Panda Novel

After saying that, Bo Jinchuan walked towards the dining room. Shen Fanxing glanced at him and smiled.

"Shen Fanxing, can you think about whether others have brains before you speak?"

"What's wrong?"

Ye Qingqiu turned her body to look at her. She supported her cheek with her hand and asked casually, "You don't have money?"

"Yes, but there are so many people. It's only natural that the company can't operate, right?"

Ye Qingqiu understood and smiled lightly. "Of course."

What Shen Fanxing wanted to express from the beginning to the end was a reasonable reason!

As for whether it was true or not, as long as there was a good reason, it could be!

Ye Qingqiu maintained her posture and looked at Shen Fanxing with a faint smile.

She couldn't help but feel envious and jealous of this woman.

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Some things could be seen clearly, and everything could be distinguished clearly…

After staring for a few seconds, Ye Qingqiu suddenly said,

"What should I do? I'm jealous of you."

Confused, Shen Fanxing asked, "Huh?"

The smile on Ye Qingqiu's face widened. "You're smart and capable. You have money, a car, a house, and a company…"

She paused and said, "Isn't this the typical image of a domineering CEO that women flock to?"

Raising an eyebrow, a glint flashed across Ye Qingqiu's eyes as she stared at Shen Fanxing. She suddenly leaned towards her.

Before Shen Fanxing could react, a kiss landed on her cheek.




Xu Qingzhi, who had just followed the two men into the restaurant, had an indescribable expression of shock on her face.

Was Ye Qingqiu… crazy?!

Ye Qingqiu didn't think much of it and smiled at Shen Fanxing. "Do you want to consider me? The kind that allows you to do whatever you want?"

Realizing what had happened, Shen Fanxing covered her face and leaned back. Her eyes widened in shock.

"Squeak squeak—" The ear-piercing sound of a wooden chair scraping against the floor!

Shen Fanxing watched as Ye Qingqiu was suddenly lifted by someone.

Then, she was thrown out mercilessly.

Her slender figure staggered, clearly showing no signs of stabilizing.

It was only when an arm blocked her waist and she was in someone's embrace that her panicked heart fell to the ground.

However, after steadying herself, she immediately struggled out of the man's embrace.

The place where the man had wrapped his arms around her waist was like a rope. It wrapped tightly around her waist and felt unusually strong.

It was intensely familiar.

In fact, when she touched the arm behind her, that strong sense of familiarity was instantly confirmed.

Her lips twitched sarcastically. How much did she care about this back then that she was so familiar with his touch now?

She quietly distanced herself from the man. Her face was pale, but she pretended to be calm.

No one would not be shocked by what had just happened.

That was no different from losing your footing at the edge of a cliff.

Li Tingshen looked at his empty embrace. There seemed to be a lingering fragrance on the woman's body.

And that petite body in the hot spring exuded a sense of familiarity.

Bo Jinchuan pulled Shen Fanxing into his embrace. He was so domineering that he almost hugged the chair.

Shen Fanxing wrapped one arm around his neck as the man hugged her tightly. Panic was written all over her face.

After a moment of daze, she nestled in Bo Jinchuan's embrace and turned to look at Ye Qingqiu in fear.

A warm hand covered her face, wanting to block her vision.

Shen Fanxing looked up at the man.

Bo Jinchuan's face was as dark and sinister as the stormy sky.

His dark eyes seemed to be covered in a thick layer of ice. The faint smile on his face was replaced by a bone-chilling sharpness.

Shen Fanxing was shocked as well. She suddenly felt that the man's tantrum was nothing.

She turned to look at Ye Qingqiu in confusion, wanting to know what she was thinking. However, the man pressed her into his embrace domineeringly, not allowing her to look at anyone.

However, her gaze landed on Ye Qingqiu just now. Her face was pale as she looked at her with a faint smile.

She blinked and wrapped her other arm around Bo Jinchuan's neck. She tiptoed and buried herself in his neck.

"Don't blame me. I didn't know that she would suddenly…"

Her gentle voice sounded aggrieved, which made Bo Jinchuan's face darken.

His gaze landed on Ye Qingqiu as if it was laced with cold poison, causing her heart to tighten and she took two steps back.

"Mr Bo, aren't you being too overbearing? Don't you care too much about the intimacy between women?"

Bo Jinchuan narrowed his eyes and said, "Since you don't mind, I don't mind finding a woman like you to spend the rest of your life with."

However, the rest of her life wouldn't last long!

Ye Qingqiu smiled lightly and said thoughtlessly, "I want someone like Fanxing. Is there anyone like that?"

Bo Jinchuan stared at her coldly for a long time before his gaze landed on Li Tingshen.

"How bad are you to make her completely lose interest in men and instead choose a woman of the same sex as her?"

Li Tingshen's gloomy face turned even colder.

Ye Qingqiu pursed her lips and leaned against the fridge with her arms crossed. She was like a spectator.

Anyone would fly into a rage at the sight of that spineless and heartless look.

Especially Li Tingshen. He knew that Ye Qingqiu was deliberately embarrassing him.

How terrible was that?

He glanced sideways at Ye Qingqiu before walking towards her slowly.

His long and dark eyes stared at her from the beginning to the end. The smile on Ye Qingqiu's face gradually faded. She straightened her body and turned to leave, but a long arm suddenly pressed against the wall behind her, blocking her path.

There was a loud bang.

It was the sound of a fist against the wall.

Li Tingshen lowered his gaze to look at her. His thin lips curled into a mocking smile and his dark eyes exuded coldness.

He leaned close to her face and his low voice forcefully made the atmosphere between them ambiguous.

"So, are you accusing me of not being able to satisfy you after so long?"

As he spoke, he chuckled lightly, looking frivolous and dangerous.

"You're not satisfied?"

Ye Qingqiu pursed her lips tightly. After hearing Li Tingshen's words, she smiled and said, "I'm not interested in men now, let alone you."

The man's face darkened as he stared at her for a while before letting out a low and mocking laugh.

"Then who are you acting for?"

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