In any case, Malashenko's emergency order was conveyed, and the troops who were still in disguise quickly distributed the order and followed it.

"Emergency mission, set off! Support the friendly forces and eliminate the Polish resisters! Move forward immediately!"

In the half-track vehicle, he also received the order from Malashenko through the on-board radio. Alsim, whose German was not very good, immediately asked a deputy who was good in German to speak to the troops in German.

Otherwise, the more than 100 soldiers marching with the armored vehicles still have no idea what they are going to do next, let alone crossing the bridge to beat up those bad Polish guys and support the German garrison. The sudden change of urgent task requirements under unexpected circumstances must be explained clearly.

That was when Malashenko had just poked his head out of the turret and was about to personally command the troops to advance and launch a support operation to the west of the bridgehead.

Lieutenant Schwerner, who originally planned to lead people to stop Malashenko's motorcade for a secondary inspection, led his team to Malashenko's command vehicle at almost the same time.

It's just that now, he is no longer in the state where he just made up his mind to come to Malashenko to "do things". He seems to be a different person, with anxiety written all over his face.

This sudden burst of gunfire and explosions completely frightened Lieutenant Schwerner, who rarely saw the flames of battle.

At the moment when the sound of exchange of fire came, he didn't even know what he should do now.

The senior commander of the garrison who is bigger than his officer is in the headquarters on the west bank. It must be very dangerous now. Maybe it would be a good choice to lead a team to report to him?

After all, we have brought people to the bridge, so we can't just go back in despair, right? If you still remain indifferent and do nothing when you hear the fighting breaks out, you will have to settle the score in the future, and you will definitely suffer no good consequences.

Lieutenant Schwerner, who is afraid of the risk of his life in a war and crossfire, but is even more afraid of being liquidated in the future, no matter how much he doesn't want to cause trouble and wants to be comfortable, he has to go across the bridge and go to his superiors to report and lead. team support.

To take a step back, even if you see something is not right when you get there and run away, it would be better than turning around and retreating now. After all, who knows what is going on on the other side now? No one can be sure at all.

What if our side is about to repel the Poles? Then if he doesn't lead his troops to support this matter, he will definitely be settled by Qiu Hou. This is not the result that Lieutenant Schwerner wants.

Even if the Poles really have the upper hand, it's not too late to go over and take a quick look before running away.

Smart people will combine the current actual situation and quickly analyze it, and then make a choice that is beneficial to themselves. If this is the case, then Lieutenant Schwerner can indeed be regarded as a "smart man".

But when passing by Lieutenant Colonel "Victor"'s car, he couldn't help but stop because he saw the man he was looking for sticking his upper body out of the turret and about to command the troops. It was as if he had guessed what the other party was going to say.

"Lieutenant Schwerner, what are you going to do?"

Malashenko has an awesome skill: more than 90% of strangers they meet for the first time can remember it completely as long as they tell their name and family name in person.

As for the remaining 10% who can't remember, those shit names are all so weird, smelly and long like an old lady's foot wraps, it's a damned thing if you can remember them.

Being stopped by Malashenko's sudden shout, Lieutenant Schwaner, who originally wanted to go to the commander to support the reporting priority, was forced to stop, and then turned his head to look. Malashenko.

"I am planning to bring people over to support. My commander is over there and he needs my help."

"Commander? Oh, so this kid knows where the West Bank headquarters is? Can he also take me to see the leader of the Germans? How wonderful! I just thought that the Germans in the east and west bridgeheads were not affiliated with each other, but I didn't expect it. "The same force."

Although there was a burst of ecstasy in his heart, he remained calm on the surface. Malashenko had decided to make good use of Lieutenant Schwaner to serve himself.

As for how to say it, of course the words have been organized and the words are on the lips. To lie and deceive the Germans, they must come out of the mouth.

"Very good! Since we have the same purpose, Lieutenant Schwerner, I order you and your people to be temporarily incorporated into my army and under my command! Wait until the battle is over before you return to the team. This is an emergency and you must obey my orders. , we need to fight side by side, what’s the problem?”


Lieutenant Schwerner really wanted to refuse, but to be honest, he was still afraid of the vicious man in front of him from the bottom of his heart. He had always been afraid of it.

Although this guy may not know how to eat people, he's not that far behind, at least that's what Lieutenant Schwerner felt after a brief encounter with him.

The most important thing is that Lieutenant Colonel Victor's military rank is much higher than his own. He is a high-ranking official and the leader of an elite elite unit like the Grossdeutschland Division.

What about yourself?

An unknown little leader of the second-line garrison who looks like a warehouse manager is responsible for leading a bunch of gangsters to guard a bridgehead. He is really the same as a field security guard armed with a gun, and they have almost the same nature.

Lieutenant Schwerner, who was thinking rapidly in his head, did not feel that he was qualified to refuse such a request or an order from his superiors.

What else can be done?

I can only obey others honestly. Since I can't resist, I can only accept it naturally, that's all.

"I understand, sir, my troops and I will be at your command immediately!"

"very good!"

Expecting that the coward in front of him would not dare to confront him and refuse him, of course, if he really dared to confront him, there would be corresponding means to treat him, and he was ready. Malashenko, who had thought about what to do next, immediately raised his head. Come on, point your big hand forward.

"My troops have just arrived and are not familiar with the terrain in this area."

"The environment in the city is complicated, Lieutenant! I need you and your troops to lead the way. My troops and I will follow you closely! Tanks, cannons, and machine guns will all provide you with fire support, so don't worry about those Polish soldiers. We will quickly repel the attacks of the ghosts, that’s why I’m here, do you understand?”

Lieutenant Schwerner wanted to say, "Why should the infantry rush in front of the tanks? Shouldn't it be your tanks that protect our infantry?"

But when he saw Lieutenant Colonel Victor's unquestionable expression on the turret, and then saw the "vicious minions" under his command, they were all around carrying sophisticated light weapons and staring closely at their group.

Lieutenant Schwerner, who knew the current situation was a hero, finally gritted his teeth and stamped his feet, then turned around and waved towards his troops.

"Keep moving forward! The mission remains unchanged, let's set off!"

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