Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 376: arrange

Knowing that Su Kaiwen had heard that Meixi's appointment as deputy secretary of the town party committee and mayor was a foregone conclusion, Zhou Ming couldn't wait to hold a banquet at the Meiyuan Hotel to celebrate for Su Kaiwen, and specially invited Pan Shihua.

The director of the district government office, Robi, who is also going to Meixi Town to work with Su Kaiwen, has to accompany Zhou Qibao to meet an investor from Taiwan. He will wait until Zhou Ming, Su Kaiwen, Pan Shihua and others have almost finished drinking. come over.

Robi walked into the box and almost collided with He Yuelian. Seeing that He Yuelian inevitably had crow's feet at the corners of her eyes, but she was plump and graceful, with a fair face and indescribable femininity between her eyebrows and eyes, secretly saying that Meixi is really A place of beauty. If it weren't for the fact that these saucy girls had already had a hand with Zhou Ming, Robbie would really like to see if her saucy is strong enough.

"Director Luo, why did you come here?" He Yuelian took Luo Bi's arm, as if to drag him into the box, and said, "You're so late, it's not enough to only punish you for three drinks; Secretary Pan, What do you say?"

He Yuelian took Robi's arm, and moved her body towards Pan Shihua's back intentionally or unintentionally; calling He Yuelian's soft and boneless body to touch her like this made Pan Shihua's tailbone feel numb, and she couldn't help but want to call her Post more.

Pan Shihua also knew that it was unwise to argue with Zhou Ming for women at this time, and he was not someone who lacked women.

Zhou Ming, as the Chinese general manager of the joint venture factory, has more power than he imagined, but it is not just a few more business deals for Meiyuan Restaurant.

For a joint venture steel plant with a total investment of 600 million yuan, even if the main equipment is imported from Japan, the main construction projects are handed over to the Fourth Metallurgical Company under the Ministry of Metallurgical Industry, but other than these two projects and auxiliary equipment procurement, The scale is still huge, and the decision-making power of these projects belongs to the Chinese general manager.

After the joint venture steel plant is completed, the annual output value will reach one billion.

The scrap steel charge is supplied by a trading company established by the Japanese side, and the major industrial supporting supplies such as electricity are mainly responsible for the Meixi Power Plant and Meishan Iron and Steel, and the number of other raw and auxiliary materials purchased is still huge. The sales of these and some wide and heavy plate products are also in the hands of the Chinese general manager.

That's enough to make Zhou Ming a hottest figure in Donghua City.

Gu Tong managed the city's steel mill so badly, why did he still hold the position of chairman and general manager after the restructuring of the city's steel mill? After all, in the past six or seven years in Donghua City, Gao Xiaohu is not the only one who has benefited greatly from him.

Therefore, Gu Tong threw an olive branch to Tan Qiping to show his affection, but Gao Tianhe could only keep his eyes open as he did not know.

Zhou Ming watched Robi walk in, laughed and greeted him to sit down and said, "It's not just Kai Wen who is the protagonist today, but Director Luo doesn't make sense without having two drinks."

Robi accompanied Zhou Qibao to meet with Taiwanese merchants and drank a lot of wine, but did not want Pan Shihua to mistakenly think that he was close to Zhou Qibao.

There was no one else in the box, and He Yuelian also sat beside Zhou Ming to accompany her.

Listening to Zhou Ming and the others talking about the personnel transfer of Meixi Town, she still felt strange about this matter. It seemed that yesterday Meixi Town had been run by Shen Huai without any leakage. .

"Meixi wants to combine Zhushe and Huangqiao to create a new district. Before the site is merged with Hetang, it will be expanded four times. Almost half of the Tangzha district will be included. Maybe it will be directly managed by the city in two years. Maybe," He Yuelian boldly asked her doubts when she saw that everyone was almost drinking, "I don't understand, why did Shen Huai suddenly become so talkative at this time?"

Su Kaiwen put down the wine glass in his hand and said, "I don't think Shen Huai has any time to talk."

Zhou Ming explained for Su Kaiwen: "Shen Huai's family is very powerful, and no one wants to take the initiative to provoke him, but he does everything too much and leaves no room, so he can't say that he can take advantage of it all by himself, right?"

Pan Shihua took the blame for the plan of dismembering Meixi Town yesterday, and gave him a training. Even if he could not see any serious consequences for a while, he was somewhat unhappy.

If the Meixi New District is divided from the Tangzha District in the future and will be directly administered by the city, he will even make a wedding dress for Su Kaiwen. Maybe he will eventually be transferred to another place to make room for Zhou Qibao, but at this time, he has to maintain a harmonious relationship with Su Kaiwen and Zhou Ming.

Seeing that He Yuelian didn't understand what was going on inside, Pan Shihua turned his head to explain to her, relying on a little alcohol.

"Shen Huai is too greedy. He encouraged Chen Bing to set up a Beijing investment company in Yanjing, as if he thought that others didn't know that it was his hands--He Qingshe, Qian Wenhui, Guo Quan and the others were all Chen Bing working in Xiapu County. A person who was promoted when the county magistrate; and Shen Huai returned to Yanjing several times, and even lived at home several times, he lived in the Beijing office several times. How can he and Chen Bing keep a secret from anyone who cares? He made Gao Tianhe directly Assigning the municipal forging factory to the Beijing Investment Company, still in the municipal government, and assigning the Beijing Investment Company to Yang Yuquan is too long. It is a state-owned factory, so he and Gao Tianhe will be sent to Beijing Investment Corporation through this method? If Secretary Tan doesn't respond at all, won't he ride on his head to pee and **** after two years? Secretary Tan originally meant , and just want to declare Meixi Port as a provincial-level industrial park and separate it from Meixi Town. Shen Huai doesn't want to, but he also stabs the matter to the provincial party secretary - this matter is called his home People can't see it, otherwise you think Shen Huai is easy to talk and can accept such an arrangement?"

Listening to everyone turning the topic to Shen Huai, Robi shared what happened to Shen Huai when he inspected work at Sanli Street Primary School in the afternoon.

"Director Luo said this, I'm not afraid to spoil everyone's appetite." Zhou Ming felt disgusted when he heard Robi's description of Shen Huai jumping into the toilet pit to save people, but Pan Shihua's face was a little dignified, so he didn't order the wine to punish Robi. .

He Yuelian looked down at the wine in the glass, a little dazed.

At this time, she already knew Shen Huai's identity from Zhou Ming's mouth, and also knew that Su Kaiwen's father was the secretary-general of the provincial party committee. Even though she was sitting on the side with Pan Shihua, Su Kaiwen and Zhou Ming at this time, even before eating, she still rode Being lingering on Zhou Ming's body, she also had to admit that Shen Huai was able to jump out of the toilet pit to save people. The whole table of people added up, compared to Shen Huai, they were nothing but wine bags and rice bags.

He Yuelian couldn't help but worry, even if Shen Huai was good at talking at this time, it seemed that he wanted to let go of Meixi Town, but would he come back in the future? When Shen Huai came back, Pan Shihua, Su Kaiwen, Zhou Ming, and the others, relying on Tan Qiping, secretary of the municipal party committee, would they be able to withstand Shen Huai's counterattack?


In the afternoon, at the town government, Shen Huai told He Qingshe and Li Feng about the preparations for the new district and personnel changes. In the evening, he invited Chu Yiliang and Yang Haipeng to drink at Zhu Li's house.

In mid-June, Zhu Li and his family, together with Chu Yiliang, all moved into Zhuyuan one after another.

After the completion of the Zhuyuan Garden, it was divided into two parts. The eastern half of the 28 small buildings adjacent to the southern section of Xuetang Street were unified into the Zhujiang Construction, Meixi Power Plant and the Zhuyuan Hotel jointly operated by Meigang. Big hotel hosting. As a high-standard apartment-style hotel, Zhuyuan Hotel mainly rents high-end home-style rooms to senior corporate executives who hold senior positions in Meixi Town or even bring their families to work.

As a supplement to the Peng Yue International Hotel, the Zhuyuan Hotel actually provides quite limited rooms. After the official operation, all of them have been vacant.

Industry-intensive development is the most direct boost to the catering, hotel and leisure and entertainment industries.

After the Zhuxi Hotel ceased operations, the Pengyue International Hotel, the Zhuyuan Hotel and the two new hotels in Meixi Old Street will run out of rooms on weekends.

The renovation project of Xuetang Street has been fully launched. Except for the few buildings along the street, such as the Yexin Bank, the Cultural Station Building, Meixi Middle School, the town government compound, and the shopping mall of the supply and marketing cooperative, all other low-rise buildings will be demolished.

In the northeast of the Underpants River Bridge, opposite to the stone tablet building on the old street, a piece of land of about five acres was bought for a Hong Kong investor at a high price of 5 million, which will add another three-star business to Meixi Town. hotel.

The joint-venture steel plant is currently under construction, and the Japanese dispatched 15 employees to China; it was these 15 people who supported the two Japanese-style restaurants on the old street.

The west part of Zhuyuan Garden is a residential area with 40 small buildings. At first Zhu Li was worried, how could the forty high-quality small foreign-style buildings with private gardens be digested only by the local bosses in Meixi Town? At this time, he was thinking of picking another good location and developing dozens of villas, so he didn't worry about not being able to sell them.

At this time, it was the summer of 1995, and the commercial housing market in Donghua had only just gotten a bit of a scale, but it was far from a climax. It was just that the scale of investment promotion in Meixi Town was expanding, and the number of senior managers of foreign companies and joint ventures was increasing. Certain demand for high-end residences.

"After Su Kaiwen and Robi arrived in Meixi Town, I planned to let go of some specific affairs in the town and would not take care of them anymore," Shen Huai said to Zhu Li, Chu Yiliang, and Yang Haipeng while drinking wine, "Zi Luo Home textiles and Penghai trade will not be affected, just continue to grow bigger and stronger according to the existing pace, but obviously Su Kaiwen will pull other builders into Meixi to take over the project. I don't want Huang Xinliang and Guo Quantai It is difficult to do, and after the construction of the Zhujiang River, the main consideration is to jump out of Meixi Town to develop."

"Do a good job in the renovation project of Xuetang Zhujiang Construction also has the confidence to go out and work hard," Zhu Li said cheerfully, "Su Kaiwen and Luobi went to Meixi Town to build Meixi New District. We can’t take on big jobs, and as long as we contribute to the construction of Meixi, we won’t dislike small projects.”

"I know what you're worried about," Shen Huai said with a smile. "You're afraid that the town will default on the 50 million project payment for Zhujiang Construction, and there may be delays in Su Kaiwen's hands. Are you afraid that there will be many dreams at night?"

"As long as you, Secretary Shen, are still in Donghua and your eyes are still on Meixi Town, I'm not afraid that they will not follow the rules..." Zhu Li said.

"I'll discuss with Su Kai directly after he takes office," Shen Huai said, "Let's see if the town will allocate a piece of land from Yanhe Road for Zhujiang construction to write off this debt—you guys How do you feel about this arrangement?"

"This arrangement is alright. To be honest, we are a little bit upset about the population of Su Kaiwen and Robi," said Hu Yiliang, "There are more and more joint venture factories and foreign-funded factories in the industrial park, serving the town. The industry and commerce are greatly stimulated. The establishment of a new district will have a more obvious role in promoting. The town has planned to build a small-scale commercial district on the land between the Xiamei Highway and the Old Street, along the river road. The value is not low. After the completion of the Xuetang Street renovation project, Zhujiang Construction will manage this project well in Meixi Town, and the others should not be too greedy...” (83Chinese website)

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