Panda Novel

Even Li Tingshen was stunned when he heard the news.

Her gaze swept across Shen Fanxing's stomach and landed on Ye Qingqiu, who was dressed in a dress.

Something flashed across her eyes.

He turned and walked into the living room, as though he didn't care about the orphanage Shen Fanxing had mentioned.

Perhaps, he only wanted Ye Qingqiu to stay obediently.

Staying was enough.

Ye Qingqiu stared at his retreating back and the tension in her eyes gradually relaxed.

Then, she looked at Shen Fanxing again. She used to be a heartless person who didn't care about anything. Now, she could clearly see the eagerness and desire in her eyes.

Her heart skipped a beat. If she couldn't understand Ye Qingqiu's feelings previously, looking at her now made her heart ache.

The two babies in her stomach had yet to give her any reaction, but she felt that they were the best existences in the world.

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She looked forward to their birth, looked forward to them calling her mother, and watched them grow up day by day. She didn't want to miss a single second with them…

In the past, she had always felt that her mother was great. She had learned how to praise her mother in school and later knew how hard her mother had worked.

She had experienced her mother's love for her, but she couldn't put herself in her mother's shoes. How noble, hardworking, selfless, and how much she loved her child more than her own life!

However, most of these thoughts were instilled by knowledge, and she would always be the one receiving maternal love.

Now that she had put herself in her mother's shoes, there were too many emotions that she had known in the past.

She thought that if she were Ye Qingqiu, she wouldn't be as strong as her.

If she were Ye Qingqiu, she would put her child by her side and give him the best love in the world.

However… a mother was unyielding.

Ye Qingqiu had something to worry about, so she had to restrain herself.

She had missed a few years of her son's growth. This was a regret that she would never be able to make up for…

"Come with me tomorrow. Let's visit the children…"

Ye Qingqiu bit her lips tightly, her eyes turning red.

"Okay… You're the boss, you have the final say…"

She said, her voice trembling slightly.

Shen Fanxing went forward and looked into her eyes, unable to hide her emotions.

"Is it because I'm the boss? Why do I feel that the focus is on the holidays?"

Ye Qingqiu lowered her gaze and kicked off her boots. "Since you know, please take the initiative next holiday."

She walked towards the living room, but stopped midway. She turned to look at Shen Fanxing and asked, "Are you on paid leave? If not, forget it."

Li Tingshen stopped in his tracks. Perhaps because of Ye Qingqiu's words, his gaze landed on Shen Fanxing.

Shen Fanxing could see the warning in his calm eyes.

She raised an eyebrow and said suddenly,

"It's a little difficult to take paid leave!"

Li Tingshen narrowed his eyes slightly, but Shen Fanxing walked to Ye Qingqiu and held her waist as they walked towards the dining room.

"You should have seen the news. I'm going to take over Lehua Entertainment's artists recently. There should be quite a number of people. There's no choice. With so many people appearing at once, the company can only cut down on expenses…"

Li Tingshen frowned slightly as his eyes darkened.

His gaze swept across Bo Jinchuan, who was sitting on the sofa. When he saw the faint and doting smile on his face, Li Tingshen's face darkened.

He knew that Bo Jinchuan would never take the initiative to contact him. Why would he suddenly do so today?

So she really had a motive.

When he suddenly contacted him today, the first thing he thought of was why Shen Fanxing had called him in the afternoon.

However, he felt that given Shen Fanxing's personality, she wanted to use Bo Jinchuan to ask him out so that she could have a chance to discuss this with him.

He knew that Shen Fanxing was a smart woman. Her achievements in the industry in the past few months were enough for him to acknowledge her unconditionally.

However, everything had to start.

Based on what she had mentioned to him this afternoon, he had already rejected her.

Even if they met again, there should be an embarrassing process.

But this woman had not spoken to him since they entered the house.

How did she manage to reveal this matter so naturally?

Who was he talking to?

Li Tingshen's lips curled and a cold and sarcastic glint flashed across his dark eyes.

What a good idea.

"Since you have the courage to take over so many artistes, why are you fussing about my salary now?"

Ye Qingqiu was baffled by Shen Fanxing's explanation!

Since when did she, Shen Fanxing, become so petty?

Shen Fanxing pulled out a chair and sat Ye Qingqiu down. Then, she sat down beside her helplessly.

"What can I do? I have no money!"


Even though Ye Qingqiu was indifferent to this dispensable topic, she couldn't help but twitch her lips.

Hearing Shen Fanxing's words from afar, everyone wanted to beat her to death!

No money?!

Who didn't have money?!

The husband of the CEO of the Bo Consortium was still sitting there steadily. How could she have the cheek to say that she had no money?

Li Tingshen glanced coldly at the indifferent man sitting on the sofa and let out a low chuckle. When he spoke again, his voice was filled with mockery.

"No money?"

Bo Jinchuan raised his eyes and glanced at Li Tingshen. Seeing his dark expression, his lips twitched.

"Well, no."

Li Tingshen's lips curled slightly and he continued to mock, "When did you become so poor?"

Bo Jinchuan stood up slowly. Dressed in a black suit, he stood tall and straight. His steady and noble aura emanated from him.

How could the word "poor" be used on him?

He looked in the direction of the restaurant and smiled. "That depends on her. When she needs me to be poor, she has to be poor."

Li Tingshen was speechless.

Xu Qingzhi suddenly regretted agreeing to accompany Shen Fanxing.

She was here to freeload, not to eat dog food!

Veins popped out on Li Tingshen's forehead.

Compared to Xu Qingzhi being fed dog food, Li Tingshen felt that Bo Jinchuan feeding dogs in his house was even more detestable!




Xu Qingzhi: "???"

###### I

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