Strange Comes: I Loaded The Boss Template

036 Legendary template! The blood of the magic dragon! A great opportunity for the family members!

036 Legendary template! The blood of the dragon! A great opportunity for the family members!

Lord space.

on top of the mountain.

Wang Yan stood there quietly, in the sky behind him, hundreds of orange-red fireballs the size of water tanks were burning violently, like hundreds of small suns descending into the world!

After obtaining the [Flame Enhancement] template feat, Wang Yan felt that he had truly become the master of the flame element.

There are hundreds of pyrotechnics, and for him today, it is extremely easy to control.

That kind of feeling is like controlling one's own arm, controlling the magical palm condensed by the indestructible grip!

Although the pyrotechnic technique, which has been enhanced by the [Flame Enhancement] specialty, has not reached the world of evil spirits, when the blessing of his world is added, the terrifying power of a small nuclear explosion is enough to surpass some of the real world. A powerful missile!

In one thought, hundreds of Pyroblasts emerged!

With a single thought, hundreds of fiery fireballs of missiles that surpass the real world can be activated to bombard a certain target or a certain area...

This kind of power has far exceeded the upper limit of the epic step position!

Silently feeling the hundreds of blazing fireballs suspended in the sky, Wang Yan did not choose to blast them down or disperse them, but continued to explore the changes brought about by the [Flame Enhancement] feat.

Completely break through the framework of flame skills...

Since his seventh apostle can play so many tricks with three excellent skills, there is no reason why he can't do it.

Mind floating room.

Wang Yan continued to control the shining suns above the sky.


Under his will, the little suns are changing rapidly! From the fiery fireballs the size of water tanks, they gradually thinned and elongated, and finally formed hundreds of fireballs that exude blazing high temperature and extremely high temperature. A condensed flame spear carved out of orange-red crystal!

Fire Spear!

This is Wang Yan's attempt to break through the skill frame of Pyroblast.

The lethality of Pyroblast lies in its high temperature, in its explosion, and in the scattered flame fragments after it burst open.

And after being transformed by Wang Yan into a spear of flame like a substance...

In addition to the extreme high temperature, this flame spear that has been materialized also has extremely penetrating and armor-piercing effects!

After penetrating a target or stabbing an area, the flame spear bursts open, and still has several different damage effects of Pyroblast!

If you add the magic-breaking power that Wang Yan just obtained...

At this time, Pyroblast is no longer a simple large-scale monster clearing skill! When dealing with units with energy shields, or when enemies whose ranks and levels are far higher than their own, its effect and killing power are 847. , it may not be worse than the grip of the indestructible!

Hundreds of crystals are translucent, like the real spear of flames.

Wang Yan just tentatively drove one.

Just under his gaze, the exquisite flame spear, like a work of art, penetrated thousands of meters of space at a speed several times faster than the pyroblast technique, and pierced deeply into the belly of a small mountain.

Immediately after.

The flame spear exploded.

That hill that was hundreds of meters high... was directly destroyed by this flame spear! Half of the mountain top that was hundreds of meters high was directly blown away!


Under Wang Yan's will, the flaming spears changed again; from a spear that looked like glass and crystal, it differentiated into tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of flaming arrows, densely packed. suspended in the sky behind him!


In terms of penetration, these flaming arrows are not comparable to the flaming spear; in terms of a single damage range, these flaming arrows are not comparable to the original Pyroblast.


When these tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of flaming arrows are assembled to strike a certain area, the area they can cover may be dozens of times that of the flaming spear and the original pyrotechnic!

Break armor.



close range.

Ranged strike.

Ultra-wide strike.

After breaking through the original skill framework, Pyroblast, the BOSS skill, suddenly changed from monotonous high temperature and explosion to an unpredictable all-around skill!


"It's defense!" 5

With a soft murmur, Wang Yan's mind moved.

above the sky.

The tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of flaming arrows turned into countless orange-red streamers at this moment, attacking Wang Yan at an extremely fast speed!

And when the orange-red streamer reached Wang Yan, it didn't bring him countless wounds, but it seemed that at this moment, the materialized arrow turned into a fluidized light and merged into his body. !

Flowing light.

Flames rise.

Just after the last orange-red streamer merged into Wang Yan's body, layers of liquid flames like light quality flowed on his body, and quickly turned into a set of mighty flame armor!

Gold red helmet!

Gold red armor!

Gold red gauntlets!

Gold red armor!

The golden-red full body armor covered his body, and Wang Yan at this time was set off like a flaming god of war coming out of the magma field!

And at this time.

Wang Yan thought about it.

Activate the grip of the indestructible, shape the magic palm, and overlap the magic palm with your own arm covered with flame gauntlets.


The flowing flames extended from the gauntlet to the magic palm, infecting the original light blue magic palm into a crimson!

in this state.

Wang Yan waved his hand violently—

The huge crimson palm like the claws of the beast flashed past, leaving five dark burning marks in the air, as well as the long-lasting blazing high temperature!

Fire Enhancement + Destruction Power.

This claw can easily tear open the energy shield of a legendary caster, or tear open the body defense of a legendary beastmaster, killing it in an instant!

"Since it is condensed from flowing flames..."

"This kind of change requires 'Flame Flow Armor'.

After completing all the tests of flame enhancement, Wang Yan thought about it, and the golden-red full-body armor on his body, which was like the condensation of magma and flames, turned into a flowing flame again.

at last.

It slowly disappeared into the air.

And after doing all this, Wang Yan's mind moved, and he appeared again from the top of this mountain in the square where the corpse of the purgatory dragon was stored.

Your advancement is over.


Time to dispose of the body.

Lord space.

On the rock plaza.

Wang Yan, who had returned to normal size, looked at the corpse of the purgatory dragon in front of him, which looked like a hill, and was a little worried.

The value of the corpse of the purgatory dragon is beyond doubt.

Each scale is legendary quality material.

Every drop of blood is a bloodline of legendary quality.

Each bone is a legendary quality forged material.

Even every piece of flesh and blood is a legendary quality ingredient!

Even if it is not calculated according to the legendary quality goods, which are often thousands of 10,000 achievement points, it is calculated according to 1000 points of perfect quality or epic quality...

A purgatory dragon that is over three hundred meters tall and has a wingspan of more than five hundred meters, lying there really is no different from a hill, how many dragon scales are on its body?

How many drops of dragon blood?

How many legendary bones?

Worth tens of millions, or Wang Yan underestimated this purgatory dragon!

The price is high.

Wang Yan was thinking, how can he decompose the corpse of this purgatory dragon and turn it into piles of valuable golden legendary-quality materials?

Hard to do.

Would you like to carry a knife by yourself, climb on top of Crestia's body, scrape off its dragon scales, dig out its keel, and collect its dragon blood?


How can the corpse of this purgatory dragon become a chance for Boob and Iron Bone to break the limits of their template?

If you have difficulty, find the system.

The system directly answered Wang Yan's second question.

The corpse of the purgatory dragon is indeed a great opportunity.

Its scales can be used to forge various equipment.

A purgatory dragon scale, just a little treatment, is a legendary shield of good quality; if you can use magic, shrinking, etc., combine a large number of dragon scales to make a purgatory dragon scale armor...

The beginning of this armor is the limit of legendary quality! Even if it is made into a sanctuary, it is not impossible!


Forging equipment requires forging skills.

That is to say, the dragon scales, horns, and keel, etc., which occupy at least half of the value of the corpse of this purgatory dragon, are of little use to Wang Yan for the time being.


Because he doesn't know how to forge.

It is also impossible to specially take out a skill bar to learn a life skill in order to create a few pieces of equipment.

On the contrary, dragon blood and dragon meat can be used directly.

The blood of the demon dragon, swallow it, there is a certain probability that it will be fused with the blood of the demon dragon, thus obtaining the blood of the purgatory demon dragon and becoming a purgatory creature; just like the lizard monster, the dragon, the dragon blood creature with the blood of the giant dragon generally.

If the flesh of the dragon can be eaten, if it can absorb the essence of the flesh and blood, it can also greatly improve the physical quality of a certain person or a certain creature.

In simple terms.

Devouring the blood of the dragon and the flesh of the dragon can get a lot of attribute upgrades; the blood of the dragon can additionally convert a life into a purgatory creature, or obtain some characteristics and skills that purgatory creatures have.

in addition.

The most valuable part of this purgatory dragon is its heart!

A complete heart of purgatory is enough to allow relatives such as Boob or Tie Gu to wash away the monster template they once had, and thus be transferred to the monster system of the purgatory dragon series!

The highest advancement of this series of monsters is the legendary purgatory dragon!

As for the first question.

The system just made some hints.

This is the lord space.

He is the monster lord.

As a monster lord, having a lord space that belongs to him is not only a symbol and territory... but also a kind of power and authority!

After consuming a lot of achievement points, the corpse of this purgatory dragon has long been covered by the rules in the lord space and has become a part of the lord space!


"This is the lord's space, where my power and authority exist."

"Even a space can be easily opened up, and even a world can be easily shaped... I am here worrying about the corpse of a mere purgatory dragon?"


"Ridiculous. 35

After muttering a few words in a self-deprecating manner, Wang Yan stretched out his arms, closed his eyes, and silently sensed this space, silently recalling how he felt when he opened up this lord's space.


Obviously, he has just entered the epic stage, and he is still a long way from the legendary stage where he can fly freely. At this time, Wang Yan did not release any skills, but his body slowly floated.

Opening up the lord space is the power of a monster lord.

Reshaping the lord space is the authority of a monster lord.

And changing the world with a single thought, teleporting and flying in the lord's space with a single thought... This should be the most basic ability of a monster lord in his own lord's space!

It's as natural as eating, drinking, and breathing.


That is what you get.

As long as you realize it, you can do it.


The previous Wang Yan never thought about this.


He realized.

Dealing with the corpse of the purgatory dragon in front of him became extremely simple.

after all.

After being covered and eroded by the rules of the system, the corpse of this purgatory dragon became a part of the lord's space.

Step out.

Appearing above the Purgatory Demon Dragon, Wang Yan's index finger tipped lightly in mid-air, and the entire Purgatory Demon Dragon's corpse floated up and suspended in mid-air.

Immediately after.

He flicked his index finger.

Large swaths of dark red dragon scales automatically fell off the corpse of the purgatory dragon, like huge tiles, neatly stacked on the ground.

Then there is blood.

As soon as Wang Yan thought about it, the dark red blood like a waterfall sprayed out from the various wounds of the purgatory dragon's corpse, and gathered in the air, forming a huge dark red lake.

As one of the most peak monster races in the other world, even if the purgatory dragon has died, its blood still retains a strong activity.


If there is no external interference, this activity will remain for a long time.

Every drop of the blood that makes up this huge lake is as thick as mercury and as crystal clear as jade; every drop can make a favored person or family member gain four-dimensional attributes, and even gain purgatory blood, purgatory characteristics, and purgatory skills!

And the blood of the dragon that makes up such a lake... I'm afraid there are hundreds of thousands of drops, millions of drops, right?

Then there is the flesh.

Wang Yan's fingertips swiped across the corpse of the purgatory dragon, and the corpse of the purgatory dragon seemed to have been cut by an invisible blade of the void, neatly divided into countless parts.

Each piece of flesh and blood of the purgatory dragon is a cube with a side length of ten centimeters; countless cubes of such flesh and blood are piled together to form this mountain-like purgatory dragon.

In terms of value, the flesh that has been drawn from the blood is not as good as the blood of the dragon; but the effect of these dark red flesh is better, gentler, and more durable.

If the amount is smaller, there is no problem even for ordinary people to take it.

Dragon scales removed.

Dragon blood is drawn away.

Dragon meat removed.

The dragon heart is taken off.

When this was done, in mid-air, what was left of the purgatory dragon Crestia was a huge skeleton that looked rather tragic and desolate.

Even if it's just a pale skeleton, this skeleton belonging to a purgatory dragon is priceless.

Put it in the hands of a master blacksmith and forge hundreds of thousands of sets of legendary quality equipment, there is no problem at all!


The premise is that there must be a blacksmith who has reached the master level.


The dragon scales and dragon meat are directly collected into the equipment warehouse, and the huge skeleton is transferred to the peak of the giant peak in the center of the lord's space as his own collection.

In the sky above this square, there is only a huge and transparent dragon's heart, and a lake made of dragon's blood!

The Heart of the Demon Dragon represents a legendary monster template.

Wang Yan is going to leave it to Boob.

The blood of the dragon represents a large number of attribute upgrades, purgatory blood, purgatory characteristics and purgatory skills.


Not only the relatives under Wang Yan's command can enjoy it, but even Wang Yan himself can use this to make up for the large amount of attribute points lost before the previous advancement!

PS: The second is for full order~

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