Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2094 Love the new and hate the old

Everything on the streets in the concentration camp eventually fell silent, but it was the silence of death rather than natural. Google search reading

When the double KPV in Malashenko's hand stopped roaring, and the 50 rounds of 5mm bullets in a box on each side of the left and right sides, a total of 100 rounds, were all fired, the SS scum on the street who had originally fled in all directions Not a single one of them was left alive. Apart from the Red Army, there was no one left who could still stand on this street.

"Damn, in a sense, this can be considered a fucking execution."

Different from ordinary conventional heavy machine guns, KPV is a weapon that does not make sense to you at all.

It's actually a bit inappropriate to use a gun to define this thing. The amount of propellant fully filled in the super long cartridge is much more than any heavy machine gun ammunition of the same era. Coupled with the same extra-long barrel, it gives a high projectile stroke, which is equivalent to a very high projectile muzzle velocity.

Therefore, the actual power of the KPV is not so much a gun as it is a cannon or a machine gun.

The 20mm Oerlikon cannon, regarded by the U.S. Navy as a short-range air defense weapon, is on the same level as the KPV in terms of projectile muzzle velocity, armor penetration depth and other core performance related to power.

After all, this is a ferocious weapon that does not specifically develop new ammunition, but pursues a simple and crude "use principle", directly loading 5mm anti-tank rifle rounds and firing.

To put it bluntly, this is an anti-tank rifle that has zero recoil and can shoot in rapid bursts with external plug-ins. You can indeed understand it this way, because its actual power is only at this level.

The scene of using this thing to fight against personnel and shoot German guns is indeed a bit too beautiful. It was so beautiful that even Malashenko, who got out of the car, couldn't help but be a little stunned when he saw the scene in front of him.

"Grandma, there's minced meat all over the floor. Did you get a little too high just now?"

Although Malashenko was shocked by the sight before him, Comrade Ma, who had long been used to seeing mountains of corpses and seas of blood, and even crawled through the piles of dead people in Stalingrad, was not interested in things like missing arms, legs, and pieces of meat. But his immunity is extremely strong, so strong that even if he holds the broken German arm in his hand and looks at the cross section of the wound, he will not feel any discomfort at all.

"Comrade Division Commander, Alsim is reporting to you that he has led the team to complete the mission and not a single German has escaped! Report completed!"


Holding half of his arm in his hand and looking at it seriously, Malashenko raised his head and saw Alsim, who was trotting over, standing in front of him. He immediately started talking. 6̳̳

"You're just in time, Alsim."

"Look at this, the new heavy machine gun is very powerful! Look at the cross section of this wound. It's very smooth, with almost no open wounds from the exploded flesh, and very little missing meat. This shows that when the projectile flies off the entire arm, it's still With extremely high muzzle velocity and residual kinetic energy, the projectile almost did not roll, but used the extremely strong impact kinetic energy to tear the arm off the body. It is simply a serious excess of power for the human body! "

"If this was placed on other battlefields, its power would be guaranteed! It would allow the Fascist bastards to go to the Kaiser with their bunkers to report, and just relying on a wall would create garbage time and delay the Red Army. Become history, as long as there is a battlefield where KPV can appear, German sticks can feel justice."


Let me tell you something: when the comrade you admire, the division commander and the tank soldier major general who won two Soviet Hero Awards, holds his arm with half a German stick in his hand, he puts it here and talks to you in a very serious manner. , you at least feel that this feeling is really, uh, weird? Maybe, Alsim himself couldn’t tell anyway.

However, since Comrade Division Commander has said so, Alsim, as a subordinate and experienced in the battlefield, naturally has to echo a few words to give his own opinions, and cannot leave Comrade Division Commander alone like this.

"The new gun is very good, Comrade Commander, but it is too big and heavy."

"Our combat engineers can barely carry the Deshka on the march, and occasionally assemble it for use when needed, although in most cases this low-mobility weapon is not used at all."

"But this thing is bigger and heavier than the Deshka. Even we can't use this thing and we can't take it with us. It can only be loaded onto a vehicle, and most of it has to be heavy-duty. Vehicles. For example, our infantry fighting vehicle cannot fit such a large coaxial machine gun in a small turret. It is good, but the platform limits its opportunities. I think so. "

Alsim is an infantry commander, leading the most elite heavy infantry in the division, which is the combat engineer unit. It is understandable that the starting point for considering new weapons should be based on his own position. After hearing this, Malashenko just agreed. nodded.

"Well, that's right."

"But fortunately, our division is not an ordinary force. We are a purely mechanized heavy-armed force. We have enough vehicles to load it, and in most cases we can also get its fire support."

"I will try to give some more suggestions to the rear military industry department to see if more heavy-duty vehicles can be equipped with this thing as soon as they leave the factory to increase their firepower, at least so that the new equipment delivered to our division can be equipped with it. This thing is much easier to use than Deshi card.”

With KPV, Deshika, who was originally popular with Comrade Lao Ma, immediately became the "Mrs. Cow" and was put aside. Otherwise, what can I say about this man? His habit of loving the new and hating the old is really a classic and can’t be changed no matter what age he is. He just likes younger people.

It is really difficult to clean up the minced meat that has been blasted by 25mm cannons and 5mm KPVs all over the streets. You have to come over with tools such as big brooms and iron bars to sweep the minced meat into one piece and then shovel it away and bury it. .

Malashenko didn’t want his elite Red Army soldiers to do such a thing. There were many people in this concentration camp who could do this. After all, there were more than just SS guards in such a large place as Camp No. 3. Malashenko We are well aware of this situation, and we should be able to capture some German prisoners. Then we can hold these fools at gunpoint and do this unappetizing thing, and everything will be fine.

However, just when Malashenko was thinking about this matter in his mind, Iushkin, who had been waiting in the car beside the turret but had not come out of the turret, suddenly appeared, holding a radio transmitter in his hand, and then headed towards Malashenko spoke loudly under the car.

"Hey! Someone is looking for you! There seems to be some trouble over there in the office building. You'd better come over and pick it up, or do you want me to hang up for you and say you're busy?"

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