Strange Comes: I Loaded The Boss Template

059 The field of alchemy! Circulation formula! The ultimate transformation of Uncle Wolf!

059 Alchemy field! Circulation formula! The ultimate transformation of Uncle Wolf!

Not only Wang Yan didn't know, maybe even the system didn't know what kind of skills or conditions were needed to complete this authority.


On the information panel of this BOSS skill, there will not be so many missing and garbled characters.


The BOSS skills that may exceed Wang Yan's imagination in the future have already arrived.


The two effects of [Alchemy Field] and [Circulation Formula] can still be used.


From the effects of these two skills, Wang Yan can probably get a glimpse of the power of this skill or incomplete authority?

Think so.

Wang Yan silently opened the [Alchemy Field] and began to try the effect of this BOSS skill.

Mind a move.

Wang Yan disappeared from the deck chair by the lake and appeared in the sky above the dragon blood lake.

Immediately after.

He activated the second effect of the third BOSS skill - Alchemy Field.


A huge field emerged from Wang Yan's side.

Being in the center of this field, Wang Yan even had the illusion of omniscience and omnipotence that everything in the universe is under his control!

The largest coverage area of ​​the alchemy field is a spherical space with Wang Yan as the center and a radius of his spiritual attribute * 1 kilometer.

According to Wang Yan's current spiritual attributes.

The radius of this spherical space is... 600 kilometers! That's 600,000 meters!

This range has even exceeded the current maximum area of ​​the lord space!


In this largest alchemy field, Wang Yan only opened it for a second, and immediately closed it in fright!

without him.

Consume too much.

In just one second, this spherical space with a radius of 600 kilometers completely burned his mana bar, and he was still burning his blood bar frantically!

Even if he had enough life and long blood bars, he couldn't help but burn like this in the alchemy field!

When Wang Yan reduced the scope of the alchemy domain from a spherical space with a radius of 600 kilometers to a spherical space with a radius of only 6 kilometers, the speed of his mana burning suddenly dropped to 1% of the original.

1% mana bar cost per second.

That's more or less.

If you count the combat status, the blood recovery speed of 0.2% per second... is only 6 kilometers of alchemy field, which is almost no loss to Wang Yan.

Even if this value is expanded to 60 kilometers... his blood recovery speed can still offset the consumption speed of the alchemy field.


Wang Yan started the formal trial.

There is only one key point in the field of alchemy, and that is control!

Not only the control of everything, but also the control of elemental energy.

When the field of alchemy unfolds.

After his spiritual power also accompanied the alchemy field, extending to every inch of the star space with a radius of 6 kilometers, Wang Yan could clearly feel,

This powerful mastery of all things, elemental energy!

His mind moved.

A mountain in the distance quietly collapsed.

Under the control of Wang Yan's mental power, a whole mountain of rock and soil was flying and hovering in mid-air like a giant earth-type dragon, making various flexible movements.


Under the control of Wang Yan, this earth-type giant dragon slammed into the position of the original mountain, and a more beautiful and mysterious mountain was born!

This is a kind of control over matter.

During this process, Wang Yan did not use his authority in the lord space at all, and completely relied on the control power brought to him by the alchemy field!

That is to say.

Even if he leaves the lord's space and appears in the real world or another world of evil spirits... As long as he expands his alchemy field, his control over matter—not just rocks and soil, but all matter—can still reach the current level. degree!

He can make mountains disappear, the earth rise, the seas turn into mulberry fields, and the hills turn into lakes.

As long as it is within the coverage of the alchemy field, this kind of change to everything... all it takes is a thought of Wang Yan, and the mana consumed!

The control of elemental energy is almost the same.

With a thought, he can turn an area into a sea of ​​flame elements, or he can expel the flame elements, and let the frost elements occupy everything in front of him.

It can even empty out all the elemental energy and turn the alchemy field into an absolute vacuum of forbidden magic space!

These two kinds of control over real matter and elemental energy brought by the field of alchemy alone are enough for Wang Yan to develop many new skills in battle!

For example, the top of Mount Tai?

For example, Hanhai Crazy Wave?

Like, elemental rampage?

For example, the forbidden space?

and many more!

And this is just a simple development of the second effect that comes with his third boss skill!


Alchemy space is not omnipotent, and there are two huge limitations.

The first limitation is that he can only control unowned substances and elements. The ownerless here is not the right of ownership in the human world, but a judgment on life and soul!

That is to say, the control of matter in the field of alchemy can affect the clothes, decorations, and even weapons, equipment, and props of a human being, but cannot affect the human body itself.


The control of elements in the field of alchemy can act on all types of elements in the alchemical space, but cannot act on the spells, elements and energy released and maintained by other humans or creatures.

after all.

Fundamentally, this is a research-based and creative skill, not a combat-based skill; it's just that in the process of testing its function, Wang Yan's first thought was how to apply it to combat.

The second limitation is that the consumption in the field of alchemy is terrifying. The consumption of one percent of the mana bar per second is only the minimum consumption to maintain the existence of the alchemy field.

Once Wang Yan expands the coverage of the alchemy field, or controls the substances and elements in the alchemy field, this consumption will increase wildly with the expansion of the scope and the number of controls!

The process of maintaining the alchemy field and controlling matter and elements itself will occupy most of Wang Yan's mind.

Wanting to be distracted and multipurpose in this process, while maintaining the alchemy field, controlling the substances and elements in the alchemy field, and using other weapons and skills to fight... Basically, there is no need to think about it.

After testing.

Wang Yan came to a conclusion.

That is.

Although the field of alchemy can be used by him in battle, it is really a purely research-based and creative skill!

And the essence of the field of alchemy... is a research platform and a creation platform!

All the control of matter and elements is for other skill effects and for the entire incomplete authority!


Wang Yan wants to apply it to the battle, so there are so many restrictions.


Even with many limitations, the power of this alchemy field is beyond Wang Yan's imagination.

Don't say anything else.

The release of a super-large area of ​​forbidden magic alone will expel all the elements and energies within the coverage of the alchemy field!

In this completely magic-free environment, even if a spellcaster has a higher rank and stronger combat power, can he still rely entirely on the mana and elemental energy stored in his body to fight?


The third effect, the loop formula.

If we say that the focus of the field of alchemy lies in its control of substances and elements; the focus of the circular formula is the cyclic transformation of substances and elements!

In the center of the alchemy field, Wang Yan's mind moved, and the mountain that had just been manipulated underwent an essential change in the material at the next moment!

From a mountain of rock and dirt, it turned into a golden mountain!

Immediately after.

A small sprout grew from the top of the golden mountain and quickly turned into a towering tree, completely eroding the entire golden mountain and turning it into a whole wooden mountain!

at last.

Pieces of blue ripples appeared, and under Wang Yan's control, this wooden tree mountain turned into a mountain of water completely made of water, and finally crashed down and flowed!

From rock, to gold, then to wood, and finally to water... The entire mountain underwent four fundamental changes in just a few dozen seconds, and finally turned into an ocean that spread around.

This is the cycle and transformation of matter by the cycle formula!

And the cycle and transformation of the elements...

Wang Yan thought about it.

A pyrotechnic technique appeared in his hand, and then turned into a flame throwing spear, which was projected towards another mountain in the distance.

Blazing heat.

Crimson flame tail.

Dark grey traces.

It is no different from the flame throwing spear that Wang Yan used before.


In the process of this flame throwing spear flying to the mountain at an extremely fast speed... a little bit of ice blue emerged from the original golden red flame throwing spear and spread rapidly!

Just under Wang Yan's gaze.

Just in Wang Yan's will.

In the first half of the flight, this flame spear was condensed by the flame element, and in the second half of the flight, it has become an ice spear condensed by the frost element!


Because there is no template specialization bonus such as [Flame Enhancement], the power of this ice throwing spear is far less than the power of the original flame throwing spear.

The flame spear condensed from the flame element becomes the ice spear condensed from the frost element.

This is the cycle and transformation of the elements of the cycle formula!

compared to the field of alchemy.

The circular formula is undoubtedly higher, and the consumption of mana is also more terrifying.


Its essence is still the same.

To apply a real-world theory to a less accurate explanation:

The circulation and transformation of matter by the circulation formula is almost equivalent to the rearrangement of atoms in the real world; by rearranging the atoms, the material and properties of a material are fundamentally changed.

The cycle formula for the cycle and transformation of elements is more similar to the transformation of kinetic energy into gravitational potential energy, the transformation of gravitational potential energy into mechanical energy, and the transformation of mechanical energy into electrical energy...etc.


This series of cycles and transformations are based on mystical rules and elemental rules, not on the physical rules of the real world.

that is it.

No matter how restrictive.

No matter how demeaning.

This third BOSS skill is worthy of being a branch component of some kind of supreme authority; it is just any one of the two skill effects of the alchemy field and the cycle formula that Wang Yan has been able to use,

Its function and power are definitely not under the Pyroblast and the Indestructible Grip.

If one day.

Wang Yan really completes this supreme authority...

That power is simply beyond what the current Wang Yan can imagine!

Void creation?

Derived creatures?

Or even... create a world?

In short.

The future is bright.

The road is tortuous.

Wang Yan is very satisfied, very satisfied with his third boss skill in the field of alchemy!

Lord space.

shore of lake.

When Wang Yan's figure soared into the sky and appeared several hundred meters high in the sky, when the alchemy field was unfolded, the attention of Boobu and Heichar was diverted from the huge ice cocoon formed by the iron bones. to his master.


They sense a vast and mysterious realm unfolding.

The sky, the earth, the mountains, and the tops of the peaks are all wrapped in it.

In this mysterious realm, they seem to feel isolated.

the sky above.

The ground beneath your feet.

surrounding elements.

Even the space they are in... Everything in this huge and mysterious realm seems to be full of the Lord's breath and infused with the Lord's will!

In this space, a feeling of being omnipotent, omnipotent and omnipotent arises spontaneously.

This feeling is like...

It seems that at this moment, his master has become the creator god who can open up the world and create all things in the world in a single thought; he can also destroy the world and return to the chaotic void in a single thought.

Creation and destruction.

True God and True Demon.

Two completely different, but the same supreme feeling and breath, exuded from the body of the Lord!

at this moment!

They are shocking!

After the shock, their attention... returned to the ice cocoon that wrapped the iron bones.

Just like the transformation of distant peaks and the circulation of elements in the sky, miracles that are enough to subvert the cognition of a legendary alchemist, they are not as attractive as the iron bones when they have completed their transformation and emerged from the cocoon. .



If Wang Yan's alchemy field and cycle formula were placed in a world of evil spirits, let alone a legendary alchemist, even ancient demigods and real gods would be horrified!


For boob and black char...isn't that normal?

Isn't his own master inherently omnipotent?

It's just a few small tricks and a few big fireworks. They can often be seen when they form a group to write a book. What's so amazing?


After a symbolic shock, Bobu and Hei Tan's eyes returned to the iron cocoon of ice.

I'm just a cat and a dog.

I don't understand and are not interested in the high-level alchemy field and the (Qian Nuo Hao) cycle formula.

I just want to know when the iron bones will come out.


When Wang Yan completed his experiments on the alchemy field and the circular formula, he returned with excitement and excitement, and with infinite anticipation for that kind of supreme authority...

He was greeted by two butts!

On the ice cocoon that wraps the iron bones, cracks have begun to extend.

At this time, Bo Bu and Hei Tan were all surrounded by the ice cocoon, waiting with anticipation for the iron bones to break out of the cocoon and leave Wang Yan with two butts?


"Tell you that you don't understand."

"I don't understand the meaning of the alchemy field and the circular formula!"

"Wait until one day, I will really complete this authority... Let you see what is the real authority beyond the level of the gods!""

He muttered a few words silently in his heart.

Wang Yan sat down on his reclining chair.

His attention was also attracted by the ice cocoon.

The ice cocoon cracked.

The chill spreads.

After more than an hour of digestion and absorption, Tie Gu, the silent uncle wolf, finally completed his super transformation and emerged from the ice cocoon!

Cracks spread.

A trace of dark blue silk thread that was completely condensed by the power of frost, like a real silk thread, broke down with the spreading crack, and fell on the ground near the ice cocoon.

Immediately after.

It slowly melted into water stains.

Large swaths of dark blue silk threads snapped, spilled, and melted.

A figure wrapped in an ice cocoon gradually emerged.

The huge and slender body is still lying down.

But vaguely have been able to see the specific appearance.

The fangs are visible, and the sharp claws are flashing.

The hair on the body is white as a whole, but with a little ice blue, as if it is a combination of white snowflakes and light blue ice.

And when the entire ice cocoon is completely broken.

The sleeping giant also opened its eyes!

PS: The second is for full order~

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