Strange Comes: I Loaded The Boss Template

051 The third time of God's favor! Level 5 permanent copy, [Northern Wild Calamity]!

051 The third time of the gods! Level 5 permanent copy, [Northern Wild Calamity]!

Some people may say that the gray fog only represents the miraculous arrival of the Lord of the Mist. Is it necessary for these investigators on the battlefield to be so excited?


Even the middle-aged commander, the top person in charge of the 5th-level battlefield, has changed the plan that Winterfort had already made?


Not only necessary.

And it is very necessary!

What is the current predicament of the White Bear Country?

There are not enough manpower to support this 5th-level battlefield, and even enough materials and ammunition cannot guarantee the supply! So Winterhold made the decision to evacuate the fighters on this battlefield and resolutely release dirty bombs!

What is the next dilemma for the White Bear Country?

Even after the dirty bomb is dropped, a certain number of soldiers and investigators will be required to supervise this battlefield at all times in the future, and there is another level 4 permanent space crack in the White Bear Country that needs to be guarded.

Coupled with the increasing number of temporary space cracks and the increasing shortage of investigators, Winterhold had to withdraw the forces originally stationed in the Guardian City back into the country, and prioritized stabilization of the impending collapse of the country!

The result of this is that the White Bear Congress will permanently lose the right to guard the city of guardianship, and lose a road to the sky to train sixth-order and seventh-order investigators!

now what?

A gray fog filled the air.

The mist miracle has come.

This kind of gray fog filled the air, shrouding a battlefield together with the evil spirits and black fog whirlpools in it... only happened in the territory of Taixia Kingdom!

It was the battle in the sea city of Taixia Kingdom!

Because the battle at Zhonghai City in the Taixia Kingdom was the first time that the stalwart Lord of the Mist, a stalwart who was suspected of being a god, performed miracles in front of the world. It was a landmark event.

Therefore, it is not only the Taixia Country Exotic Bureau that recorded it in great detail. In the follow-up, the Taixia Country Exoticism Bureau will also share the relevant records and information with the White Eagle Country's Strategic Bureau and the White Bear Country's Winter Fort.


Those investigators, Romanowski, and the middle-aged commander can recognize it at a glance... The situation in front of me is exactly the situation before the level 4 space crack in the Zhonghai City of Taixia Kingdom was taken away!

months ago.

At the time, the Lord of the Mist used his great power to take away or erase the level 4 space crack in the urban area of ​​Zhonghai City. Members become gods!

Romanowski did not dare to ask for divine favor.

The middle-aged commander did not dare to ask for divine favor.

Because from more than two months ago, after the Lord of the Mist descended on the level 5 battlefield in Heizhou, he has never heard of the Lord of the Mist descending the favor again.


As long as the Lord of the Mist takes away or erases this level 5 890 space crack that has become a huge burden on White Bear Country and Winterhold... Immediately, the crisis in White Bear Country will be alleviated by most of it!!

The level 5 space crack disappeared, and the level 5 battlefield disappeared.

Wintercastle does not need to spend huge human, material and financial resources to transport a steady stream of supplies and ammunition to this piece of ice that is far away from human beings, greatly reducing the pressure on the country.

The soldiers and investigators who originally guarded this battlefield can also spread out, or go to support the equally stressful level 4 battlefield, or return to the country to fill the vacancies of the city guards, Alleviate domestic tensions and pressures.

And with the addition of this group of forces...

The power originally stationed in the guardian city does not even need to be evacuated from the guardian city! Take the initiative to abandon this road to the sky!

This is the meaning of the miracle of the mist coming!!

As long as the Mist Lord takes this level 5 space crack away, the pressure and crisis faced by the entire White Bear Country will be relieved by more than half in an instant!

If none of this is necessary, what else is necessary?

More than necessary.

This is simply a shot in the arm for the White Bear Country, which is on the verge of collapse!! Sending a life-saving rope!!



The Lord of the Mist is able to give his favor to the White Bear Country... down to the favor of the gods...


This huge empire that is dying... and there is still the possibility of coming back to life!


Will he?

No one dared to guess.

Even Romanowski and the middle-aged commander did not dare to delusion in this direction.

One is because mortals cannot speculate on the thoughts of gods.

The second is because they do not want to break this hope with their own hands after giving themselves excessive hope.


They are waiting quietly.

Waiting for the gray fog to spread, waiting for the black fog vortex to disappear, waiting for... the only possible ray of hope for the birth of this huge and desperate empire!

time flies.

Just under the gazes of Romanowski and the others, the gray fog on the battlefield became thicker and thicker, and the scope became larger and larger, and even outside the battlefield, countless soldiers and investigators were shrouded in it!

They were surprised to find that the strange roar from the evil spirits that had been ringing for more than a month had disappeared!

The middle-aged commander subconsciously ordered to stop shooting and stop shelling.

When all the shooting and shelling stopped, and when the many investigators were ready to fight...(cfdh)...The gray fog was still silent, and there was no sign of evil spirits gushing out.


Romanowski jumped off the high platform, rushed into the battlefield at the fastest speed, rushed into the core area of ​​the battlefield, and rushed into the place where the black mist vortex was originally surrounded!

What caught his eye was a void.

Aside from the thickening gray fog in front of me, what remains are the many traces left by the month-long shooting and bombardment, as well as the large crater blasted out in the core area of ​​the battlefield, countless weapon fragments, equipment fragments, and other fragments. trophy.


Really gone!

Even if the gray fog has not disappeared, the level 5 permanent space crack, this level 5 battlefield that has become a huge burden and nightmare for the White Bear Country...

It has really been wiped out by the Lord of the Mist!!

"The Lord of the Mist is above!"

at this moment.

This young man from the White Bear Country, who had never believed in gods before, knelt down on the edge of the big pit with tears in his eyes, praying devoutly.

White Bear has its own culture, its own legends, and its own religion.


When the cracks in the space appeared and the evil spirits poured out, dragging this huge empire towards the brink of destruction, the gods they believed in in their culture, legends and religions did not appear.

And now.

The Lord of the Mist appeared.

Once it appeared, it erased the biggest crisis and burden of the White Bear Country!

Give hope to the desperate.

If the gods really exist... is this what gods are supposed to be like?

want to come.

Only such a god is qualified to be worshipped by the world, and is qualified to...let him bow down to the ground devoutly and pray devoutly?


time flies.

Amidst a cry of exclamation from the gray fog behind him, Romanovsky ended his prayer and raised his head.

He saw his teacher.

I also saw my colleagues.

They were just like themselves. After not seeing the evil spirits for a long time, they couldn't wait to break in and find out.


Same with Romanowski.

They saw the disappearing evil spirits, saw the disappearing cracks, and saw that this battlefield, which had become the biggest burden and crisis of the White Bear Country, was erased by the miracle of the Lord of the Mist!


This is not the end.

Not to mention the reason why many soldiers and investigators exclaimed in the fog behind them.

He raised his head.

In the thick gray fog, he saw a majestic figure.

His height was probably thousands of meters tall, and he was hazy hidden in this gray fog, making Romanowski, who was bowing down at his feet, look as small as an ant.

He was wearing a black robe with dark gold strokes all over his body, with a hood on his head, and his face was obscured by a layer of mist, making it difficult for people to see clearly.

even so.

Anyone who sees this figure can feel the ancient, vast, majestic and vast aura emanating from it!

It was as if He was the embodiment of this world!

Lord of the Mist.

Even if this is just the phantom of the Lord of the Mist... Romanowski also believes that he has really seen the Lord of the Mist! It is exactly the same as the description in the information obtained by Winterhold!


Great shore!




An idea popped out of Romanovsky's mind: as majestic as him, as magnificent as him...why did he come in person? Even if it was just a phantom?

Is it...

Romanowski wanted to say that answer.

But he dared not.

He was afraid that his guess would be wrong, and that after he had given him hope... he would bring himself disappointment!


The next scene turned all of Romanowski's emotions into excitement and ecstasy!

One by one, crystal beads of light flew out from the hands of that stalwart and mysterious figure, turning into rays of light, shrouding himself, his teacher, and his colleagues in it!

at this moment.

Romanowski heard a majestic and vicissitudes voice: Don't live up to... this power...


The greatest expectation in his heart... the divine favor from the Lord of the Mist finally came to him!


Not just himself!

And his teachers, and his colleagues!

At this moment, nearly a hundred rays of light fell from the sky and merged into their bodies and souls!

After more than two months, the Lord of the Mist appeared again!

After a lapse of more than two months, the Lord of the Mist once again descended on a large-scale divine favor!

And this time...

It is his homeland that he cares for! It is his great country in turmoil and precariousness!

I don't know when.

The fog dissipated.

This also represents the phantom of the Lord of the Mists, leaving along with his miracles.

"Professional excellence.""

"Ride in the North." 5

"Is this the divine favor bestowed upon me by the Lord of the Mist?"

Slowly standing up from the ground, Romanovsky's face was full of excitement and ecstasy, with a little pride.

He looked at his teacher and then at his colleagues.

They - and the investigators who have obtained the favor of the Lord of the Mist in general - have the same excitement and joy on their faces.

The situation changes.

The worst situation turned into the best vision at this moment.

Romanowski felt as if something burst out of his chest and wanted to release it impatiently!

He moved forward slowly.

Went to the high platform.

stood on the table.

When the countless soldiers and investigators looked over and focused their eyes on him, the 28-year-old white bear country youth raised his clenched fists and suddenly shouted:


Romanowski's emotional outbursts infected others.

After a moment of silence, the soldiers raised their fists, the investigators raised their fists, and there was a thunderous explosion throughout the battlefield!

"Urua!! 35

of course.

The precariousness and suffering of the White Bear Country is not over yet.

But they have become hope!

Today, they have enough strength to restore the status quo of the White Bear Country; they also have enough potential and confidence... to change the future of the White Bear Country!

The glory of the empire?

at this moment.

Romanowski seemed to feel it.

Lord space.

After capturing the permanent space crack on the 5th-level battlefield of the White Bear Country, and giving the hundred professional templates, adding a hundred God-Blessed Persons to the White Bear Country, Wang Yan returned to his lord space. inside.

at this time.

System prompts are also sent in real time.

The 5th-level permanent space crack generates a 5th-level permanent copy - [Northern Wild Calamity]!

This new copy was placed in the north of the lord's space by Wang Yan.

He even specially changed the environment of a plain with a radius of dozens of kilometers into a vast ice field to match the tone of this dungeon.

In the vast snowstorm.

An ice field is surrounded by huge glaciers, forming a battlefield.

The vortex of black mist is at one end of this battlefield - inside a canyon between two huge glaciers.

At the end of this battlefield, there is a ladder completely condensed with ice.

The ladder is entrenched on a huge glacier, winding up.

And at the end of the ladder, the top of the glacier hundreds of meters high... is a huge frozen throne!

When the level 5 permanent dungeon of 【Northern Disaster】was generated, Wang Yan appeared on the Frozen Throne with his three dependents, a dog, a cat, and a wolf.

ice field.



Sitting on the frozen throne, looking towards the battlefield in the distance, the whole world is vast.

The environment of this battlefield seems to be even worse than when it was on the ice field in the White Bear Country!


This is just background.

The vast ice field, the falling snow, and the howling wind couldn't make Wang Yan or San Chong feel cold. With their current four-dimensional properties, even if they are really in such an environment, they will not feel cold, not to mention this ice field is just a background!

A copy of the world is established.

Permanent copy generation.


The time in the real world is still in the morning.

At twelve o'clock midnight, the adventurer from the [Northern Disaster] dungeon broke into this dungeon world, and there were still more than ten hours, but Wang Yan couldn't wait.

He hasn't fought well since the advanced epic boss.

His three dependents, Boob, Black Charcoal, and Iron Bone, had never had the chance to feel his current power after completing the Dragon Blood Tempering, Attribute Completion, and Template Transfer.

Whether it's him or the three pets, they can't wait for a battle!


When everything was ready, Wang Yan communicated directly with the system and started the first battle after the permanent dungeon of [Northern Wild Calamity] was generated!

With Wang Yan's will.

A huge vortex of black mist emerges from the fissures of the glacier.

Immediately after.

Pieces of rough and robust figures also slowly emerged from the huge vortex of black mist!

Son of Snow.

Northern barbarians.

At this time, broke into the lord space!

PS: The third is for full order~

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