The next day.

Yan State, Imperial Palace.

Jiang Zitang was urged by the ministers to attend the morning court.

He stroked his forehead, looked at the ministers, and said casually:"If you have something to say, please report it. If not, please leave the court."

At this time,

Prime Minister Cao hurriedly stepped forward.

""King Jiang, we have found General Liu Lie... but... he has passed away."

He said hurriedly.

As soon as he said this,

Jiang Zitang's eyes widened and he stood up quickly!


""How did General Liu Lie die? He was just possessed. He will recover after a little calming down, right?"

He said hurriedly. He seemed to be getting nervous.

Liu Lie was a general of Yan State. The death of such a talent... was undoubtedly a great loss to Yan State!

"I don't know, I just saw a hideous wound on General Liu Lie's body, it was obvious that he was killed by a single blow."

"But... it could be that... only other countries could easily kill a Jindan Peak who had gone astray."

Prime Minister Cao continued.

His face was also extremely solemn. Even the various countries in the Southern Region could hardly do this.

It's possible... it could be a strong person from other regions!

But there is no evidence now, so it's hard to say.

"Kill with one blow……"

Jiang Zitang swallowed his saliva when he heard this.


His legs softened and he sat down.

"Who will it be?……?"

Jiang Zitang held his forehead.

He didn't understand. Yan State hadn't offended anyone recently, had it?

The past few days of drinking and feasting had made him thinner and thinner, but when he heard this, he finally came to his senses.


Suddenly, a general rushed in.

He was still breathing heavily and looked very panicked.

"What's going on here?"

"So panicked!"

Shangshu Zhao also hurried forward to ask

"The Jiuli army came with more than 10,000 troops, intending to attack the city!"

"It's about ten kilometers north of Yancheng!"

The general shouted immediately, his face full of fear.


Everyone in the court exclaimed in surprise.

Who would have thought that the Jiuli army would actually take the initiative to attack the Yan Kingdom?

And it was so sudden!

"Damn it!"

Jiang Zitang gritted his teeth.


He punched directly on the chair.

""Could it be that... Liu Lie was killed by these guys?" he asked.

Prime Minister Cao nodded and replied:"Well... it's probably true!"

"General Liu Lie died one second, and they came the next second."

But Minister Zhao was puzzled. He touched his chin and continued,"But... Logically speaking, the Jiuli tribe cannot have the strength to kill a peak Jindan stage warrior in one second."

"This... is really strange."

After this was said, everyone in the court began to discuss

"That’s right, how could the Jiuli tribe be so powerful?"

"There is no reason!"

" this cheating?"

"What kind of trick could kill a peak Jindan master in one second?"


The sounds around me are extremely noisy.

"Shut up!"

Jiang Zitang shouted.

Everyone suddenly fell silent.

"Whatever it is!"

"Prime Minister Cao...find a way to deal with the foreign enemies first!"

"The Jiuli army is coming... Now, it's time to treat this war well!"

Jiang Zitang's face became solemn, and his eyes radiated a hint of scarlet.

His whole temperament seemed to have changed.

The enemy is coming, and he can no longer be as lazy as usual!

As the leader of a country, he should set an example.

Seeing Jiang Zitang like this, Prime Minister Cao also smiled.

"Good! Okay!"

"Looks like……‘Yan Di' is back!"

"As expected...only war can wake you up."

He smiled brightly.

"Needless to say, Prime Minister Cao"

"Let’s go!"

"Let's go and see... what can the so-called Jiuli tribe army do to me?"

Jiang Zitang stood up again, waved his hand, and said with determination on his face.

Prime Minister Cao nodded and continued:

"Obey the command——!"


Chen Tianyu and Ziyun had already left Yancheng.

Ziyun was carrying a package on her back and looked at Chen Tianyu with resentment.

"Really... Can't you carry these things by yourself?"

She looked like she was bothered.

But Chen Tianyu raised his eyebrows and looked at her, saying:"If I carry them by myself, then why do I need you?"

"Steamed, braised...or stir-fried?"

"You choose."

Ziyun:=͟͟͞͞(꒪ᗜ꒪ ‧̣̥̇)

""Don't eat me all the time!"

She looked at Chen Tianyu with horror.

She felt that if she stayed with him, she might really be eaten one day.

It was really a bit scary!


"You are so timid~"

Chen Tianyu looked at the other person and laughed at him.


Zi Yun crossed her arms and smacked her lips.

Tap, tap, tap...

Suddenly, a series of sounds coming from a distance entered Chen Tianyu's ears.

Chen Tianyu frowned slightly.

He turned his head and looked ahead, feeling a little strange.

"It's coming."

Chen Tianyu said


Ziyun was a little puzzled, and looked in the direction Chen Tianyu was looking.

Suddenly, her eyes widened.

She saw many soldiers riding on horse skins and wearing black iron armor coming towards them!

Full of aura and oppression!

Trample, trample, trample--!

The horses' pace was extremely messy.

The leader was a strong and sturdy man!

This man was"Chiyou" Anxue!


Anxue shouted, and everyone rushed forward with him!


On the city wall.

King Jiang had already seen the Jiuli tribe's attacking army, and his brows were furrowed.

Then he saw Chen Tianyu and Ziyun below, and felt a little puzzled, and asked:"What's going on with those two people?"

Prime Minister Cao also felt strange, and looked at the soldiers next to him and asked

"What's going on? Someone else is out?"

""Who asked them to leave?" he asked directly.

At this time, the soldier was also confused.

"Prime Minister...I, I don’t know either?"

"The gate was always closed, how could they get out!?"

The soldier was even more puzzled.

When the gate was opened, there should be a creaking sound, but there was no sound at all!

The two people just appeared outside.

"Weird! So weird!"

"Indeed...the city gate was closed just now, how did these two people get out?"

"It's just inexplicable, isn't it?"

The general also looked puzzled and asked, stroking his chin.

He had no idea what was going on.

Minister Zhao shouted to the backs of Chen Tianyu and the other man below:


"Come back quickly, do you want to die?"

Chen Tianyu glanced behind him and said with a grin:"Death?"

"Just these guys?"

"I won't die so easily!"


PS: Douyin urged to pay attention to: the drama of seeking power.

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