Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2033 Bad Poles



Boom boom boom——

Da da da da——

"Alarm! Sound the battle alarm! The Poles are rebelling, they are coming! Sound the battle alarm!"

"Watch out! Mortar!"

"Lie down! Get down quickly!!!"

Malashenko did not expect that the bridgehead on the opposite west bank would suddenly erupt in a firefight at this time. If he had to describe it, it would be like you didn't have a condom in your pocket but a familiar beauty suddenly called and said that the house was empty. Once it is turned on, it waits for you to go to bed, so that you, who had planned to sleep alone, feel an extremely strong surprise. This unexpected suddenness is almost the same.

However, Malashenko really does not want to see the scene in front of him happen at such a moment. These stupid Polish ghosts without eyes are very likely to ruin his own affairs.

If the Germans at the bridgehead on the west side of the bridge think that the situation is out of control and cannot control it, then these stubborn Germans will undoubtedly blow up the bridge.

Everyone in Germany knows that when an uprising breaks out in the city, the Polish ghosts will definitely try to seek strong foreign aid. The Soviet army that has already reached the outskirts of Warsaw is the best choice.

Therefore, for the Germans, if the control of the bridge was seized by the Polish ghosts, it would mean that the control of the bridge fell into the hands of the Soviet army. This made no difference to the Germans, because it was The rebellious Polish ghosts in the city would inevitably open the bridge to welcome the Soviet troops into the city. Even if they were to drive the tigers and devour the wolves, they would have to kill the Germans who were already gone and drive them away first.

Now, some things are obvious.

Once the Germans feel that they can't handle it anymore and control of the bridge is about to change hands, Malashenko can give you a hundred guarantees that the Germans will definitely press the detonator to blow up the bridge without hesitation. Even if an elite field force like the Grossdeutschland Division might still be able to use the bridge, it would be blown up, which would be better than if control of the bridge fell into the hands of the enemy.

Not to mention the problem of how the leading division, which relies heavily on heavy equipment, will transport heavy equipment into the city once the bridge is blown up.

Even if you just talk about it now, if the bridge is blown away at this moment, then Malashenko and the comrades No. 1 and 200 who are traveling with him will all be blown up to the sky and then fall to the ground under the bridge. Feed the fish in the Sva River.

You can't bet that the red-eyed Germans value friendly forces more than blowing up bridges. Malashenko hates leaving his destiny in the hands of others, especially the enemy, even if he is wearing this skin right now. The same goes for "friendly forces" that are already Germans.

His grandma! What to do now? Who should I help? !

This is the issue that Malashenko needs to consider most.

Many people may subconsciously think of helping the Polish uprising. Malashenko also thought so at first, but this idea only flashed by and was immediately rejected and fleeting.

If they were to fight all the way so blatantly, the Germans who are neither deaf nor blind would definitely be frightened by the "attack from both ends". Then blowing up the bridge quickly is the only outcome that even a kid can guess.

No matter how fast the attack speed is, the Germans still have at least a few minutes of reaction time, which is enough to blow up the bridge hundreds of times by simply pressing the detonation gate.

More importantly, Malashenko still doesn't know where the Germans set the dog's detonator, and whether there are spare second or even third detonators is also unknown and completely unclear.

Even if Malashenko wants to fight, he can only swarm like a group of headless flies and fight without any target. If he doesn’t know where the detonators are specifically located and how many there are, then it is purely a waste of time. It's a fucking nonsense, meaningless.

It seems like a fierce beating, but in fact it's useless.

No matter how heavy the losses are, as long as everyone is not dead, the Germans can still easily make all Malashenko's efforts go to waste with just a few clicks of his fingers. As for leading the division's heavy equipment to cross the river, that's even more nonsense. The infantry should just swim across the river honestly.

As for the subsequent exchange of fire with the German suppression troops in the city, it is completely foreseeable how much the losses will be without heavy equipment cover.

So no matter what, this result is unacceptable to Malashenko.

You must first find out where the Germans' detonators are located and how many there are. After determining these key information, it is the best time to take action. At least as a last resort, Malashenko was determined not to tear off his disguise and fight directly with the German garrison before this prerequisite was met. The risk factor was too high to bear.

Now that we have figured out this situation, it seems that there is no need to say more about what to do next and it is ready to be revealed.

"Attention, all commanders, attention, all commanders! You are not allowed to fire on the Germans without my order. We are going to support them! We must first defeat those Polish ghosts who are ruining our good deeds. We must first help the Germans win this battle." A battle!”


Malashenko knew that such words would be difficult to accept, and the actual implementation would make people extremely reluctant.

The most elite army synthetic field group in the entire Soviet Red Army, a unit named after its leader, is now going to help the Germans and support these fascist bastards?

It doesn't matter who the "enemy" is, what's important is that fighting side by side with the Germans is really unacceptable, indeed in a very short period of time.

But precisely because they had a complete understanding of the specific circumstances and mission arrangements of the trip before departure, the captains of each vehicle who received Malashenko's order hardly hesitated for too long, and they all wanted to understand why they did this and what was involved in it. necessity.

In order to take the overall situation into consideration, this is the only way to do this in the current unexpected situation. You have no choice but to do so, if you really want to keep the Central Bridge over the Vistula.

As for the Polish insurgents who suddenly attacked

Sorry, I can only blame you Polish ghosts for not being discerning and being so damn good at choosing the right time.

Carrying out your fucking night attack on the bridgehead in the middle of the night, and it happened to happen at this special juncture when Comrade Ma was about to do something big. Who the hell would I beat you if not you?

The importance of the mission comes first, and in addition, they are still wearing authentic German military uniforms. The comrades are now all serious members of the Grossdeutschland Division. Even if you do something unavoidable, it can be easy to deal with the aftermath and just leave the blame to the Germans. After all, history is written by the victors.

You mean the Red Army?

No kidding, where did the Red Army come from? Where are the Red Army soldiers fighting against the Polish rebels at the bridgehead on the West Bank? If you don't have evidence, can you please stop making nonsense? Those were all Nazi Wehrmacht troops, brutally and bloody suppressing the brave Polish rebels.

The Soviet government expresses regret for this incident and strongly condemns and denounces the shameless atrocities of the Fascist lackeys! These bloody executioners who brutally suppressed the resistance of the Polish people must be punished. We, the Soviet Red Army, are willing to act on their behalf and as the enforcers to send those fascist thugs on their way.

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