Anxue felt a hand grabbing his neck.

He wanted to leave quickly, but his feet could not move.


Chen Tianyu's words came out lightly, and a force that could tear apart space gathered in his hands.


A force tore it apart from the back of his neck.

Blood gushed out from his aorta!


"how come……"

"No, am I seeing that right?"


The people of the Jiuli Army shouted

【Congratulations to the host for eliminating the low-level cultivator in the Spiritual Severing Stage and obtaining the Five Enlightenment Templates. Progress increased by 1.9%】


Anxue's body slowly fell down.

Even Ziyun, who was standing beside him, was stunned and stood there in a daze.

"A strong man in the Spirit Severing Stage was defeated like this?!"

Zi Yun murmured.

But the shock in her tone was obvious.

After all, such a powerful guy was defeated like this!?

You know, the Spirit Severing Stage is two major realms higher than the Sect Master of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect!

"Ah... sorry, I used a little more force."


"I didn't expect you to be so weak."

Chen Tianyu said.

He squatted down, picked up the bloody head on the ground, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Then, he turned his head to look at the confused Jiuli Army...


Chen Tianyu threw the head in his hand directly at them!

The man in wolf skin quickly caught the head!

"Lord Anxue!"

Tears dripped from his eyes unconsciously.

The man looked at Chen Tianyu with his eyes wide open, and a murderous intent suddenly surged out.

Not only that!

The cavalry behind him was also like this!

The surroundings were filled with red blood mist, and the atmosphere became extremely heavy!

"Next... it's you!"

Chen Tianyu smiled and looked at the tens of thousands of soldiers in front of him.


"Damn it, run!"

"Lord Darkblood is defeated——!"

"Quick! Run! This guy is a monster!"


All the soldiers shouted and ran in the opposite direction.

Chen Tianyu raised his eyebrows when he saw the fleeing people.

He stretched out his hand and pointed it directly at Ziyun who was standing beside him.

At this time, Ziyun suddenly had a bad premonition.——!


Ziyun's body flew towards Chen Tianyu.

Chen Tianyu grabbed Ziyun's shoulder, and then stretched out his other hand, raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and said:"Infinite space."

The surroundings suddenly became dark!

When these four words came out, Ziyun was startled.

He quickly put his hands in front of him.


"This trick again!"

"I can't...move……"

Ziyun was halfway through her speech when she suddenly felt something strange. She blinked. She looked left... right...

I... seemed to be able to move?

Then she looked ahead. This field did not cover all the enemies.

Because these people were stronger than ordinary people, if they were all covered by the field, the effect of the field might be reduced.

And most of them had escaped, so this time the field only covered a few hundred people.

"Oh, what a pity~"

"There are only so few people, but never mind, I've bitten off a piece of their flesh."

Chen Tianyu said casually, his eyes looking forward.


"Bite off a piece of meat……!?"

Zi Yun was speechless when she heard this.

You just killed all the Chiyou of this generation!

How can you say you just bit off a piece of"meat"?

You have already taken out the"heart" of the Jiuli tribe!

The heart has been stabbed out!

""Ah... I really have nothing to say."

Ziyun stroked her forehead, her face showing a little helplessness.

What else could she say?

"Hum... Next, it's harvest time!"

Chen Tianyu looked at everyone in the field.

He was a little excited!

His experience... is going to increase again!

Then, a pale blue sphere appeared in his hand.……


On the city wall, everyone looked at the black sphere below, but they were a little confused.

"This...what is going on?"

Jiang Zitang was stunned.

It was the first time he had seen such a situation.

Jiang Zitang turned his head and looked at Prime Minister Cao beside him and asked:"Prime Minister Cao, have you seen this thing?"

"A huge black sphere... I have never seen anything like this before.……"

Prime Minister Cao frowned as he looked at this.

Because what he saw was also very unfamiliar to him. He had no idea what he was seeing.

After all, he had never seen

"The black sphere...seems to have enveloped some of the fleeing Jiuli soldiers"

"Could it be that man’s method of attack?"

"I, your humble servant, have never seen one before... Could it be that the man is really an immortal?"

"Perhaps this is the method of the immortal?"

He also looked solemn and began to speculate.

"That man is really not simple, I thought so before!"

Zhao Shangshu looked serious, then turned his head and looked at King Jiang and Prime Minister Cao and said:"King Jiang, the Jiuli Army has retreated, I wonder if that man can be used by Yan State.……"

"How about sending someone up there to investigate?"

"See what that black thing is.……"

"After all, we can't just sit there and wait, can we?"

Jiang Zitang nodded and said,"My dear minister, what you said makes sense."

Then, he looked at the general standing beside him.

""Go and take some people up there to have a look!"

Jiang Zitang said.

The general nodded quickly.

"Got it, King Jiang!"

""Luo Mu, obey the order!" the general said.

Yes, his name is Luo Mu.

He is the general in charge of the border of Yancheng.���His superior was Liu Lie.

But once Liu Lie died, he would be the highest position in the management of Yancheng City Wall!

It was right for him to lead the troops up.

Then, looking at the soldiers around, he suddenly shouted:"Ten people, follow me to explore——!"

As soon as he finished speaking, bang!

He exerted force with his legs and Luo Mu actually jumped off the wall!

Ten people followed him quickly!

Although the wall was dozens of meters high, it was nothing for a cultivator!

Several people landed steadily on the ground.

Then they walked towards the black sphere in front of them. Luo Mu drew the sword from his waist and pointed it at the black sphere in front of him.

He was obviously very careful.

He walked step by step, and the sound of his footsteps on the ground was very small, only making a slight rustling sound.


""Boy, what happened to you!"

Luo Mu shouted from outside to inside.

He was still a little nervous.


In an instant, the black sphere shattered like glass!

It turned into energy powder and dissipated...

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