Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 397: Jumping the Yellow River can't wash it

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The divorce between Zhou Ming and Xiong Dini is not a secret among the neighbors. Everyone knows that Bai Sumei even asked the neighbors to help find a new partner for Dini.

It's just that Zhou Ming and a young man fought fiercely just now, and everyone didn't recover for a while. At this time, seeing Bai Sumei's awe-inspiring drink, everyone came back to their senses and accused Zhou Ming's mother and son of not:

"You said that you have been divorced for almost ten months. People will be with whomever they like to be with. If something is in your way, they will be sorry for you. It's your turn to take care of it."

"Zhou Ming, do you still remember how Danny split up with you back then. Denny is now innocent and has nothing to do with you. She is with her partner. Don't say that the bed is collapsed, even if the house is collapsed, It should also be someone from the Housing Authority who came to ask, when will it be your turn to ask?”

"You know you regret it now. It's a pity for such a good wife to be with others, but you shouldn't climb on other women's beds in the first place."

"Your Zhou family is embarrassed today, embarrassed, your **** is covered with **** and dirty, and you have the face to accuse others. It's not what it's embarrassing, what is it? My old man is so grown up, I have never seen your mother. You two are so shameless."

After scolding and accusing everyone like this, Zhou Ming's mother was dumbfounded, his momentum weakened, and he didn't even have the momentum to cry. He just sat on the ground, covered his face and sobbed, and stopped crying.

Zhou Ming's face was blue and white for a while, and he calmed down a little at this time, but looking at Shen Huai, who was sitting with his head buried on the side teeth, he became angry again.

He could accept Xiong Dini with other men, but he never imagined that it would be Shen Huai, a beast.

"You feel your conscience and ask, do you have the face to make trouble here? Dani, or did our Xiong family treat you badly? Zhou family, you marry Denny, there is no house, I and Denny His father and her sister moved out to live in the old box building, and gave you a good house. During the festivals, I was afraid that you would spend money indiscriminately, so you wouldn't be allowed to buy things at home, but every time Denny goes back to your Zhou's house, what is there to do? Next is the empty handed Zhou family to build a tile-roofed house in 1993 and lack of money. Dini's father was afraid that Zhou Ming would not look good on you, so I secretly sent 3,000 yuan over there, and you all forgot about it. Your mother came to see a doctor in the city the year before last and stayed there for a month. Did Dini serve or your sisters served the hospital fee. I didn't expect you to repay, I just thought that you and Dini are divorced, you can deal with people, can't my family Denny be able to deal with people? Can you make our family live in peace, don't come to toss if you have nothing to do." Bai Sumei said coldly. face drink and ask.

Zhou Ming's face changed from white to red, from red to blue, and he dared not look into Bai Sumei's eyes.

"Help me, can you leave?" Bai Sumei said with a bitter face, "Now that the child is still young, how you make trouble won't have much impact on the child. If she wants to be a little older, you need to be shy, okay? To what extent do you stop and go to Tan Qiping's place?"

Zhou Ming stabbed Bai Sumei at the key point at once, his face was pale, and he was speechless.

Guo Chengfeng drove the car over, helped Zhou Ming's mother in the car, and asked Zhou Ming, "Mr. Zhou, do you want to go to the hospital for a look?"

Zhou Ming got into the car without saying a word, just drove away from Guo Chengfeng from this place that made him a shame and a laughing stock.

Bai Sumei took her granddaughter from the neighbor and said to the neighbor:

--0---0---Small--says---this is a gorgeous dividing line--

Rebirth of the Steel Tycoon 00 Novel Netizens please remind: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. 00 novel recommended reading: the era of big online games

-0---0---Small---say---this is gorgeous dividing line---

"Tell everyone to see a joke."

"When are you going to ask us to eat wedding candy?" The neighbors also greeted with a lot of laughs, calling this Zhou Ming too outrageous, and he had already scored a loss, otherwise Xiong Dini would have to suffer a lot from following him in the future.

Bai Sumei was full of smiles, and without answering, sent the neighbors away first.

"Mom, it's not what you think, I"

Walking into the corridor, Dini Xiong explained to her mother again.

Bai Sumei slapped her with a slap, and Xiong Dini was there foolishly.

Bai Sumei hugged her granddaughter and sat down on the stairs and started crying. While crying, she scolded Xiong Dini in a low voice: "How old are you, how come you don't understand anything at all? Be willing, your dad has been easy all these years, he doesn't want to show the old skin on his face, you are going to tear the skin off his face alive."

Shen Huai stood aside, Bai Sumei didn't even look at him at all, he knew that Bai Sumei also believed that his relationship with Xiong Dini was not normal, what she said and did just now, just didn't want to make things so loud that the whole Donghua city was in trouble. You know, the trouble will make her bear's house unable to raise her head again in the future.

He could understand Bai Sumei's mood, and he also knew that sometimes there were misunderstandings, so Shen Huai limped back into the car and watched Xiong Dini help her mother upstairs.

Shen Huai only felt a little tingling in his right ankle. He didn't feel anything when he walked just now, and when he stepped on the brakes hard, it was as if a needle had been pricked. He took off his shoes, only to find that his ankle was swollen, probably due to a fight with Zhou Ming when he rolled down the stairs.

Shen Huai adjusted the rearview mirror and looked at the **** eye sockets in the mirror. He couldn't even laugh or cry. He didn't know who to call to send him to the hospital.

While Shen Huai was in distress, he threw a bag of things upstairs with a bang. The plastic bag broke, and the contents in bottles and jars rolled out. There were also two packs of sanitary napkins, which were exactly what he brought into the Xiong's house. At this time, Bai Sumei was thrown out.

Shen Huai couldn't help laughing bitterly, this **** was more wronged than Dou E, he didn't even know who to complain to.

Shen Huai gritted his teeth, and it took him more than half an hour to drive the car to the hospital, where he had a rash to take pictures.

While waiting for the results of the film, Shen Huai was sitting in the rash treatment room. It was getting dark. Shao Zheng called and asked, "Secretary Shen, are you in the hospital?"

"What's wrong?" Shen Huai asked.

"Some bad news is spreading, say you," Shao Zheng said hesitantly on the other end of the phone.

"I'm in the Third People's Hospital of the City. I have a sprained foot. It's inconvenient to drive. Come and pick me up." Shen Huai didn't say anything to Shao Zhengduo on the phone, and asked him to come over first.

Bai Sumei didn't want to make things escalate at all; and during the scuffle with Zhou Ming, Zhou Ming never pointed out his identity. Presumably even if Zhou Ming believed that he had something to do with Xiong Dini, because of his self-esteem, he couldn't take the initiative to tell him. Poke this out

If not so many people in the neighborhood recognized him, who else would take the initiative to stab this matter out and spread it so quickly

Guo Chengfeng

Shen Huai remembered that Guo Chengfeng drove Zhou Ming and his mother away from the scene. It should have been Guo Chengfeng who accompanied Zhou Ming and the others, but they did not go upstairs together.

It's just that Guo Chengfeng is Zhou Ming's secretary, doesn't he know that after Zhou Ming regains his senses, he won't want this matter to be publicized?

Sometimes little people really can't be ignored.


-0--0--small--say--this is a gorgeous dividing line--

Rebirth of the Steel Tycoon 00 Novel, please remind netizens: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. 00 novel recommended reading: the era of big online games

--0--0---Small--says---this is gorgeous dividing line-

sp; Shao Zheng rushed over quickly, but along with Shao Zheng, there was Sun Yalin's schadenfreude face.

Shen Huai ignored Sun Yalin's exaggerated smile that almost grinned to the back of her ears, and told him directly:

"Zhou Ming's secretary, Guo Chengfeng, check it out. How did he meet Zhou Ming? I only remember that Zhou Ming wanted someone from me at the beginning. When I mentioned Guo Chengfeng's name, I didn't care, so I gave him the person."

"Guo Chengfeng has a problem," Shao Zheng asked suspiciously.

"Do you have any impression of Guo Chengfeng?" Shen Huai looked up and asked Sun Yalin.

"Isn't it Zhou Ming's little follower, what impression can you have?" Sun Yalin said.

"When the joint venture steel mill proposed the Chinese general manager candidate, I recommended Zhou Ming. Of course, Tan Qiping and Liang Xiaolin were inclined to use Zhou Ming at that time, but Gu Tong had no objection at all. Don't you think it is strange? Do you think it is possible that Guo Chengfeng is A chess piece that Gu Tong put next to Zhou Ming"

"Hey, you've been working for a long time, and you're not trying to divert our attention," Sun Yalin said with a smile, "I'm not interested in whether Guo Chengfeng is Gu Tong's chess piece, and I'm not interested in how miserable Zhou Ming will do to Gu Tong in the future, I just think I know how crazy you have to play, you can collapse the bed."

Nima, before Shen Huai could pick up something and smash it, Sun Yalin slipped out of the rash treatment room first.

Shen Huai could scold others with a straight face, but Sun Yalin didn't give up.

After the film came out, his ankle was sprained, and he would be fine after a few days of rest. After the other minor wounds were bandaged together, Shen Huai asked Shao Zheng to drive him back to Wenshan Garden.

I received a call from Chen Dan on the way. Chen Dan also heard the rumor a moment earlier, so he called and asked directly, "Is your foot okay?"

"I have to rest at home for a few but there is no one to take care of it at home." Shen Huai said, some things could not be explained clearly on the phone, he asked Chen Dan to go to Wenshan Garden.

"I'm in Wenshan Garden. The house is messy like a dog kennel. I'm helping you clean up." Chen Dan said.

When he got home, he saw that Chen Dan was indeed there, and the steam was still steaming out of the kitchen that had not been used for a long time. Shen Huai felt relieved, sat on the sofa, and let Shao Zheng go back first, seeing Sun Yalin still gloating. Like this, he rolled her eyes at her and said, "Someone wants to fish in troubled waters and kill three birds with one stone, but you are still in there to join in the fun."

"What three birds with one stone?" Sun Yalin sat on the couch of the imperial concubine on the side, with her arms on her knees and her chin on her back, looking at Shen Huai.

"The other party deliberately spread the news. One was against me, the other was against Xiong Wenbin, and the other was against Zhou Ming. These are all obvious things," Shen Huai wanted to explain, but suddenly found it difficult to explain, so he had no choice but to be angry with Sun Yalin Said, "Of course, the truth of the matter is really different from the rumors, that is, I accidentally broke the bed bang, and coincidentally Zhou Ming came over with his mother, and there was a misunderstanding, so they started fighting. This is how it happened, believe it or not. ."

"I didn't say I didn't believe it." Sun Yalin raised her mouth, stood up and leaned into Chen Dan's ear and asked, "By the way, in the pork rib soup stewed for him, do you have to give him two packs of rat poison? Seriously, he knows how to restrain."

This kind of feeling of smearing oil on his mouth without eating a joke made Shen Huai very depressed.

Ignoring Sun Yalin, Chen Dan and the others in the living room, Shen Huai jumped into the bedroom to rest, thinking: Fortunately, Yang Lili and Kou Xuan are going to the store, and Chen Dan has a soft temperament and won't cooperate with Sun Yalin. He, otherwise he can only jump into the Yellow River first and then talk about it. 00 Novel Network collects and organizes, and the copyright belongs to the author or publisher.

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