Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 767: buy a car (1)

Cheng Yi slept with her face close to the edge of the bed, her long crow-colored hair covered her tender and delicate face, and it fell down like a sparkling waterfall in the night, revealing a corner of her red lips that were extremely charming.

Shen Huai stretched out his hand and pulled the long black hair that was soft and satin aside, looking at her quiet face in her sleep, at her long eyelashes trembling in her sleep, and at her straight nose bridge that was slightly closed in her sleep. , plump cheeks white and flawless, revealing a magnetic luster in the morning light.

Shen Huai put his hand on Cheng Yi's cheek, although the movement was very light, Cheng Yi woke up in the next instant, his eyelashes trembled lightly, opened his eyes, looked at Shen Huai's eyes staring over, moved his head to make his cheeks more Lying on a firm pillow against Shen Huai's warm palm, he asked, "It's only what time, why did you wake up so early?"

Shen Huai stood up and looked at the quartz clock on the opposite wall indicating that it was only seven o'clock in the morning.

Cheng Yi's life in Xucheng is very simple. The office building and the dormitory building are almost next to each other. She sleeps enough to get up every day. Shen Huai's sleep is not so stable. For any emergencies, as long as people are in Xiapu, they should be prepared to rush to the office to handle the day's official business, and they usually insist on exercising so that they can continue to maintain sufficient energy.

Shen Huai drove over last night, it was three o'clock in the morning, and he had only slept for four hours. He probably slept peacefully, and he didn't feel sleepy when he woke up.

Shen Huai put one palm against Cheng Yi's plump face, feeling the tenderness that was about to burst, and was reluctant to let go, and put one arm under his head, seeing Cheng Yi's lazy and tender look, and said, "You Don't you need to get up to go to work?"

"I asked for a good day off today to pick up the car," Cheng Yi said. "It's good that you came over in the early morning and snored, so I didn't sleep well afterwards?"

"Can I snore?" Shen Huai asked strangely. He was asleep, and of course he wouldn't hear his snoring, but he also knew that he would snore only when he fell asleep when he was very tired, and yesterday he just felt The heart is empty, but people have nothing to work hard.

"Ha," Cheng Cha laughed, "I knew you would deny it!" He stood up, reached for the Walkman on the table, and let him listen to the sound of Shen Huai's snoring recorded last night...

Shen Huai listened to his snoring after he was asleep, it was really weird and funny; Cheng Yi laughed even more, "Listen, there is still a rhythm..." Dodging around with the Walkman, no Let Shen Huai grab it, accidentally slipped over the edge of the bed, fell down with the quilt, and threw himself directly on Shen Huai's body.

Before feeling the beauty of the fragrance in his arms, Shen Huai screamed "Ouch". When he thought of hugging Cheng Yi frivolously, Cheng Yi first realized his intention, got up from Shen Huai like a rabbit, and jumped to dodge.

Shen Huai coughed desperately a few times and said, "I've smashed you out of internal injuries..."

"The devil believes you." Cheng Yi stood on the other side of the bed, not giving Shen Huai a chance to get close.

"How heavy are you, why is it so painful to smash someone? Could it be that the girl I want to marry is a big fat girl?" Shen Huai said.

"..." Cheng Yi picked up the pillow and threw it over, and said, "I'm not as fat as you think."

"Let me give you a hug to know how much you weigh."

"Dreaming, I'm not as mentally retarded as you think." Cheng Yi glared at Shen Huai, seeing that it was getting late, she took out her clothes from the closet, went to the bathroom to wash, and changed her pajamas.

The bathroom faces the bedroom, and is separated by a frosted glass door. The light outside is dim. Cheng Yi goes in and turns on the light. Her slender figure is outlined on the frosted glass door like a paper cut.

Although he said that he had a glimpse at the Yanjing house before, but he never had the calmness to enjoy it leisurely at this time. Only then did Shen Huai realize that Cheng Yi's figure was really well developed, with slender legs, curvy buttocks, With her slender waist and well-developed **** like bowl buttons, everything looks so beautiful against her waist-length hair.

Cheng Yi has always lived alone, and has never thought about the problem of light transmission through the frosted glass door.

At this time, the phone on the bedside table rang. Cheng Yi was afraid that others would know about Shen Huai's overnight stay with her. When the phone rang, she hurriedly opened the door and wanted to tell Shen Huai not to answer the phone. She just stuck her head out to see Shen Huai's eyes were staring at the door and asked, "What are you looking at?" But he soon realized that the frosted glass door would transmit light, his face flushed with shame, and he hurriedly turned on the light in the bathroom. Before closing the door, he picked up the changed pajamas and threw them at Shen Huai's face. In an instant, his jade arms as white as snow lotus were exposed, and he cursed, "You stinky bastard!"

The lights in the bathroom were turned off, and no one was reflected on the glass door.

Shen Huai covered his face with the pajamas thrown out by Cheng Yi, intuition that the clothes had a lingering fragrance, which was really good, so he raised his head and let the clothes cover his face.

The phone bell was still ringing relentlessly. Cheng Yi walked out in a hurry. The buttons of her jeans were unbuttoned, and the corner of her underwear was hung up, revealing a small piece of snowy belly. She ran over and picked up the phone:

"I just got up, I'm brushing my teeth in the bathroom, Mom, why did you call so early? I understand, call and discuss with Shen Huai before buying a car... What is the key to discuss, and don't want him to help with it? money."

She sat on the head of the bed, pulled the pajamas off Shen Huai's face, made a "silence" gesture, and arranged her clothes while chatting with her mother on the phone.

Shen Huai's chin rested on the edge of the bed, and quietly watched Cheng Yi chat with her mother on the phone.

Cheng Yi was sitting on the bed, chatting with her mother on the phone, and seeing Shen Huai lying half-length on the floor with her head on the bed was a bit funny, she couldn't help but playfully pin Shen Huai's nose with her toes, but unexpectedly screamed. Shen Huai grabbed the crystal white and tender bare feet with one hand, and it was too late to save him, so he asked Shen Huai to use her bare feet to pull her whole body into his arms.

Cheng Yi was still struggling at first, but she couldn't make a move. She told her mother that Shen Huai had spent the night in her room and struggled hard. His eyes were very "fierce", as if Shen Huai had just touched her, she would immediately give him a good look.

The air conditioner was turned on in the room, and Cheng Yi was wearing tight underwear. Shen Huai hugged her slender, elastic waist and put her face on her warm and soft back, smelling the intoxicating woman. Xiang, listen quietly to what Cheng Yi told her mother about buying a car.


Cheng Yi took a leave of absence from the company today and went to the agent to pick up the car.

The car franchise model, the so-called "4S" store model in foreign countries, has not been officially introduced to China, and the car loan is still a pilot in China. Today, Cheng Yi will sign an agreement from the agent, pick up the car, and apply for a car loan. , insurance, application for car inspection, license plate, etc., the franchise store will not provide one-stop service, and the procedures to run by yourself are quite complicated.

But since Shen Huai drove over in the middle of the night, of course Cheng Yi would not let go of this free labor.

Shen Huai was thinking about waiting for Cheng Yi to pick up the car. There was no need for him and Cheng Yi to drive two cars back to Xiapu, so he called the office in Xu to send a driver to take them to the franchise of Yanqi Volkswagen in Xucheng. shop, and then drive his car away.

In order to protect the development of the national industry, the state has also formulated strict protection policies in the automobile industry, prohibiting major overseas automobile manufacturers from setting up factories solely with the sole proprietorship of foreign automobile manufacturers.

Leading domestic automakers such as FAW, Yanqi, GAC, Tianjin and other major automakers, together with major automakers in the auto industry powerhouses such as the United States, Japan, Germany, France, and the United Kingdom, form dozens of intricate joint venture auto factories in the domestic market. .

In addition, there are more than 130 domestic auto manufacturers operating their own brands, making the domestic auto market with a total sales volume of less than 1.6 million vehicles in 1997 and 1998. It's a mess up there.

Volkswagen of Germany is the first automobile manufacturer to enter the domestic automobile production and market field, and has been operating in the country for many years. Although Volkswagen's agency franchise stores in Xucheng cannot be compared with the luxuriously decorated franchise stores abroad, they are completely comparable to several domestic brand agency stores along the road.

The sales manager Cheng Yi contacted earlier was a beautiful girl surnamed Dai, about the same age as Shen Huai, about 27 or 8 years old, with pretty short hair, she looked very capable, and she couldn't hide her tiredness under her radiant smile. Because of the hard work of sales.

Cheng Yi had previously negotiated with the manager surnamed Dai about car models, discounts, decoration, insurance agency, car loan, car inspection, and listing, etc. Cheng Yi had long been attracted to the car model she liked, just like Chen Dan. It is a compact urban golf, but the one driven by Chen Dan is red, and the one driven by Cheng Yi is sapphire blue.

Shen Huai just came over to help run went to the garage to pick up the current car, and the three of them drove to the road to test the car first.

Although many people in the Meigang Department drive hundreds of thousands, millions or even two or three million worth of imported luxury cars, Shen Huai has to pay attention to his identity, and the best car he usually rides is the Passat. Most of the time, I take a Santana purchased by the county in 1990.

Even if the Urban Golf can't compare with imported luxury cars, its power, driving comfort and safety are better than the Santana that Shen Huai usually uses, and the compact and smooth model is also suitable for girls to drive.

Of course, it is also mainly domestic joint-venture sedans. There are not many choices for models with fairly high-level positioning; there is also an orange-yellow Beetle in the showroom, which is beautiful and beautiful, but the price of imported cars is too high.

Cheng Yi was not dissatisfied with this blue urban golf. He tried the car and was ready to sign an agreement to pay for the car loan when he returned to the franchise store. He did not expect to meet two acquaintances in the luxuriously decorated showroom of the franchise door. .

Xu Xian, who was staring at the orange Beetle car in the exhibition hall, was quite surprised when she saw Shen Huai and Cheng Yi walking in: "What a coincidence, you guys also come to buy a car?" l3l4


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