In the mortal world, there is Qingyun Mountain.

This mountain is covered with lush green trees, with peaks and ridges, and a gurgling stream beside it.

"I didn’t expect there are mountains with such fresh air here?"

"Ah~ It's so relaxing."

Elder Yun spread his hands, stretched lazily, then turned to look at Elder Xian, and then said with a slightly serious expression,"Where to go next?"

"If I remember correctly, Lao Ye was going to Zhejiang Haihang City before he died... right?"

Elder Xian nodded slightly.

"That’s right, shall we go to the so-called Hangzhou?"

"But the leader said... we have to keep a low profile this time, otherwise if that kind of monster appears in the mortal world again, it will be troublesome."

"This time... the main focus is on investigation."

Elder Xian looked at Elder Yun and said seriously.

Elder Yun nodded when he heard this. How could he not know about this?

"Okay, investigation first."

"But, where is Zhejiang Sea?

Elder Yun said as he looked around and was a little confused.

After all, he didn't know the terrain of the mortal world.

"This... I brought a map of the mortal world, which I found in Lao Ye's bedside table."

Elder Xian said.

He unfolded a map, and on this map, it was a map of the entire China!

Among them, the location marked by the red star was Zhejiang Hai

"You see, this is the place we are going to. Our current location should be... the mountain closest to the Luomu Snow Mountain."

"Elder Ye had mentioned the situation here before, so we should go south.

Elder Xian said.

His hand pointed to the Zhejiang Sea.


Elder Yun touched his chin, thought for a while, and then said,"South, with our speed, it shouldn't be too slow to get there."

Elder Xian also nodded.

"That's right, if you go all out... it won't take much time."

He said so.

Inwardly, he was looking forward to seeing what the mortal world is like now.

He was amazed that such a strong man could appear.

""In that case, let's go!"

Elder Yun said.

He gave Elder Xian a look, and then the two of them disappeared in an instant.


At this time, in Yunxiao Palace, an old man with white beard sat in the main seat, looking at the people below.

There were four people below... and Zhuque was one of them!

The other three were all male. They were the White Tiger, Azure Dragon, and Black Tortoise among the Four Spirits.

"Emperor Tianxuan, why are you gathering the four spirits today? Is there something going on?

The green-haired man asked.

He was sturdy and about 1.8 meters tall.

This man was the transformed Azure Dragon.

"Old man...if it's nothing serious, I'll go back first"

""Master Bai, I'm busy!"

The person who spoke was a strong man with a sturdy build!

Moreover, he had a head of white hair!

This person... was the White Tiger, one of the Four Spirits!


"Brother Bai, for the Emperor's sake, please control your temper!"

Xuanwu, who was standing by, scratched his head and said with a silly smile, like an honest old man.


Baihu crossed his arms.

He was not afraid of the title of Immortal Emperor, but he still listened to Xuanwu's words.

"Tianxuan Immortal Emperor, I heard that you saw the future……?"

""Don't waste time, just tell me now!"

Zhuque asked solemnly.

Seeing everyone talking like this... who knows how long the conversation will end!


""I have seen the future!"

All the spirit beasts were shocked when they heard this.

Everyone looked at the Xuanxian Emperor, as if they wanted to verify whether Zhuque's words were correct.

However, the Xuanxian Emperor seemed to be absent-minded and didn't know what to say.


"I have seen the future... but this future……"

"Very bad."

When Emperor Tianxuan said this

"Old man, stop playing dumb!"

""Hurry up and say it!"

Baihu frowned, looking very irritable.

The eyes of Tianxuan Immortal Emperor also became solemn. After a slight pause, he said:"The fairyland... will be destroyed."

These words were like a bomb, exploding in the minds of the four spirits!


The four spirits cried out in surprise

"Who... who destroyed the fairy world! ?"

"The one who can destroy the fairy world...can only be the Fairy Emperor, right?"

"No, no, no, even if they are Immortal Emperors... they can't collectively want to destroy the Immortal World.……!"


The four spirits began to discuss

""Everyone, keep quiet!"

The Immortal Emperor shouted.

The immortal power in his body burst out and attacked the surroundings!

The strong pressure from this immortal power made the four spirits silent.


Tianxuan Immortal Emperor slowly said:

"The fairy world... is about to be destroyed……"

"Even soon after!"

"There is a very strong guy who will come here"

"That person……"

"His name is Uchiha Madara!"

After he finished speaking, his expression became even more solemn.

Xuanwu frowned.

"Uchiha Madara?"

"This kind of name is rare in the entire fairy world... Tianxuan Immortal Emperor, did you see anything else?"

He looked at Tianxuan Immortal Emperor and asked again

"His immense power……"

"That man……"

"The whole body is white and covered with scales... It turns into a huge monster and wreaks havoc in the fairy world!"

"Even... he can create planets and summon meteorites by himself."

"I saw it... that terrifying power completely broke through the barrier between the upper and lower worlds!" The face of

Emperor Tianxuan was filled with amazement.

It was as if he had seen a monster.

"It actually made the Immortal Emperor feel afraid...���Is Uchiha Madara really that terrifying?"

Qinglong also looked serious.

He seemed to be curious about this.

"Hmm...that man's eyes, those red eyes!"

"It actually caused all the powerful people in the upper world to fall into a deep sleep."

"That blue giant... split the fairy world in two with one sword!"

Tianxuan Immortal Emperor widened his eyes.

He seemed to be deeply moved by what he saw.

That kind of powerful force was also extremely shocking to the Immortal Emperor!

Not only could he not tell what kind of skills the other party used, but he was also extremely curious about this strange ability.


"I don't understand it at all"

"I don't understand it at all……"

Tianxuan Immortal Emperor held his forehead with his hand, was silent for a while, and then continued,"Uchiha Madara...what is the power he uses?"

"His abilities don't seem to belong to our world."

"But this ability contains a terrifying force that is enough to compete with us!"After these words came out, the four spirits looked at the slightly fearful eyes of Emperor Tianxuan.

They all stood there in a daze, their faces dull.

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