Strange Comes: I Loaded The Boss Template

022 The Demon of Destruction Comes!! Weird and Twisted World!!

022 The Demon of Destruction is Coming!! The Weird and Twisted World!!

Taran King City.

in the palace.

Odus III has lost his most luxurious palace.

Because that palace has already been occupied by the legendary summoner from the Os Empire; even his most beautiful concubine is surrounded by the legendary summoner at this time.

to this.

Odus III did not complain at all.

Because that's a legend!

As the king of Taran Kingdom, Odus III's identity is extremely noble in the cognition of ordinary people, but compared with those legendary heroes, he is nothing.

Taran Kingdom is just a kingdom.

Under the Auss Empire, there were thirteen such vassals.

And a legendary summoner, placed in a truly powerful country like the Os Empire, is like a heroic existence! Even the emperor of the empire must be treated with courtesy!

It is not shabby to succumb to such existence.

The palace was given by him; the concubine was sent by him.

The sole purpose of his doing this is to let this legendary summoner do his best to help him crusade the existence behind the Gate of Destruction.

If he pays these extras, he can successfully defeat the demon king... He, Odus III, will become the greatest king of the Taran Kingdom, the most shining patriarch of the Odus family, and even the most splendid and brightest in the entire continent. Glory exists!

What are some extras?

Three years ago, didn't he take the initiative to send all his daughters out?





Since the birth of the Gate of Destruction, Odus III has only calculated these contents every day.

at this time.

Standing on the wall of his royal castle, Odus III looked at the west of Taran King City from afar.

There is where the Gate of Destruction was born, and where the troops and professionals sent by the Taran Kingdom, the Os Empire, and several surrounding kingdoms are stationed.


I am only a Tier 3 warrior, and I have to preside over the overall situation.


I really want to join it, personally join this crusade against the Demon King, and experience the power of a world-destroying demon known as the most evil and evil!

time flies.

It's past lunch time.

Odus III was still standing on the wall of the royal city, looking in the direction of the Gate of Destruction.

I don't know when.


He seemed to see a blood-colored breath rising up?


Do not!

Not a hallucination!

Because at the next moment, he really saw a puffy scarlet aura rising into the sky, rendering the clouds in the sky in the direction of the Gate of Destruction into a scarlet red!

This is……

What's wrong?

As soon as Odus III's doubts arose, a fifth-order hero professional rushed over at an extremely fast speed and quickly reported: "Your Majesty, there is a change in the Gate of Destruction! 35

"The Spellcaster Association judges... It is suspected that the Demon of Destruction has grown up, and is about to break through the shackles of the Gate of Destruction and break into our world!

"The Demon of Destruction... has really appeared?"

Odus III's expression is very strange, with fear, anticipation, yearning, and excitement and excitement: "Assemble the army, open the mage tower, and prepare for battle!"

"Besides... did that lord inform you? 35

The fifth-order hero professional also has a complex expression of fear and anticipation, and is a little fanatical: "A professional has already come to inform, this time, it has probably been notified! 35


Odus III took a deep breath and said, "Take me to the Mage Tower closest to the Gate of Destruction! I want to witness the destruction of the Devil of Destruction with my own eyes!"

A fifth-order hero professional, with a third-order king, quickly walked through the city of Taran King City, a city with millions of people, skipping crowds, passing through buildings,

In the end, before the Demon of Destruction really arrived, he rushed to a mage tower near the city wall that was closest to the Gate of Destruction.

at this time.

On this mage tower.

There is already an epic spellcaster and a dozen heroic spellcasters settled in, and a large number of spellcasters' assistants are racing against time to move boxes of valuable magic crystals.

As if you don't want money, piles are thrown into the magic furnace that is the energy core of this mage tower!

"Your Majesty the King!"

"Your Excellency Schnaig!"

A king of a kingdom, an epic spell caster, after bowing to each other, they all walked to the side of the mage tower. The Gate of Destruction more than ten kilometers away!

at this time.

The scarlet gate of extinction, its energy intensity is rapidly rising.

From the original level 4, it quickly climbed to level 5, and then moved towards level 6, or even level 7!

The scarlet aura gushing out from the Gate of World Destruction spread even more at this moment, dyeing the area of ​​several kilometers around the Gate of World Destruction into blood red.

so that.

The many war groups and legions that were originally stationed near the Gate of Destruction had to keep retreating at this time, avoiding the infection of the scarlet aura, and waiting for the real arrival of the Devil of Destruction!

time flies.

Just under the gaze of Odus III and Schneig, in the gaze of more than a dozen spellcasters on the Mage Tower, and the waiting of hundreds of thousands of fully-armed warriors, brave men, adventurers and professionals outside the royal city. , the scarlet aura gushing out from the Gate of Destruction became more and more intense.


When the energy intensity of the Gate of Destruction completely exceeded the peak of level 6 and entered level 7... the Gate of Destruction moved!

A huge palm with sharp claws suddenly stretched out from the gate of World Destruction, pressing down on the ground like the World Destruction Claws that destroyed beasts, leaving a charred trace on the ground.

Immediately after.

Another palm stretched out from the gate of death!

Palm first.

Then there's the head.

Next is the upper body.

Lastly is the lower body.

It took a full half a minute for the king of demons, the king of evil spirits, and the demon of world-annihilation born in this land of sins to finally pass the gate of world-annihilation and appear in this world!

It stood there, looking around the world.

The huge body that is hundreds of meters high is like the giant Titan in myths and legends; the scarlet flames burning on the body, and the scarlet aura rising into the sky, dyed most of the sky with blood.

Its head is hideous, and its four acute angles are twisted backwards; its fangs are sharp, and every now and then a drop of venom that can contaminate the earth can be polluted;

Its slender body is covered with sharp bone spurs and black-red flame patterns, as if the entire huge body is made of black-red magma.

Its arms are powerful, the layers of muscles are like rocks, and the sharp claws at the end of the arms are more like the hardest obsidian carved, shining with a terrifying cold light!

The huge and ferocious body is surrounded by scarlet flames, filled with a corrosive blood-colored aura; just standing there, this world-destroying demon seems to have become the focus of the entire world, giving people a huge aura of oppression!





When the Demon of Destruction finally walked out of the Gate of Destruction and appeared in this world, Audus III, who was standing on the Mage Tower tremblingly took out the sound transmission talisman and ordered in it:

"All the legions of the Taran Kingdom... encircle and suppress the demons that destroy the world!!

with his words.

The battle groups and legions stationed near the Gate of Destruction, the many guards on the walls of the Taran King City, the spellcasters on the five mage towers in total, and even the millions of civilians and middle and low-level professionals in the Taran King City... …

All are surging wildly at this moment, rushing in the direction of the Demon of Destruction!

The war to encircle and suppress the world-destroying demon begins at this moment!!

the other side.

After completing the transformation, from an ordinary form to a giant with a height of 100 meters, Wang Yan passed through the portal and broke into this world where evil spirits are entrenched and living.

What a world this is!

outside the portal.

Wang Yan's eyes swept across, looking around the world.

The dark sky was gray and gray, as if it would fall down at any time, giving people a great sense of oppression; a round of blazing sun hung high in the sky, obviously it was noon, but it only exuded a faint pale light, making the whole world change. Dark and pale.

Countless strands of black flocs floated between the sky and the earth, sometimes appearing, sometimes disappearing, sometimes turning into iron worms, and sometimes combining into strange eyes.

far away.

The mountains are showing a strange blue-black color.

A faint mist rises from the mist, a little scarlet appears and disappears in the mist and the mist, shadows crawling in the mist, like giant beasts foraging.


Large tracts of land are barren and decadent, the forests are swaying in the wind, and the dry branches stretch to the sky, like dry and powerless palms; thing.

Even the most common weeds... have countless strange objects growing on them - or a small mouth full of fangs, or a scarlet eye opened, or a pale Numb face.

in front of you.

Not far in front of the place where he appeared, there were already well-armed and well-armed chapters and corps. There are probably as many as hundreds of thousands of chapters and corps stationed here!


Like those adventurers who broke into the dungeon world, the adventurers in these war groups and legions are either low-level professionals like zombies, or high-level professionals with all kinds of weirdness.


It's not the creepiest yet.

When Wang Yan's eyes moved, from the desolate land, from the adventurers, to the city closest to him... He really realized what was weird and what was crazy!

This is a city.

A huge city with a large area and full of exotic customs.


Countless vines covered the city walls and buildings, squirming and crawling fast on the city walls and buildings, like long black snakes; countless withered grasses overgrown the city, whether in the gardens, on the roads or in the buildings, these presented The gray-black withered grass has grown to a height of half a person.

The rustling sound came from the dry grass constantly, and I didn't know what danger was hidden in it.

...... ask for flowers ......

The city walls are crumbling.

Building collapsed.

No matter how you look at it, it looks like a city that has been abandoned a lot!


at this time.

It is in such a city... Countless dense figures stand in it!!

Their hair is dry.

Their limbs are twisted.

Their clothes are ragged.

They are covered with wounds that have long since rotted and dried up!

This total number is afraid that there are millions of figures that are almost indistinguishable from zombies, just standing in the city, standing in the waist-deep gray-black grass.


When Wang Yan came to this world and looked towards this city, the millions of dry figures seemed to sense his gaze at this moment,

Qi Shushu looked up, turned his head, and looked towards this side!

It's hard to imagine what it would be like to be watched by millions of dry and empty eyes at the same time and at the same place?


When he turned his head...many figures turned their backs to Wang Yan!

Just looking at the scene where they slowly and firmly twisted his head to the back, Wang Yan seemed to hear the twisted creaking of countless bones!

In this city, there is a mage tower.

And there are five of them!

The five mage towers have been lit up, each with a different light; the five mage towers, which are also covered with creeping and crawling vines, are also shimmering with energy rays, adding to this world with gray, white and black as its keynotes. a little color.


Even the light flickering on the mage tower... still had a deadly pallor.

Those noble spellcasters in the mage tower are not fundamentally different from the professionals in the battle group and legion, and the millions of dry figures standing silently in the city.



Just better preserved and weirder?

From Wang Yan breaking into this world, to seeing the surrounding environment, it is actually only a momentary time.

when he arrives.

A weak but extremely penetrating voice came from the strange city, Wang Yan looked around, and saw a particularly bloated figure in the nearest mage tower!

It seems to be the embodiment of greed and gluttony in the seven deadly sins.

The huge and bloated body occupies half of the spacious space in the mage tower! Squeeze the other people in the mage tower far away to the edge of the mage tower.

And among the layers of fat that fell down like clothes and spread out on the ground, there were countless tiny figures crawling in and out, gnawing at the pale fat.


This extra bloated figure is the ruler of this strange city?

Accompanied by that small but extremely penetrating weird roar, a vast horn sounded from the battle groups and legions near him.

Immediately after.

The total number is afraid that hundreds of thousands of chapters and legions have moved.

Hundreds of thousands of troops began to charge, attacking in the direction where he was!


Not only the hundreds of thousands of chapters and legions that can be called the evil spirit army, but when the vast horn sounded and the hundreds of thousands of chapters and legions began to charge, there was even more movement in the strange city!

In this moment!

The millions of people who were originally just standing silently in the city, standing in the waist-deep grass, staring at Wang Yan's dry figure with shriveled and empty eyes, turned from extremely static to extremely moving at this moment!

The dry figures like millions of zombies seemed to hear some signal, and at this moment they became restless, densely packed, shoved, crowded, and ran wild...

Like countless black zombie frenzy, along the deserted streets, rushing towards the city gate in the west of the city!


It's for Wang Yan!

Just looking at rank and strength, these millions of dry figures are naturally not worth mentioning, even if these millions of zombie-like figures are tied together, they are not Wang Yan's opponents.


If you really see the countless dry figures roaring, shoving, and rushing towards this side frantically... it is an investigator who has experienced a hundred battles, and they will be horrified!

"Have you started yet?"

The eyes moved again.

From the strange city in the distance, from the millions of dry figures surging, back to the battle group and legion that were about to reach the attack range.

"Since you want revenge..."

"Let's start with this army and this city!"

Whispering room.

Wang Yan's right hand was gently held up.

An orange-red fiery fireball the size of a human head immediately emerged, slowly floating, spinning, and burning violently in his palm.

do not forget.

Now Wang Yan can be hundreds of meters tall!

If the blazing fireball as huge as his head was placed in the real world... it would even be bigger than an ordinary room!

Pyroblast takes shape.

next moment!

This BOSS skill, which has been blessed by the world tenfold in power and tenfold in range, with a blazing flame tail, burns a dark trace in the air,

Crashing down!!

PS: The fourth is for full order~


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