"That man…moved out some time ago."

"It is said that his home was attacked by Wang Hu. He seemed to have a girlfriend before, named... Luo Qingyu"

"Now, like Chen Tianyu, his whereabouts are unknown."

The supernatural person held the notebook in his hand and explained to President Yang.


Yang Baxiong stroked his chin. He had some impression of Luo Qingyu.

In the previous Rambo BBQ, Chen Tianyu fought against Wang Hu to protect his girlfriend.

He also watched a good show at that time.

"No! You said it was Wang Hu who attacked them?"

"This shouldn't be the case! Wang Hu can't beat that guy.……"

Yang Baxiong suddenly said.

After all, Chen Tianyu had blatantly crushed Wang Hu at that time.

"According to the residents' investigation, it seems that Wang Hu brought hundreds of his followers that night.……"

The supernatural being continued to speak

"Hundreds of little brothers! ?"

"Damn...this Wang Hu is such a ruthless guy!"

"It takes hundreds of people to deal with a college student...? Do you still have any martial ethics?"

Yang Baxiong complained.

Suddenly, something seemed to flash through his mind!

"If I remember correctly, it was the Gojo Satoru brothers who killed Wang Hu and those hundreds of thugs!"

"And the abandoned building has become a ruin"

"Could it be that... he was venting his anger for his disciple?"

"Yes... absolutely!"

"This connects them together. I have to say... Brother Gojo Satoru is really protective of his children!"

"It's a pity... Going to the fairyland alone is really a life-threatening journey.……"

He couldn't help but sigh.

At this time, the psychic next to him also remembered and said,"Yes... Mr. Gojo Satoru did use that terrifying psychic power to smash the building, and now that place is still flat!"

Yes, at this time, the tallest building in the old housing area has been razed to the ground.

"Damn it!"

Yang Baxiong gritted his teeth, and then continued,"No, we must search again!"

"He is the eldest disciple of Brother Gojo Satoru, we must find him!"

"Not only do we need to protect it... but we may also get unexpected gains!"

After he finished speaking, the other superpowers in front of him also looked serious. They also knew that they were working for the country at this time!

They must not slack off!

"I understand, President Yang!"

"We must do our best to find that man!"

"That’s right!"


Everyone opened their mouths and spoke.

Seeing the spirit of the superpowers, Yang Baxiong also smiled slightly.


"It is naturally the best for China to have you superpowers here!"

He was also extremely happy.

Then, all the superpowers laughed at the same time.


A few days later.


Lingxun Sect.

The courtyard-like guest rooms exude a strong classical atmosphere.

Chen Tianyu also felt a wave of local customs, but to be honest, the food here is pretty good. The food is all creatures that have never been seen before. These creatures are called exotic beasts in China, but they are called fierce beasts here.

But you know, the fierce beasts in the fairyland are much stronger than the exotic beasts.

In the fairyland, the casting efficiency is very fast. In just a few days, all the houses and other things were built.


Chen Tianyu sat on a reclining chair in the courtyard of Lingxun Sect.

The reclining chair swayed and creaked, and the warm sunlight shone on his body, which was very comfortable.……

"You are really leisurely."

Ziyun came out of a room with a lazy look on her face.

At this time, she also took off her mask, revealing her face as white as jade.

Chen Tianyu glanced at her and asked curiously:"Will your skin not rot?"

She tilted her head, and then pinched her cheek, and the fair skin was pinched like rubber.

Ziyun suddenly laughed:"Are you talking about this one?"

Chen Tianyu looked at her and rolled his eyes.

"Otherwise," he said

"How is that possible?"

Ziyun rolled her eyes, and then continued:"But... don't get me wrong."

"This piece of skin of mine was not taken by someone... The original owner of this skin... She is my benefactor and close friend."

"It’s a pity...she died, killed by these hateful humans!"

"I hate humans so much!"

"Because I miss her, I forged her skin into an indestructible human leather coat like steel."

Zi Yun's eyes were filled with sadness.

Although the sun was shining, the air around them became a little cold.

It made people feel uneasy.

"That's it.……"

Chen Tianyu looked at the girl.

She suddenly felt that this girl seemed to be quite good.

It was just that she was hurt too much by the human race, which made her hate the human race so much.

What a pity!……

"But, we can’t generalize, right?"

"After all, not all humans are like this."

Chen Tianyu said so.

Ziyun raised her eyebrows, walked towards Chen Tianyu, and looked around him.

"Well... maybe"

"After all, the human race I met recently is not bad."

Zi Yun said.

She crossed her chest with one hand and touched her thin lips with the other hand, her face showing traces of deep thought.


"I am a pretty good person, right?"

Chen Tianyu spread his hands.

Zi Yun curled her lips, then looked at Chen Tianyu sideways and said,"Not bad? Obviously you are the worst!"

Chen Tianyu was silent for a moment, then his face was indifferent.

"Forget it, I won't bother with the kid."

He said.

He put his hands on the back of his head and continued to bask in the pleasure brought by the sun.


"Kid!? Who is the kid?"

"I'm already 345 years old.——!"

Zi Yun roared.

The spiritual energy in her body suddenly burst out.

Chen Tianyu raised his sunglasses, and then looked helpless.


In an instant, his figure appeared in front of Zi Yun, and he gently pinched her neck with one hand.

"I said, adults don’t lose their temper easily~"

"345 years old, this is the time you have experienced, but... your mentality is just that of a child, right?"

Chen Tianyu said faintly.

Ziyun felt the big hand on her neck.

The scene of Chen Tianyu killing suddenly appeared in her mind, and she panicked.

The breath on her body suddenly disappeared!


She tried to be stubborn.

But Chen Tianyu saw the fear in her eyes, grinned and asked:"What? Are you scared?"

Ziyun gritted her teeth and continued:"What a joke, I... How could I be afraid of you!"

She looked at Chen Tianyu with a strong look, but her eyes would not lie.

It was not difficult to see the fear in her heart from the trembling of her eyes.

Seeing this, Chen Tianyu smiled slightly, withdrew his hand, and continued:


"Don't be afraid... nature is best"

"If you get scared, I'll be missing a guide."



【The following are the chapters with new character illustrations. 】

Luo Qingyu: Chapter 1

Schematic diagram of the male and female protagonists' rental house: Chapter 5

Xia Yutong: Chapter 6, Chapter 30

Tang Yueran: Chapter 15

Ye Mengxuan: Chapter 31

Chu Luyao : Chapter 31 Chen Tianyu after switching to [Gojo Satoru Template]: Chapter 15

Mo Ningxue: Chapter 39

Yang Qiqi: Chapter 40

Fei: Chapter 82

Liu Qianqian: Chapter 81

Ye He: Chapter 79

Li Fengwu: Chapter 129

Ziyun : Chapter 149


In addition, everyone is welcome to come to the Penguin Group, where there are also prototypes of the little boy and girl~

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