Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 394: Takaeda

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After talking with my aunt, it was already dark, Shen Huai left Pengyue International Hotel and went to Shangxi Garden.

Chen Dan still lives with her parents, and is not very willing to stay overnight in Wenshan Garden, but she is now responsible for the daily management of Shangxi Garden, and usually has to work until late before going back to sleep.

If Shen Huai wanted to be free at night, he would often stay in Chen Dan's office and feel at ease.

"Wouldn't it be good for you to transfer to Dongdian?" Chen Dan asked suspiciously when Shen Huai said that he had not agreed to take over Huineng.

"After this step, I'm about to leave the place completely. Maybe in the next ten or twenty years, I won't be able to return to the place again," Shen Huai said with a smile, "Some feelings may not be expressed, but I am a People in love nest. Whoever wants to kick me out of Donghua is wrong."

Meishan Iron and Steel currently implements a mixed joint-stock system, with state-owned shares, local shares, foreign-funded shares, and private shares. Because there is a connection with the ownership of the equity, Shen Huai is in charge of Meigang, and it can be said that he represents the local government on the board of directors, so he can step on both the local and Meigang with one foot.

Huaineng Group is a state-owned enterprise wholly-owned by Dongdian. Shen Huai went to take over Huaineng Group and then Meigang. He represented state-owned shares and was listed on Meigang's board of directors. The boat is completely decoupled from the place.

Unless TEPCO is persuaded to agree to the local government's appropriate participation in the Huaineng Group, there is no possibility of stepping on three boats.

A person's energy is limited, even if he has a third leg, he has to use it for other purposes. Shen Huai has no intention of taking too much power in his arms.

"You're also true," Chen Dan said with sweetness in his heart, and his charming eyes glanced at Shen Huai, "Little aunt is purely for your sake, if you don't appreciate it, you're still full of nonsense."

At this time, the phone rang, and it was estimated that Cheng Yi called from Yanjing's number.

Shen Huai didn't expect that after a phone call in the afternoon, Cheng Yi never called back to talk about the flight ticket. At this time, it was after ten o'clock at night before she called.

"What are you guilty of," Chen Dan asked, "who called?"

"Do I have a guilty conscience?" Shen Huai asked while touching his nose, turning over the phone to show Chen Dan the number.

Chen Dan slammed his chin on the desk and watched Shen Huai answer the phone.

Shen Huai reached out and touched Chen Dan's smooth and tender face, and answered Cheng Yi's phone.

Cheng Yi didn't say much, just told him that she would fly to Xucheng tomorrow, but she had already made an appointment to meet her classmates in Xucheng. The day after tomorrow, she would come directly to Donghua herself, without Shen Huai going to Xucheng specially. Pick her up.

The last time we flew back to China from London, there was so much unpleasantness, Shen Huai thought that Cheng Yi probably didn't want him to have any more contact with her classmates and circle of friends.

He was too lazy to go to Xu Cheng to pick up Cheng Yi, and he had to drive a car for 1 hours. Even if he drove with Shao Zheng, everyone would fall apart in the car. It was really hard work.

"She wants to come to Donghua to play," Chen Dan asked.

"Everyone is forcing the family to do nothing," Shen Huai's tone was always understatement, reaching out to Chen Danfeng's thick hair, rubbing gently, "People may have people they like, but sometimes they have to do something. look like

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Rebirth of the Steel Tycoon 00 Novel, please remind netizens: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. 00 Novel Recommended reading: Hilarious Hugh: The Prince seduces the charming and adorable concubine

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Looking at the two sides at home, after a period of time, they can probably say that the eight characters will not vote and break up. "

"I think it takes so much time for people to come here, but they still have feelings for you," Chen Dan tilted his head and put his cheeks on Shen Huai's cocooned palm, "Otherwise, it's a long journey, so hard to run this trip, what do you do? In order to cope with your family, you should go to Xucheng to pick them up."

"No," Shen Huai shook his head and said, "I don't have that spare time."

"You ruthless guy." Seeing that Chen Dan couldn't persuade Shen Huai, he opened his mouth to bite his finger that touched his lips.

"I forgot to wash my hands just now when I went to the toilet." Shen Huai said when he saw Chen Dan's open neat and white teeth and gently bit his fingers.

"Bah." Chen Dan quickly spat out Shen Huai's fingers, poohed twice, stretched out his hand to wipe his red lips, and asked Shen Huai not to say such disgusting words.

"Dong dong dong", Chen Tong knocked on the door and came in, he got in with a thief, dragged a chair and sat next to him, and asked, "Yuan Hongjun, this grandson, jumped out to save Su Kaiwen in the afternoon, and it's too **** inauthentic; You haven't treated him badly for the past two years."

Yuan Hongjun's relief for Su Kaiwen may also be to take care of the overall situation.

Shen Huai waited until now, but Yuan Hongjun neither came to find him nor made a phone call to explain it to him. He could only sigh in his heart and said with a smile: "Everyone has their own aspirations, you said that I did not lose him, Yuan Hongjun felt in his heart. I feel bad, I can't understand this thing. He wants to climb the high branch and let him go. The road is his own choice, and he will go his own way in the future. Don't say anything outside, at this time we can't look like chickens Stomach. Right now, the key is that everyone has done a good job in the business at hand, done it solidly, and established a solid foundation, so you don’t have to worry about who will move you.”

Shen Huai looked at his watch and said to Chen Dan, "You go back to rest early; the second factory is going to start cleaning the pipelines today, so I'm going to visit now."

Meishan Iron and Steel's new plant began to clean the pipeline, which means that the equipment debugging and trial operation will be carried out next. Whether the new plant of Meishan Iron and Steel can run successfully or not will be directly related to how far the Meishan Iron and Steel Group can develop in the future.

Chen Tong had a rich nightlife, so he went back to sleep without being so honest. Besides, he also lived alone in Zhuyuan, and Shen Huai drove Chen Dan back to Xinmei New Village first.

Shen Huai drove through the Caijiaqiao community and took the Yanjiang Highway to the No. 2 factory. When he just turned off the Meihe Highway, he saw Zhou Zhibai, his father Zhou Yanbin and Zhu Li standing under the street lights, watching the yard that was being organized by workers to expand overnight; their The car is parked aside.

"Mr. Zhou, Lao Zhu, and Zhibai, you are wandering outside so late." Shen Huai stopped the car and got out to greet Zhou Yanbin, Zhu Li, and Zhou Zhibai.

"Meisteel's new factory is about to test the furnace. If the test is successful, the amount of charge will increase sharply. We can't let the business be taken away by the grandchildren of Fengli. We can only try our best to rush forward." Zhou Yanbin laughed heartily and greeted Shen Huai.

Shen Huai also laughed. In July, Meishan Iron and Steel's new plant did not have to worry about re-construction funds. Pengyue, Zhujiang Construction and other related companies did not need to transfuse blood to Meishan Iron and Steel's new plant, and accelerated their own construction and development.

Pengyue built a scrap yard along the river in Meixi Port, but they built the yard in the early days, mainly only considering the amount of charge used after the technical transformation of Meishan Iron and Steel, and the size of the yard was slightly narrow. When the second plant is completed, the throughput of Meixi Port will increase sharply, and the joint venture steel plant will also rent Pengyue's storage yard, forcing Pengyue to invest more.

The construction of the yard is relatively simple, naturally it is the words of Zhujiang Construction.

Meishan Iron and Steel's new plant is about to test the furnace, and the expansion of the yard needs to follow closely. Zhu Li also organized workers to carry out construction overnight.

Shen Huai

-0--0--small--say--this is a gorgeous dividing line--

Rebirth of the Steel Tycoon 00 Novel, please remind netizens: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. 00 Novel Recommended reading: Hilarious Hugh: The Prince seduces the charming and adorable concubine

--0--0---Small--says---this is gorgeous dividing line-

He didn't go to the factory in a hurry, and just stood chatting with Zhou Yanbin, Zhu Li, and Zhou Zhibai on the side of the road.

Although it is late October and early winter, it is not too cold.

Zhou Yanbin, Zhu Li and the others were already aware of Yuan Hongjun's affairs, but they didn't talk about it, and their expressions didn't show too much worry. Shen Huai knew that they had a clear understanding of the priority and importance of things in their hearts. They had also received calls from Chu Yiliang and Yang Haipeng before. They had experienced ups and downs. They were not as young as Chen Tong, so they would be a little bit restless. gas.

In 1993, Pengyue Group, whose main business is trade, traded about 100,000 tons of scrap steel a year. In 1994, it was suppressed by the joint efforts of the municipal steel mill and Meishan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., and suffered a severe setback in the first half of the year. Later, it was forced to choose to cooperate with Shenhuai, and the business volume gradually recovered. The scrap steel trade volume was only 90,000 tons.

This year, Pengyue has fully cooperated with Meigang, and Dai Yi has withdrawn from Donghua because of the Emperor's case. Pengyue's annual scrap trade volume will rise to 200,000 tons. And if the new plant of Meishan Iron and Steel can test furnace at the beginning of the year, the amount of scrap steel required by Meishan Iron and Steel alone may reach up to 700,000 tons next year.

Even if Pengyue only undertakes part of the charge supply for Meishan Iron and Steel, but with other trade businesses, the annual trade volume can quickly break through the one-billion-yuan threshold and become a top-ranked trading company in the province. .

In addition to the main business of scrap steel trading, the Pengyue International Hotel, which the Zhou family has invested in in recent years, has also been on the right track due to the completion of Zhuxi Avenue, and has achieved stable profitability. Jiang Investment has a stake in the new Meishan Iron and Steel Plant.

At this stage, Pengyue's overall profitability and ability to expand wealth are no longer comparable to the past, and it can be said that the foundation has been completely solidified. In the past two years, although Wu Haifeng has relegated to the second line, the power of the Zhou family in Donghua has declined on the surface, but the financial power of the Zhou family has steadily expanded, and its influence has settled For merchants In other words, rich and powerful. Don't say that those local officials who eat, take advantage of, and take advantage of the Zhou family see that the Zhou family is soft-handed and soft-spoken, and capital has a growing right to speak in the current society; and the expansion of the trade network can make the Zhou family's personal connections. Extend deeper and further.

Ziluo Home Textiles is currently mainly operating stably; Penghai's trading foundation is still very shallow, and it is also limited by funds, and there is no way to expand rapidly, but by next year, the trade volume will exceed 100 million, and it will not be a problem.

However, Chu Yiliang and Yang Haipeng were still Zhu Li, and their focus was actually shifted to the construction of the Zhujiang River. In addition to the Zhou family, the four companies have almost evenly shared the equity of Zhujiang Construction. Zhu Li is slightly higher personally, but it is also limited.

The development of Zhujiang Construction in the past two years can also be described by the word swift and violent; in the past two years, it has undertaken numerous large and small projects, with total assets exceeding 100 million yuan, and net assets reaching as high as 50 million yuan. Even in Donghua City, where the construction industry is relatively developed, Zhujiang Construction is enough to squeeze into the top ten.

Although Shen Huai was separated from Meixi Town, the development of Zhujiang Construction in the Meixi New Area under the control of Tan officials would be suppressed, but after two years of rapid development, Zhujiang Construction also needed a period of time to follow the process. precipitation.

Shen Huai believes that Zhujiang Construction needs time to ponder and digest the commercial projects along the River Road, in order to better transform into a development-oriented enterprise.

Just like Yuan Hongjun's other Fan Gaozhi, it is not a terrible thing for the entire Meigang Department. There will even be people who will be divided after Yuan Hongjun and make new choices. Shen Huai thinks there will be something.

The most important thing is that Meisteel has healthy bones and a solid foundation. As long as Meisteel's new plant can successfully test furnace at the end of the year, Meisteel will leap beyond Shigang Group and become the largest enterprise group in Donghua City. 00 Novel Network collects and organizes, and the copyright belongs to the author or publisher.

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