Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 374: shit pit rescue

Shen Huai and Shao Zheng had the fastest legs and ran across the playground when they heard people shouting.

Although the toilet is old, and the bricks peeled from the limestone wall have grown red rust and white salt, but they have not collapsed.

A group of elementary school students pointed to the women's toilet and screamed in panic: "Someone fell in, someone fell in..."

Shen Huai told the children to go out, he rushed in, and saw someone screaming for help inside.

The women's toilet is very old-fashioned. A high stool is built with bricks on three sides, plastered with cement, and the whole is covered with wooden boards. Holes can be dug for the buttocks to sit on and pee on as toilet seats; There is nothing blocking it.

Perhaps because of the age, there were many teachers and students who sat on the toilet just now. The toilet board could not bear the weight and broke. The teachers and students sitting on it were caught off guard and planted in the toilet pit.

Before Shen Huai and Shao Zheng came over, there were two teachers squatting on the edge of the toilet pit, trying to pull out the person who fell in, but the toilet pit was built with a period of time, the side walls were deep and slippery, and the hand could not reach it at all. Is anxiously calling for students to get something.

Shen Huai looked into the toilet pit, and there was one person who was supposed to be a teacher, and the other eleven or two were short elementary school students. They were all short and struggling in panic. I don't know how deep the water surface of the toilet pit is, but two little girls are about to drown when they see it.

Shen Huai didn't care about waiting for something he could grab to hook someone, so he jumped down the pit wall first.

Fortunately, the toilet pit was not as tall as others, just enough to cover his neck. But Shen Huai was 1.8 meters tall, and the dirt on his neck was enough to drown all the little girls who were seriously short of height. Just because there was a lot of uncleaned dirt and the viscosity was very high, the nine teachers and students who fell down did not drown immediately.

Shen Huai held the student who was about to be submerged over his head and let Shao Zheng pick it up first.

At this time, the officials and teachers who were in the meeting rushed over and saw that the deputy district head Shen Huai had already jumped off. Yu Jie and other district education bureau officials wanted to show it.

The toilet of Sanli Street Elementary School is an old pit. Even if it is cleaned every year, the foundation is full of old feces that have been deposited for many years. In addition, it has not been cleaned for half a semester. The dirt in the toilet pit is stirred by the teachers and students who fell into it and distributed. The stench that came out made people want to vomit when they were standing from a distance, let alone getting close to saving people, let alone jumping down to save people.

The other ignorant elementary school students had been coaxed away early, so the teachers in the school resisted their nausea and organized rescues inside.

Seeing that more people were coming, Shao Zheng also jumped out of the toilet pit, picked up the students who fell in, and held them up. After all, Yu Jie and the others couldn't stand the stench, so they didn't have the guts to jump down, so they lay on the side to pick up someone.

Seeing the next student with yellow, green, and even red dirt on their bodies, some people couldn't help being disgusted and vomited.

Shen Huai and Shao Zheng stood below and supported people. A group of officials and teachers were pulling people from the toilet pit. Even the support and pulling did not delay, and they quickly rescued the twelve teachers and students.

Shen Huai and Shao Zheng were also pulled up, feeling very dizzy. It should be due to excessive inhalation of the stirred up methane and foul odor, and some poisoning—the twelve teachers and students were smoked in the toilet pit before they jumped down. After two or three minutes, most of them fainted.

The principal of Sanli Street Elementary School was familiar with the situation. He instructed the strong male teacher to carry the fallen child and go to the nearby river to wash it.

Shen Huai and Shao Zheng also resisted the stench on their bodies and rushed to the river, wanting to wash off the dirt on their bodies, but they couldn't help vomiting without taking two steps...


Xiong Dailing was reluctant in every possible way, but she pulled Xin Qi and had to accompany her to Meixi Town.

Xin Qi came to Donghua with Xiong Dailing this time, and will continue to write papers on the economic model of Meixi Town.

Chu emphasized that he went to Donghua Jingtou Company. Others were in Yanjing during this time and could not come back casually. Although he helped Xin Qi get in touch with people in Meixi Town, why did Xin Qi want to bring Xiong Dailing to accompany her? Let's go to Meixi Town together.

In such a hot weather, Xiong Dailing dragged it until the afternoon was slightly cloudy, so she had no choice but to go out with Xin Qi, and took the bus to Meixi Town; after passing through the station of Sanli Street Primary School, she saw many people rushing towards the school next to her. .

The bus driver is also a person who likes to join in the fun. He stopped the bus, opened the window and asked passers-by what happened. He heard the hurried response from passers-by and said in a false way: "The school's toilet has collapsed, and dozens of children have died. fall in..."

Xiong Dailing and Xin Qi were sitting by the window, and they could see children being carried out of the dilapidated small house one after another. They didn't know how serious the situation was, but they saw the children who were picked up, covered with dirt, their heads and feet hanging down and dripping with water.

There was a passenger in the car, and his relatives had children in this elementary school. They shouted that the driver had to open the door to check the situation. Xiong Dailing and Xin Qi also followed.

There were many people around the elementary school playground, including students, passers-by, and parents of students who rushed over when they heard the news. When I was close to the toilet, I smelled an unbearable stench. Except for the parents who were anxious to know the situation of their children, everyone else stood outside to watch the fun.

However, some teachers stood up and explained the situation: "Everyone has been rescued, please don't come over." While explaining, they drove people out to prevent them from joining in to cause trouble.

Xiong Dailing was worried about the situation of the children who fell into the toilet pit, when she saw Shen Huai and Shao Zheng come out of the toilet, but they were all wet, and the yellow and green were all filth.

"Why did the adults fall in?" Someone asked in confusion.

"Did you jump down to save people?" Someone wanted to understand.

Xiong Dailing didn't expect such a coincidence. Xin Qi opened her mouth to greet Shen Huai, but Shen Huai seemed to be unable to bear the stench on her body. She walked to the toilet wall and hunched over. He took it out from his pocket and asked Xin Qi to be embarrassed to call again.

After waiting for no one to come out of the toilet, Xiong Dailing saw that, except for Shen Huai and Shao Zheng who jumped down to save people from getting soaked in excrement and urine, everyone else's clothes were mostly clean, especially a few of them were potbellied and dressed to look good. People who look like very high-end shirts and T-shirts are extra dazzling when they are clean.

The specific situation of saving people was quickly spread by word of mouth, and everyone knew that officials from the district and city visited the school today. They happened to bump into this, and jumped into the toilet pit to save people at the first time. The deputy district head and his secretary who came to listen to the school report.

Xiong Dailing was stunned and didn't know what to say, but Xin Qi was very excited, and seemed to have some foresight to say: "I know that the leader of Chu Qianggai is not as bad as you said..."

"Who said he was broken?" Xiong Dailing argued for herself feebly, and wanted to cry inexplicably.

"Why are you here? What happened here?"

Xiong Dailing turned her head and saw Sun Yalin got out of a black car that had just driven into the school and walked towards them.

Xiong Dailing didn't expect such a coincidence, Sun Yalin still came over, she was inexplicably excited, and she didn't know how to tell her.

At this time, two people got down from the back seat of the black car:

One is Zhang Lisheng, the president of Shiyexin Bank, and Xiong Dailing has seen him twice and recognizes him; the other is an old man with a loose face and a crane-white face. His hair is mostly white, but he is still alive.

Zhang Lisheng ran over to help the old man, but the old man pulled his hand back, didn't ask him to help him, and walked over by himself.

Xiong Dailing was curious about the identity of the old man, so she heard Sun Yalin turn her head and say to the old man: "The district said that Shen Huai came here to inspect the work, and the people should still be here; I don't know what happened, so a bunch of people gathered to watch lively?"

Only then did Xiong Dailing know that Sun Yalin brought this old man over to find Shen Huai, walked over and told them what she knew, and there were people who knew more details to help add:

"In our country, if there are more officials like this, it would be peaceful. The board on the toilet in the school, I don't know how many years I have used it, and I don't have the money to replace or repair it. How can people react when it is full of people? Twelve people fell off the dumplings. The toilet has not been repaired for decades, and the toilet pit has not been cleaned. It's no exaggeration to say how stinky people are when they fall down. If you smell it, you will be able to catch your breath. It will only take two or three minutes if you fall down, and all of them will faint. The teacher who came over looked anxious, but couldn't help the stench and didn't dare to jump down. He stood on the side trying to pull people, and even shouted for people to find something to hook people. This toilet pit was deep and slippery, and fell into it. The child is so small, how can he reach out and pull people? After a long time, people will faint when they are inside. When they find something and then hook people, they must be smoked to death. It is only Shen District Chief who said nothing. , jumped down with the secretary, and lifted the people up, so that one by one, one after another, everyone was rescued, and there was no delay. Look at that, the teacher and the officials, there are several people here today. Ten, just two people jumped down to save people without saying a word. This official, if you can be such a good district chief, you say, how good it is! Are you leaders from above? This is good Officer, please praise and praise more!"

Xiong Dailing was both moved and excited when she heard it.

Sun Yalin didn't expect to encounter this, she took a deep breath, calmed down her excitement, and said to the white-haired old man:

"After Shen Huai arrived in Donghua, it is useless to explain what kind of person Shen Huai has become. My second uncle said in Paris that Shen Huai was unforgiving, arrogant and domineering in Donghua. It was the same in France. No matter how I explained it, no one believed it. But you have also seen the changes in Meixi Town, and this is the reality in front of you. There are still many faults in Shen Huai, but what he is doing now Many things are not entirely for himself. But there is a group of people who only know how to pick other people's peaches and watch, and the Song family can trust him and support him, only one or two people, sometimes they can't say anything. talk."

Xiong Dailing looked at Lao Tzu's cheeks with two lines of hot tears, and she was more curious about his identity. She didn't know who he was from Shen Huai.

"Shen Huai is over there..." Xiong Dailing pointed to the small river and Through the crowd of onlookers, she could see Shen Huai standing in the shallow water of the small river, burying her head to wash the dirt off her body , did not notice the situation here.

The old man looked at the river and was silent for a long time before reaching out to wipe the tears from his cheeks, and said to Sun Yalin in a trembling voice:

"Forget it, it's enough to know that he is very good in Donghua; don't let him know that I have come to Donghua on purpose; when he goes back, just ask him to drop by and have a look..."

The old man grabbed Zhang Lisheng, clapped his hand, and walked to the car. Before getting into the car, he glanced at the riverside with reluctance.

Sun Yalin didn't go with them, Xiong Dailing couldn't help but ask her curiously, "You are here to find Shen Huai, why haven't you seen him?"

Sun Yalin pursed her lips, shook her head, and said, "They don't want to see him, and they don't want him to know, so I have no choice."

Xiong Dailing nodded silently, knowing that Sun Yalin didn't want her to know the identity of the old man, and thinking of her previous hostility and rejection of Shen Huai, she was also frustrated, so she pulled Xin Qi away first. (83 Chinese Network)

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