
Imperial Palace.

Jiang Zitang returned to the palace, but his expression became particularly solemn.

In front of him were a group of ministers!

"Although Jiuli was defeated, I am still very curious about the origin of that man."

Jiang Zitang said.

After all, Chen Tianyu's identity is mysterious. I thought he was just an ordinary citizen leaving the city.

But I never thought that he was so powerful... It makes people feel that he might be an immortal.

"Their direction is northeast... they will definitely pass by Tianwang City. Could they be people from Tianwang City?"

"Or...the new king who will be promoted to Tianwang City?"

"But there's no news recently.……"

Prime Minister Cao stroked his chin and began to think.

He was still a little confused at this time and didn't understand what was going on.

"Luo Mu said... Didn’t that guy named Gojo Satoru say he wanted to kill the immortal?"

"If this is true... this person must be stronger than an ordinary immortal, and it is impossible for him to be from Tianwang City."

"Northeast... Don't forget, to go to the northern snowfield, you have to pass through Tianwang City. Who knows, maybe he is going to the snowfield?"

Minister Zhao mentioned


Jiang Zitang touched his chin, and then continued,"Are we going to... the Northern Region Ladder?"

When he said this, everyone present was stunned.

"Ladder to heaven?"

"Why is that guy going to the Northern Region Ladder?"

Prime Minister Cao frowned, puzzled.

If this guy really wants to go to the Ladder, what is he going to do?


"Could it be that I have to break through the ladder to heaven...but that doesn't make sense?"

"If he were an immortal, he wouldn't have to go through the ladder to heaven.……"

"I really don't understand."

Jiang Zitang stroked his forehead, feeling a headache.

After all, the so-called Heavenly Ladder... can be said to be the last helpless move of the immortal cultivators.

The immortal cultivators who want to use the Heavenly Ladder to enter the immortal world are generally above the Tribulation Crossing Stage. Those who have insufficient life span... can only try the Heavenly Ladder.

If they go to the upper realm, they may be able to obtain more resources.

And because of the pressure attached to the Heavenly Ladder itself... there are also many who break through on the spot.

"King Jiang, why don't you contact Huangdi first?"

Prime Minister Cao said.

After all, Yan State and Huang State are still on good terms because of the ancient times.

If the two countries unite, it may be easier.

If Yan State alone bears this matter, they may not be able to bear it.……


"Prime Minister Cao, I leave this matter to you.

Jiang Zitang nodded slightly.

Suddenly, he felt weak and covered his forehead with his hand.

"It's time to end"

"He... is about to wake up."

Jiang Zitang suddenly said.

Seeing this, everyone in the court suddenly changed their expressions and became serious.

"You... must take good care of my descendants." Jiang Zitang's eyes sank and he closed them. When he opened his eyes again, the majestic aura on his body was completely gone.


"Why is the King here?"

"What's the situation now……?"

Jiang Zitang rubbed his eyes in a daze, as if he had become a completely different person.

He tilted his head, as if he didn't understand the current situation.

"Ah ha ha——!"

"King Jiang, aren't you going back to the harem?"

Prime Minister Cao said hurriedly.

"Yeah yeah——!"

"Just now, King Jiang, you said you wanted to go back to the harem to accompany your concubine."

"Yes, that’s right!"


The ministers all spoke.

But there was a hint of something else in their eyes.

It seemed that they all knew some secret.

King Jiang's sudden change in personality was like a different person.

And this matter... all the ministers of Yan State seemed to know it, but King Jiang didn't seem to know it very well.


"Really? I'm a little sleepy.……"

""Okay, okay, let's leave now~"

Jiang Zitang yawned, stood up and turned to leave.

He scratched his head as he walked.

"Speaking of which... which concubine did I want to find?"

Jiang Zitang walked out in a daze.

Seeing this,

Prime Minister Cao also took a breath and murmured:

"That's good.……"

"Then tell these things to the Yellow Emperor.……"


In the upper realm, in the Fire Spirit Palace, a woman with flames all over her body and red hair looked at the mirror in front of her.

In the mirror, it was the scene when Chen Tianyu was fighting with Anxue.

A smile appeared on the corner of the woman's mouth.


"This guy really came to the fairyland, interesting... really interesting."

She narrowed her eyes and smiled.

I really didn't expect this man to dare to come!


Then the infinite space opened up, and even through the magical"mirror", I couldn't see the content inside.

The woman touched her chin and tapped the mirror.

I saw that the mirror suddenly turned into an ordinary mirror, reflecting her beautiful face.

"If you really come to the upper realm...you are really seeking death.……"

"Tsk tsk tsk……"

"If it weren't for the Immortal Emperor's rule, I would have gone down to find you."

""Ah~" the woman sighed

""Lord Suzaku, Lord Suzaku~"

At this time, a fairy rushed in.

Yes, this woman is the incarnation of Suzaku.

"What's wrong?"

The woman turned to look at him and asked directly.

The fairy quickly said,"Lord Suzaku, the Immortal Emperor has summoned the four great spirit beasts to a meeting!"

Suzaku frowned and asked in confusion,"Meeting? The four great spirit beasts haven't seen each other for a hundred years... What's the matter with the sudden summons?"

The fairy paused for a moment, and then said,"It seems that the Immortal Emperor has seen the future... but I don't know exactly what's going on."

���Maybe the Immortal Emperor will tell you only when the four great spirit beasts are here in person."

Zhuque heard this and his expression became more serious.

The Immortal Emperor actually saw the future again?

You know... the last time he saw the future was when the Immortal Realm was divided into the upper and lower realms!

And now, it is indeed the case.

It can be said that the Immortal Emperor's predictions are also quite accurate. This sudden prediction is really interesting.

"Let's go... I want to see"

"What did the Immortal Emperor predict?"

Zhuque also spoke with great interest.

Then, she walked straight out.


At the same time, in the mortal world

, in a small town under the Luomu Snow Mountain, two people in ancient costumes were walking on the street, looking a little conspicuous.

If Chen Tianyu was here, he would quickly recognize the two people...

Aren't these two people Elder Xian and Elder Yun!

"Hello...are you okay?"

"Why do I feel like everyone around me is looking at us?

Elder Yun looked around and started to speak.


"Maybe our clothes are a little conspicuous, but it shouldn't be a big problem"

"Let's get out of this town first."

Elder Xian

's face was solemn. After he finished speaking,

Elder Yun also nodded. The two looked at each other.


He disappeared quickly from the spot, leaving the people around a little confused.

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