In front of Luo Mu, he saw that the hundreds of people who were covered by the domain were all lying on the ground.

Scarlet blood spread on the ground.

"The so-called Jiuli Army……?"

"Is that all?"

Chen Tianyu looked at the guys in front of him.

The sound of the template progress increasing kept coming from his mind, and his face was very excited.

Although these guys are a little weak.

But... the progress given is still quite a lot!

Zi Yun on the side was a little stunned. She could hardly believe what she had just seen.

Chen Tianyu actually used only a dozen seconds to kill all these guys at a very fast speed!

You know, the Jiuli Army is full of immortal cultivators. Among these immortal cultivators just now, there are people in the same fasting period as herself...

Zi Yun also stroked her forehead. She really hadn't seen such a large-scale killing scene.

The air around was filled with the smell of blood.


Zi Yun seemed to be unable to hold back her saliva.

Luo Mu also looked at the surroundings in amazement, feeling a little nervous.

He walked forward step by step, his eyes even froze.

"What just happened……"

"But it was over in just a moment?"

Luo Mu finally set his sights on Chen Tianyu.

Chen Tianyu also noticed them, turned his head and looked at them, thinking for a moment:


"Are you from Yancheng?"

"What's wrong?"

He crossed his arms and looked down at the people.

After all, Chen Tianyu's height of 1.9 meters at this time was already quite tall for them.

""Uh...are you an immortal?"

Naromu asked nervously.

Chen Tianyu raised his eyebrows in confusion when he saw the question.

Was he considered an immortal?

Not really?

Chen Tianyu touched his chin, pondered for a while, looked up at Naromu and said,"I'm not an immortal, but I can kill immortals.""

"If there is nothing else, I will leave."

There was not much emotion in his words. After all, he just wanted to go to the Northern Territory.

First it was the Jiuli Army, and then this man. It was indeed a bit annoying for him.

But he also gained a wave of progress, so he was not too annoying.

The progress made him happy.

"Kill... Kill the immortals? ?"

Luo Mu felt a little confused.

Logically speaking, in the immortal world, those in the lower world can only be regarded as cultivators, and those in the upper world are the real immortals.

And Chen Tianyu's words are nothing more than those immortals in the upper world! This person... is he going to kill the immortals?

He pondered secretly in his heart.

Then he was silent.

Staying where he was, he didn't dare to say another word.

Those who can say such words, even if they are not immortals... are not much different.

In addition, what he did just now, it is hard for people not to believe that he is an immortal...

Seeing the other party standing there stupidly.

Chen Tianyu turned around, and then said to Ziyun on the side:"Don't stay... It's time to go."

Ziyun was also startled, and hurriedly followed Chen Tianyu's footsteps

""Got it!" she shouted.

Looking at the two people leaving, Luo Mu gritted his teeth, turned around and looked at everyone:"Go back"


After a while,

Chen Tianyu and Ziyun had already walked away.

Ziyun was becoming more and more curious about Chen Tianyu's strength.

She blinked her eyes and looked at Chen Tianyu.

"Why are you looking at me like that? You don't want to eat me, do you?"

Chen Tianyu said as he walked.

But his eyes did not look at Ziyun, which made Ziyun a little dumbfounded.

"You didn't even turn your head, how do you know I'm looking at you?"

She asked in confusion.

This scene made Ziyun a little confused. After all, Chen Tianyu didn't turn his head at all...

But Chen Tianyu didn't care at all, waved his hand and said:"Do I need to turn my head to know you're looking at me?"

This really made Ziyun a little confused.

What is this?

Look, is this human language?

How can he look at him when he sees me without turning his head?


Zi Yun sighed, her face full of helplessness, and then murmured,"Could it be that... the brain circuits of humans and aliens are different?"

"What a strange guy?"

She followed Chen Tianyu with a big bag on her back.

Chen Tianyu was very lazy and asked,"How long does it take to get to the North Territory?"


" least a month."

She said.

Chen Tianyu:(ー_ー)!!

"Is there no means of transportation?"

"Flying with a sword?"

"One month is really a bit too slow."

Chen Tianyu scratched his head in annoyance. After all, Xia Yutong was still waiting for him!

He should finish it quickly and go back.

"What is the next destination?"

"If we go north, we must pass through the East Region or the South Region, right?"

Chen Tianyu asked.

After all, we don't know what the geographical structure of the fairyland is like.

"If we go straight... we should pass through the Eastern Region, and then go on"

"Ah...that's right!"

"We have to pass by Tianwang City!"

Ziyun suddenly said.

But Chen Tianyu felt a little confused.

""Heavenly King City?" he asked.

After all, he had never heard of this thing before. What is the so-called Heavenly King City?

"Tianwang City is... not as simple as the three kingdoms in the southern region"

"Not only does it contain magical witchcraft, it is rumored that Tianwang City is divided into four areas, and each area is guarded by a Tianwang!"

"The four heavenly kings are very powerful and should not be underestimated."

"Moreover, the Four Heavenly Kings are all powerful warriors in the fusion stage.……"

"Well, Gojo Satoru... are you sure?"

Zi Yun looked at Chen Tianyu and asked.

Chen Tianyu was slightly surprised when he heard this.

Didn't expect it to be this kind of structure?

"But... if it's just the fusion stage, there shouldn't be any problem."

At this time, Chen Tianyu looked at his panel and said

【Name: Chen Tianyu】

【Sex: Male】

【Age: 18】

【Superpower: B-level God-given superpower"Space Storage」】

【Template character ①: Gojo Satoru】

【Progress: 173.7%】

【Ability: Six Eyes】

【Field: Infinite Space】

【Unlimited spells: Stop Power, Reversal Spell, He, Cang, Qi】

The experience just now really made his progress soar!

It's not far from 200.

He also felt a little bit of anticipation in his heart.

After reaching 200, he will immediately draw a character with a resurrection skill.

I don't know what kind of character it will be?

When Chen Tianyu was looking forward to it.

Zi Yun heard his words and looked at"Gojo Satoru" with a little surprise.

I didn't expect that"Gojo Satoru" would be so calm about the great power in the fusion stage. It really makes people curious...

How strong is Gojo Satoru! ?


She doesn't know at all, and can't even understand it.

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