Strange Comes: I Loaded The Boss Template

034 Advanced again! The power to break the magic, the epic monster BOSS!

034 Advanced again! The power to break the magic, the epic monster BOSS!

Wang Yan and Han Xiaoxiao talked a lot.

From work to life, from life to games, and from games to what happened in the past two months.

Lots and lots.

The only thing Han Xiaoxiao didn't talk about was his thoughts about Wang Yan.

More than two months, really long.

Since she met again at the age of sixteen, this is the first time, she hasn't seen Wang Yan for more than two months, and she can't even contact Wang Yan, right?

Because of Wang Yan's explanation in advance and the fat cat Hei Tan accompanied, Han Xiaoxiao didn't feel much at first.


From the third day, she couldn't bear it anymore.

From high school, to college, to graduation.

Sending messages to Wang Yan every day and waiting for his reply seems to have become her daily routine and a habit of hers.

Even if it's just a small chat, or discussing the game, she is very satisfied.

Also because Wang Yan likes to play games, she has gradually changed from a little girl who has never been interested in games to a game expert who can dabble in various types of games.

And this time.

She couldn't participate in the game he called.


This is Wang Yan's rhetoric.


As time passed, as more and more information was released by the Discord Bureau, Han Xiaoxiao became more and more able to guess what the game Wang Yan was talking about...

But as far as Han Xiaoxiao herself is concerned, she is naturally unable to compare with Xiao Wanqing.

Whether it is worth, connections or energy.

But if you include family matters... she, the eldest Miss of the Han family, is not inferior to Xiao Wanqing at all!

Her father is not only the chairman of Jianghai Machinery Factory, but also the chairman of Jianghai Group! Even the Guanlan Community where Wang Yan bought the villa was developed by Jianghai Group!


She was so surprised when she found out that Wang Yan bought a villa in Guanlan Community; so, when Wang Yan asked herself to be a guest, she so easily drove the car into the so-called most upscale in Jianghai City, and at the same time It is also the best neighborhood for security.

Because the Discord Bureau is slowly releasing some information.

Also because of the financial strength and power of the Han family.

Han Xiaoxiao knew a lot of things.

Including the cracks in space, including the invasion of evil spirits, and also including... the existence of the Lord of the Mist, and the existence of the favored ones!

If he only knew some of them, Han Xiaoxiao would not associate them with Wang Yan.


She is the person who knows and knows Wang Yan best in the world.

I noticed Wang Yan's many changes, especially his attitude towards himself. He is no longer the same as before, there is always a kind of isolation, but he has become more confident and more willing to express himself.

Coupled with the pigeon's blood red of unknown origin, and all the following...

If she knew all of this, and she couldn't connect the information together, she would be a top student at Jianghai University in vain!

Wang Yan, is he a favored one?

That so-called game... is also related to the favored ones, or even space cracks and the invasion of evil spirits, right?

Wang Yan said that he just went to work for a while and would not encounter danger.


Having seen the relevant video, how could she believe that this kind of work is not dangerous?


He left himself charcoal.

At first, the black charcoal was just a kind of consolation after she missed Wang Yan; it was only after learning the information from the Discord Bureau that Han Xiaoxiao discovered that there were many abnormalities in this cute black cat!

It's outrageously smart, but it's just lazy and lazy, and it's too lazy to take care of people, and most people can't feel it.

It is not as strong as a cat. Every time you take it out for a walk, whether it is other cats, dogs or other pets, it basically avoids it.

A cat is so unusual.

In addition, among the information obtained from the Alien Tune Bureau, there was also information related to alien beasts, and Han Xiaoxiao gradually understood.

Wang Yan is the one who is favored by God.

Charcoal is an alien beast.

And this black cat, Wang Yan went to work, and during the time when he disappeared, he protect himself?

After reasoning out this information, Han Xiaoxiao tried to verify it from Black Charcoal.

Black carbon will naturally not admit it.

But from its attitude and performance, Han Xiaoxiao already knew that what he inferred was probably the truth. At least, this black cat is really what Wang Yan stayed to protect himself.

what's next?

After repeated verifications and repeated inducements, Han Xiaoxiao confirmed another piece of information.

That is, this black cat and Wang Yan have some kind of connection that transcends time and space! Whenever I ask it if Wang Yan is safe, it will bark disdainfully.

It seems, in its perception, that its owner is safe.

It is precisely because of this kind of daily verification that Han Xiaoxiao kept her temper again and again for more than two months, waiting for Wang Yan's return.

Instead of mobilizing the power of the Han family, he took the initiative to find clues about Wang Yan.


When she couldn't help it, she could only send a message to Wang Yan.



Wang Yan is back.

And... no danger!

[Han Xiaoxiao: By the way, have you gone home? It's inconvenient now, I'll go look for you? Hei Tan seems to miss you, and is secretly watching us chat. 】

【 Wang Yan: Let’s go tonight. There are still some things to deal with in the afternoon. When you come over later, we will get together. 】

[Han Xiaoxiao: Mmmm! By the way, let’s talk to Sister Xiao too, right?]

[Han Xiaoxiao: During your absence, Sister Xiao and Doudou were also worried about you and asked me many times. Afraid that I am not at ease here alone, I brought Doudou and Bubu to accompany me for a few days. 】

[Wang Yan: Well...let's be together that night. 】

[Han Xiaoxiao: Mmmm. 】

Chat is over.

Put down your phone.

Han Xiaoxiao took three steps and took two steps, rushed to the side of Hei Tan, who was still basking in the sun on the balcony, hugged it, hugged it in his arms, and said excitedly, "Hei Tan Hei Tan, Dad is back!"

"Excited or not?

"Aren't you happy?"

"Mom will take you to find Dad later!"

Being slammed into Han Xiaoxiao's arms violently, Heitan rolled his eyes: Ben Miao already knew. Not only did I know it, but I knew it well before you...more than a minute!


For the sake of this shovel (woman) shit (master) official (person) who has done her best to take care of herself in the past two months...let her hug her and be happy.

Guanlan District.

After finishing the chat with Han Xiaoxiao, Wang Yan opened the chat interface with Xiao Wanqing again.

During this time, Xiao Wanqing also sent him a few messages.

Although the frequency and frequency cannot be compared with Han Xiaoxiao, these few messages are the kind of messages that express the content directly and neatly.

[Xiao Wanqing: Are you on a business trip? When you come back, let me know that my sister will cook something delicious for you. 】

[Xiao Wanqing: Haven't come back yet? If you encounter trouble, just say it. Your sister Xiao still has some connections, and general trouble is not a problem. 】

[Xiao Wanqing: Is the job dangerous? Take good care of yourself. 】

[Xiao Wanqing: Work with peace of mind and pay attention to safety. I will help you watch Xiaoxiao, and I won't let her be in danger, and I won't let anyone bully her. 】

A few scattered pieces of information showed Xiao Wanqing's attitude and personality vividly.

With a smile on his face.

Wang Yan typed.

[Wang Yan: Sister Xiao, I'm back, and I'm not in any trouble or danger. It's just that the work place is a bit special and there's been no signal. 】

Ding dong!

Soon, Xiao Wanqing replied.

[Xiao Wanqing: Just come back. I haven't had a letter for more than two months, and I'm ready to introduce new friends to Xiaoxiao! By the way, did Xiaoxiao say it?]

[Wang Yan: I have already said it, and it has been comforted. She will come later, and Sister Xiao will come too, bring Doudou and Boob, and get together. 】

[Xiao Wanqing: Okay, I'll prepare the materials and let you have a big dinner tonight. You should rest first, about six o'clock, I will bring Doudou and Boob over there. 】

【Wang Yan: Please sister Xiao, then Xiaoxiao and I are waiting for a big meal...]

[Xiao Wanqing: Just wait. 】

Chat is over.

Wang Yan looked at the time.

It is now one o'clock in the afternoon, and six o'clock will come, and there are almost five hours left, which is enough for him to deal with his own affairs first.


Go back to the lord space.

"Ding! 55

"You destroyed the Taran King City occupied by evil spirits in [Other World], your murderous deeds began to spread in [Other World], and you gained 1 reputation.


"You killed the 'Purgatory Demon Dragon Crestia', your ferocity and power began to spread in the various worlds and abyss of [Other World], and you gained 10 points of fame.

"Ding! 39

"You killed the 'Saint on Earth - Adrian', your ferocity and power began to spread in various worlds and planes of [Other World], and you gained 10 points of fame.

"Ding! 99

"You indirectly caused the avatar of the 'God of War' to come to the world to collapse, and your arrogance, tyranny and ferocity began to spread in various worlds, planes and abyss of [Other World], you have attracted the attention of some powerful beings, you Gained 50 reputation."

Back again.

A series of system prompts sounded in Wang Yan's mind.

He opened the attribute panel and looked at it again, and a touch of joy rose in his heart.

The popularity is undoubtedly gained.

From the lord boss template to the epic boss template, he only needs 1 point of fame; but in this trip to another world, he has gained a total of 71 points of fame!

see here.

Wang Yan suddenly became vigilant and asked the system: "The system, from an epic boss template to a legendary boss template, will not require 100 fame points, right?"

If so.

It means that his current popularity is just stuck in a position where he can't go up or down.

He has to go to the world where the evil spirits are entrenched and live again, and then make a lot of big noises, kill the stronger evil spirits, in order to gain new popularity.


The system's reply did not disappoint him.

"Host, to evolve your template from an epic boss template to a legendary boss template, in addition to increasing the evolution of the epic boss template to 100%, you also need an additional 10 points of fame.

Is it only 10 o'clock?

Then you don't have to run again.

The 71 points of fame he has now is enough!


"Ding! 99

"It is detected that the evolution of the host's current template has reached 100%, and it is detected that the host has 71 legendary points in [Other World], which meets the conditions for the monster template to evolve again.

"Is it advanced?


Wang Yan will definitely come.

After spending such a huge price and paying so much effort, I even let more than two months disappear from my life inexplicably...

Isn't he just for a little bit of fame, this time's epic evolution?


It's all trophies.

It's all a surprise.

Only this epic evolution is the root cause of Wang Yan's adventure into another world and killing the Quartet!


"Progress is over.

"Your monster template has been upgraded. Current monster template: Epic BOSS template."5

It's not easy!

The evolution from the fifth-order lord boss to the sixth-order epic boss can be said to be the most twists and turns of Wang Yan's evolution, and the most difficult one!


His harvest is also rich enough!

From the fifth-order lord boss to the sixth-order epic boss, Wang Yan's attribute growth has been improved again.

The number of free attribute points obtained for each level up has suddenly increased from 200 points in the time of the lord boss to 500 points in the time of the epic boss!

It can be said.

Next, the number of free attribute points he gets every time he upgrades one level is equivalent to the sum of all four-dimensional attributes of an ordinary fifth-order adventurer!

This kind of power is far beyond what ordinary people can imagine!

Advanced is over.

Three new template specialties also appeared in Wang Yan's vision.

[Magic Breaking Power]: Your 843 body has incorporated the unique rules of the lord space, and it has undergone transformation. All your attacks will be attached with the "magic breaking power", by destroying the enemy's spell stability and mana structure, and quickly disintegrating the spell skills and spell-like skills released by the enemy.

[Multiple Attacks]: Your body has incorporated the unique rules of the lord space, and it has undergone transformation. Your non-skill attacks will have multiple attack effects, and each attack will cause nine different damage or states to the enemy, including armor breaking, penetration, tearing, bleeding…etc.

[Splash Damage]: Your body has been integrated with the unique rules of the lord space, and has undergone transformation. Your non-spell skills will have splash damage, and each attack will cause a large range of splash damage to surrounding enemies. The range of splash damage will grow with your strength and mental attributes.

Three new template feats.

Wang Yan thought about it.

The first template feat is aimed at adventurers of the spellcasting class.

If he had this template expertise before breaking into another world, he would be able to quickly destroy his energy shield or destroy his own energy shield, whether he was facing the Mage Tower or the Soul Clone of the God of War. structure to speed up kills.

The second template feat is aimed at such powerful presences as Wang Yan himself.

If he had this template expertise before breaking into another world, he would not have fought so hard when facing the purgatory dragon Crestia.

A single shot, or even a fist, will cause a full nine kinds of damage or state, including armor breaking, penetration, tearing, bleeding, etc., to a purgatory dragon known for its tyrannical body... think It feels terrible to think about!

The third template is a typical group battle template or monster clearing template.

With a single blow, not only the enemy you hit will be damaged, but also other enemies in a large area near that enemy will suffer the same damage at this moment!

That is to say.

Just killing one enemy is equivalent to killing thousands of enemies!

This kind of group battle and group damage ability is no less than the AOE skill of Pyroblast! Even, as a template specialty, it does not need to consume mana, it always takes effect, and its application range is even more than that of Pyroblast. main battle skills!

Three template feats.

Each is powerful.

After careful consideration, in the end, Wang Yan chose the magic-breaking power, a specialization for spellcasters, as his new template specialization!

without him.

His own health bar is long enough, and his four-dimensional attributes are strong enough. He is the foundation of a melee professional, and he is not afraid of a melee professional.

on the contrary.

The casters with various skills that are hard to guard against, as well as the energy shields that are extremely resistant to elemental damage, have caused Wang Yan a headache.

The power to break the magic is in hand.

from now on.

He can also call himself a spellcaster killer!

PS1: Everyone who has flowers and comments, please vote~~ More flowers and votes, the author will be ready to explode tomorrow and the day after tomorrow~~

PS2: For the fourth update, please complete the order~

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