Panda Novel

Today, he was called over to be in charge of the "wrong building", but he didn't expect it to end up like this!

If his sister-in-law was a "face-smacking demoness", then his brother was definitely a "jealous demon".

Seeing his brother's murderous expression, Bo Jinhang couldn't help but shiver.

Then, she saw Bo Jinchuan typing rapidly on the keyboard.

Bo Jinghang lowered his head to look at the post and realized that other than his biological brother, all the comments calling her "wife" had been deleted.

Not long after, someone commented again, "Damn it, why are my comments gone? My account has been blocked!"

"Damn! My comments are gone and my account has been blocked!"

"F*ck! Mine too!"

"Me too…"

A bunch of smurf accounts clamored for the moderator to clarify the situation. In the end, a smurf account also burst into tears.

/ Please Keep reading on MYBOXN0VEL.COM

"I'm the moderator. My account has also been blocked."



"Who… did this?"

"Looking at the post, there's only one person who has the title of CEO Shen's 'husband'! According to my speculation, there's only one truth! The person who deleted our post must be that person."

"… The only one who has seen through the truth is a famous detective who looks like a child but has extraordinary intelligence… Ke, who are you?"


"This person is too much. The demoness belongs to all of us. He actually wants to monopolize our demoness! I want to check his IP address!"

"Yes, it's shameful to monopolize her! Hand over our face-smacking demoness!"

"F*ck! My account has been blocked again!"

Not long after, Bo Jinghang saw that the post had been uploaded thousands of times. It was filled with fake accounts.

Bo Jinghang looked at his brother's cold face and hurriedly appeared in the post.

"Everyone, hurry up and support the building! It's about to collapse!"

"RM, get out of China."

"I'm waiting for the Face Slapping Demoness to slap their faces swollen."

The post was finally fixed and Bo Jinghang heaved a sigh of relief.

If this continued, that person would probably hack that website.

If that was the case, what was the point of this post?

Seeing that the thread was out of her control, Guan Jialin started to panic.

If they were to say that RM would be expelled from China, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Fortunately, she was smart enough not to post it herself. Otherwise, if the headquarters really wanted to investigate, she would have to bear the consequences.

However, because this post was uploaded very quickly, the news of many users being banned attracted too much attention. Some self-media directly posted the post on Weibo.

Not long after, it became the top trending topic.

Most of them were against RM.

Of course, there were also some RM supporters.

"When Stars International held the press conference, they did indeed praise RM a lot. They even humbly stated that RM is an international brand. Ji Yi has just debuted and is not suitable for such a mature brand. I'm curious which brand she will wear to the Fashion Week."

The moment this topic was brought up, the entire incident suddenly shifted to this.

"Uh, this is a little awkward. Does this mean that during Fashion Week, Ji Yi will silently admit that the brand she is wearing is inferior to RM?"

"This… seems a little difficult! Manager, aren't you being too inconsiderate?"

"Does that mean we won't be able to see the limelight of the 'face-smacking demoness' this time? What a pity."

"Sigh, that's really… She's blocking her way. CEO Shen has been tricked by her subordinates this time."

"As expected of the 'Face-smacking Demoness'. She has embarrassed herself this time…"

"What about Fashion Week? I don't think any fashion brands are willing to work with them now. They won't even lend them clothes. Who wants others to think that their brand is inferior to RM?"

"I think RM is deliberately provoking us. They're deliberately guiding the situation so that other brands won't choose to cooperate with Stars International, right? How scheming. Do you think other brands will fall for your tricks?"

"That's right! If the other brands withdraw their collaboration, they would be blind. After all, Ji Yi is so popular overseas. Giving up on Ji Yi is their greatest loss."

Yuan Sichun watched the development of the situation with a smile on her face.

She had only hinted to Guan Jialin yesterday to intensify the conflict between the two princesses and Shen Fanxing. She didn't expect Guan Jialin to be so fast and in such a manner.

It seemed that she had spent a lot of effort in the industry.

This kind of thing was easy to do.

There was naturally news of "RM" being kicked out of China.

But this was even better. The bigger the commotion, the more attention it would attract.

At that time, there would naturally be someone to deal with her.

When Shen Fanxing returned to her office after lunch, the employees she bumped into while waiting for the lift looked at her with different expressions.

She touched her face and looked at them in confusion.

"There's no rice on my face, right? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"CEO Shen, be careful these two days. A super fan of yours has appeared online and wants to monopolize you. He has hacked the IDs of those who say that you're their 'wife'!"

Shen Fanxing was speechless.

Super fanboy…

Shen Fanxing looked confused as she showed her her phone.

"Look, it's this 'thin piece of paper'. He's the only one who can call you 'wife' in the entire thread! He has hacked everything else. I heard that we can't find his IP address. This person must be a computer expert, so you have to be careful."

A thin piece of paper…

Was this name really that innocent, or was someone deliberately framing him?

Computer expert?

Was it Bo Jinchuan or Qi Mohan?

"Also, CEO Shen, which brand is Ji Yi's outfit for the Fashion Week? RM is using our press conference as an excuse…"

The employee showed the news to Shen Fanxing, who smiled nonchalantly.

"Ignore these things and let them be. The Fashion Week is only for a few days anyway. They won't be able to make a fuss for long."

Seeing how calm and composed Shen Fanxing was, the employees felt relieved.

It seemed like CEO Shen already had a plan?

However, they were really curious about which brand CEO Shen had chosen.

At that time, if she really wore it to the Fashion Week, it would be equivalent to admitting that the brand she was wearing was inferior to RM. No matter what, she would be making a wedding dress for RM. She was really unwilling.

"RM really knows how to hype things up? We can't shake them off this time!" A staff member gnashed his teeth in anger.

Shen Fanxing smiled and said, "There's nothing to be angry about. It's common."

Shen Fanxing didn't return to the office. Instead, she went to an office that was designated for Lan Xianxian.

[I'll ask for some votes today. I haven't done that in a long time. My ranking has dropped…]

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