Panda Novel

Bo Jinchuan gazed at her, trying to confuse her with his mesmerizing face.

Shen Fanxing pursed her lips and remained silent.

This matter was over just like that?

Why did it feel like the duration of their argument was too short?

At the entrance of the hotpot restaurant, a girl ran out angrily, wiping her tears as she ran.

A boy immediately ran out from behind and reached out to grab the girl. In the end, the girl shook him off. Then, the boy hugged her again and she pushed him away forcefully. After a few tries, the boy still hugged the girl tightly and said something. He reached out to wipe the girl's tears with a gentle expression, as if he was comforting her in a low voice. In the end, he bent down and kissed the girl's mouth. The girl blushed and tiptoed to hug the boy's neck in response…

Just like that, the two of them reconciled…

The cycle didn't seem long, but…


Did she not know how to fall in love?

/ Please Keep reading on MYBOXN0VEL.COM

She wasn't coquettish or pretentious. Wasn't she too boring?

Shen Fanxing retracted her gaze and turned to stare at him for a long time.

She wanted to push the boy away like a girl, but she had just exerted some force on his arm.

Bo Jinchuan's voice sounded, "Save the effort. Anyway, according to the norm, a kiss will solve everything. Come on, kiss."

He leaned forward to kiss her, but Shen Fanxing moved back and covered her mouth in disbelief.

"How can that be the same?! Bo Jinchuan, your EQ is… stupid."

Bo Jinchuan raised an eyebrow and smiled at the thought of Qi Mohan's low EQ.

Not bad, he was a hundred times better than someone.

He was actually smiling…

"Don't be angry, okay? If one kiss isn't enough, then…"

Shen Fanxing reached out and said, "Stop, stop." She rubbed her forehead and sighed helplessly. Why was it so… tiring to date a man with such high IQ and EQ?

The car turned slowly and Lan Xianxian couldn't help but sigh.

"I've always thought that it's unbelievable that these two can be together. But if they're not together, who can they be with? I feel that there's no one more suitable for each other in this world, right? This feeling is really strange."

"This is what it means to be a good match."

Ou Ximing said calmly. Although his words were simple, when it came to such matters, it was subtle.

The three of them went their separate ways and fought for their dreams.

The next day, the moment Shen Fanxing reached the office, she was surrounded by a few celebrities.

"CEO Shen, have you decided on the gown for our Fashion Week?"

"Which brand is it? Can we choose the clothes first?"

Shen Fanxing said calmly, "You don't have to worry about that. It's already decided. There's no need to choose any clothes. They're tailor-made for you. They'll definitely suit you."


The celebrities were happy for a while. One had to know how expensive branded gowns were. Usually, when they attended events, they would only borrow branded gowns.

Tailored and custom-made, wouldn't that be their unique gown?

After getting a satisfactory answer, she finally left in peace.

Shen Fanxing's expression was no longer as scary as yesterday. The atmosphere in the company had lightened up.

However, at noon, the faces of all the employees of Stars International darkened.

The staff canteen was filled with resentment.

"Who is so shameless?! We've already put this matter aside, but they still refuse to let go."

"Is there a need to think? It must be RM. Fashion week is about to start. They're deliberately creating hype!"

"But we've already held a press conference on this matter. RM is such a big brand, how can they be so magnanimous?"

"Could it be that it's not RM, but Lehua Entertainment trying to hype up Zhao Zimo? After all, she was the one who represented Lehua and RM during the fashion week. It's not impossible for her to stand out!"

"It's also very likely."

These discussions came from a post on the Internet.

The title was: "Stars International is dignified and dignified. You're a good person in public but a villain behind her back!"

The content was roughly about how someone had exposed that Stars International had rejected RM. At the press conference, it sounded dignified, but it was actually a deliberate revenge to take revenge on RM for unilaterally breaking the contract. To be a good person in public, but in reality, she was so vengeful. It was terrifying.

[Wow, isn't this matter over? Why is it mentioned again?]

[Isn't this normal? Everyone knows it. Why are you here? Chen Xiu isn't even as good as you!]

The OP replied—Hehe.

[Not to mention the entertainment industry, there are many tricks up one's sleeve in other circles. The OP is deliberately causing trouble, right?]

The OP replied—Something like that.

"That's why the entertainment industry is so dirty! Haven't you thought about where this post came from? If it's from Lehua Entertainment, that would be funny!"

The OP replied—They're not good people!

[How is that dignified? The OP's thoughts are too dark. What kind of mentality do you have? Do you think that Xingchen doesn't hold a press conference and doesn't give RM face? You'll only feel better if they fight in person?]

[So what if it's deliberate revenge? Can't Stars International be unyielding just because RM broke the contract? Look at the OP's reply. It's not someone from Lehua Entertainment. It seems like they're RM's lackeys who specially came to create trouble for Stars International?]

[Why isn't the OP replying? Could it be that he's really a lackey of RM? If that's the case, that would be a joke. Why doesn't your RM go to heaven? You're the ones who broke the contract, and you're the ones who went back on your word and wanted to renew it. In the end, Stars International rejected you. They flew into a rage out of humiliation and refused to let you off?]

[RM is powerful and impressive. Whatever they say is true. We can't afford to offend them!]

[It seems like a foreign brand is going to dominate our country? If you don't restrain yourself and bring your brand out of our country, do you think we're pushovers?]

Guan Jialin sat in front of the computer. When she saw the post, she knew that something was wrong.

Previously, he had bought someone to post this thread because he wanted to use this thread to stir up the conflict between Stars International and RM. The bigger the matter, the more it would attract the attention of Shen Fanxing and the two princesses, which would intensify the conflict between them. If she didn't even care about Yuan Sichun, what about meeting the two princesses? Wouldn't she be crushed to death in minutes?

Who would have thought that the thread would deviate so much?

As soon as the topic of national dignity was raised, RM completely aroused the anger of the people.

[What's the difference between this and forcing a deal?! I think Stars International should reject your rejection! What kind of nonsense is this? You're behaving atrociously in our country!]

[RM get out of China.]

[We'll boycott RM together.]

[I'm waiting for the Face Slapping Demoness to slap their faces hard!]

[I'm waiting for the Face Slapping Demoness to slap their faces hard!]

[I'm waiting for the Face Slapping Demoness to slap their faces hard!]

[Yeah, I'll wait for my wife to beat them up.]

[The person above has been dragged out to be beheaded! President Shen is mine! I'm waiting for my wife to beat them up!]

[The person above has been dragged out to be beheaded! President Shen is mine! I'm waiting for my wife to beat them up!]

Bo Jinghang sat in Bo Jinchuan's office and stole a glance at him.

Today, he was called over to be in charge of the "wrong building", but he didn't expect it to end up like this!

He actually wanted to drag his brother out to be beheaded?

How dare he!

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