Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1051 Reproduction of Leopard Death (Part 2)

Although faced with almost unbearable ferocious firepower, the Skull Division, one of the most powerful and vicious ace units of the Waffen-SS, still withstood the fierce attacks from the front, on the spot. He stopped and started shooting back.

Although from the comrades who escaped alive, they heard rumors that the new heavy tanks of the Russians on the opposite side could completely withstand direct fire from their own Panthers.

But there is a saying that "you will not die until you reach the Yellow River, and you will not shed tears until you see the coffin." This second wave of Skeleton Division armored soldiers who would rather die than believe in evil will still try again.

At a distance of 700 meters where the IS2 could easily penetrate the frontal protection of the Black Panther, it opened up its posture and started shooting directly with a group of steely fathers on the opposite side. I don’t know whether to praise or scold this stupid approach, or even Comrade Julien, who was commanding the battle from the commander's position in the car, was instantly amused.

"Hey, damn it! If you drive a stupid Black Panther and drag it like this, what if you drive a Tiger King and even your own mother turns against you?"

In the midst of the conversation and laughter, the sound of the breech closing was heard again, and Kirill, who had once again completed his high-intensity physical labor, shouted with a not-so-slight gasp.

"Armor-piercing bullets are good!"

"Don't be a dog to Citron in your next life, you fascist bastard!"


The tacit understanding of the crew has been improved unprecedentedly in the protracted battle. Now, in more situations, Iushkin actually no longer needs Malashenko to personally calibrate the target and order the firing.

Unless Malashenko specifically requests to shoot a specific target, Iushkin will decide which target to hit next based on his own subjective judgment on the battlefield. Objectively speaking, Iushkin's ability to understand and judge the battlefield is not even worse than Malashenko.

This is also an important reason why Malashenko dares to put more thought into overall overall command rather than specifically deciding which target to hit next.

Malashenko, who holds the positions of both vehicle commander and brigade commander, cannot focus all his attention on specific battles. Iushkin, who was forced to gain great autonomy in firing, began to move closer to a qualified commander under such circumstances.

Iushkin, who was not always on target, accidentally missed.

The Black Panther, which immediately started traveling at high speed after firing a shot, with the accelerator fully stepped on, happened to be in hell and then turned around and returned to the world. It's like Dante who went to hell under Virgil's leadership and came back and wrote a book for future generations that has been sung through the ages.

He watched helplessly as the cannonball he sent out of the cannon with his own hands touched the butt of the Panther and produced a string of dazzling sparks at an extremely weird angle of incidence. It then crashed into the soil in an instant, with no further follow-up. .

Iushkin, who felt that this shot was insulted by the German's coquettish movement, was a little angry. Even then, he raised his right hand and waved his movements in the air without taking his eyes off the mirror, beckoning behind him that he could not see but was definitely fighting for. Kirill at the post, hurry up and reload.

"Kirill, hurry up! Armor-piercing bullets, one more shot! I'm going to turn those five Germans into barbecue!"

Iushkin, who only cares about the pleasure of his own ejaculation, speaks in a relaxed manner. Kirill, who is still burdened with high-intensity physical labor in a sweltering and high-temperature combat environment, is already tired and sweating profusely with a hideous face at this moment. .

"Wait, wait, give me ten seconds! It'll be ready soon!"

Kirill, who was gnashing his teeth and his entire facial features were almost twisted into a lump, had to use all his strength to put the 122mm armor-piercing projectile in his arms, which was like a lump of lead, on the slide.

After doing all this, Kirill didn't even have a chance to take a breath. Then he bent down again, picked up the ready-made propellant cartridge that had been placed vertically by his feet, and held it between his arms like It was like a weightlifter preparing for the final blow. He suddenly exerted force on his waist and then let go and hung it on the edge of the breech.

The elbow of his left arm clamped the middle part of the propellant barrel to maintain balance. He took the opportunity to pull out his right hand and hold the primer of the propellant forward with force. Kirill, whose face was so ferocious that he almost screamed on the spot, used such a fierce action to raise his head. With a red face, he fed a complete set of 122mm shells into the barrel, and finally raised his hand and pushed it upward to completely close the breech.

"Armor-piercing bullets are good!"

·Hold the height machine and the steering machine with both hands at the same time and shoot the bow. The right eye does not forget to stare at the moving target through the gun scope in front of you. While the brain accurately directs the precise movements of all limbs and organs, it also Forget to think about the shooting advance, the final impact point trajectory affected by the muzzle velocity and the distance traveled.

Once you are sure that you have adjusted the high and low machine handwheels above the horizontal density line for final firing, you only need to continue shaking the direction machine handwheel with motor blessing.

Iushkin released the hand wheel of the high and low machine, and placed his right hand on the firing lever of the gun block, ready to go.

But just when the lever in his hand was about to suddenly exert force, an unexpected emergency followed.


call out--

The sound of armor impact was heard first, followed by the whistling sound in the air. An armor-piercing projectile with extremely high flying speed hit the turret side armor of Malashenko's vehicle without any warning.

The violent impact and harsh metal echo caused by the supersonic impact kinetic energy hitting the armor instantly shocked Iushkin, who was highly concentrated. Suddenly, his hand slipped, and the lever he was holding tightly was moved forward by a few tenths of a second. Pull down and drive the firing pin.

Kirill spent a lot of effort to load the armor-piercing bullet, but unexpectedly, the slippery Iushkin sent it out of the barrel in advance.

"Damn it! It's too late!"

Even if it is fired in advance, a few tenths of a second earlier, the final result will be either hitting the enemy tank or shooting into the soil.

This time, Iushkin, who was fully prepared and believed in himself, finally succeeded in defeating the former with his own strength and a little bit of luck.

Iushkin's original target was the belly of the Black Panther that was racing at high speed.

Judging from Iushkin's past combat experience, if you penetrate this place, you can at least kill the three crew members: the gunner, the commander, and the loader on the spot. Even if the armor-piercing delay fuse fails and the shell penetrates like a big iron mass, Side armor, smashed into the car.

The armor fragments caused by the impact of high-speed large-caliber projectiles were definitely enough to kill these three SS bastards. If you are lucky, there may be two SS lackeys who will be skewered by a 122 shell and split into two pieces. There is no need to worry about other problems as long as they can hit.

Iushkin thought so, and of course he was prepared to do so. The only regret was that he fired the bullet waiting in the barrel a few tenths of a second in advance.

With advance sighting in mind, the projectile "squeezed" out of the barrel by the strong chemical energy of the burning propellant rushed straight towards a position that Iushkin had not expected.

The final point of impact, like a red-hot razor piercing fat pork, was precisely the side armor where the electromechanical crew and driver were located at the front of the Panther's body. All of this was due to an error of a few tenths of a second.

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