Trample, tramp, tramp...

A man with long black hair stepped through the gate and walked over step by step.

He was wearing ancient red armor.

"Who are you?!"

King Ding Tian first asked loudly, and then gritted his teeth and whispered,"Really... one after another……"

The man crossed his arms, revealing his red eyes, and said,"Uchiha... Madara!"

His eyes condensed, and his red pupils spun like a windmill.

Seeing such strange eyes, King Ding Tian suddenly felt strange.

"What are you doing here?"

Ding Tianwang asked directly.

At this time, Zi Yun was already numb, hiding behind a pillar, with a face full of fear.

"I... humph!"

"All you need to know is that I am here to kill you today!"

Uchiha Madara grinned.

His whole body was quickly covered by blue chakra!

Then, the blue chakra formed bones, muscles, skin... and outer clothes!

The blue giant gradually grew bigger!


The roof was actually directly broken by the blue giant!

This huge noise was not only in this Heavenly King Hall, but also in the other three Heavenly King Halls. Swish, swish, swish! Three rays of light suddenly came from the three Heavenly King Halls like meteors.

Bang, bang, bang! The three people fell beside the Ding Heavenly King. And these three people... are the other Heavenly Kings!

"Ding Tian Wang, what's going on?"

The person who spoke... was a man with six arms, three meters tall, holding a cone in one hand and a hammer in the other.

"You are here……"

Ding Tianwang said, then turned to look at the six-armed man and said,"Lei Tianwang, I don't know who this is.……"

"I had just locked an intruder in the cauldron and burned him with the seven-colored fire... and this person appeared"

"Maybe they are in the same group?"

"But speaking of this... the inside of the cauldron is really strange, there is no sound at all, could it have become bloody?"

Ding Tianwang frowned, looked at the cauldron, and then stretched out his hand and shouted:"Collect——!"

The furnace cauldron flew up in an instant and landed in the hands of Ding Tianwang.


"Isn't this nothing?"

A tall and thin guy holding a long stick said inexplicably.

This man is the King of Sticks, and can be called the King of Sticks.


""Where is that person just now!!!"

Ding Tianwang was confused.

Because he had just locked him in the cauldron... He didn't expect that the person disappeared in the blink of an eye!

It's really too strange, right?

It's totally unreasonable!

"King Dingtian, are you sleepwalking?"

"Have you been looking for too many women recently and your head is in a mess?"

The guy who opened his mouth was a fat man with a fat body. He was holding a dragon statue in his hand.

He was the last of the Four Heavenly Kings, the Statue King! He could also be called the Sculpture King.

The dragon sculpture in his hand was the one he was most satisfied with.

"Go to hell, woman, do you think I’m the same as you?"

"All he does every day is play with women!"

"I said I would arrest him, and he would definitely be arrested."

King Ding frowned.

His face was full of confusion, and he had no idea why he disappeared inexplicably.

"Uh...then why did it disappear?"

The Eagle King said inexplicably.

After all, how could a person disappear out of thin air?

At this time, the Ding King was numb.

"You guys...really don't take me seriously."

Uchiha Madara tilted his head.

The blue giant suddenly pulled out the blade from his waist, and then... swish!

The terrifying blue sword energy slashed out!

This huge energy seemed to cut the world in half!

It was terrifying!

Seeing this attack, the Four Heavenly Kings all felt bad!


"Get out of the way——!"

The four of them quickly jumped around.

They managed to avoid the attack without any danger.

But this attack had completely cut the Heavenly King Palace in half!

Not only that, but also most of the city behind the Heavenly King Palace, and... the hill behind it!

They were all cut in half by this attack!

This... god-like power forced the Four Heavenly Kings to be alert.

"There is such divine power!"

"How terrifying!"

The King of Sticks couldn't help but exclaimed, and then looked up at Uchiha Madara and said,"Who are you?"

Uchiha Madara was in the blue giant, looking down at everyone.

"Didn't I say……?"

"I am Uchiha Madara!"

"By the way... I'm in a bad mood right now..."

He finished speaking.

His red eyes condensed, and the huge Susanoo directly pulled out the long blade at his waist and slashed at the four people!



Back to the moment.

Chen Tianyu was enveloped by the furnace.

He looked at the panel

【Name: Chen Tianyu】

【Sex: Male】

【Age: 18】

【Superpower: B-level God-given superpower"Space Storage」】

【Template character ①: Gojo Satoru】

【Progress: 200%】

【Ability: Six Eyes】

【Field: Infinite Space】

【Unlimited Techniques: Power of Stop, Reversal Technique, He, Cang, Qi]

Because I killed some guards outside, the progress quickly reached 200%, which means... I can extract the template now

"System, extract the template that can have resurrection skills!"

"Hurry up!"

Chen Tianyu looked very excited.

He was looking forward to... what kind of template he would have next?

And... in this way, Luo Qingyu would be resurrected soon.

【Now we start to extract the invincible template character of the universe——】

【Congratulations to the host for winning the role: Uchiha Madara. 】

The system's voice suddenly appeared in Chen Tianyu's mind.

But when he heard this...

Chen Tianyu frowned.

"Uchiha Madara...?! Does he have a resurrection skill?"

Chen Tianyu was a little confused.

【Uchiha Madara has the resurrection skill: Outer Path·Reincarnation Natural Technique. 】

The system prompted.

Chen Tianyu:|ʘᗝʘ|

"No way! System, I said that this requires consuming one's own vitality to be resurrected, right?"

"This is also considered a fucking thing?!"

Chen Tianyu was confused.

He couldn't possibly sacrifice himself to save Luo Qingyu's life!

After all, there were so many ways to revive and so many characters...

I didn't expect to draw this character. I really didn't understand if I was too stubborn.……

【Uchiha Madara has the ability to resurrect】

【However, the host has no progress yet, so there is no resurrection skill. 】

Chen Tianyu:ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ……

""It's too much! But now that we've dealt with those guys in the fairy world, the progress is still going up!"

Chen Tianyu cursed.

Besides, he now has a hundred times the power of Gojo Wu's limit combat power!

Now it's easy to make progress in the whole fairy world, isn't it?

There are so many minions around, it takes only a few minutes to reach 100%!

Chen Tianyu said inwardly:

"Wait! Switch to Uchiha Madara template for me first"

【Successfully switched Uchiha Madara template】

【Uchiha Madara template roleplay similarity increased, template progress increased by 10%】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the ability:……】

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