Panda Novel

However, the three of them were a little frightened by the situation. The road in front was completely surrounded, and there were others who needed to get out of the car.

Seeing this, Chu Yi retreated. His cold face and calm voice successfully made way for the reporters and fans.

Upon seeing Chu Yi, the three women heaved a sigh of relief.

Chu Yi led them in. Liang Chenyi and Zhao Zimo's expressions were extremely ugly.

Especially when they saw three women of different styles walking side by side. Their unique way of walking made people's eyes hurt.

They walked into the venue without stopping. The fans and reporters behind them were still taking photos and screaming.

Not only did she ignore Liang Chenyi and Zhao Zimo, she even forced them to the edge of the door when they were following Chu Yi and the rest.

When they entered the venue, everyone was still sighing.

"Their clothes look so beautiful. We can wear them out usually, right? I think we want one. Ji Yi's outfit is really beautiful."

"I like that black dress with colorful feathers!"

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"I like that dress embroidered with blue clouds!"

"What brand is it? Let's go to the official website to take a look!"

"I don't know…"

"It doesn't matter. We already have the photos anyway. When we get back, we'll know what brand it is after scanning it with the software. Even if I can't afford the original, I have to buy a high-quality imitation…"

"Oh my god, this should be a brand new brand, right? I was a reporter for Fashion Week for six years. This is the first time I've seen such a design."

"It's too oriental! I like China more and more!"

"I really want to know who the designer is. He's a genius."


Standing at the side, the sexy and seductive Zhao Zimo gritted her teeth. It was unknown if it was because of the cold, anger, or the humiliation, but her face was pale and she was trembling.

Liang Chenyi also felt embarrassed.

He had just been dealt with by Chu Yi's sharp words and now, he had been slapped by the truth. How could his expression be good?

When a sharp-eyed fan saw the two people standing at the door, he pursed his lips in disdain and said to his companion,

"I heard the conversation between Best Actor Chu and them."

"What? What did he say? This is the first time I've seen Best Actor Chu say so much!"

"It was the first time the three women participated in the Fashion Week. Best Actor Chu was in charge of bringing them in. In the end, in order to ride on Best Actor Chu's popularity, the two of them forcefully drove the car to the front. Didn't you see that the three women came together? The three of them could tell that they were very nervous. In the end, Best Actor Chu returned and brought the three of them away."

"Huh? Taking advantage of Best Actor Chu's popularity? Or forcefully taking advantage of him and not admitting it? How shameless?"

"That Zhao Zimo is an A-list celebrity in the country. Why is her behavior so lowly?"

"Could it be that the title of an A-list celebrity is because of her popularity?"

"Pfft, stop talking. Don't let others hear you. That would be awkward."

The fans posted the photos of the three of them online immediately. They also mentioned that Zhao Zimo had used Best Actor Chu to gain popularity. It instantly caused a huge commotion on the local social media site.

That was because everyone was paying attention to this year's Fashion Week. Before they set off, Zhao Zimo and Ji Yi's matter had left a deep impression on everyone. More people were looking forward to Ji Yi's appearance at the International Fashion Week. What was she wearing?

In the beginning, most people didn't think highly of Ji Yi's choice and were even worried for her. But now, they were completely at ease.

"The battle robe is indeed amazing! Congratulations on winning the first battle!"

"Inherent League!"

"I'm secretly looking forward to Inheret to be the first… no, the first customer!"

"Zhao Zimo is trying to gain popularity? What happened to her in Paris? Why isn't there any news about her outfit? What did she wear back then? Where are the photos?"

"Ah, I found it. Look at the photo. Isn't that Zhao Zimo? Well… she's pretty, but… there's nothing new about her. Besides, her style seems to suit her. But after looking at her more, I feel that there's no difference…"

"Isn't it cold in Paris? I think Ji Yi and the rest are wearing warm clothes. Why is Zi Mo still wearing a short skirt?"

"But isn't there a full-body photo of Zhao Zimo? Is it taken on the streets?"

"Didn't you ride on Best Actor Chu's popularity? Why is there nothing?"

When Shen Fanxing saw the news, she smiled knowingly. This was a good outcome.

A woman who had always felt inferior because of her "flaws" often had a fairy-like existence in her heart.

That was her dream, a dream to become a "fairy".

Therefore, the clothes designed under such circumstances were naturally the most perfect work in her heart.

As for Ou Ximing, he had interacted with Lan Xianxian for a long time and knew her well. Be it in terms of feelings or the sensitivity that a stylist should have, it should be easy for him to perfectly interpret her.

Success was not a lonely struggle alone. It required an important partner, a like-minded partner.

As it turned out, she was right to pair them up.

Shen Fanxing smirked smugly. Since the first battle was a success, it seemed like she had to speed up the listing of Inherent.

Compared to Shen Fanxing's joy, Yuan Sichun was furious.

The office was in a mess. At this moment, she was sitting alone in the office with her hands on her forehead. She gritted her teeth, unable to calm the anger in her heart.

Even though she couldn't defeat Shen Fanxing head-on, she didn't budge.

A brand that did not exist in the market could actually shine on an international fashion stage like Fashion Week.

This time, he had gone off-topic and everyone praised him.

What tricks did she have?

Why did it happen again and again…

She was so angry that she wanted to tear Shen Fanxing apart. At that moment, her phone rang.

The ringtone was special. It was a call from Country Y.

Her eyes flashed and she stood up to pick up her phone.


"What's wrong with you? Where's the news about RM? Why isn't there any news? That Ji Yi… What the hell?!"

A cold and arrogant voice sounded from the receiver, filled with dissatisfaction and anger.

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