
"Old man Tianxuan, is he really that scary?"

Bai Hu looked at Tianxuan Immortal Emperor dumbfounded, with an expression of disbelief.

"You didn't see it, so you may not understand.……"

Tianxuan Immortal Emperor gritted his teeth.

Then he took a deep breath and calmed down.

"The other party is definitely not from this world!"

"Very strange……"

"But I don't understand why he has such power, it really makes me feel extremely amazed."

He continued.

When the four spirits heard this, they also looked solemn.


"So, what can we do?"

Zhuque asked.

She felt that she had to do something. She couldn't just sit there and wait for the world to be destroyed.

Zhuque was the second oldest among the four spirits.

The age ranking of the four spirits, from oldest to youngest, was: Xuanwu, Zhuque, Qinglong, Baihu.


"In I Saw the Future, that person came up from the ladder"

"I need you to keep an eye on the ladder. In the next few years, every man who comes up to the world will be strictly questioned."

"Should it be okay?"

Tianxuan Immortal Emperor looked at the four spirits, his face full of solemnity.

The four spirits also understood the importance of this matter.

"Please rest assured, Emperor Tianxuan... there is absolutely no problem"

"We will defeat him when he climbs up the ladder!"

Xuanwu said with a serious expression.

Meeting such an opponent made him feel a little apprehensive, but also inexplicably excited.

"Don't worry! Old Tianxuan, we are more than capable of handling this kind of guy."

"Master Bai, I will tell you that your future is not accurate!"


Baihu said, putting his hands on his waist and shouting excitedly.

It looked a bit funny.

Seeing that everyone was so confident, Tianxuan Immortal Emperor was also relieved.


Tianxuan Immortal Emperor took a breath, and then continued,"It's good to see that you are so confident, not bad!"

"So, starting today... let's go to guard the ladder?"


How ?

"Oh oh ~ leave it to us!"

"Lord Bai, I am invincible!"

"We obey your command"


The four spirits opened their mouths.

Each spirit beast has a different personality.


A few days later, in the southernmost Tianwang City... the one stationed there was - Lu Ding Tianwang.

In short, Ding Tianwang.

It was rumored that he had a furnace that could catch monsters and refine elixirs at will.

At this time, in the Lu Ding Tianwang Palace!

A middle-aged man was sitting in front of a coffee table, drinking a cup of fragrant strong tea.

This cup of tea had a mellow taste, slightly bitter, and a hint of sweetness.

""Yes, it's good tea."

The middle-aged man sighed.


"Ding Tianwang!"

""A man broke into Tianwang City!"

A soldier in full steel armor hurried forward to report!

His armor had become tattered and covered in scarlet blood!

It looked like... he had been through a big battle!


A soldier suddenly flew in.

If you stand outside and take a look, you will find that the ground is full of soldiers' bodies.

Step, step, step -

Chen Tianyu walked slowly inside with his hands in his pockets.

Zi Yun followed behind him, looking completely timid.

After all, along the way... Chen Tianyu was just like a madman, with only two words... massacre!


The furnace tripod king suddenly slammed the table.

The boiling hot teapot on the table was suddenly shaken into the air, and then a powerful air in his hand suddenly rushed forward.


The teapot flew straight towards Chen Tianyu


Chen Tianyu looked at the teapot that was so close to him and reached out to hold it.


The teapot fell into his hand.

"Is it still hot?"

Chen Tianyu took the teapot and put the mouth of the teapot directly to his mouth.

"Gurgle Gurgle……"

Chen Tianyu drank the tea.

After all, he felt his taste buds being enveloped by a mellow fragrance, and he also felt that the energy in his body had increased.

It was truly magical!


Chen Tianyu felt very happy.

He looked at the man in front of him with a happy expression and asked,"Good tea! Good tea!"——!"

"What kind of tea is this?"

The soldiers on the side hurriedly ran to the side. After all, many people had died.

He already understood how powerful the opponent was. In the entire Tianwang City, there was no doubt that only the Four Heavenly Kings could compete with him!


"This is the best tea.……"

"So... Your Excellency came to the Heavenly King Palace today and slaughtered so many of my soldiers... What can you do for me?"

The Ding Heavenly King said.

He slowly took out a small three-legged bronze tripod from his arms and then put it in his hand.

"Is there any need to say more?"

Chen Tianyu smiled, and then continued,"Of course I'm here to kill you!"

Hearing this, the Ding Tianwang did smile.

"Ha ha ha ha——!"

"Kill me to the core?!"

"Are you kidding me?"

He grinned.

Then, he waved the furnace in his hand!

The furnace quickly grew several times larger, and then turned over to cover Chen Tianyu.

""Gojo Satoru!"

Zi Yun, who was standing by, also shouted quickly when she saw this.

Facing the magic weapon of the powerful person in the Fusion Stage, what could she, a mere person in the Bigu Stage, do?

Chen Tianyu smiled carelessly, and then pushed Zi Yun behind him, pushing her out of the range of the furnace.


Zi Yun took a few steps back, and then was stunned.

She didn't understand what was going on.


"Arrogant boy, today I will refine you into elixir!"

"Make up for the loss of so many soldiers!"

King Ding Tian stretched out his hand.

The red flame slowly floated towards the furnace.

When the flame touched the furnace, it spread all over the furnace in an instant!

Then , the flame kept changing color. It changed from red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, and purple. Finally, it stopped at the purple flame.


King Ding Tian laughed loudly, and then continued,"Purple fire is my highest temperature flame, boy... I guess it has turned into blood, right?"

"You invaded my Heavenly King Palace, but you didn't even take a look... How many heads do you have?"

Zi Yun was dumbfounded when she saw this scene.

The terrifying purple flame melted everything around!

Including the ground, stone tables, stone pillars... all melted by this purple flame!

Not only that!

The soldier who was closer to the furnace was also melting rapidly, and his clothes were even burning!

Even though Zi Yun had the"spiritual energy" to protect his body, he couldn't help but take a few steps back!

But if Gojo Satoru died, he didn't believe he would be alive!

What he was going to face was the Heavenly King of the Furnace!

"Damn it!"

""Gojo Satoru! You bastard, come out quickly!"

Ziyun looked nervous.

She shouted towards the furnace.

But... there was no response from the furnace...

At this moment,

Ziyun was a little confused. Could it be that the strongest man... was defeated here?



Two soldiers flew into the house from both sides of Ziyun!

The sound from outside was also heard!


"Another invasion!"


"Don't let him in. Two have already gone in.——!"

"Damn...this person is too strong!"

"Just like the guy just now... they are all monsters!"


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