But how do you respond to this?

Just as he was thinking this, Luo Wusheng was suddenly stunned.

The message just sent by the other party became inexplicably blurred, and then disappeared without a trace.

[…Forget what I said just now, I don’t care about that kind of thing! 】

At this moment, Luo Wusheng had a strange look on his face.

Xiao Yuli withdrew a message and tried to use a memory erasure technique on you, but unfortunately failed.

(Why is this girl so cute and cute...)

Luo Wusheng complained in his heart, but his eyes flashed.

Obviously, although the withdrawal function used by the little girl is a bit useless, it did not have this ability before.

The new Sword Ancestor inheritance also strengthens the chat function?

In this case, will the Messenger Dagger be able to upgrade to a complete chat software system someday?

Video calls, group chats, Moments updates...

Suddenly I felt that the fashion value of the boss Jianzu was so high.

Just as he sighed, Luo Wusheng felt his wooden sword shake again.

[By the way, I have one more thing to ask...were those really the only things that happened to you after you separated from me in Jianzhou? 】


Swallow it with a gulp of saliva.

Why did Xiao Yuli ask about this matter again?

(Is it the reason for the group of Nascent Souls from Jianzhou? Although she was not told the details, it finally made her suspicious?)

Luo Wusheng was pounding in his heart, but he began to reply without any abnormalities.

[In general, it’s almost like this...what? Any questions? 】

The person on the other side seemed to have fallen into deep thought after seeing this message, and did not respond for a long time.

It wasn't until cold sweat began to break out on the forehead of a certain demon sect saint that the belated words appeared on the dagger.

[Nothing. If that's the case, I will continue to practice. When I achieve great success this time, I will definitely shock you! 】

[Yes, yes...my Xiao Yuli is the most powerful, and will dominate the world for thousands of years...]

[You're talking nonsense again to try and get by with me...Ignore you, huh. 】

The message transmission ends and both parties log off.

Luo Wusheng breathed a sigh of relief.

After getting over it, Miss Jianxian didn't take this matter too seriously.

(But there is no way to go on like this... It may be okay now, but when Shuangxue's wife comes, there will probably be problems...)

Faced once again with a problem that was more urgent for him than the chaos in the royal city, Luo Wusheng's head began to hurt again.

"Forget it, let's try tomorrow to see if we can make a breakthrough from Shuangxue's wife. If it doesn't work, then consider solving the problem with Xiao Yuli."

Saying this to yourself, you have a decision in your heart.

Throwing away the distracting thoughts, Luo Wusheng's planned things to do tonight flashed through his mind one by one.

"The first thing is to completely swallow up the last bit of the thunder tribulation power that the little fox sealed in me... It's a pity that the conversion and utilization rate of the tribulation swallowing ability that I used the demon raising and blood refining method is really low. It could have been killed The effects of Nascent Soul's Thunder Tribulation on Nascent Soul cultivators after being swallowed are somewhat subtle..."

"After swallowing the calamity, you will fall into a state of paralysis. At this time, you can start to understand the dual cultivation method. With two high-level cultivation methods as a reference, I think I will definitely get a big breakthrough in the dual cultivation method and should be able to solve the problem of being drained. "

"And in the end, if there is still time..."

Luo Wusheng thought of what he had gained today.

The biggest substantial gain is undoubtedly the five pieces of jade given to him by the Empress.

Five pieces of jade that he had never owned before made him extremely happy.

And the next high-level harvest is two Nascent Soul-level techniques.

A method also comes from Miss Empress. It is an exclusive method of the Six Doors Golden Seal. It is one of the more powerful ones among the Nascent Soul spells. It can be superimposed and coordinated with monks who also know this spell, making it even more powerful.

It's called "The Art of Suppression".

Luo Wusheng had seen this technique before. On the day of the opening ceremony of the Magic Weapon Pavilion, facing the rat demon who appeared, the three golden seals jointly took action, and countless golden runes appeared in his hands. This is Used this spell that uniquely belongs to the Six Doors Golden Seal.

However, considering the destruction and stability, the three Jinzhang did not use all their strength to show the true power of this spell. In the end, someone from Luo was killed.

The other method is the repayment from the red-faced Nascent Soul who visited the Magic Weapon Pavilion today.

The other party directly gave him the secret technique "The Art of Sword and Speech".

Luo Wusheng was so arrogant that he was a little embarrassed. After all, it was his Sword Emperor Broken Sword that involved this group of people in the chicken demon incident... But because it was hard to refuse such kindness, Luo Wusheng also had no interest in this spell that turned into a sword. I was very interested and finally accepted it.

Not only Guan Gong, the other Yuanyings also gave away many good things in order to repay their life-saving grace.

For example, a certain silly Taoist Yuan Ying friend reluctantly gave away a mid-grade magical weapon [Godan Sword]...

In addition, they also had a good discussion on the third floor of the Magic Weapon Pavilion. At that time, the whole floor was full of strange phenomena, and Long Dahai and other friends who were pulled by Luo Wusheng to listen in all benefited a lot.

The guests and hosts enjoy themselves.

When bidding farewell at dusk, the old Taoist Yuanying, who was another great hero in dealing with the chicken demon, came to ask Luo Wusheng if he had the "Art of Controlling the Pot" and expressed his willingness to exchange for good things... Although Luo Wusheng did not have that kind of thing , but he told the other party some information about the immortal pot treasure that he heard from his junior sister.

The old Taoist with eyes as wide as bells seemed to have opened the door to a new world.


The time of cultivation passed quickly.

As soon as the sky was light, Luo Wusheng stretched his body lazily, feeling the numbness on his body subside as if he had a full-body massage, and ended his night of cultivation.

(Basically, everything has been adjusted... The thunder tribulation has been swallowed, and the dual cultivation method has also entered a new realm. Those two spells have also been introduced for the time being...)

Luo Wusheng, who was thinking in his heart, once again felt how powerful his unreasonable cultivation talent was.

"In fact, there is no rush for those two spells. After all, I plan to use them as the method after I put on the gold seal mask..."

Muttering to himself, he left his room.

It was still a little early, and he could still make the final preparations.

For example, go to his junior sister's room, touch the little girl's head, and advance the progress of the fruit of destiny.

For example, go to Miss Jianxian's room, play a game of chess with the little girl for the first time in a long time, and let himself regain the joy of crushing.

So he really did it.

After completing these two tasks, looking at the completely rising sun, ignoring Xiao Yuli's angry shouting in the short sword, Luo Wusheng concealed his figure and left the mansion.

Destination, Jianzhou, Sword Emperor Secret Realm!

Wife, I'm here to find you!

Section 1 # Volume 1 # Chapter 372 My wife is so beautiful even when she is hung up

Ling Shuangxue is having a cerebral hemorrhage now.

In the physical sense.

In her beautiful eyes, an upside-down palace is reflected.

But it is not the palace that is upside down, but her.

Thinking of her current situation, this fairy who has not shown her emotions in the sword pavilion for many years also has shame and complex emotions on her face.

First of all, she is now in the Sword Emperor Secret Realm.

However, the scene of the Sword Emperor Secret Realm at this moment is neither the palace where the black broken sword was stored when she first entered, nor the bathing pool where young men and women had their first shameless experience.

This is a newly opened space.

Compared to the previous two places, this place is like being underground, with earth-colored walls and a little damp.

There are some strange murals painted on the wall, and the patterns on them emit bright light, scattered in the space, reflecting the scene in this brand new temple.

The most conspicuous thing is that in the middle of this place, several huge stones are piled up into something like an altar, and there is a strange human-shaped stone sculpture on it.

This stone sculpture is not big, but it is covered with a layer of strange stone armor, and people can't see the face clearly.

And around this stone altar, a long black stone sword made of unknown material is arranged around in a mysterious formation, lying quietly on the ground, exuding the ancient atmosphere of time.

But the most spectacular thing in this space is the place that was originally the ceiling.

It is a calm pool of water, as if it has broken free from the constraints of gravity, replacing the original ceiling.

The clear pool water reflects the scene below, and it looks a bit dreamy under the faint light.

However, it was this marvelous pool of water that caused Ling Shuangxue's embarrassing situation at the moment.

In one part of the pool, a tentacle-like stream of water stretched out.

The stream of water extended downward, and at the end, it wrapped around a delicate foot.

That was Ling Shuangxue's foot.

"It's about a cup of tea..."

The fairy Frost Snow exhaled gently.

At this moment, she was like a mortal trapped in a trap, hanging upside down in the air.

The thin stream of water was like a rope, entangling her left foot, and it seemed that there was no intention to let go.

Why did things turn out like this?

Ling Shuangxue pressed her dress, which was still following the effect of gravity, with her hand, while recalling everything that had happened.

Well, she didn't do anything.

The sun and the moon were unknown in the secret realm. Although she occasionally went out of the Sword Emperor Secret Realm to take a breath after practicing with the authority given to her by Luo Wusheng, she still couldn't be sure of the specific time when something happened here.

(But judging from the number of times she was hung up like this... it should have been a day in the outside world, right?)

Ling Shuangxue's eyes were somewhat confused.

When the scene in the Sword Emperor's Secret Realm changed, she was still practicing in the pool where she could shape the acquired sword body.

Because the sword heart was completely perfect, shaping the sword body was twice the result with half the effort for her.

During this period of time, the progress of the acquired sword body was already halfway through.

It seems that she might be able to go to the Immortal King City before the Human Immortal Ranking Competition to cheer for her beloved disciple in the Human Immortal Ranking Competition...with the person she loves.

Then something went wrong.

She had just completed a big cycle of practice in the pool and was about to take a rest. She didn't even have time to put on her shoes and socks, and her eyes blurred, and the scene in front of her became what it is now.

Before she could figure out what was going on, a scene appeared that made her unable to suppress the change of expression...


At this time, a sword sound interrupted Ling Shuangxue's memories.

Her brows furrowed, her suspended body tensed instantly, and her eyes were filled with solemnity.

What happened? Shouldn't the time be up yet? Did I miscalculate?

(But if it started again, why hasn't the water in the pool freed me? How can I fight the enemy in this state?)

Ling Shuangxue's thoughts kept flashing through her mind, and she felt something was wrong.

Then, a puzzled male voice came to her ears.

"... Shuangxue?"

The familiar voice that she had been thinking about made the Frost and Snow Fairy, who was in an awkward situation, tremble and look in the direction where the voice came from.

In the upside-down world, a handsome young man in white clothes looked at her up and down, with a strange look in his eyes.

Seeing that undisguised gaze lingering on her, and thinking of her current situation, Ling Shuangxue subconsciously struggled to get rid of the restraint on her left foot.

Then she saw a new stream of water on the ceiling, as fast as lightning.

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