Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1050: Re-enactment of Leopard Death (Part 1)

The Soviet artillerymen who died after firing only one round of artillery were so abnormal that they were still not sure whether their opponents were cheating or playing some other tricks. They lay on the ground for a long time. He was always afraid that as soon as he stood up, he would hear the terrible whistling sound of an old cow hitting his head again.

I don’t know how long it took, but maybe it was enough to make anyone lying on the ground fall asleep.

An SS infantry assault captain in charge of leading the team raised his head while holding the MP40 submachine gun in his hand, and quietly looked around him and at the Soviet positions opposite him. Although he felt something was wrong, he really couldn't tell. When this happened, he finally gave the order.

"Stand up! Keep attacking, quick! The Russian shelling has stopped!"

Indeed, the infantry assault captain who led the team was right. The artillery bombardment of the 152nd Cult of Justice had stopped, but immediately afterwards there was an even more exciting scene that hit their faces.

"Are you aiming?"

"Of course, the Kraut didn't even know he was going to see their Kaiser."

"Then fire!"


Iushkin is still not used to the pull-rod firing method of the 122 gun. The actual operation of the firing pull-rod placed on the side of the breechblock always feels a bit awkward, but this is not enough to affect Iushkin's justice and slaughter of those who are lawful. Hiss Raider.

The IS6 heavy tank hidden behind a haystack suddenly spurted out roaring flames. The high-pressure flames and shock waves ejected from both sides of the muzzle brake directly rolled up the dead grass on the ground and carried it into the air.

The straw stack that could almost completely block the front projection of the entire IS6 heavy tank was completely destroyed. After the muzzle fire dissipated, there were basically only two pieces of withered grass falling in the air. The rest was completely blown away to an unknown location. .

The 122mm full-caliber hooded armor-piercing projectile rammed towards the target with extremely amazing kinetic energy. A Panther that was parked on the spot and prepared to fire two rounds to test the firepower suffered on the spot.

The sloped armor on the front of the car body, which can withstand direct fire from the 85mm main gun at close range, is like paper in front of the righteous 122 gun.

The huge armor-piercing projectile that smashed the hood with one end continued to rush forward, and with the terrifying remaining kinetic energy, it forcibly cut through the sloping armor on the front of the vehicle body, penetrated into the center of the Panther tank's body from the front, and then detonated. .


Just like those predecessors who had their little heads beaten all over the ground not long ago, this Black Panther, which had not yet figured out where its opponent was, once again transformed into the German Manned Spaceflight in a completely confused state, and was directly beaten by the powerful The huge ammunition exploded with a wave of flames and a shock wave that blew his head away.

The chance of a tank being penetrated by a 122 gun without ammunition exploding is infinitely close to zero. This is one of the biggest advantages of large caliber and high charge. The long and tedious loading process is not useless and does not play any role. , efforts will eventually be rewarded.

The yellow-green striped camouflage turret, whose entire base was smoked into deep black, fell from mid-air and fell heavily to the ground. The headless car body was burnt on the outside and tender on the inside, and the whole body was spitting fire outwards. It looked completely lifeless. It's possible.

Not one of the five SS armored soldiers could escape alive. There was not even a trace of a struggle to escape. The welds of the armor on that side were broken and a big hole was opened. In the wreckage of the car, it is difficult to say that there are only a few body parts that symbolize the existence of life at least.

Before the second wave of the Skeleton Division's attack, which had just been stunned, had time to take a breath, Malashenko struck out from the shadows and once again struck preemptively, giving his opponent a precise wake-up call.

From his commander's periscope, he clearly saw the miserable appearance of the Panther when it was killed. Malashenko, who had a sinister smile on his lips, patted Iushkin who was right next to him. Shoulders, smile and speak.

"Well done! That carload of Krauts went to meet their Kaiser!"

"Armor-piercing bullets continue, prepare for the next one! Hurry!"

The sound of a cannon in Malashenko's car was just the beginning, followed closely by more deafening roars.



Malashenko once felt like this: The sound of the 122-gun fire when heard in the car felt like a violently shaking beer bottle smashed directly against the wall without its cap. After mixing the sound through post-production synthesis, Malashenko once felt that It was made even lower, and the current scene was multiplied by ten times and played simultaneously, which was the most real current echo in Malashenko's mind.

The tank battalion equipped with a large number of IS2 heavy tanks launched a powerful almost salvo fire in the first wave of attacks. The screams and roars of the 122 cannons resounded over the entire position, and even the companies holding their weapons tightly and holding on to the trenches The soldiers couldn't help but cover their ears to prevent the exaggerated roar of fire from shaking their ears.

Because the timing of firing is too tight, the inter-vehicle communication and information coordination of tanks in this era are far less sophisticated than the third-generation main battle tanks of later generations.

So although the scene that followed was a waste of firepower for the Soviet army, it was completely different for the German army who was under direct artillery fire.

The Long 75 No. 4 responsible for cooperating with the Panther tank to attack was the most unlucky.

This Type IV H tank has additional armor on both sides of the body and the outer ring of the turret, and several additional cut armor plates are welded to the front to enhance defense.

After being directly bombarded by at least three 122mm full-caliber hooded armor-piercing projectiles, almost no complete parts were left in the violent explosion, and it was torn into pieces by a violently spreading fire on the spot.

The 80 mm frontal main armor and 20 mm welded additional armor form a solid defense with a physical thickness of 100 mm that can theoretically even rival the Tiger tank, but this temporary battlefield modification still cannot save it. A fascist villain targeted by his loving father.

The unreasonable 122 armor-piercing bullets shot through the three front parts of the turret, the body, and the crotch almost simultaneously. All three impact points were penetrated on the spot, and the No. 4 tank had no room to struggle.

After a slight shake, the entire tank entered a state of spiraling into the sky on the spot. After the fire dissipated and the dust settled, only the messy wreckage, which was blown up like locusts passing through, was scattered on the ground.

The surviving SS infantrymen who were not too far away could indeed see with their naked eyes that the machine was twisted like a Tianjin hemp flower, and at least it flew out of the big black iron lump more than 40 meters away from the center of the explosion. No accident. It should be the gasoline engine of this Type IV H tank.

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