The battle of Xiaofeng Mountain naturally spread.

Because it involved the Demon Sect Saint, a prominent figure in the royal city, the heat of this matter quickly began to ferment.

In response, the first reaction of the people in the royal city was...

How could the Demon Sect Saint really do such a big trick again? Didn't he just return to the royal city for two days?

Then after listening to the description, everyone was silent.

The Demon Sect Saint participated in the battle of the Nascent Soul?

He also killed a powerful chicken demon that almost overturned a dozen Nascent Souls with a crushing force?

What a joke!

The major forces in the royal city were a little bit overwhelmed.

They just found out that the Demon Sect Saint had not entered the Nascent Soul realm, and they were sighing that it was not so easy for an 18-year-old Nascent Soul to appear in the world... and then this kind of thing was reported?

There were more than a dozen Nascent Souls, including one in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul. The powerful chicken demon that this group of people could not compete with together, this must be at least the strength of the late stage of the Nascent Soul, right?

They even said that if the Demon Sect Saint had not intervened, these Yuanyings would have perished in a foreign land?

Can he kill a chicken demon of this strength...

Is the Demon Sect Saint really only a Golden Core Perfection, not a Grandmaster of Yuanying Perfection?

This time, even ordinary people in the royal city found it a little hard to believe.

Nearly twenty Yuanyings took action? And there were no rare treasures, so where did so many Yuanying masters who were not usually seen come from? Do they really think Yuanyings are cabbages?

And although they believe that the Demon Sect Saint is very powerful, he is not that powerful!

It is outrageous enough that a Golden Core can kill a Yuanying, and now he wants to tell us that he may be able to kill a late Yuanying or even a Grandmaster?

Most rational people in the royal city are skeptical about this.

A new group of people who eat melons gathered outside the Magic Weapon Pavilion.

In this way, time came to the afternoon.

Most of the doubts were instantly defeated.

When seeing the figures whizzing through the air and arriving outside the Magic Weapon Pavilion, and openly stating that they wanted to visit a certain Pavilion Master Luo to thank him for saving their lives, the jaws of the people in the royal city dropped to the ground.

"These... these are the Yuanying seniors who were saved by the Demon Sect Saint? Is that true? Does he really have such terrifying strength?"

"Is there a possibility that these people were invited to act..."

"This is not the Demon Sect! And these are all genuine Yuanyings. Even the Demon Sect Saint can't let them lower their status like this!"

"Hiss - if those are all true, what is the strength of the Demon Sect Saint now? It's so terrifying. When I think of that person who just turned 18 this year, I feel like I have lived like a dog for the past 80 years..."

"I don't care! In the future, no matter what happens about Pavilion Master Luo, I will believe it! Even if one day I tell you that he did something to the demon clan's demon concubine, I will... uh, it shouldn't be that serious, right?"

The noise from the outside world continued until dusk.

The Magic Weapon Pavilion closed, and the Yuanying masters left the pavilion reluctantly.

Among them, an old Taoist with big copper bell eyes looked back every few steps, with sighs in his eyes. Finally, he bowed deeply in the direction of the Magic Weapon Pavilion before teleporting away.

As the focus of the incident, Luo Wusheng lingered in the Magic Weapon Pavilion for a while, parted ways with his friends who went to Hongyan Building to improve their performance, and then slowly returned to his own mansion.

Section 1 # Volume 1 # Chapter 370 Do you not love me anymore?

There were still few people in the mansion tonight. Compared with the noisy outside, the interior seemed particularly quiet.

Luo Wusheng couldn't help but think of the fact that when he chose to buy such a big house, he originally considered the factor of employee dormitory... But now it seems that this necessity seems to be decreasing?

The treatment of the Magic Weapon Pavilion was too good, causing his friends to become the masters who did not return home at night, especially under the infection of Long Dahai, the pathogen, all began to share in Hongyan Building, and had no intention of living in the dormitory at all.

As a result, Hongyan Building now has regular customers every day and makes a lot of money, so its own staff dormitory is left unused.

(It is not surprising that the group of demon disciples were abducted. After all, under the various rules of the royal city, the most outrageous thing they can do seems to be this...)

Moreover, there are several disciples from the Hehuan Realm among this group of disciples, and many have experienced the Hehuan Realm.

"But if you have such a night of revelry, even a cultivator will gradually be unable to bear it, right?"

There are many such examples in the world of cultivation. Many male cultivators think that they don't need to care about such details because of their physical fitness, and then they live up to the saying "Young people don't know the value of gold, and old people soak cinnamon with wolfberries".

Shaking his head, Luo Wusheng, who was standing in the courtyard, looked towards the direction of the Demon Weapon Pavilion again.

The faintly visible lights showed that there were still people in the Demon Weapon Pavilion who were staying up all night with dark eyes.

Song Zhong, the weapon refiner, is a pathogen that is even more terrifying than Long Dahai. In just two days, he has assimilated several new weapon refiners and embarked on a path of continuous death.

Exhaling a breath, Luo Wusheng took a last look at his junior sister's room, and then began to move to his own room.

He had just stayed in the little demon girl's room for a short time and told her that he was going on a long trip tomorrow... Bai Xiaoyao was also very concerned about what his "business" was, but after learning that her senior brother was traveling alone this time and did not plan to bring sister Yuli, she did not have much opinion.

Of course, this process was not that simple. Luo Wusheng spent some time to convince the little girl.

(Well, what I said was not wrong. Now the power of the new leader of the demon clan is obviously a bit unfavorable to me, and the ancient demon pupils are useless during this period. If they are attacked, I really can't fight the enemy while protecting them...)

This reason was accepted by Bai Xiaoyao.

Then the little girl drove her senior brother out, and used a secret method to isolate the inside and outside, saying that she would practice in seclusion for a night.

Thinking of his junior sister's serious face at that time, Luo Wusheng shook his head and smiled, and returned to his room.

He lit the lights and sat on the bed. He first took out the short sword for communication.

[My little sister Yuli, what are you doing? ]

A message was sent, and Luo Wusheng waited for a while, but did not get an immediate reply.

His eyes narrowed slightly.

"It seems that my feeling is right. She has indeed entered a state of practice with reduced perception of the outside world...Is she comprehending the inheritance of the Sword Ancestor this time?"

I don't know what powerful plug-in the protagonist plug-in supplier has provided to Miss Jianxian this time. Just the state of practice can cause her own Dacheng sword intention to be affected and fall into a little turbulence.

Sensing this, Luo Wusheng did not go to Xiao Yuli's room after coming out from his junior sister.

After thinking for a while, he put the short sword of communication beside him, and then touched his chin.

He has confirmed a new thing.

(As I expected, the legend of Xiaofeng Mountain does not exist at all...)

After returning to the Magic Weapon Pavilion, Luo Wusheng asked the young clerk Lao Wang to check Xiaofeng Mountain... Well, mainly he asked Lao Wang's secret girlfriend to help check it.

The result was that there was no so-called legend of the spirit chicken in Xiaofeng Mountain.

"So, the information about Xiaofeng Mountain in the hands of Xiao Yaonu and Xiao Yuli was deliberately passed to them by someone."

This is another layout.

Luo Wusheng felt a little complicated and a little powerless.

There are probably not many people who can do such a thing.

Really, why do my teammates have so many twists and turns? It seems that they have known about the existence of the chicken demon and the overlapping space where the red rope of cause and effect is located, but they have to use this method to guide me, a reckless man...

(But this also indirectly confirms my guess... Although I don’t know the reason, these big guys behind the scenes are trying their best to avoid contact with me regardless of whether they are enemies or friends.)

Only the white-haired loli danced more happily in front of me.

After closing his eyes and thinking for a while, Luo Wusheng’s heart moved, but the wooden sword beside him shook.

He stood up and took the short sword of communication in his hand.

The reply from the opposite side came into his eyes.

[Practice... Bah, who are you calling Xiao Yuli sister! ]

I didn’t deny that it was me... Luo Wusheng had this thought inexplicably in his mind, but the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

[Look, my junior sister calls you Sister Yuli, and I call you Sister Xiao Yuli. Isn’t it normal? ]

[Bah, bah, bah! Bai Xiaoyao is the younger sister! I’m older! No... Anyway, you are not allowed to call me that! ]

Miss Jianxian replied very quickly and fiercely, and it seemed that she really cared about this.

[Is that so... Then I'll call you Xiao Yuli as before. ]

Luo Wusheng changed his words.

It wasn't because the little girl's words had any effect, but because he suddenly remembered his own wife Shuangxue.

If he called Xiao Yuli brother and sister, the generation would be messed up...

It's not worth it.

[You know what's good for you. ]

[...No! I didn't agree to this title either...Forget it, let it be. ]

Miss Jianxian, who sent two messages in a row, accepted her fate.

Imagining the pretty little girl holding the wooden sword and giving up resistance, Luo Wusheng, who almost laughed like a pig, finally suppressed his thoughts and remembered the business.

[You were practicing just now? Is it the inheritance that the Sword Ancestor left in the broken sword of the Sword Emperor? ]

[...Well, but I won't tell you what it is. ]


Luo Wusheng scratched his head.

He didn't think of asking... Cultivators don't ask about chance, even he knows this basic common sense.

He continued to send messages after complaining in his heart.

[I didn't intend to know the details, but just mentioned it casually because the sword sense had some feeling. ]

[I came to you tonight to let you know first that I have something to go out for tomorrow...]


In the quiet room.

Lu Yuli looked at the message sent back by the wooden sword in her hand and pursed her lips.

He doesn't care what kind of inheritance he has obtained...

He doesn't care about himself...

Uh, can it be understood this way?

(No, no, what am I thinking!)

Shaking her head, the little girl came back to her senses and looked at the several messages that followed from the opposite side.

He is going out again? And this time he has to be alone... Is there something wrong with his space secret treasure? Well, that's understandable, and it's only one day, and it just so happens that I also need some time to digest the inheritance of the Sword Ancestor this time...

As her thoughts changed, Miss Sword Immortal looked at the last message sent from the opposite side.

[Okay, you continue to practice, I also have some things to deal with...]

Seeing this sentence, Xiao Yuli always felt that something was wrong.

What's wrong?

[…Have you not told me a story for many nights? ]

Do you not love me anymore?

Section 1 # Volume 1 # Chapter 371 Wife, I'm here to find you! (Update 2)

Looking at the words on the wooden sword in his hand, Luo Wusheng's eyelids twitched.

Uh, it seems that I have indeed forgotten the bedtime story session with Xiao Yuli recently... The last time I told this girl a story was when I returned to the royal city the day before yesterday afternoon. She took the initiative to ask me for a story.

(But I have been busy at night recently...)

I was still in a coma yesterday, and the day before yesterday I saw a white-haired loli possessed by a little fox. The day before yesterday was a night attack by a little demon girl, and before that...

Well, anyway, I am very busy.

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