Zi Yun heaved a sigh of relief when she saw him withdraw his hand with a calm look.


"You mean... me?"

She asked inexplicably.

"Yes, after all, I am unfamiliar with the place."

"By the way, do you know how to get to the upper realm?"

Chen Tianyu looked at Ziyun and asked.

After all, he would definitely go to the upper realm to see the arrogant Suzaku.

"Ah? Upper Realm……!?"

"Why are you going to the upper realm?"

Zi Yun asked hurriedly.

She even looked nervous.

"What? You can't go to the upper realm yet?"

Chen Tianyu was speechless.

He didn't quite understand why she had such a big reaction.

Ziyun shook her head, and then continued:"No, that's not what I meant."

Chen Tianyu raised his eyebrows and asked:"That's not what I meant? Then what do you mean?"

Ziyun heard this and her face became solemn

"In the fairy world, there is a rule that everyone knows, that is, after becoming a fairy, one can break through the heavens and enter the upper world."

"Generally speaking, only immortals can reach the upper realm."

Zi Yun said

"Huh? Want to become an immortal?"

""Is it not possible if you are not a fairy?"

Chen Tianyu asked speechlessly.

Ziyun hesitated for a moment, then sighed and said,"It's not impossible. If you are not a fairy... maybe you can go to the North Territory."

Chen Tianyu:(/"≡ _ ≡)

"Northern Territory?"

"I have to go to the Northern Region to go to the upper realm!? If I remember correctly... this should be the Southern Region, right?"

"It will take a long time to get to the Northern Territory, right?"

Chen Tianyu complained.

"It takes a lot of time, but if you want to go to the upper realm, this is the only way"

""Step up... the ladder!"

Zi Yun's face was extremely solemn.

But Chen Tianyu frowned, feeling a little confused.

"Climb the ladder to heaven?"

"What do you mean?"

Chen Tianyu asked.

"As the name suggests, in the snowy northern region, there is a ladder leading to heaven!"

"If you succeed in going up, you can reach the upper realm."

Zi Yun began to explain, and then her face was slightly silent, and then she continued:"Of course, it's not that easy."

Chen Tianyu was also interested when he heard this.

"Oh? That's quite interesting."

"Go on."

He said so.

Seeing Chen Tianyu's interest, she raised the corner of her mouth, and then continued:"Don't underestimate this ladder. It is almost impossible to climb it if you are not an immortal!"

"Even a half-baked immortal can't even pass the ladder to heaven"

"This ladder to heaven is simply a grave for those who are in a hurry for success!"

"There are countless strong people who are very confident in their own strength, but they have all become bones.……"

Chen Tianyu raised his eyebrows and asked with interest:"Interesting, is it in the Northern Territory? I want to go there."

"When do we set off?" Ziyun's smile froze after hearing this , and then she continued,"Hey! Did you hear what I said?


"Even if it is! Going to that place... is also a sure death!"

"Moreover, the strongest person you have met now is only at the Jindan stage!"

"Let me tell you... there are still Nascent Soul, Spirit Severance, Out-of-Body, Fusion, Tribulation Crossing, and Mahayana!"

"And the Southern Region is nothing more than the weakest area in the Immortal Realm!"

"Let alone the Northern Region...it is rumored that there are powerful people in the fusion stage in the East and West Regions alone!"

"Speaking of the Northern Territory...it is the place where the strong men from the Lower Continent gather!"

"The lowest level is the Tribulation Crossing Stage!"

Her face was extremely solemn.

She seemed to hope that Chen Tianyu could think about it carefully.

But... Chen Tianyu became more interested when he heard this.

""Oh~ It sounds really interesting~"

Chen Tianyu smiled.

He didn't expect that the place where he was was the weakest area in the fairy world.

That won't do. This"weakest" is not worthy of his title of"strongest"!

And if he wants to become stronger, then... there is no doubt that he has to go to the North Territory!

Now these guys are like"low-level experience babies" to Chen Tianyu. Naturally, it is better to fight those"high-level experience monsters"."!

"Xiao Ziyun, you take me there now? How about it?"

Chen Tianyu looked"hungry and thirsty" and put his hands directly on Ziyun's shoulders, looking forward to it.


"Little... Ziyun……"


Zi Yun's whole body trembled, and then she said with disgust,"Gojo Satoru, you are so disgusting!"


Chen Tianyu punched her in the head.


Ziyun screamed and held her head with both hands.

""What are you doing?" she shouted.

Her eyes were full of tears and she looked very pitiful.

"Who are you calling disgusting?"

"How cute is my name? Are you still dissatisfied?"

Chen Tianyu crossed his arms and looked down at Ziyun.

After all, he was much taller than Ziyun.


Zi Yun just sneered, her eyes speechless, and then continued,"By the way... are you really going to the Northern Territory?"

"Do I have to go?"

Chen Tianyu's face became slightly serious when he heard the other party ask this.

"Well, I have to go."

He said so.

Chen Tianyu hoped to meet a few troublemakers on the way and then be killed by him.

After all, he couldn't kill people randomly, but in this place, there were many people who wanted to die.

There were also many bad guys.

To be honest, if he didn't need a guide to show him the way, he would have destroyed the Ten Thousand Beast Sect directly.

That would have improved his progress a lot, but he still hoped that someone would lead him to find a more powerful guy.


When Ziyun heard this, she was speechless.

"I have lived for more than 300 years, and I have never seen anyone so eager to die."

"I'm talking about you!"

"Do you really think you will be invincible after killing someone at the peak of the Golden Core stage?"

"There are beings over there that are infinitely close to being immortals!"

"He is several levels higher than the Golden Core, and is definitely not such a simple guy!"

She yelled at Chen Tianyu.

She wanted to scare him, and she didn't understand what went wrong. He actually expected more!?

It's outrageous... too outrageous!

Ziyun was almost confused at this time.

"Invincible? Maybe... almost."

Chen Tianyu grinned and raised his eyebrows.

After all, his system is the"Invincible Template System of All Worlds"!

It's not a big deal to say that it is invincible, right?

"You...you are simply, hey!"

"It's like talking to a cow!"

"If you want to die, I will send you to death... Yeah!"

Ziyun's eyes seemed to have made some kind of decision, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

"Okay, let's go now!"

Chen Tianyu said excitedly, pulling Ziyun's wrist and preparing to leave.

"Ah... now!?"

Zi Yun was startled and quickly pulled her hand back, saying,"Wait a minute!"——!"

Chen Tianyu frowned and looked at her, asking,"What's wrong?"

Ziyun felt that the other party's forward force had decreased, and she was relieved.

"Anyway... prepare for a day and set off tomorrow!"


She stared at Chen Tianyu, but she was still uneasy.

Seeing this, Chen Tianyu said indifferently:

"All right then."

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