Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 375: portal fence

(2013, brothers, happy new year)

Shen Huai and Shao Zheng jumped into the small river and washed them, then climbed up.

Although the teachers and students who fell down gave Kaoru a breather, they all woke up after a simple treatment.

Even frightened and frightened, the gas stirred up in the toilet pit is also harmful to the human body. Shen Huai didn't know if there would be any sequelae, so he asked the district education director Yu Jie and the school teacher to call for an ambulance to come over and take him away. Teachers and students were sent to the hospital for further examination.

After this incident, there was no way to continue the inspection work of the Municipal Education Commission. Shen Huai was soaked all over, and he had no personal image at all. As he approached, his body still had a peculiar smell.

Shen Huai walked up to Gu Peiying, director of the Municipal Education Commission, rubbed his hands and said, "This matter today, the work in the district is not enough, so we need to reflect on it."

The onlookers were still discussing recklessly, applauding Shen Huai, and sneering at them, the officials of the Municipal Education Commission who were too dirty and stinky to help.

Gu Peiying was quite embarrassed, her face was a little ugly, but she was indeed a little ashamed.

It is common for primary and secondary schools in Donghua districts and counties to have backward sanitation facilities. The incident of students falling into toilet pits is not the same thing that happened today in Donghua. The district and county governments are of course responsible for such a thing, but if the Municipal Education Commission hit Shen Huai with a board, wouldn't they be drowned by Spit Star?

Although Shen Huai still smelled bad, Gu Peiying felt that the Zhou family did not make a wrong choice. He held Shen Huai's hand and said, "The words are serious. If we want to talk about responsibility, we need to seriously review and reflect within our education system."

After seeing off Gu Peiying and the others, Shen Huai decided to go back and change clothes first, but only then did he see Sun Yalin standing slim on the periphery of the onlookers.

"Why are you here? What about the important guest you mentioned? When I called you at noon, why did you turn off your cell phone?" Shen Huai asked a series of questions when he saw that Sun Yalin was actually there.

"Don't come here, it stinks," Sun Yalin said with a smile, pinching her nose and hiding, "I'm kidding you, how can there be any important guests? Just think about me, how much will you pay attention to it."

"Your mother, if you don't fight for three days, go to the house and uncover the tiles." Shen Huai waved his fist, thinking about it, he couldn't beat her. , I have to make your car stink too..."

"I didn't drive here. I passed by in someone else's car and saw a lot of people watching the fun, so I got out of the car out of curiosity to have a look. I didn't expect to hit you and jump into the **** pit - you buy me , otherwise I will tell this matter, it is estimated that this matter will make George and the others laugh for the first half of the year." Sun Yalin said.

Seeing that Sun Yalin followed Shen Huai into the car, Shao Zheng said, "Mr. Sun, don't you think we smell bad?"

"Didn't you see me pinching my nose?" Sun Yalin smiled.

"Go back to Meixi directly, there is no change of clothes you can wear when you send me back."

Shen Huai asked Shao Zheng to drive directly back to Meixi. His body was still thin, and this time was also extremely hard. He didn't have any clothes that Shao Zheng could change. When he got to Meixi, he could take Chen Tong or someone's clothes. Change clothes first.


When I arrived at Shangxi Garden, I rushed out Chen Dangang, and when they saw Shen Huai's appearance, they were all surprised and asked, "What's wrong with you, it looks like you had a fight with someone?"

The weather was hot, the car windows were open all the way, the hot wind had dried the clothes, and the odor was not that serious, but the clothes were all wrinkled and clinging to the body, like a homeless person, seeing Shen Huai like this, Chen Dan All startled.

Shao Zheng drove back directly, and Shen Huai and Sun Yalin followed Chen Dan to change clothes at Zhuyuan's house.

In the end, Chen Dan only bought a house in Zhuyuan and lived for Chen Tong. She, her parents and Xiaoli lived in Xinmei New Village as usual; but she had the key to her brother's house and took Sun Yalin and Shen directly. Huai past.

In Chen Tong's house, Shen Huai took a shower and changed clothes.

Chen Dan came over and tidied his collar for him, and said softly, "You really are, why do you jump down without thinking about it?"

Sun Yalin saw Shen Huai come out, but she was still three meters away from him. She smiled and asked Chen Dan, "You're so close to him, you don't mind the stench on his body..."

"It's like you have no conscience," Shen Huai took the pillow on the sofa, threw it towards Sun Yalin, sat on the sofa, and asked Chen Dan, "What about this kid Chen Tong, now back to Meixi, he rarely sees him to his shadow."

"If he can get rid of the matter here, he doesn't want to stay with me in Shangxi Garden all day long. He contracted the tobacco and alcohol cabinets in Wenshan shopping mall two days ago, and he ran around the city all day, not knowing his security." Chen Dan said, he also sat on the sofa, his left leg crossed his knees, he sat under his buttocks, his elbows rested on the back of the sofa, supported his chin, and stared at Shen Huai, as if this man told her that she couldn't see enough.

The town government officially took back the contract right of the Cultural Station Building at the end of June, and the entire Cultural Station Building was assigned to Meixi Middle School, which was converted into a comprehensive building for office, reading and student experiments; Dan put his energy on Shangxi Garden.

With his sister staring at Shangxi Garden, Chen Tong stopped being honest in Shangxi Garden. Shen Huai didn't expect him to run a high-end liquor store in the southern section of Xuetang Street. The tobacco and alcohol cabinets in the shopping mall were contracted.

"Chen Tong is young, it's good to have a lot of tossing and tossing," Shen Huai saw that Chen Dan was a little worried, and knew that as a sister, she was naturally worried about Chen Tong, and she was soft-tempered and did not have the will to fight in Shanghai. , Chen Tong is really good at making up for her shortcoming, comforting her, "I agree with Chen Tong jumping out and tossing. No matter how Meixi Town develops, it has its limitations. Going out will bring vast horizons. As long as it is a serious business, There is no problem with the two somersaults, Chen Tong is so young, he should do more somersaults, it's good for him."

Shen Huai simply dealt with the mobile phone, watch, wallet, etc., and looked at the time, he really couldn't sit down with Chen Dan here, and said, "Mexi Town, next, there will be a big adjustment in personnel. He Qingshe, Li Feng, and Liu Weiguo will all be transferred to the district, and I'm going to the town now to talk to everyone..."

"Are you trying to make concessions to Tan Qiping?" Sun Yalin hadn't contacted Shen Huai for the past two days. She didn't know that Shen Huai had made a decision to show weakness to Tan Qiping. He Qingshe, Li Feng, and Liu Weiguo had to be transferred to other places. Going to the district, it was quite a surprise.

Shen Huai doesn't have much energy to manage the affairs of Meixi Town. The town is mainly supported by He Qingshe, Li Feng and others. Once Shen Huai agrees to transfer He Qingshe and Li Feng from Meixi, they will It means that Shen Huai gives up control over Meixi Town.

"Tan Qiping, Pan Shihua, Zhou Qibao and the others wanted to dismember Meixi, and the plan was handed over to the province, but I don't know how to show it to Tian Jiageng. Tian Jiageng directly rejected the plan, made new instructions, and asked the city to consider whether to follow the surrounding area. Meixi Town was merged into a new district and developed as a whole," Shen Huai said, "This is a good thing in itself, but it can't stand the overthinking of others. Not only Tan Qiping, but even my second uncle and the others suspected me and Tian Jiageng in private. There is contact. Apart from this, I have no way to prove my innocence..."

"Tian Jiageng's knowledge and bearing are stronger than your Song family in my opinion, so your second uncle can't compete with Tian Jiageng." Sun Yalin said angrily.

Shen Huai smiled bitterly: "Unfortunately, I am not qualified to break the barriers of faction portals now," and told Sun Yalin about the reduction of the credit line of the Municipal Construction Bank, "My 250-year-old father trained me in Shangxi Garden, The negative effects of these two months are particularly obvious; the construction period of Meishan Iron and Steel's new plant may be extended."

"Look, they will beg to lend the money to Mei Gang." Sun Yalin's pretty face tightened, she especially didn't see anyone jumping out to bully Shen Huai at this time.

Shen Huai just thought that Sun Yalin was angry, just smiled, and saw a bicycle parked in the yard, he went directly to the town government to find He Qingshe and Li Feng to talk about personnel adjustment, and saw Xiong Dailing and her from a distance. Xin Qi is coming out of the town government.

Since the beginning of the year when he and Zhou Yu had an affair with Xiong Dailing in the car, Shen Huai felt guilty when he saw Xiong Dailing. Besides, Xiong Dailing was also cold to him after that, so he didn't have a good face. Shen Huai and the two of them simply nodded and said hello, and then rode directly into the compound without asking what they were here for.


Xiong Dailing watched Shen Huai nodded and rode into the compound, feeling tangled, and suddenly found that she and Shen Huai really didn't seem to have anything to say, so she was depressed and drove back to the city with Xin Qi.

Xiong Wenbin had already got off work at this time and was amused by his little granddaughter.

Bai Sumei is also 50 years old this year. After Dini gave birth to Yueting, she immediately retired. At this time, she bought vegetables and cooked dinner in the kitchen. Seeing her little daughter came back unhappy and unhappy, she asked Said: "What's the matter, didn't you go to Meixi Town in the afternoon, why did you come back unhappy?"

"We're not unhappy." Xin Qi was more nervous. She didn't pay attention to Xiong Dailing's lost mood along the way. She was very excited when she encountered Shen Huai jumping into the toilet pit to save people, and fell down with Bai Sumei and Xiong Wenbin. came out.

"..." Bai Sumei rubbed her apron with her hands, she was surprised to hear this, and said to Xiong Wenbin, "Shen Huai's character can't be considered bad. The government should have more officials like you and Shen Huai. There is no need to jab the spine in the back of the common people all day long."

"After a while, Shen Huai may not work in the local area." Although Xiong Wenbin is marginalized, as the director of the Municipal Research Office, he can still know most of the sensitive information in time.

"Why, didn't Shen Huai do a good job in Meixi Town?" Although Bai Sumei was not close to Shen Huai, she also knew that Meixi Town's results were very good, and she also knew that Shen Huai and Tan Qiping's grievances, waiting for her youngest daughter He brought his classmates into the room and asked her husband suspiciously, "If Tan Qiping heard about today's incident, would he still drive Shen Huai away?"

"Tan Qiping had to drive him Xiong Wenbin made a ruthless judgment.

"Shen Huai did a good job in Meixi, but it is also Tan Qiping's political achievements. Tan Qiping really can't let him in the local area? Isn't Tan Qiping an official of the Song Dynasty?"

"..." Xiong Wenbin smiled bitterly, "The achievements of the city government can be regarded as the municipal party committee; have you ever seen a municipal party secretary who is close to the mayor? Tan Qiping is an official of the Song family, but he is not a Song family. His family slave. He came to Donghua to serve as the secretary of the municipal party committee in order to have further development in his career, not to **** Shen Huai. If Tan Qiping wants to go further, he must prove his ability to govern. In this sense, only outstanding political achievements are useful—otherwise, others will only say that Tan Qiping has had **** luck, and the achievements of others have made him dazzled; Tan Qiping can’t hold this old face. The achievements in Donghua were mainly accomplished by Shen Huai. Tan Qiping was just a mediocre person who was rubbing shoulders with his political achievements. It is in the interests of the Song clan. Tan Qiping is not stupid, he still has an excuse to suppress Shen Huai and kick Shen Huai out of the locality. Do you have to hang yourself on a tree in the Song Department?"

Now there are some things that Xiong Wenbin can only talk to his wife, so he can't help but say more. (83 Chinese Network)

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