Strange Comes: I Loaded The Boss Template

020 Ten times the attributes! Holy armor! Blessings from the world!! [Second update for full order!]

020 Tenfold attribute! Holy armor! Blessing from the world!!

[Sanctuary of the World]: A scroll of quasi-mythical quality props. After using it, you can get the status of "World's Shelter", and get the shelter of the power of the world from the blue star to help you safely pass through the fog of the world. Use 2/2 times.

Note 1: Use countdown: 1 hour 58 minutes 47 seconds.

Note 2: This is a gift from a mysterious being...

[Blessings of the World]: Quasi-mythical quality item scrolls. After use, you can get the status "Blessing of the World", get the blessing of the power of the world from the blue star, get the attribute buff and holy armor buff.

Attribute gain: Your all attributes are increased by 1000%, the power of all skills is increased by 1000%, the range of all skills is increased by 1000%, and the cost of all mana is reduced by 1000%. The buff counts from the time the scroll is ripped off, and the total duration is 2 hours.

Divine Armor: You have gained 100 points of Divine Armor. Divine Armor cannot take effect on attacks of legendary level and below, but it can resist attacks from gods and gods; every time you resist an attack from gods and gods, consume A certain armor value; when the armor value is cleared to zero, the sacred armor disappears.

Note 1: Use countdown: 1 hour 58 minutes 47 seconds.

Note 2: Don't hesitate! Revenge! Revenge! Revenge!


Wang Yan was still worried about the data error of the system and the sudden change of the achievement mall, but when he saw the remarks of these two quasi-mythical quality scrolls...

All the worries in his heart dissipated immediately.

turn out to be.

It is Him.

at the same time.

He was also shocked by the power of these two scrolls.

[Sanctuary of the World] Fortunately, it is just that he can safely pass through the fog of the world. Because he has never entered the fog of the world, Wang Yan does not know how dangerous it is, and Wang Yan cannot judge the value of this scroll.


Judging from the number of uses marked on the scroll, the total number of uses is two, one is for Wang Yan to pass through the fog of the world and arrive at [Another World]; the other is for Wang Yan to pass through the fog of the world and return to the lord's space.

Just used up.

【Blessings of the world】

The power and value of this scroll will be great!

All attributes increased tenfold!

The power of all skills is increased tenfold!

The range of all skills has been increased tenfold!

All skills consumption reduced by ten times!

All these states are superimposed together... His real strength is not only a tenfold improvement! It is a hundredfold, thousandfold improvement!

Even if it is a dog, if its strength is increased by a hundred times or a thousand times, it is a god dog that laughs proudly at the sky, not to mention Wang Yan, who is already extremely powerful in four-dimensional attributes, skill power and skill range?

and also.

Holy Armor!

It is not so much that the divine armor cannot take effect on the attacks of the legendary level and below, it is better to say that the attacks of the legendary level and below are too low-end and are not qualified to trigger the divine armor at all!


This sacred armor with a total armor value of 100 points is the last layer of protection given to him!

Guarantee him, even if he encounters an existence above the legendary level, or even encounters a dimensionality-reducing blow like the coming of a god, he can save his life and return to the lord space safely!

It can be said.

One [World Sanctuary], one [World Blessing], solves all the difficulties and crises that Wang Yan may encounter when going to [Other World]!

And what he meant was obvious:

Don't wait for the right moment, and don't wait for the skins that may be refreshed in the achievement store!

All the questions, I will give you consideration!

I will solve all the difficulties for you!

Do not hesitate!

It's reckless!

Just do it!

Through the fog of the world, dash through!

With the most tyrannical means, with the most violent attitude, revenge! Revenge! Revenge!


That's the meaning of that mysterious existence!


This is not mandatory.

In fact, even that mysterious existence cannot force Wang Yan to do something.

The influence of that mysterious existence on the system and the achievement mall is more like a transaction with the system, and the system accepts it.

at this point.

It can be seen from the procedure that the mysterious existence needs to go through a series of system rules such as contacting the system (data error and data analysis), bearing the price (refreshing the achievement mall and paying the exchange price), and finally touching Wang Yan.

This is a deal.

Wang Yan helped him get revenge, and he helped Wang Yan break into [another world] safely and gain Wang Yan's much-needed fame.

And the countdown marked on the two quasi-mythical quality scrolls is the time that the mysterious existence gave Wang Yan to consider.

within two hours.

If Wang Yan chooses to accept it, incarnate as a world boss, break into [another world], and complete the task of [revenge], these two quasi-mythical scrolls will naturally take effect.

If the two-hour countdown is over, and he has not yet chosen to accept it... then these two quasi-mythical quality scrolls that are priced at 10 World Source Crystals in the Achievement Mall will be no match for him.

Perhaps, it will disappear out of thin air.

Perhaps, it will turn into powder.

Perhaps, it will lose all its charm and brilliance, and it will really become two ordinary scrolls.

The scroll has arrived.

It can take effect at any time within two hours.

The question facing Wang Yan now is whether to accept this task, take these two world blessings, pass through the fog of the world, and enter the [other world] for revenge!

Of course it is...


Not only can he ensure his own safety, but he can also obtain the much-needed fame, and he can also break into [another world] and see with his own eyes which world has countless evil spirits and even evil gods!

This kind of great opportunity like a godsend, why did he refuse to accept it?


Before performing this task, he needs to do some preparations!

Perhaps he sensed Wang Yan's intentions. When Wang Yan made this decision, the system's prompt sound also sounded in real time.

"Warning 々 "!"

"In view of the fact that the system rules cannot be extended to [Other World] for the time being, this time the host goes to [Other World], killing the enemy cannot get any experience points and template fragments!"


"There are too many uncertainties in passing through the fog of the world, the shelter of the world can protect the host from the erosion of the fog of the world, but it cannot help the host shield the influence from the turbulent time and space!

"That is, in passing through the fog of the world, may I return to the past, or appear in the future?"

Wang Yan asked.

"It is only possible that the time flow of the two worlds is chaotic, that is, the host stays in [other world] for an hour, and one day passes in the present world; or the host stays in [other world] for two hours, and the present world passes for two seconds. This kind of chaos in the flow rate of time. ."

"Just like that?"

"That's fine! 99

Wang Yan breathed a sigh of relief.

The attribute gain brought by the blessing of the world can only last for two hours; for his own safety, he can only stay in the [other world] for two hours.

Just two hours.

Even if the time-space turbulence is outrageous, can the two hours of [Other World] be stretched into two months in the real world, or two years?


Since the time of his return is uncertain...he had to tell Han Xiaoxiao in advance.

To save myself from disappearing for three or five days at once, and being unable to get in touch, I will make this silly girl anxious.

in addition.

There is one more thing to note.

During the time when I was not in the lord space, I wondered if the dungeon of [Taran Kingdom] would continue to have adventurers breaking in.

If there is, he also needs to arrange for Boob, Black Charcoal and Iron Bone to come to guard.

Black charcoal and iron bones are okay, just stay here.

As for need to find a reason to borrow it from Xiao Wanqing for a few days!

"Host, don't worry."

"This time the host goes to [Another World], and the place where it appears is likely to be in Taran Kingdom; until the host returns, the instance of [Taran Kingdom] will not be opened again."5

That saves one more thing.

Wang Yan nodded, put away the two quasi-mythical quality scrolls in his hand, and temporarily stored them in his inventory.


He explained a few words to Boob, Black Charcoal and Iron Bone.

Iron Bone would just go back to the forest, and when he returned, he would summon it to the lord's space.

Boob also returned to his home.

During his absence, it was also responsible for protecting Xiao Wanqing and Doudou.

And black charcoal...

After one advancement and more than a dozen upgrades, although the black carbon in the regular form is still fat, its hair has transformed into pure black, which is exactly two extremes from the boob.

Pure black appearance, fat body, big eyes, lazy expression... Even if he used to be a raccoon cat, now Black Charcoal is enough to be called a top cute pet!

during his absence.

Black Charcoal's mission is to follow Han Xiaoxiao's side!


After sending Tiegu and Bubu back to Shanlin and Xiao Wanqing's homes respectively, Wang Yan also took the black charcoal off the assembly line.


He took out his mobile phone and clicked on the chat interface with Han Xiaoxiao.

【 Wang Yan: Xiaoxiao, did you sleep?】

After a few seconds.

Han Xiaoxiao's reply arrived.

[Han Xiaoxiao: No, I was just about to sleep. What's the matter? Do you need to stack buffs to draw cards again? 】

[Wang Yan:emmm...not this time. 】

Wang Yan was a little embarrassed.

It seems that he has stacked buffs to refresh the achievement mall several times, all after twelve o'clock.

As for what Han Xiaoxiao said about not sleeping, just getting ready to sleep, just getting up to drink water, just getting up to go to the bathroom... If Wang Yan was a fool, he would really believe it.

【Han Xiaoxiao: What happened?】

[Wang Yan: It's just... I have something to deal with, and I may be away from home for a few days. The signal over there is also not very good. If you send me a message and call, I may not be able to receive it. 】

[Wang Yan: If you are worried, I will let you know in advance. 】

【Han Xiaoxiao: Is it about the game?】

【 Wang Yan: You can say that. 】

【Han Xiaoxiao: Is there any danger?】

【Wang Yan: Don’t worry, apart from being unable to get in touch for a period of time, not only is there no danger, but also it is not illegal! What kind of identity is my Wang, how could it be possible to do dangerous things?】

[Han Xiaoxiao: It's fine if there is no danger, don't worry, I will wait for you at home. By the way, Sister Xiao, do you want to say something?】

[Wang Yan: Sister Xiao? When will you come, please tell her. 】

[Wang Yan: By the way, black carbon, do you remember? I sent you a photo. Come over tomorrow and take the charcoal away and keep it there. 】

[Wang Yan: It will be very well behaved, neither noisy nor noisy, I don't worry about putting it with others. 】

[Han Xiaoxiao: Is that the little fat cat? I know, I will go there tomorrow and bring it to me to keep. Don't worry~]

[Wang Yan; Well, that's it. Good night then. 】

【Han Xiaoxiao: Good night~】


Putting down the phone, Wang Yan also put down one thing on his mind.

He lifted the black charcoal nestled at his feet, and said with a serious face: "Hei Tan, tomorrow Xiaoxiao will come back to pick you up and live with her for a few days. 99

"During my absence, you are not only responsible for protecting her, but also doing what a cute pet should be."

"You can't lose your temper, you can't quarrel with her, you can't scratch her, you have to play with her patiently, comfort her, take care of her... Got it?"


Hei Tan looked at Wang Yan in shock.

When did the standards for cute pets become so high?

Aren't they just in charge of eating, drinking, and having fun, having enough to eat, drink, and play, find a soft cushion to lie down on, and wait until the shit shoveling officer comes over and give a symbolic cry, isn't it?


Wang Yan repeated it again.

"Meow (four tones)."

Black Charcoal's two small ears drooped down, and he let out a resentful cry.


Without Wang Yan's emphasis, Hei Tan knew that the woman was not something he could offend.

With its current level of intelligence, it has learned a lot in these days; including Han Xiaoxiao, Xiao Wanqing, Doudou, and others who are related to Wang Yan, it has already learned about it in various ways.

In the face of Boob, it can even scratch it.

Even in the face of Wang Yan, it can be lazy at will, even play a small temper, act like a spoiled child.

Facing Han Xiaoxiao... Putting his own position right is a smart cat!

He handed over the black charcoal to Han Xiaoxiao to take care of, and also handed Han Xiaoxiao to the black charcoal to take care of, Wang Yan finally felt relieved.

Let the charcoal continue to sleep on the sofa.

He himself was moved and returned to the lord space again.

This time.

It is quite now.

With a wave of his hand, a stone chair was raised on the floor of the lord's space. Wang Yan sat down on the stone chair and opened his attribute panel again.

He is examining his own strength.

After leveling up again, Wang Yan's level has now reached level 23.

The 3 levels of promotion brought him 600 free attribute points and 6 skill points in total.

After allocating the 600 free attribute points.

His current four-dimensional properties are:

The strength attribute is 380, the agility attribute is 380, the physical attribute is 600, and the spiritual attribute is 500.

With this four-dimensional attribute, I dare not say that adventurers and investigators of the legendary rank are hanged, but the adventurers and investigators of the epic rank are not a problem.


Wang Yan has stored a huge amount of experience points in his experience pool.

If those experience points are taken out, his level will be able to directly reach level 30! The 1400 free attribute points brought by a full seven-level improvement will make his four-dimensional attributes explode again!


no need.

The World Blessing brings a tenfold increase in attributes, which is enough for him to face all the evil spirits of the other world with a crushing attitude after breaking into the [other world]!

The existence above the legend is resisted by the sacred armor.

Such basic attributes are enough to face all dangers!

Say it again.

When this trip to [Another World] is over, his template rank will be able to smoothly evolve from the lord boss template to the epic boss template, and the attribute growth will increase again.

If you take out the experience points in the experience pool now, isn't it equivalent to losing a lot of free attribute points in vain?

This is a waste!

is not advisable!


There is no need to level up.

There is still room for improvement in skills.

do not forget.

On his skill bar, there is still an empty normal skill bar!

And in his equipment library, he has already accumulated hundreds of skill books of various types!

Wang Yan believes that with the increase of the blessing of the world, it is an ordinary skill, and it can play a huge role when its skill power and skill range are increased tenfold!

PS: The second is to ask for a full order mix~

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