks very interesting.……"

Then, Minister Zhao also looked around. The purpose of his coming here this time was to check the damage.

After the inspection, he had to report to Prime Minister Cao.

"Let's report this matter as well.……"

He murmured.

Then he looked at the broken houses around him.

Many houses collapsed completely and turned into ruins. Even the ground was cracked.

It can be seen how much damage Liu Lie, who was at the peak of the Golden Core Stage, had caused!

At this time, Liu Lie... was missing.

"I wonder how Brother Liu is doing now?"

He put his hands behind his back and sighed.


At this time. In the mortal world,

Zhejiang Sea, Hangzhou.

In the old housing district.

Yang Baxiong sat on a public seat on the street, crossing his legs and smoking a cigar.

At this time, countless superpowers were searching around. These were superpowers hired by Yang Baxiong to search the old housing district for Chen Tianyu's traces.

After all, he was Gojo Satoru's eldest disciple, and his strength was probably very strong. If he could help China, he would have a bright future!

Tap, tap, tap!

Suddenly, a superpower ran over.

"Chairman Yang, we have searched the south side of the old housing area and found the rental house where Chen Tianyu used to live."

One of the superpowers said in awe.

Chairman Yang slapped his thigh and shouted:


"Where are others!"

"How can such a person live in a rental house!"

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