Strange Comes: I Loaded The Boss Template

050 The Viciousness and Conspiracy of the White Eagle! The Miracle of the Lord of the Mist is Coming

050 White Eagle's Viciousness and Conspiracy! The Miracle of the Lord of the Mist Comes!

The middle-aged commander said sadly: "At Winterhold, we are ready to drop dirty bombs. You all retreat together and leave this battlefield. I will personally guard here until the last moment.

"This battlefield...abandoned.


"This is our own land!"

An anger and impulse rose from Romanowski's mind. He could not wait to rush to the headquarters of Winterhold, grab the collars of those high-level Winterhold, and ask them why they made such a decision!

Obviously they are still holding on!

Obviously, as long as one or two Rank 6 investigators, or some Rank 5 investigators are sent, and sufficient supplies are guaranteed, they can completely guard this Rank 5 battlefield!


Do you want to drop a dirty bomb on your own land at this time?!

"Winterfort, I can't hold it anymore.

"The empire can't hold it anymore.

The middle-aged commander, with a smile that seemed to be crying, slowly revealed some information that Romanowski did not know: "In the past half month, there have been a total of three sixth-order investigators and Seventeen fifth-order investigators died inexplicably.


"It's not that they don't care about the lives of our investigators and soldiers, nor do they care about this 5th-level battlefield, nor do they care about this land, and the hundreds of thousands of people from the White Bear country living in the forest and snow."

"They just...really can't get it out.

"Winterfort has decided to withdraw its troops from the guardian city. When the two supreme powers return, when the soldiers and investigators stationed in the guardian city return, the domestic situation will ease a lot.

"before this.

"Dirty bombs are our only hope for guarding this level 5 battlefield.


"Why is that?!""

Romanovsky was so shocked that his head was now blank, and he almost lost the ability to think!

The meaning of the guardian city, every investigator knows.

Winterfort's withdrawal from the guardian city does not mean that the White Bear Country has given up the responsibility and glory of guarding the guardian city and the world, but that it has lost a road to the sky!

At least for now.

On the entire Blue Star, there is only a Level 7 battlefield, the City of Guardians, and this permanent space crack with an energy intensity of Level 7!

This is also the only battlefield that can train sixth-order and seventh-order investigators!

The White Bear Country took the initiative to withdraw from the Guardian City... This is very simple, and it will hardly cause any negative impact on the Guardian City, because the Taixia Country and the White Eagle Country will soon fill the vacancies they vacated.


Originally, the White Bear Country had been left far behind by the Taixia Country and the White Eagle Country at the level of transcendent power; now the only way to the sky has been lost... They instantly became the strongest on the Blue Star. One of the three kingdoms, it has fallen to the level of the Sunset Kingdom!

Losing this road to the sky, how do they train sixth-order or even seventh-order investigators?

There is not a sufficient number of seventh-order supreme powerhouses...

White Bear Country, what can you do to catch up or even level the gap with Taixia Country and White Eagle Country?

Even if I work a hundred times harder! Even if I get hurt another 10,000 times! Romanovsky does not want to see Wintercastle and White Bear country lose this road to the sky!

"Wait! 35

"Inexplicably dead?!

"It's them, right?"

"Is this all their conspiracy? They know the situation in our country, and they forced us in this way, so they had to withdraw from the guardian city?! 35

Romanzowski figured it out.

He was so angry that the flames of anger even burned his entire face red!

If it were just the deaths of a few investigators, he wouldn't think so much; but when the information came together, he immediately thought...

The difficulties of the White Bear Country, the death of the Winterfort investigator, and the initiative to withdraw from the guardian city... All of these are clearly planned by the White Eagle Country!!

For Taixia Kingdom and Baiying Kingdom, the death of a few sixth-order investigators and a dozen fifth-order investigators, apart from the uproar on the fishing reels, basically would not have any substantial impact.

But it is different for the White Bear Country.

The already stretched and precarious White Bear Country, even the death of a fifth-order investigator, may lead to the loss of a strong enough guardian in an area, not to mention the loss of three sixth-order investigators and more than a dozen investigators. What about a fifth-order investigator?

This almost hit the dead end of the White Bear Country!

Let them have to withdraw from the guardian city, and use the strength originally stationed in the guardian city to save the situation in the country that is about to get out of control!


He doesn't understand.

Why would they do this.

"A level 5 battlefield is completely out of control, how much casualties will it bring, don't they know 々 "?"

"Even if our country is the first to suffer the loss, when countless evil spirits flood in...isn't it affecting them at all?"

Romanowski didn't understand.

Why has it reached this level, why is it that evil spirits are human beings and the common enemy of all beings on Blue Star, and when they are desperately fighting against evil spirits, the country on the other side of the ocean has to be so ruthless!

"If they would consider that.

"They're not them anymore.

The middle-aged commander sneered.

"They don't even care about the civilians in their own country, so how can they care about the civilians in our country?

"A level 5 battlefield, even if it is completely flooded, will at best bring our empire, which is already close to collapse, into the doomsday ahead of time, and even drag the surrounding countries into the quagmire. 35

"On the other side of the ocean, how can they be worried?

"Just a few assassinations without evidence can bring an old opponent to the end, and by the way also drag a new opponent into this quagmire. How could they give up this opportunity?"


"Didn't they guess it long ago?"

"Winterfort will not allow this level 5 battlefield...and another level 4 battlefield to be completely lost. The only option for Winterhold is to withdraw the forces stationed in the guardian city."

Romanowski understood.

turn out to be.

This is not a conspiracy.

But conspiracy.

The White Eagle Country has taken everything into consideration, so that they really just made a few assassinations without evidence, which made the White Bear Country have to make compromises and develop in the direction they hoped.


Lose the road to the sky, the guardian city!

"Shameless White Eagle!!!

Romanovsky was almost furious to the extreme, and the majestic anger rising from his heart had almost burned out his sanity: "Since they dare to do this, why do we—"

"We can't do it."

The middle-aged commander said sadly: "There are seven rank seven supreme powerhouses on the bright side of the White Eagle Kingdom; and we have only three rank seventh supreme powerhouses in total."

"Under the seventh rank, the gap between us is even greater!"

"That nuclear bomb! Dirty bomb! Since Winterhold has the courage to drop a dirty bomb on the territory of his own country, why not drop it on the territory of the White Eagle Kingdom for revenge?! 39

Outraged Romanowski blurted out.

"The Taixia Kingdom will not allow it.

The middle-aged commander said faintly: "If it's just like this, the Taixia Kingdom will still stand with us; if Winterfort really dares to use nuclear bombs or even dirty bombs... Taixia will immediately stand with Bai Ying. !

"Then we!"


Anger, sadness, pain, grief... All kinds of emotions filled Romanowski's heart, and he desperately wanted to find a way out of the situation, or even just a vicious counterattack.

But he found sadly... that he really couldn't do anything.

It's not just that he's powerless, even Winterhold... I'm afraid it's really powerless, right?


Why did they make this decision?

This is the tragedy of weak countries.

The weakness of a country is never just a matter of a certain person or a group; when a country is poor and weak...everyone in this country can deeply experience this kind of change and sadness!


Since when.

The once-great White Bear Country... has been reduced to a weak country?

"Then we..."

"Can only retreat? 35

Romanowski's heart was full of anger and unwillingness.

But this anger and unwillingness have no positive effect except to affect his mood.

If there is still support and supplies from Winterhold, they still have the confidence to persevere and continue to guard this battlefield; when even Winterhold is ready to give up... What else can they do?

Romanowski looked towards the battlefield.

When he was talking with his teacher, the staff officer beside the teacher had already ordered, and the messenger had already conveyed the news of the preparation for a big retreat.

at this time.

On this battlefield where they fought for more than a month, beheaded countless evil spirits, and sacrificed many soldiers and investigators, the exhausted soldiers have already taken action.

Almost numbly, he moved boxes of ammunition and supplies to the vehicle.

Even if they want to abandon this battlefield, they are reluctant to throw away these ammunition and materials... Because at some point, these ammunition and materials can really save lives! It can really save a crisis!

"It can only be this way."

this moment.

Romanowski felt himself empty.

as if.

I have been fighting hard for the past month, and the countless injuries I have suffered... have become a joke.

Not just him.

on the battlefield.



Some are still holding on to the battle, and some have begun to prepare for the next retreat.

But whether it is a soldier, an investigator, or a high-level investigator like Romanowski... At the moment when the order from Winterhold was issued, the meaning of fighting for more than a month was discarded.


"Is this the result we ushered in after our bloody battle?

Romanowski smiled miserably.

Do not.

This is not the result.

A group of true warriors... should not face such a tragic ending.


This battlefield, this level 5 space crack, began to change.

"Big hairs, it's really not easy..."

in the battlefield.

Wang Yan stood in the shadows near the middle-aged commander and Romanowski.

After a dozen instant teleportation, Wang Yan took less than a minute to travel from Kucheng, 130 kilometers away, to the vicinity of this level 5 battlefield.


He turned on the camouflage effect of the Shadow Guardian Robe, launched the Shadow Jump, and directly passed through the fortifications through the shadow space and entered this battlefield.

at last.

Appeared in this shadow in a stealth state.

arrive on the battlefield.

The system beep came.

Wang Yan also officially started to capture this level 5 permanent space crack.

While the system was capturing this level 5 permanent space crack, Wang Yan witnessed the battle from beginning to end.

He saw high-level evil spirits rushing out of the black fog vortex, and saw fifth-order investigators like Romanowski, struggling to endure the damage of the hail of bullets, but also breaking into the edge of the core area of ​​the battlefield, beheading them. Kill that evil spirit of the fifth rank.

He saw an investigator who couldn't dodge in time, was hit by a shell, and was immediately knocked down by several third-order and fourth-order evil spirits, which turned into dry bones in a very short time.

He also saw that after finally beheading many high-level evil spirits one by one, investigators like Romanovsky slowly left the core area of ​​the battlefield, dragging their tired and injured bodies.

They...are both warriors and heroes.

Their reputation is not obvious.

But he is guarding his hometown and his country with his own efforts, his own body, and his own life.

They are the same as the investigators of Taixia Kingdom.


Their country is different from Taixia country.

Can't give them enough reinforcements, can't give them enough supplies, can't even give them enough ammunition to fight!

Compared with the investigators of Taixia Kingdom... they are much harder and more tragic.

He also listened to the conversation between Romanowski and the middle-aged commander from beginning to end.

Identity swap.

Even Wang Yan couldn't think of a way out.

It can be said.

When the politicians of the White Eagle Country make a certain decision and implement a certain plan, the fate of the White Bear Country is already doomed.

There was nothing Winterhold could do but bear and minimize the losses.

The soldiers and investigators on these battlefields were even more powerless.


Wang Yan is not Romanowski.

Nor is he a senior in Winterhold.

What Winterhold can't do, he can do; what Romanowski can't do, he can do!

And all this...

Let's start by changing the outcome of this battlefield!

At least.

I can't let the dirty bombs of the people of the White Bear country fall on my own land. Let these soldiers and investigators who have been fighting for this battlefield for more than a month leave with this ending.


(Chano's) manifestation of power from the "Lord of the Mist".

I don't know when.

Around the mist that formed the black mist vortex, a gray mist different from the black mist from [Other World] quietly spread out.

This gray fog was very light at first.

But when the soldiers and investigators on the battlefield found out, the gray fog had completely spread, not only covering the entire battlefield, but also the core area of ​​the battlefield and the huge vortex of black fog. ...are also shrouded in it.

In the face of this kind of mutation, the soldiers on the battlefield were in a commotion for a moment; but those investigators who knew more information, after a moment of astonishment, were full of ecstasy!

Grey mist!

It's him!!

The legendary stalwart, the existence suspected of being a god, the mysterious person who can permanently take away the cracks in space, the existence who has descended on a large scale of gods several times - the Lord of the Mist - this miracle that belongs to him only, in Appeared on this battlefield?

Not just investigators on the battlefield.

Romanovsky was stunned when he saw that the gray mist was gradually spreading.

Looking at the gray mist that was about to cover the entire battlefield, together with the evil spirits and the vortex of black mist, he suddenly felt tears welling up in his eyes.

in the Legends.

The Mist Lord will give hope to the despairing.


Is this what it feels like to see hope in the midst of despair?

on the high platform.

The middle-aged commander was also stunned.

But as a sixth-order investigator, the mind of the middle-aged commander is far from comparable to Romanowski, who has not experienced much.

When he realized what had happened, he immediately grabbed the contactor beside him and said quickly: "Contact Winterhold, and immediately cancel the dirty bomb launch plan!! 39

"at the same time……"

'Suspend the evacuation from the guardian city! Xian!

"The level 5 battlefield that I am guarding has changed! 39

"Suspected...the miracle of the Lord of the Mist...falls!! 35

PS: The second is for full order~

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