Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 396: the bed collapsed

(It's not a good thing to sleep too much, can't sleep, nothing to do, tears, please update the code)

Shen Huai went to see his goddaughter, but he couldn't go there empty-handed. Regardless of Xiong Dini's saying no, he dragged her into the store, picked out a bunch of snacks and a few toys, and ran to the counter to check out.

Seeing what Xiong Dini was still holding in her hand, Shen Huai reached out and took it, saying, "You're welcome, let's settle it together. This pile is for Yueting; these two are for you... "

Having said that, Shen Huai's polite words could not go on. The things he took from Xiong Dini were two packs of sanitary napkins.

Xiong Dini's face flushed red, and she didn't expect Shen Huai's hands to be so fast, she grabbed the two bags at once, looked down at the toes of her shoes, and could only pretend to be calm and whisper: "I will be in two days. I'm here." After saying this, I can't wait to slap my face, do I need to tell Shen Huai about it?

Shen Huai wasn't very thick-skinned, and he couldn't say that he would throw the two bags to Dini Xiong and let her settle the bill by herself, so she could only get together and send it to the counter to settle the bill.

The salesperson was a middle-aged woman, squinted at Shen Huai, and said carelessly, "Buying a sanitary napkin for my wife to blush or something, and not a condom?"

Xiong Dini raised her head and glanced at Shen Huai. Seeing that his face was really red, she couldn't help smiling. She couldn't explain anything to the salesperson.

Shen Huai walked out with a bag of things, and saw Dini Xiong standing at the door of the store, her blushing face had not yet disappeared, and her eyes were filled with intoxicating shyness.

He put things in the back seat and waited for Xiong Dini to get in the car and drove towards Xinjiayuan.

"Have you given Yueting a nickname?" Shen Huai asked.

"No," Xiong Dini withdrew her gaze from the car window, turned to look at Shen Huai who was driving attentively while talking to her, and said, "I thought about it a few times, but it doesn't sound good. Why do you ask this suddenly?"

"I've been wanting to tell you for a long time, but I don't know if it's suitable," Shen Huai said, "Isn't Yueting born with seven pounds and seven ounces? Otherwise, her nickname is Qiqi, what do you think? "

"It's pretty good," Xiong Dini said happily. "It just so happened that we didn't help Yueting come up with any nice nicknames. I didn't expect you to be very attentive to my Jia Yue? Jia Yueting."

"Of course, do you think my godfather is for nothing?" Shen Huai said with a smile.

Going downstairs to Xiong's house, Shen Huai carried something and followed Dini Xiong upstairs.

Xiong Dini knocked on the door first, but no one answered, she said to Shen Huai, "My mother may have taken Yueting to the park to play. Come in and stay for a while, they should be back in a while." Take it from the bag He took out the key to open the door, and asked Shen Huai to put things on the dining room table.

Xiong Dini helped Shen Huai to make tea and said, "The weather has changed a bit. I'll put the clothes on the balcony first. You can sit first." She went through the bedroom and went to the balcony outside the bedroom to collect the clothes.

It was a hot day at noon today. After entering the house, Xiong Dini took off her coat. She was wearing a lace-trimmed shirt inside. She tiptoed to collect the clothes on the drying pole. At that moment, the shirt tightened her waist, and the drum bounced. It reveals the abundance that is unique to young women.

Shen Huai went into the bathroom to release her hands, and just after shaking her urine, she heard Xiong Dini screaming "Yeah" from the balcony.

Shen Huai opened the bathroom door and asked, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, there was a whirlwind of ghosts blowing over and something got in her eyes," Dini Xiong replied.

Shen Huai washed his hands, walked into the bedroom, and saw Xiong Dini holding a pile of clothes, standing on the balcony with her head up and feeling uncomfortable.

Hearing the sound of Shen Huai walking in, Xiong Dini handed him the clothes, and then she got up and rubbed her eyes. When her eyes were no longer so stinging, she blinked, put her head close, and asked Shen Huai, "Look at my eyes. Is there anything else in there?"

Shen Huai threw the clothes on the bed, and saw Dini Xiong's eyes were watery and red from rubbing, and there was a small thorn in the corner of her eye, and said, "Don't move, there is a thorn, I will help you get rid of it..." Pulling Xiong Dini by dressing The platform stopped, he stretched out his hand to open her eyelids, but slowly rubbed the thorn out with his finger belly, blew lightly twice, and asked, "Are your eyes still uncomfortable?"

Being so close to Shen Huai, Xiong Dini was a little embarrassed, she turned around and looked in the mirror.

Xiong Dini used to be tall and thin, just like her sister now, but in recent years, she has become much plumper, her chest and hips are round, but her waist is still so slender.

Shen Huai thought that Zhou Ming had thrown away such a beauty for He Yuelian's sake. Maybe he regretted crying while hugging the quilt at home? He couldn't help but sigh, if he hadn't indulged in the old things and couldn't extricate himself, would he, Xiong Dini and Zhou Ming have different lives from now on?

It's only possible, life can't be assumed, but people can't help but imagine.

The bedroom is very narrow, and the distance between the dresser and the bed is less than 40 centimeters. The two of them are a little crowded when they are standing in front of each other. From the mirror, Dini Xiong sees that Shen Huai has not let go, and is still standing behind her belly against her back. , eyes were still fixed on her waist and buttocks, she felt a strange sensation, and she thought, why are men like this? I was too embarrassed to point him out, so I could only continue to pretend to look into my eyes.

After a while, she noticed that Shen Huai was thinking about something on her mind. Dini Xiong felt that she was thinking crooked and her face was a little hot. She turned around and asked Shen Huai, "What are you thinking about?"

Xiong Dini turned back, the faces of the two were only ten centimeters apart, Shen Huai was relieved, and realized that the two were too close, and said, "I don't think about anything, just think that if your eyes are not good, I will help you. Then blow twice." Take advantage of the situation and sit down.


Shen Huai didn't expect the bed to be so weak, and he sat down a little too violently. As soon as his **** touched the edge of the bed, he heard the sound of the bed breaking, and he subconsciously stretched out his hand to stand up.

Xiong Dini was also taken aback and grabbed Shen Huai's hand, but the bed collapsed much faster than expected. Before Shen Huai could stand up, the bed had already collapsed, and Shen Huai had only time to grab Xiong Dini's hand, and her body had already collapsed. Unbalanced backwards, he pulled Xiong Dini and threw him on top of him. The two were almost buried in the pile of clothes and quilts that were closed together.

Xiong Dini's mouth bumped against Shen Huai's face, and her teeth hurt.

Today will encounter such an unfortunate event, watching Yi Dui almost bury her and Shen Huai, watching this messy scene, she was in Shen Huai's arms, she couldn't help but laugh.

Shen Huai's cheek was hurt by Xiong Dini, but the warm and warm beauty was hugging, and she felt comfortable, and asked, "If I leave right away, don't tell your mother that I've been here; in two days, I'll be there. Will you pay for this bed again?"

Xiong Dini blushed, thinking about it too, Shen Huai was in her room, and the bed collapsed like this, who would believe it if you explain it to me? Struggling to stand up from Shen Huai's arms, he said, "Those things you bought today are your money to pay for your bed." Pulling Shen Huai to stand up, he also hoped that he would leave quickly, otherwise he would run into her mother when she came back. A hundred mouths can't explain why the bed collapsed like this.

As soon as he opened the door, he heard "dong dong dong" someone coming upstairs, Shen Huai was stunned for a moment, and glanced at Xiong Dini, thinking that Bai Sumei came back by chance, he stayed and explained, it was better than running away with his tail between his legs. Explain clearly the problem, Bai Sumei will not misunderstand where.

Hearing the footsteps of two people, Shen Huai and Xiong Dini, whose faces were white with fright, smiled and said, "We didn't do anything wrong, why are you acting like a thief?"

Xiong Dini's heart "thumped" and she said straight: "If you talk nonsense again, you will really lose your bed."

At this moment, people from downstairs came upstairs. Seeing Zhou Ming and his mother carrying things upstairs, Dini Xiong was dumbfounded; Shen Huai was also dumbfounded.

Although Zhou Ming and Xiong Dini were divorced, Yueting was still his daughter after all. When he had time, he would buy some things, either in person or by his mother, to bring them to Xiong's house.

The Japanese management staff of the joint venture steel mill were very polite. This time someone came from Japan to bring baby milk powder to him. Zhou Ming was free today, so he drove his mother to Xiong's house. Unexpectedly, as soon as he went upstairs, he saw Shen Huai and Xiong Dini sneaking at the door to go out.

In the early winter, Xiong Dini wore a shirt on her upper body, and the button of the shirt had fallen off, revealing a corner of her flesh; she wore a straight skirt on the lower body, and it was not wrinkled much; Shen Huai was almost the same, as if the two had just rolled on the ground and stood up similar.

Although Shen Huai put on his coat, the trousers had not been pulled up, and there was a lipstick mark on his cheek.

Looking at Xiong Dini's panting, her face was pale, and it was obvious that her adultery had been broken. Zhou Ming was about to have a seizure when he noticed Xiong Dini's eyes. No, the eyes are red, did you just cry?

Zhou Ming pushed Shen Huai and Xiong Dini away, rushed into the room, looked at the messy bed that collapsed, a fiery fire rushed into his forehead, turned around and rushed out, raised his fist and smashed it on Shen Huai's face: " You motherfucker, you **** Denny!"

Shen Huai flashed Zhou Ming's fist, and when Zhou Ming suddenly stopped him and picked him up and pushed him back, he couldn't hold back his waist, took a step back, stepped on the air, and the two of them rolled down the stairs.

Shen Huai's various explanations were useless, Zhou Ming didn't give him a chance to speak at all, he rolled to the corner of the stairs, he happened to be pressed on Shen Huai's body, and his fist slapped Shen Huai's face.

Shen Huai was pressed down, his cheekbones were hit again and again, and the back of his head hit the concrete floor, causing his eyes to shine.

"It's not what you think, it's not what you think." Xiong Dini rushed up to hold Zhou Ming and prevent him from hitting Shen Huai to death.

"If you are cool to the sun, it will be a waste to the sun, your mother is so worthless, you bitch!" Zhou Mingzheng was in a hurry, never expecting Xiong Dini to rush out to help Shen Huai, yelling, A backhand punched her in the face, causing Dini Xiong to fall on the stairs.

Shen Huai took this opportunity to take a sigh of relief, rubbed Zhou Ming away with his heel, and threw two punches to retrieve Ben. Zhou Ming wholeheartedly thought that Shen Huai had **** Dini Xiong, how could his full anger be so easily vented, he rushed up when he got up.

From the fourth floor, the two of them rolled and fought, and after a while, they hit the stairs on the bottom floor, but they didn't let go and fought together.

Xiong Dini stumbled down, Zhou Ming's mother followed, grabbed her hair and hit her head, she had to grab Zhou Ming's mother's hand.

At this time, several old comrades who were exercising in the community did not shrink back when they saw the fight The guards of the gate community ran over together and forced Zhou Ming and Shen Huai to stand apart.

Xiong Dini explained with a crying face: "It's not what you think, I have nothing to do with Shen Huai!"

Zhou Ming's mother rushed over, beating and scolding: "The bed is falling down, you still don't admit it! My old Zhou family's face has made you lose this shameless bitch, you stinky shameless... "Grab Dini Xiong's hair and hit her in the face.

Xiong Dini had never seen Zhou Ming's mother so sloppy, she was so frightened that she ducked back. At this moment, others couldn't help; drag back.

Seeing that it was Bai Sumei, Zhou Ming sat down on the ground, crying loudly, "Shame, the bed is falling down every day; the bed is falling down every day, these two adulterers and prostitutes don't admit it, and they grab me The son is beaten to death! Is there any reason for this God!"

Bai Sumei had a frosty expression on her face, pointed at Zhou Ming's face, and scolded: "Who does Dini want to sleep with, who is willing to sleep with you, what does it have to do with you? When will it be your turn to catch the rape? My daughter will spoil you once. It's not enough, you still have the face to slap at the door? Drag your old **** back, or I'll go to Tan Qiping and ask if he, the secretary of the municipal party committee, approved you to break into my house to catch the rape?" (83中文网)

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