Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2562 It’s a pity that there is no chance today

As the group continued to advance, they almost reached the front of the car. Malashenko raised his head and found that the red Stalingrad's extra-long gun barrel was right above his head, looking like an extra-large chimney quilt. It was as if it was set up on a castle, and Zhukov, who was leading the team, continued to speak.

"The exclusive artillery unit of a brigade is only the basic configuration. If there is really coordination to use this artillery during war, more coordinated units will have to be deployed according to the situation in the combat area."

"Ground protection troops are necessary. In addition, there must be aviation support on standby at the airport that can come to support at any time to ensure that the mission can be arranged at any time and there will be no unadjustable situations. In addition, additional aircraft are needed on the ground. Air defense troops set up air defense warning positions in advance to maintain combat readiness.”

"All the protection you can think of is needed. In short, for this cannon, there is a brigade of people directly serving it, and at least one division of people serving it. Lin Lin must have tens of thousands of people after all. , just for this one gun, an unprecedented 800mm super cannon.”

Speaking of this, Zhukov also smiled helplessly and self-deprecatingly. There has never been a precedent in the history of human war for so many people to serve a single weapon, but now there is.

But it can't be said that it's not worth it. After all, this thing has a power that surpasses any land weapon system and is absolutely unrivaled at the moment. It is unique in its specific battlefield effectiveness that cannot be achieved by any other weapon system.

Therefore, whether it is cost-effective and worthwhile to mobilize so many people to serve this cannon does not depend on the weapon itself. This is not a question of "yes" or "no" that can be decided from the beginning, but on the intention of the person who uses the weapon. How to operate and how to bring out the value of this super weapon.

Just like talent is the key to determining the outcome of a war, not weapons.

"At the beginning, many comrades questioned whether it was worthwhile to mobilize so many manpower just to serve such a weapon. The key is whether so many manpower are needed and whether it will cause a serious waste of troops."

"But after reading many documents found by the Germans, including combat deployment plans and wartime operation manuals, comrades have no objections. As the inventors and creators of this thing, the Germans are very proud of this thing on the battlefield. The manpower used when putting it into use is the same as ours.”

"The whole process was indeed somewhat controversial, but Comrade Stalin finally decided to allocate sufficient troops to operate and protect her, so we can see the situation we have today. To be honest, I feel like so many people are surrounding a land machine The weapon service is simply more spectacular than the battleships built in the shipyard, even if I have not seen the latter with my own eyes, I can be sure.

Finding that Zhukov's eyes were always looking at him when he said this, Malashenko realized that Zhukov said this to himself, or that Comrade Marshal wanted him to say something in response.

"This is true in theory, but it was a special situation when I captured her. The rotten fighting situation in Stalingrad made the Germans so busy that they could hardly care about the super cannon stranded outside the city. Of course, they didn't have time to quickly Evacuate.”

"The troops escorting her were very few, and until the end of our robbery, we did not see a German plane coming to support us. It must be said that we took advantage of the background of the war. If the Germans were not dying at that time, we would have Everything was in chaos from top to bottom, and we had no chance to capture this weapon. It was just a coincidence that the right time, right place, and right people can be said to be indispensable. "

Although Zhukov did not personally experience the scene when the red Stalingrad was captured, he could hear some basic generalizations from Malashenko's description.

It was right to think about it carefully. If the war situation had not deteriorated rapidly, the Germans who had been hesitating whether to deploy and use it or to withdraw it immediately after arriving at the front line would not have cared about her. Malashenko may really have no chance to capture her, and of course there will be no red Stalingrad today.

Strength and luck are indispensable, and timing is also very important. This is why Malashenko was able to lead his team to seize "the largest land trophy in the Patriotic War."

"Okay, it's almost time. Let's go to the auditorium over there and wait. The first main gun pitch test will begin soon."

Zhukov raised his sleeves and looked at the time on his watch before making a suggestion. Among the people present, he had the highest official rank and the highest military rank. Naturally, they all nodded and walked towards the auditorium based on his arrangement.

That is to say, on the way to the observation position, Kotin, who was walking with Malashenko, suddenly moved closer and mysteriously whispered in Malashenko's ear.

"I said, have you ever seen this thing firing? The kind you've seen with your own eyes."


Malashenko has seen many powerful cannons fire with his own eyes, but the caliber of the one behind him is as high as 800 mm, which can completely explode any battleship or barrel artillery on the earth.

Sorry, Malashenko asked himself that he had never seen it before, not even in his dreams.

"I haven't seen it before. When I first captured this thing, it was in a state of unfired. After interrogating the prisoners of war, I found out that the Germans had been hesitant to use it. It is said that the sharp turn of the war situation in Stalingrad made the German top brass whether it needs to be withdrawn immediately.”

"Those fools were just here to quarrel. Neither the main fighting faction nor the main withdrawal faction would give in to the other, nor could they convince anyone. Such a precious thing was left lying on the front line until it was captured by us."

"Later I heard that this thing was taken to the Kubinka weapons test site and fired a few rounds. Many people were invited to visit, but that did not include me. I was still on the front line at the time and had not returned to Moscow, so I didn’t catch up with the first test launch after the capture and saw it with my own eyes.”

"But I heard that Comrade Marshal was present at the time. He should have seen it with his own eyes. Maybe you can ask him what the scene was like and how he felt afterwards."

Malashenko glanced sideways at Zhukov's back and signaled to Kotin that he could not get the satisfactory answer he wanted from Malashenko, but Kotin seemed a little "frustrated".

"I just want to hear your description. I don't necessarily need to know. After all, we have an old relationship. It doesn't matter. But there is no need to ask Comrade Marshal specifically about this matter."

Having said this, Ke Jin looked back at the giant thing behind him, but he did not stop and sighed as he continued to move forward.

"It's a pity that I didn't have a chance to see her demonstrate her firepower today. Today was just a main gun pitch test without live ammunition firing. By the time she goes into battle, I will have gone back to my hometown and entered the workshop. I don't know if I will have the opportunity to see this thing fire with my own eyes in the future. , To be honest, I really want to witness it with my own eyes.”

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