Strange Comes: I Loaded The Boss Template

035 The gift of the world!! Flame enhancement, the master of the fire element! [First order for full

035 The gift of the world!! Flame enhancement, the master of the fire element!

As usual.

After Wang Yan's template is advanced, a scroll item will be refreshed in the Achievement Mall, which is specially used to improve the template specialty level.

This time is no exception.

The BOSS template stepped from the lord rank to the epic rank. Wang Yan achieved the achievement [Epic Evolution] and obtained 3000 achievement points, and these 3000 achievement points were just enough to buy the epic feat sublimation just refreshed in the achievement mall. reel!



When all of this is completed, Wang Yan's [Life Enhancement] template specialty has been upgraded from the fifth-order lord template specialty to the sixth-order epic template specialty! The increase in health that brought him has also skyrocketed again!

"[Health Enhancement]: Epic Template Specialty. Your HP has been greatly increased. HP*3000!"

Another triple increase.

According to this length.

When Wang Yan steps into the legendary rank and becomes a legendary boss, and sublimates his [Life Enhancement] specialty to the legendary template specialty, this specialty will increase his health value... it will reach 10,000 times!

That is to say.

Others—whether it’s a mercenary or his dependents—under the premise of no characteristic blessing, 1 point of physique corresponds to only 10 points of HP,

And for him, 1 point of physique corresponds to 10*10,000... a full 100,000 points of blood!

Even now.

A full 3,000-fold increase in HP is also an extremely exaggerated figure!

On the premise that his four-dimensional attributes did not increase in the slightest, when the [Life Enhancement] Specialty was upgraded to an Epic Template Specialty, Wang Yan's original HP of 6 million points surged to 18 million points at this moment!

18 million HP!

Even if there is still a big gap with the blessing of the world...

But don't forget, Wang Yan is only level 23 now!

When his level rises, his four-dimensional attributes also reach the attributes when the world's blessing is added... At that time, his blood volume has already exceeded 100 million!





The blood volume and strength soaring again gave Wang Yan the urge to break into the [other world] again, without the aid of the increase of the world's blessings, to fight the other world with his own power!



This urge was suppressed by a new system prompt.


"Your 'revenge' mission is overdone.

"A mysterious being is extremely satisfied with your mission. In return, you get a chance to refresh the item in the specified item category in the Achievement Mall!

Specify product category?

Wang Yan was a little confused.


When he interprets the information that emerged in his mind and understands the meaning of specifying the category of goods to refresh... he is even more stunned!

I was confused before, just because I didn't understand.

Now, I am simply shocked by this reward!

The so-called designated product category to refresh...

To put it simply, because of the gift of that mysterious existence, Wang Yan got a free chance to refresh the achievement mall, and this time, the free refresh,

For the products that can be refreshed, he can specify the category!

If the commodity category he specified is weapons, in this free refresh, the six commodities refreshed must be weapons or weapons-related items!

If the commodity category he specified is fire, in this free refresh, the six commodities refreshed must be fire-related skills, characteristics, weapons, equipment, etc.!

Even if only the designation is free and the refresh is free, the refreshed items still need Wang Yan to exchange achievement points...

But this kind of designated refresh opportunity can be said to be unique!

Wang Yan guessed.

For this designated refresh...that mysterious existence, the price paid is definitely not small!

Specify refresh.

What category to specify?

What to refresh?

Still need to consider?

Of course it's template expertise!

As a monster boss, Wang Yan's strongest point is neither his extreme attribute growth in each step, nor his powerful boss skills.

It's his unique and exclusive template expertise!

A [Life Enhancement] template feat makes his health bar break through the sky; a [Life Recovery] template feat makes his HP recovery speed disappointing.

It can be said.

Even if there is only one more rule-level ability of Template Specialty, it will also be a qualitative change to the improvement of Wang Yan's overall strength!

What is a surprise?

This is the surprise!

No matter in that sense, the chance of this designated category for commodity refresh... is even bigger than the corpse of the purgatory dragon worth millions and tens of thousands of achievement points!


"Template Expertise!"

Rarely, Wang Yan lost his temper.

Even these words brought a trace of trembling.

It is because the surprise brought by that mysterious existence to him is really too great!

Because of the appearance of the mysterious existence, Wang Yan gained fame and successfully entered the epic BOSS rank; because of the appearance of the mysterious existence, Wang Yan obtained the corpse of the purgatory dragon, making himself and his family members, It will benefit from it for a long time in the future;

Because of the appearance of that mysterious existence, Wang Yan gained a lot of equipment and a treasure trove of a kingdom; also because of the appearance of that mysterious existence... Wang Yan got this designated refresh opportunity!

It can be said!

This mysterious existence, who has never revealed his identity, is Wang Yan's great nobleman!


It's a bit out of character to say that.

But considering the true identity of that mysterious's okay to say that.

after all.

He was reincarnated into this world, and he has lived in this world for more than 20 years.

Is not it?


The achievement store has been refreshed.

With an excited and trembling mood, Wang Yan opened his achievement store again.

[Physical Strength Enhancement]: Special items, exclusive items, template expertise. Your physical strength has been greatly increased. Stamina*1000%. The exchange price is 200 points (0% discount = 200 points)

[Elemental Resistance]: Special items, exclusive items, template expertise. Your body's resistance to elemental damage has been greatly improved, and you can be immune to elemental damage caused by advanced and below-advanced skills; you must save 50% of elemental damage caused by advanced skills. The exchange price is 200 points (0% discount = 200 points)

[Anomaly Resistance]: Special items, exclusive items, template expertise. Your body's resistance to abnormal conditions has been greatly improved, the duration of all abnormal conditions (including bleeding, piercing, poisoning, burning, frost, weakness, slowness, etc.) is reduced by 50%, and all abnormal conditions cause you Mandatory 50% saving throw from damage. The exchange price is 200 points (0% discount = 200 points)

[Flame Enhancement]: Special items, exclusive items, template expertise. Your body has integrated the unique rules of the lord space, and has undergone transformation. Your affinity for the fire element reaches the extreme, and you are the master of the fire element. Exchange price 500 points (0% discount = 500 points)

[Advanced Template Specialty Sublimation Scroll]: Special items, exclusive items. One of your basic template expertise can be upgraded to advanced template expertise. The exchange price is 100 points (discount 0% = 100 points)

[Advanced Template Specialty Sublimation Scroll]: Special items, exclusive items. One of your basic template expertise can be upgraded to advanced template expertise. The exchange price is 100 points (discount 0% = 100 points)

Six brand new items!

Except for the last two, which are duplicates, are the advanced template feat sublimation scrolls that can increase the template feat level, and the remaining four items...all are template feats!!

Physical strengthening.

Elemental Resistance.

Unusual resistance.

These three template specialties all appeared in the process of Wang Yan's template advancement; and now, because of the refresh of the specified products this time,

These template feats he once missed are here again!

The template feat of flame strengthening is a new type of template feat, and it is a type that has never appeared before.

Six items.

All discounts are 0%.


Wang Yan didn't care about this.

Because the template expertise and the products related to the template expertise are exclusive and exclusive to Wang Yan.


Even if each template specialty is a rule-level ability, its effect and power are far beyond those so-called golden legends... Its price is extremely low.

When the blood volume exceeded 10 million points and reached 18 million points, Wang Yan obtained a new achievement [Super Blood Cow], and obtained 500 achievement points,

In addition to the tens of thousands of reputation points he still has... enough to exchange all these six items!

Nothing to say.

Go dry!

Achievement point −200, get the physical strength enhancement feat!

Achievement point −200, get the element resistance feat!

Achievement point −200, get the abnormal resistance feat!

Achievement point -500, the fire enhancement feat is in hand!

Achievement point −200, two advanced template specialties sublimation scrolls are in hand!

When these six items were all in hand, the achievement store, which had just been refreshed, became empty... Wang Yan let out a long sigh of relief.


And next.

A new system beep is heard.


"It is detected that the host has three template specialties, [Physical Resistance], [Elemental Resistance], and [Abnormal Resistance]. These three template specialties can be merged into a new template speciality [Damage Resistance], is it fusion?


Wang Yan did not hesitate.

The two template feats that I just got, and the previously selected [Physical Resistance] template feat have disappeared, and a new template feat has also appeared in Wang Yan's specialty column - [Damage Resistance]!

After reading this new template specialty, Wang Yan was extremely pleasantly surprised.

Immediately after.

He took out the two advanced template feat sublimation scrolls and used them on the [Damage Resistance] template feat he just got and the previous [Life Recovery] template feat.

Step up.

The effects of these two template specialties have also undergone a lot of changes!

[Damage resistance]: Advanced template feat. Your body has integrated the unique rules of the lord space, and has undergone transformation. Your body's resistance to all damage has been greatly improved, and you can be immune to damage caused by weapons and skills at and below the elite level; weapons and skills above the elite level force you to save 55% of the damage.

[Life Recovery]: Advanced Template Specialty. Your life recovery speed has been greatly improved, recovering 0.2% per second in combat status and 2% per second in out-of-combat status.

The advanced damage resistance can make Wang Yan immune to the damage brought by the three grades of gray ordinary, white delicate, and green rare weapons, as well as the basic skills, advanced skills and elite skills equivalent to these three grades. s damage.

Only blue rare quality weapons, excellent (master) quality skills, and damage equivalent to these two qualities can break through Wang Yan's basic defense and cause him real damage!

not only that.

In addition to elemental damage and physical damage, the same is true for abnormal damage and abnormal conditions.

The abnormal damage and abnormal status of the skill level that cannot reach the blue rare quality or excellent quality skills are directly forced to be immune; even if the abnormal damage and abnormal status of this level are reached, they are also forced to save 55% on the basis of , greatly reduces the duration!

And the life recovery, the value is only doubled from the beginning.

The effect is that,

The current Wang Yan recovers 360,000 HP per second in out-of-fight state, and 36,000 HP per second in battle state!

It's more than half of the time when the world's blessings have been added!

In simple terms.

The fusion of two new template specialties and the integration of two template specialties sublimation scrolls made him harder, his blood recovery ability was stronger, and he was even more desperate!


[Physical Enhancement] Specialty is nothing to say.

Only ten times the stamina value.

Compared to the health value that has been as high as three thousand times... a mere tenfold increase in physical strength, it's just a small Cass.

at last.

【Flame Enhancement】Template Specialty.

After an in-depth understanding of this most expensive template expertise, Wang Yan summed up several features that come with it.

Feature 1: Greatly increases the power of fire skills. At present, this increase can reach about five or six times. With the improvement of Wang Yan's level, rank, and attributes, this increase will continue to increase, and eventually reach the level of ten times or even a hundred times!

Feature 2: Greatly increases the range of fire skills. Like the power, it is currently an increase of five or six times the range. With the improvement of Wang Yan's level, rank and attributes, it can eventually reach a ten-fold or even a hundred-fold increase!

Feature 3: Greatly reduces the mana required to release or maintain fire skills. The current level of consumption reduction is about one-fifth of the original, and in the end, it will probably be able to reduce consumption by one-tenth or even one percent.

Feature 4: Completely break through the framework of fire-based skills, such as (Qian Mozhao) arm and finger, control fire elements at will, and fire-based skills based on fire elements.

This is Fire Enhancement.

The most expensive template expertise that Wang Yan bought in this opportunity!

From the description and features.

[Flame Enhancement] This template specialty is somewhat similar to the exclusive feature of [Frost Control] that his seventh apostle under his command, Anna, the Queen of Ice and Snow, possesses.


Anna, who has the exclusive feature of [Frost Control], is just the princess of ice and snow, and she is the darling of Frost.

Wang Yan, who has the [Flame Enhancement] template expertise... But he is the master of the flame and the master of the flame element!

in between.

It's a difference of two generations!

Just an exclusive feature of [Frost Control], it created Anna, the unparalleled snow queen; the ultimate evolution version of [Flame Enhancement]

How powerful will it be?

Mind a move.

Wang Yan appeared on the top of a mountain dozens of kilometers away from the square where the corpse of the purgatory dragon was kept.


His mind floated.

A fiery fireball the size of a water tank emerged from his hand!

Do not.

Not just in the hands.

With his will, only a very small amount of mana was consumed, and the flame elements between the heavens and the earth began to gather crazily, rushing towards him crazily!


Huge, fiery fireballs the size of water tanks, emitting blazing high temperatures, appeared in the sky like little suns!





Just a thought, he released hundreds of pyrotechnics with greater power and coverage than before!


Even after it is released... he can still manipulate and control these hundreds of huge fiery fireballs like an arm and a finger!

and this.

It's just the first change cabinet brought by the [Flame Enhancement] feat!

PS: This wave is really an epic enhancement... The first is to ask for full order~

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