Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2095 Innocent and Cute Iushkin

Camp No. 3 of the Auschwitz Concentration Camp is not only the "pig pen" where prisoners were held, there are also many other buildings located here. In general, it covers a very large area. Even if Malashenko brought a group over to make dumplings, it still took about ten minutes to clear all the peripheral fighting.

Now, the voice on the other end of the radio was informing Malashenko of a somewhat tricky situation: the suspected SS defenders in the central office building refused to surrender and were hiding in the sealed building unable to escape. They used loudspeakers to threaten that the Red Army would blow up the building if they dared to enter it, and that everyone would die together and be buried alive in a pot.

The battalion commander responsible for commanding the attack on the building did not dare to make any independent decisions and reported the news to the regiment commander.

When the regiment leader learned about this situation, he also felt like a Muggle, so he thought he would just order the heavy artillery to blow down the building and save himself the trouble. But then I thought about such a big matter, it would be better to ask my comrade the teacher for instructions first. What if this building has any special significance and the comrade the teacher wants to keep it? Don't worry about so much, let's report it first and then talk about it.

"I know, bring people to surround the building! We can't let a German guy escape! I will be here soon with reinforcements."

As soon as he put down the microphone in his hand, Malashenko, who was standing outside the turret to answer the radio, immediately turned around and waved directly to Alsim, who was still waiting under the car.

"We have new work to do, Alsim. Get your people in the car and follow me. There is a bunch of crazy gangsters who want to challenge our bottom line."


He was excited when he heard that he was going to kill the German stick fanatics. After giving a military salute, Alsim immediately turned around and called his three squads to set off. Malashenko also returned to his position as commander in the turret, and began to direct the other following IS6 heavy tanks and infantry fighting vehicles to move closer to the office building located in the central area of ​​the No. 3 Battalion. Plug in straight.

"Listen to the fascist lackeys in the building! You have been surrounded, I repeat! Put down your weapons, the Red Army can guarantee your life safety! Stop making unnecessary resistance, everything and all buildings here, including under your feet The land now belongs to the Red Army and the Soviets! Resistance will only lead to death. Think carefully!"

He commanded his gang of iron bastards before he saw his person but heard his voice. As soon as he approached the target area, Malashenko immediately heard someone holding a loudspeaker and speaking in German to persuade the Germans to surrender, and he followed him. The German reply that came later was also shouted through a loudspeaker.

"Stalin eats shit! See you in hell, Bolshevik pig!"


"Then what are the Germans talking about?"

I could tell that the first half of the Mao-sounding pure German was probably my own side trying to persuade me to surrender, but I couldn't understand the second half of the German that was spoken in a straight-toned, clear-cut German tone by a real German. Iushkin, who didn't care what he was shouting in the first half of the persuasion to surrender and was only curious about the second half, asked Malashenko.

"Well, it's nothing. Then the German guy said that his mother was standing on the street. He complained that he couldn't make any money because he couldn't get any customers. He scolded the hair-washing guy for not introducing customers to his mother."


The innocent Iushkin was confused after hearing this. He didn't realize that the comrade commander was talking nonsense, let alone what it meant.

"What does standing on the street mean?"


Well, indeed, it is normal for Iushkin not to know. This child is an innocent and cute child who has grown up well under the red flag, but his mouth is a bit lacking.

"It's not interesting. It's an evil alchemy method. When we get to Berlin, you can ask his mother yourself."

You said standing on the street, Iushkin didn't understand.

But if you want to talk about Berlin, hey, then this kid is really excited.

"Yes, yes, Berlin! We will definitely reach Berlin. I am excited just thinking about it now!!!"

Iushkin can slowly get excited, but Malashenko has to get out of the car first to check the situation at the scene.

As soon as Comrade Lao Ma got out of the car, Alsim, who had already got out of the car and was in place, was waiting for escort at the side of the car with his own men. Together with the group leader who had also just arrived at the scene, he was trotting all the way. come over.

"No need to say anything else. Just tell me what's going on now."

Malashenko preempted the nonsense. As he spoke, he walked forward by himself, preparing to go closer to understand the situation for himself. The leader, who did not dare to neglect, immediately called to the people around him to protect his safety. , together with Alsim and his entourage who were following Malashenko, pursued him.

"As you can see, Comrade Division Commander, there is a group of die-hard Fascist lackeys in the building who refuse to surrender. The exact number is unknown, but we estimate that there are at least more than a hundred people. Almost all the remaining Germans who have fled in the surrounding area in all directions are We were driven into the building. So as long as this building is captured, Camp No. 3 will be ours. It is the last remaining nail."


While listening to the battle report, he walked to a low wall, raised his telescope and looked at the building known as the "Nail".

Malashenko discovered from the telescope that the broken building was four stories high. Most of the windows had been blocked by various gadgets brought by the Germans and transformed into a firepower point with only a bullet hole. The few windows that have not been blocked are also wide open, as if they have simply given up on defense. It can be seen that the Germans in the building are insufficient in strength, and it is most likely impossible to completely defend the building.

The entrance downstairs was closed. You didn't need to guess to know that the Germans must have sealed the door from the inside, either with furniture or other debris.

If you want to attack a fortress, this is not a problem. You can get in your car and fire a shot with the 130 cannon, and you can break the door and block the door with debris. Anyway, it is not a permanent fortification, so you can expect to have it. How strong is it?

But the real problem is that there seems to be explosives in this building, and they are the kind that can blow up the entire building. The magnitude is not small, at least that is what the German guy said.

With a cautious attitude of preferring to believe what is there rather than what is not, Malashenko does not want his elite soldiers to be buried with these fascist bastards. It is best to think of other ways to see if he can The German guy in the building was forced out.

If possible, Malashenko would still like to capture this building as intact as possible. After all, you have to take into account the special nature of Auschwitz.

There may be many valuable things in that building, as well as evidence that can reveal the atrocities of the Nazis. If possible, preserve it as much as possible, lest the heinous crimes committed by these fascist bastards in this place be completely buried in history. Future generations will not have the chance to witness this period of history, and we must preserve it for the souls of those who died tragically here. Here is the evidence that will let the world know the complete truth.

In this matter, Malashenko believed that he was obligated, and his firm eyes were shining with such conviction, as always.

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