Strange Comes: I Loaded The Boss Template

021 The door to the world is open! The monster BOSS who broke into [another world]!!

021 The door to the world is open! The monster BOSS who broke into [another world]!!

When it comes to choosing new skills, Wang Yan thought about it.

He now has four skills.

The BOSS skill is explosive, the main battle skill; the BOSS skill Indestructible Grip, a functional skill, can also be turned into the main battle skill when needed;

The melee skill is advanced spear skill level 10. With his current attributes, he can deal a ton of damage with a single hit. The basic long-range skill, spear throwing and physical attack-based long-range skills, seem basically useless now. .

These four skills basically cover the four directions of physical attack, elemental attack, long-range attack and melee attack.

It is worth mentioning that.

In the last refresh of the achievement store, Wang Yan obtained a basic skill advanced scroll. After using it, the basic spear skill that was originally full level 10 has evolved into an advanced spear skill.

After investing 10 skill points to raise it to the full level, the increase in the gun attack power brought by the advanced spear technique has reached 30%.

In addition to these four skills.

He also has a blank common skill bar, and 12 common skill points.





All four directions have been covered.

The current Wang Yan lacks neither attacking means nor defensive means, but rather lacks control, function and displacement skills.

Think about it.

Wang Yan finally decided to choose a displacement skill as his fifth skill.

After all, it is to break into [another world].

Face the whole world of evil spirits alone.

Even if his strength is already very strong, with the increase of the world's blessing, it has reached an outrageous level, but in the face of a complete world, he still needs to be careful.

Especially... this world really has the existence of god level!

Although the sacred armor is strong, its armor value is only 100 points; with one more displacement skill, even in the process of breaking into [another world], the 100 points of armor are all consumed,

He can also rush back to the teleportation point at a faster speed, from the [other world] full of evil spirits, back to his lord space.


After picking and choosing among hundreds of skill books, Wang Yan finally chose a displacement skill that he liked.

"Teleportation: Superior Skill, Active Skill, Level 1. Consume 1000 mana, make a beacon attached to the space, and integrate it into the nearby space as a marker. When you consume mana again, you can Instantly broke open the space and returned to the position where he left the empty 840-room beacon.""

"The current maximum distance that can be teleported is (mental attribute*1+1000) meters, and the current number of beacons that can be made: 1.

Wang Yan's current spiritual attribute is 600 points.

After matching the attribute increase of World Blessing, it will reach 6000 points.

If you add the tenfold increase in the skill range from the blessing of the world...then, the distance he can finally teleport is...70,000 meters!

Seems ok?

Think about it.

9 skill point consumption.

After Wang Yan simply learned this displacement skill, he raised its level to the full level of level 10.

"The current maximum distance that can be teleported is (mental attribute*10+10000) meters, and the current number of beacons that can be made: 2."

Instant teleportation at level 10 is much better.

On the basis of 6,000 spiritual attributes, plus the increase in the skill range brought by the blessing of the world, the maximum distance he can teleport has changed from 70,000 meters at level 1 to the current... 700,000 meters!

That is... 700 kilometers?!

Seems a little scary.

Of course, this is the farthest distance achieved with the increase of the world's blessing; without the increase of the world's blessing, with Wang Yan's own spiritual attributes and skill level,

At a full level 10 instant teleportation, the maximum distance it can teleport should be 16,000 meters, or 16 kilometers.

Not bad though.

But it is far from the exaggerated figure of 700 kilometers!

It can only be said that the double tenfold increase of the four-dimensional attributes and skills by the blessing of the world, the effect brought by the superposition is really terrifying!

Skill selection is complete.

Level up is over.

Wang Yan looked at his attribute panel again, and it seems that there is nothing missing, and there is nothing else that can improve his strength again?


He took a deep breath.

In an instant, he appeared at the end of the magma cave from within the lord's space.

Here, the place where the adventurers of the [Taran Kingdom] dungeon broke into the lord's space is also the place where the black mist vortex that represents the 4th-level permanent space crack emerges.


The black mist vortex did not emerge.

A passage shrouded in countless rolling black mists appeared in Wang Yan's field of vision.

This is the channel.

It is not only a channel to leave the lord's space, but also a channel to break into the world of evil spirits.

When he saw this passage, Wang Yan knew why he didn't have to worry. During his absence, the adventurers from [Taran Kingdom] would continue to attack the lord space (cfdh).

Because he broke into the world of evil spirits, he has already occupied this space crack!

The first scroll is taken out and torn open.

The power of the world from Blue Star is added.

Under the protection of the power of this world, he opened his legs and walked towards the passage shrouded in the rolling black mist.

Black mist.

The world is foggy.

This kind of power at the world level, which is close to the rule level, is not something that Wang Yan can ignore. Even if it is him, he would have to rely on his long health bar and consume a lot of health to break through the fog of the world. The blockade successfully broke into another world.

And now.

A misty white shield enveloped him.

But wherever he passed, the countless tumbling black mists retreated and dissipated.

One minute.

two minutes.

five minutes.

ten minutes.

Walking on this passageway that is only illuminated by his feet and surrounded by dark passages, Wang Yan is silently counting the time.


He himself knew that such timing was meaningless.

Because the system has already reminded it, passing through the passage shrouded in the fog of the world is very likely to be affected by the turbulent flow of time and space.

He clocked ten minutes in this world channel, maybe the real world has just passed a second; maybe the real world has passed a day or two.


The act of timing itself is meaningful.

It made Wang Yan more at ease.

Walking on this world passage, Wang Yan's heart was silently timing, and his eyes were constantly looking at everything outside the world passage.

Under his feet, there is a passage that emits a faint light, indicating the direction for him.

Beside him is a misty white shield, which isolates him from the black mist.

Around him, there are countless rolling black mists, rolling and roaring in this unknown land like a black tsunami!


He seemed to be able to hear the tingling sound of chewing in the tumbling black mist.


He seemed to hear a new series of footsteps behind him again, and it seemed that a series of figures were silently following behind him;

It's just that the movement seems to be a little stiff, and it is always a beat slower than his own footsteps, which is why the series of footsteps will fall after an extremely short period of time.

Wang Yan doesn't know.

What will be the scene when the evil spirits that invade the real world pass through the fog between the two worlds. But obviously it should be different from what I encountered.

There is no one behind him.

He is very clear.

In his true field of vision, not only stealth and stealth will be seen through, even the strange and clever stealth or stealth skills will be seen through!

hallucinations, hallucinations!

those footsteps.

Those chewing sounds.

Even the huge and weird figures that flashed through the black mist from time to time, the sharp and weird roars that sounded from time to time... These are all chaotic laws and rules, the embodiment in his eyes!

That is to say.

Even if they step into this world passage at the same time, at the same place, and in the same state, the weirdness and terror that everyone sees, hears, and feels are different.


It's just the embodiment of chaotic and broken laws and rules!

I do not know how long it has been.

With the footsteps that followed silently, the silent gaze, and the strange call from nowhere, Wang Yan finally reached the end of this world passage.

In his true vision, at the end of the passage under his feet is a glowing portal.

As long as he enters that portal, he will completely leave the scope of the fog of the world, and officially enter the world where the evil spirit lives in [Other World]!

"Final step! 9

Stopping before the portal, Wang Yan took out the second scroll, shredded it, let the blessings from the world bless him, and also increased his four-dimensional attributes, skill power and skill range by ten times. superimposed increase!

Under the tenfold increase in attributes.

Not only has his original four-dimensional attribute been increased to thousands of points, but under the influence of his physique attribute of up to 6,000 points, he originally only had 6 million blood points.

It also swelled to a terrifying 60 million points at this moment!!


"The level of the world's blessings is still not enough.

"Cannot act on template feats."


"My current HP shouldn't be 60 million points, but... 600 million points!!""

before the portal.

Wang Yan feels his power now.

Explosive power filled his body! Under this power far beyond his previous power, he felt... it was the existence of the seventh-order legend, and he could crush it to death!


Mind floating.

Wang Yan slowly released the shackles of his own power.

His body is also inflated wildly at this moment!

The four-dimensional attribute is only Boob, which is approaching the 500-point mark, and its second form has expanded to a height of ten meters, not to mention Wang Yan, whose four-dimensional attribute is as high as thousands of points?


In normal times, he bound his own power in the body, and he could exert his due power just by maintaining his normal state.

And now.

He doesn't need to be restrained.

Since it is BOSS.

Since it is the king of monsters.

Since you want to break into another world where evil spirits are.

He will come with the most powerful force and the most violent attitude!

Five meters!

Ten meters!

Fifty meters!


When his body swelled to nearly 100 meters, like a titan, Wang Yan released all his strength!


He stepped out.

Enter the portal.

Into [Another World]!!


Taran Kingdom.

Taran King City.

As the king of Taran Kingdom, Odus III has been very popular recently.

Not only was his daughter selected by the gods three years ago, and she became a noble favored person to carry out a top-secret mission; there was also a gate of destruction near the Taran King City!

Gate of Destruction.

Gateway to the Land of Destruction.

According to ancient legends, behind the Gate of Destruction, it is the most evil and chaotic place in the world, entrenched in the incarnation of the dark side of the whole world.

That is the king of evil spirits, the honor of evil spirits.

It is the source of all evil in the world, and it is the embodiment of all evil in the world!

It is said.

Even the abyss demons who have been fighting plane battles all the year round, their evil, brutality and sin are far less than one ten thousandth of the king of demons and the honor of evil spirits!

The Gate of Destruction appeared near Talan King City, which was a kind of honor.

As soon as the Gate of Destruction was born, Odus III sent his most elite warriors to break into it, to crusade the demons entrenched in it.


When he reported the news that the Gate of Destruction had appeared near his royal city to the suzerain Auss Empire, the emperor of the Auss Empire even dispatched a legendary spellcaster overnight and set up a large-scale teleportation method to transport troops between the two countries. array!

Immediately after.

A Legendary Summoner settled in Taran King City.

Dozens of epic professionals have settled in Taran King City.

Hundreds of thousands of hero professionals also swarmed after hearing that the Gate of Destruction appeared in the Taran King City, and stayed in the Taran King City, looking for an opportunity to break into the Gate of Destruction and crusade the King of Demons!


The demon king who is entrenched in the land of sin is still young, far from growing up, and even with the energy intensity of this gate of destruction, it is not even level 4.

Only rank 4 master-level professionals and below are allowed to pass.


Professionals appearing in Taran King City are far more than just one legendary summoner and dozens of epic professionals!

The Gate of Destruction has been around for more than ten days.

Whenever the Gate of Destruction was opened, Odus III would organize warriors to break into it at the first time to defeat the King of Demons; even if thousands of warriors broke into it, none of them came back. Dous III never stopped such orders!


Not just him.

Even the Os Empire and several surrounding kingdoms are ready to support at any time!

When the warriors and professionals of the Talan Kingdom are empty, the warriors and professionals of the surrounding kingdoms will make up; when the warriors and professionals of the surrounding kingdoms are empty, the Os Empire will make up!

Even the behemoth of the Os Empire is empty... There are other principalities, kingdoms and empires! Even if the human warriors and professionals are empty, there are other races!

The Gate of Destruction!

Demon King!

Never die!

Odus III didn't feel that there was anything wrong with this: Isn't it right to do everything he can to crusade the Demon King? If he doesn't crusade him now, should he climb out of the land of sin when he grows up, devour the whole world, and completely the destruction of the world?

It's not just Odus III that doesn't feel right.


The entire Taran Kingdom, the entire Os Empire, and even the entire Southern Continent... did not feel that there was anything wrong with this!

Even the families of the warriors, warriors, adventurers and professionals who broke into the Gate of Destruction and slaughtered the Demon King did not feel that there was anything wrong with it!

Their relatives—maybe a father, maybe a son, maybe a husband, maybe a brother—had died in the crusade against the Demon King, and their hearts were filled with grief.

But in the midst of their grief, they were full of excitement and glory!

If it wasn't for the Taran Kingdom to have certain requirements for the crusaders who broke into the Gate of World Destruction, they would like to break into the Gate of World Destruction the moment their loved ones sacrificed, and use their own lives to inherit and continue this glory!



Difficult to accept.

This is the Taran Kingdom.

This is the Auss Empire.

This is the existence opposite the space crack, which Ophelia calls the existence of evil spirits, resuscitators, and returnees... the world of entanglement and survival!

PS: The third is for full order~

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