As a person in the military industry, Kotin was quite looking forward to the scene when a giant war machine like the red Stalingrad opened fire. This was understandable and natural.

It can even be said that which man with reliable male hormone development and normal values ​​and outlook on life would not be interested in this?

The answer is not at all, real men love this! When such a big pipe is used hard, the scene is absolutely exciting, comparable to a heifer's butt stuffed with two kicks - it's so awesome!

"Well, there will definitely be war reporters coming to take pictures and reports. The deployment position of this thing is not so close to the line of fire. After all, the range of this thing is too far, and there are so many troops to protect it, it is almost impossible for the Germans to threaten If we get her, I bet there will be a lot of war reporters coming to take photos, and there will be no security issues."

"At that time, you can look at the photos to enjoy it first. I think this is not bad. When this thing is fired at the test site next time, you can reserve a ticket in advance to enjoy it."

"Don't worry, I bet she will still have a chance to fire even after the war is over. Even if her barrel is disposable, she will test it until the rifling of the barrel is smoothed before sending it to the museum. Is there such a good test subject for a super-large-caliber artillery? The reason is to let it go. This can collect a lot of artillery data that could only be simulated and speculated before. I am sure of this. You believe me, so just rest assured.

No matter whether Malashenko is saying some stage words or beautiful words, he deliberately comforts himself.

But at this moment, Kogin also knew clearly that he had no other better way than to believe that what Malashenko said was true, or to accept the reality.

In this case, as Malashenko said, wouldn't it be good to imagine a better future after accepting the reality and maintain a positive, optimistic and expectant attitude?

"Okay, let me give you auspicious words. I'm waiting for this day. I hope I can have the opportunity to participate next time, but I won't be unable to make it like this time."

"Don't worry, it's no problem, I promise. If I have time then, I will definitely accompany you to see it. Maybe a reporter will take a photo of us with our mouths open in shock and put it in the newspaper. , these are not good."

In this way, he whispered all the way, and walked all the way to the auditorium.

The so-called auditorium does not have any specially built temporary stage or venue. After all, this is within the front line close to the fire line. It is one of the most dangerous wartime conditions. Safety is only relative.

Zhukov is not interested in doing those vain and pretentious face-saving projects. He only needs to find an open space to stand and "watch" when bringing a group of people to inspect and inspect. ơɱ

The so-called auditorium is just a small dirt patch with a good view, relatively high, and no obstacles blocking the view. There are not even chairs prepared. The group of people led by Zhukov just stood here, Waiting for that exciting moment to come.

"How do you feel? It must be okay, right? I mean this test."

Ke Jingchu, who couldn't hold back his excitement, whispered again beside Malashenko.

Malashenko, who had not worn the regular uniform of a tank corps major general for a long time, was still a little uncomfortable with it. While fiddling with the hem of his coat and adjusting the elasticity of his armed belt to make himself more comfortable and less panicked, Malashenko turned his head. He raised his head and replied softly to Ke Jing.

"Testing? I think there is no problem with testing. It has been captured for so long and the original team of captured Germans are teaching them. If we still can't learn how to use this thing and even assemble it, then I think we" Elite Artillery” may be the real problem.”

"You're right, it seems I just thought too much and was too excited."

After adjusting his military uniform, Malashenko raised his head again, only to find that Comrade Lao Zhu, standing not far from the front row, was talking to a major who had just jogged up, as if giving orders and instructions. Matters, Malashenko, who had always had good premonitions of accuracy, immediately spoke.

"It looks like it's about to start, the big one is coming! Get ready, bro."


Malashenko and Kotin entered a posture of concentration almost at the same time, and began to focus on the red Stalingrad, which had completed the final evacuation of construction personnel.

In fact, it is not just Malashenko and Kotin. Among the people who can be named by Zhukov to visit this place, not to mention all of them are in high positions, but they are definitely those with long-winking IQs. Enough people.

Those who are close can hear it, and those who are far away can see it.

After Zhukov made the order and final confirmation action, everyone present knew that the biggest meal here today was about to be served, and now was an important moment that required full concentration.

Anyone who dares to wander away at such a moment can only say that their IQ and EQ are probably not good enough.

"I'm doing it, I'm doing it, people are starting to move, it's starting!"

Like many tank commanders in the Red Army tank force, Malashenko was promoted from the position of gunner to tank commander. Therefore, based on his previous professional characteristics, Malashenko has a pair of very good eyesight. .

Even from such a long distance, Malashenko could still clearly see the top of the huge gun body of the red Stalingrad and behind the breech block. There was a small group of soldiers who seemed to have just received the order and were rapidly firing. Action, from the looks of it, he must be operating something.

But what to do at this time?

Then why the fuck do you even have to ask? ?

It was precisely in response to the restlessness in Malashenko's heart that the huge and long barrel of the red Stalingrad began to move in just a few seconds under the watchful eyes of everyone present.

It's like Optimus Prime slowly rising from the prehistoric ruins and reaching into the sky.

When the red Stalingrad slowly lifted her 3-meter-long super-long gun barrel, which is about the height of a 15-story 21st century residential building, everyone present, including Malashenko, couldn't help but gasp. A breath of cool air.

There are no other adjectives available, no other words to say.

Just one feeling: shocking!

Pretty fucking shocking!

This strong sense of shock is not sweeping down like a waterfall in an instant, but a violent torrent like a reservoir storing water. Within a certain period of time, it is spectacular and there is enough time to appreciate and reflect on it. Coming.

The heavy and huge gun barrel was lifted little by little, and every second it took to lift was a shocking moment for everyone present.

That feeling is almost impossible to express in words. Just look at the expressions of Kotin and Malashenko at this moment.

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