Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 393: resentment

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Seeing the convoy turning from the north of Xuetang Street, Shen Huai looked at his watch. They waited at the intersection for almost half an hour, and said to the aunt, "The matter is finally resolved."

Waiting for Tan Qiping and Luo Chenghui's car to drive past first, he nodded through the car window, and let Shao Zheng drive into the convoy and drive to the power plant at the east end of Meixi Port.

Meixi Electric Power Company and Huaineng Headquarters Building were completed. Meigang was only a related party. After entering the power plant and getting off the bus, Shen Huai walked to the side and asked my sister-in-law to lead the other high-level executives of Dongdian and Huaineng to play the leading role.

The cooling water tower of the power plant, with a diameter of more than 50 meters at the bottom and a height of 60 meters, looks even more majestic than the steel-making line that has been built in the main body of the new plant.

Shen Huai held his safety helmet in his hand, looked up at the towering chimney, and together with the cooling water tower, white steam and light gray smog erupted, leaving strong traces in the blue sky, waiting for Vice Governor Luo Chenghui. After the ribbon is cut, the two sets of electric turbine units in the power plant will officially supply power to the enterprise and local power grids.

Shen Huai saw Huang Xinliang and Guo Quan approaching, and asked, "How did you solve the matter at the intersection just now?"

"I don't know if someone is planning it carefully," Huang Xinliang said. "We were notified that the convoy was coming from Meixi Bridge, and we immediately rushed back from the front of Zhuyuan. Only three or five elderly women rushed into the convoy. I stopped Governor Luo's car, and soon after that, fifty or sixty people gathered, all elderly people in their seventies and eighties. I don't know if they have learned the lesson of the last time. The victim didn't show up. The old, the weak, the sick and the sick pulled out to pull the banner, but they couldn’t catch up or pull it. However, some of the victims still couldn’t hold their breath and came to the side of the road to watch. Yuan Hongjun accompanied Robi and recognized six people from the crowd. It's much easier to handcuff directly into the fine car, but then organize a human wall to forcefully disperse the crowd on both sides to clear the way for the convoy."

"Oh," Shen Huai looked back, not seeing Yuan Hongjun's figure in the crowd, and said to Huang Xinliang, "It's good to settle the matter." He didn't say much. Seeing his sister-in-law motioning him to go over, he turned to Luo Chenghui and Tan Qiping. A group of them walked over.

Huang Xinliang didn't want to make the matter more serious, but what he wanted to say was clear. Seeing that Shen Huai didn't say anything, he walked away and glanced at Guo Quan.

"It's going to rain, my mother wants to get married," Guo Quan patted Huang Xinliang's shoulder, smiled helplessly, and said, "People see that Secretary Shen is going to leave the place, and if there is a chance, they want to climb up the branch, you can stop it."

Huang Xinliang also smiled bitterly. Two years ago, he was full of plans, and he only enjoyed the sub-department-level treatment. With Du Jian attached to his wing, he had to fight against Shen Huai, who was new to Meixi. After Du Jianwei was transferred to the county, Huang Xinliang chose to stay, but he never thought that the road in front of him would be open and bright.

Huang Xinliang was already surprised that Shen Huai was not removed from the position of director of the party and government office, and Shen Huai was not kicked out of the party and government meeting. For someone else, in the situation in front of him, he might choose to escape, or hang up high, as long as there are no pigtails to catch him, he is not afraid that Shen Huai will skin him.

Perhaps there was a resentment in his heart that had nowhere to vent at first, but Huang Xinliang worked diligently and redoubled his efforts in everything. In exchange, Shen Huai will mention it next.

--0---0---Small--says---this is a gorgeous dividing line--

Rebirth of the Steel Tycoon 00 Novel, please remind netizens: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. 00 Novel Recommended Reading

-0---0---Small---say---this is gorgeous dividing line---

Many people were surprised when he was appointed as the deputy mayor. It was precisely because of this that the people in Meixi Town really gathered and eliminated the negative influence after Du Jian was kicked out.

After the merger of the two towns of Hetang and Meixi, Huang Xinliang went a step further and became the executive deputy mayor, becoming one of the only three senior officials in Meixi Town at that time.

And this time, until the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee came to talk with him, he never thought that he would get stuck in front of Robi and Yuan Hongjun and take this deputy director-level position, becoming the fastest-promoted official in Meixi Town in the past two decades.

Shen Huai left Meixi Town, and in the city and district, in order to reduce Shen Huai's influence in Meixi, a lot of personnel mobilization was done. However, it was also the credit for taking care of Shen Huai and the people in Meixi Town for the development of the economy in the past two years. Although the city and district intended to reduce Shen Huai's control over Meixi, they did not maliciously suppress it.

He Qingshe was transferred to the district as the deputy head of the district and took over from Shen Huai in charge of investment promotion and education; Li Feng was transferred to the district as the deputy secretary of the Disciplinary Committee and the director of the supervisory committee, enjoying the treatment of deputy county level; Liu Weiguo was transferred to the district public security branch as the deputy director In charge of the Jiaojing Brigade; including Huang Xinliang, who was also unusually stuck before Robi, was promoted to the mayor; Chu Qiang and Song Xiaojun, who had left Meixi Town earlier, emphasized that they went to Beijing Investment Corporation in Yanjing to give Chen Bing As the assistant to the general manager, Song Xiaojun stayed in the municipal government and served as the secretary to the deputy mayor Yang Yuquan. It can be said that the people in Meixi Town are still in an upward trend. Even if they are temporarily suppressed, they still have considerable development prospects in the future.

After all, it is impossible for Tan Qiping to be an official in Donghua for a lifetime. Maybe three or five years later, when Tan Qiping is promoted to the provincial level, and Donghua has a new head, the situation will change again.

Even if Su Kaiwen was suppressed everywhere in the town at this time, Huang Xinliang was still full of hope for the future.

Of course, Guo Quan, Yuan Hongjun, and Yang Chengming, who later transferred Shen Huai from Meixi Middle School to the town as deputy mayor and director of the Education Office, stayed where they were.

Guo Quan, Yang Chengming and others were in good spirits. Before today, Huang Xinliang had not noticed any problems with Yuan Hongjun, so Yuan Hongjun jumped out and helped Zhou Qibao and Su Kaiwen to quickly control the situation in front of Tan Qiping and others. Everyone was surprised, they didn't expect that he would seize the opportunity to climb up the branch.

Thinking about it, it was too careless before. Huang Xinliang thought that as long as Shen Huai was still in Donghua, everyone in Meixi would be tied together, but he never thought that Yuan Hongjun had always been resentful.

Accompanying Luo Chenghui and Tan Qiping to inspect the Meixi Power Plant, after the ribbon-cutting ceremony announced the official grid-connected commercial operation, Shen Huai moved to the Huaineng Building with the army to attend the inauguration ceremony.

Meixi Power Plant has reached an agreement with the provincial and municipal power management departments, that is, the industrial, agricultural and urban electricity in Meixi New Area will be supplied by Meixi Power Plant in the future. This is also an important task to promote the construction of Meixi New District.

Within the scope of Meixi New Area, the power distribution and power supply facilities originally owned by the local power sector were all purchased by Huaineng Group, and further investment was made to strengthen the infrastructure construction of power supply in Meixi New Area.

This also means that Huaineng Group needs to prepare for the construction of the second phase of the Meixi Power Plant immediately, otherwise the power supply may not keep up with the rapid development of Meixi New District.

The total installed capacity of the first phase of the project is 120,000 kilowatts, and the investment of the second phase of the project should be larger than that of the first phase.

The city hopes that the installed capacity of the second phase of the Meixi Power Plant will directly reach 300,000 kilowatts.

-0--0--small--say--this is a gorgeous dividing line--

Rebirth of the Steel Tycoon 00 Novel, please remind netizens: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. 00 Novel Recommended Reading

--0--0---Small--says---this is gorgeous dividing line-

In this way, even if the city cannot raise money to expand the Tianshenggang Power Plant, the current situation of power shortage in Donghua in the next five years can still be alleviated by relying on the development of Meixi Power Plant.

It is not impossible for Tepco to invest, but many issues should be discussed clearly in advance.

At present, the local power grid has to give up the power supply market of Meixi New District due to the shortage of electricity, but it is only limited to Meixi New District.

When the second phase of the Meixi Power Plant is completed, the total annual power supply capacity will exceed 2 billion kWh. Can the local power supply market allocated to Huaineng absorb such a huge power supply?

If the production capacity cannot be fully released, Meixi Power Plant is likely to operate at a loss, which is naturally not what TEPCO wants to see.

There is another, the second-phase project investment is likely to reach 500 million yuan. With such a huge investment, it is unreasonable that the local government does not provide financing, but how much the local government can provide requires everyone to sit down and discuss.

Luo Chenghui, as the vice governor in charge of industrial energy, has come forward to promote the construction of such a large project, which is also his responsibility, and will also be his political achievement in the future. Otherwise, the Meixi Power Plant and a 16-storey office building will not be completed. , to make this trip to Donghua specifically.

Before the dinner, under the auspices of Luo Chenghui and Song Wenhui, TEPCO and the province and city first reached a framework agreement, and Huaineng Group and Meixi New District would specifically promote the relevant work.

After the dinner, Luo Chenghui and the senior executives of TEPCO stayed in the Peng Yue International Shen Huai accompanied her sister-in-law to the golf driving range in front of the building to play and talk.

"Huineng Group's personnel organization can't be said to be stable yet, and the department still thinks that Hu Shuwei's qualifications are too shallow," Song Wenhui said to Shen Huai, "The last time I went to Běi Jing, I made a special trip to talk to Minister Dai about Huai. Regarding the future development of energy, Minister Dai also said that the reason why Huineng was established is due to your promotion. Although there is no explanation, the meaning is that Dongdian should ask for your opinion when choosing the head of Huineng Group. , even if you come to Dongdian to directly grasp the future development direction of Huaineng, it is not impossible."

"The position of general manager of Huaineng should be reserved for Lao Hu," Shen Huai said with a smile, "If I jump to Dongdian to take charge of Huaineng, and I can live in the position of general manager of Huaineng for ten years, then the old man Hu's hair must not have turned white. Besides, at my age, it is not suitable for me to be the chairman of Huaineng."

Song Wenhui actually didn't quite understand why Shen Huai didn't go to the place.

The Huaineng Group is still in its infancy, and the level has not yet been determined. It is just right for Shen Huai to get in.

The current framework of the Huaineng Group was created by Shen Huai. Shen Huai was transferred to TEPCO to take charge of Huaineng, and there would be nothing to say inside TEPCO. Moreover, Huaineng Group holds shares in Meigang, and Shen Huai can also serve as chairman and general manager of Meigang as usual.

For many people, this is a shortcut to both power and rapid ascent. The future development space of Huaineng Group is vast and huge. As long as it can borrow Huaineng to stand, it will take over ten years to take over Southeast Electric Power.

It can be said that when Shen Huai took over Huineng, the actual position was even better than that of Hongqi.

"You, you are really arrogant." Song Wenhui gave up and continued to persuade Shen Huai. It may not be a good thing for young people to be obedient and obedient. 00 Novel Network collects and organizes, and the copyright belongs to the author or publisher.

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