Strange Comes: I Loaded The Boss Template

060 The vision of the doomsday wolf! The wrath from the wolf king in winter!

060 The vision of the doomsday wolf! The wrath from the Winter Wolf King!

Ice blue eyes, with a little indifference.

When seeing the figures of Wang Yan, Bubu, and Hei Tan, the indifference and coldness of Xu quickly faded into a kind of gentle gaze.

It's iron bones!

After an hour or two of deep sleep, he absorbed the blood of the Winter Devil Wolf.

This uncle wolf, who has always been silent and steady, has finally completed his final transformation, successfully evolving from an elite frost wolf leader to a lord-level winter devil wolf!

Evolving from the leader of the frost wolf to the winter devil wolf, the body of the iron bone has shrunk a lot—or rather, it has been condensed a lot, from the original tens of meters high to the current height of more than 20 meters.


A white giant wolf more than 20 meters high... The sense of oppression it brings is not inferior to when it was tens of meters high!


After evolving from the Frost Wolf leader to the Winter Demon Wolf, Iron Bone also possesses the innate coercion of a high-level monster race!

This kind of coercion is naturally incomparable to the dragon power of the purgatory dragon, let alone the divine power that comes with a god, but it is still extremely oppressive to monsters whose racial rank is not as good as his own!

not only that.

After evolving from the leader of the frost wolf to the winter devil wolf, the frost element has also become an instinct of the iron bones.

It's walking.

There is no need to deliberately mobilize the Frost Bloodline in the body, and there is no need to consume mana or stamina.

Even with the snowflakes constantly falling.

as if...

To turn the place where it appears into a cold winter!

This kind of spectacle like a vision of heaven and earth is matched with the slender and powerful white hair of Iron Bone, and the slightly icy blue element flashes...

All I can say is, it's gorgeous!

Iron bones return.

When he felt its aura, Bubu swooped on it with a whimper, and Black Charcoal was still slow, with an extremely elegant posture and slow pace, also heading towards the direction of the iron bones.

With a height of more than 20 meters, it is naturally not suitable for playing with Bubu and Black Charcoal.


When Boob rushed towards him, Tie Gu immediately switched his body shape to a regular form, turned into a majestic white wolf, and caught the pounced Boob.


Black Charcoal also jumped lightly, jumping on the back of the iron bone, and nestled in the white with a little ice blue hair.


For a cat that loves to bask in the sun.

The chill that instinctively radiated from the iron bone was obviously not pleased by it.

After just being in the nest for a while, Hei Tan jumped off Tie Gu's body with disgust on his face, and then walked slowly to Wang Yan's side, lying down on the ground.

Seeing the reaction of Black Charcoal, Tie Gu was a little disappointed and regretful.


This kind of deep chill and falling snowflakes that are constantly exuding are one of the signature abilities of the Winter Devil Wolf.

Even if it is Iron Bone...

At least for now.

It still does not have the ability to control this instinct, and put away the chill that naturally radiates from the body.


for a short period of time.

It fell out of favor here at Black Charcoal.

Not caring about the playfulness of the three pets, Wang Yan opened the property panel of Iron Bone:

【Name】: Iron Bone

[Template]: Lord Monster Template - Winter Demon Wolf (attribute growth: Free attribute points +180, skill points +1 per level)

[Level]: Level 20

[Status]: HP 124,000/124,000, Stamina 12400/12400

[Characteristics]: Winter bloodline, purgatory race

[Attributes]: Strength 1240, Agility 1240, Constitution 1240, Spirit 500

[Skills]: Body of Steel, Winter Halo, Polar Storm, Winter Breath

"Blood of Winter: You are the Winter Demon Wolf, the darling and agent of Winter. Your appearance means that winter is coming, bringing the deepest chill to the earth. When you are in the cold environment, At the same time, one's own health recovery and defense power will be greatly improved, the power of releasing frost-type skills will be greatly improved, and the energy consumed by releasing frost-type skills will be greatly reduced.

"Winter Halo: As the agent of Winter, you always exude a deep chill. When your enemy enters the range of Winter Halo (mental attribute * 10 meters), it will be eroded by frost elements, There are many abnormal states such as stiffness, deceleration, frostbite, etc.; when you are the king and enter the range of the winter halo, you will gradually be transformed by the frost element and evolve towards the direction of the frost wolf."

Because the attribute growth of the winter devil wolf is not higher than that of the purgatory devil dragon.


After completing this transformation and evolving into the Winter Demon Wolf, in addition to the significant improvement in spiritual attributes, the other three attributes of Iron Bone remain unchanged.

But this transformation has brought it one characteristic and three skills!

The Winter Bloodline, which replaced the original Frost Bloodline, is a transformation and sublimation of the Frost Bloodline; its effect is similar to Wang Yan's [Flame Enhancement] feat and the Ice Queen Anna's frost control feature.

All of them greatly increase the power of a certain series of skills, and greatly reduce the consumption of releasing a certain series of skills.

at the same time.

When it is in ice fields, snow, frost, storm (cfdh) snow and many other places that are judged to be cold environments, its blood recovery ability and defense power will be greatly improved.

The polar storm, which consumes frost energy, invites a polar storm, and at the same time strikes the enemy with a large range of frost, it can also forcibly transform the surrounding environment into a cold environment that is most suitable for the survival and battle of the wolf in winter.

Winter's Breath, the ultimate enhanced version of Frost Breath, is an extremely powerful wide-area breathing skill, similar to Boob's Purgatory Breath, except that its attribute is frost attribute.

After the sublimation advancement, the frequency of using Winter's Breath has also changed from the original three times a day to the current ten times a day.

The above three characteristics or skills, Wang Yan just looked at it roughly.

Can't say it's not strong.

It can only be said that this is the standard configuration of a winter devil wolf who started out as a lord monster template.

What attracts Wang Yan the most is the skill of Winter Aura!

Winter halo, passive skills, halo skills, exclusive skills for monsters of the Winter Demon Wolf series!

Wang Yan values ​​this skill.

Not just because, it's an oversized control skill.

It's more because this is a super wide range of racial skills!

As long as you are the king, when you enter the range of Winter Aura, you will gradually be transformed by frost elements and evolve towards the direction of the Frost Demon Wolf.


Wolf King.

Boob can go it alone.

Because after being transferred to a purgatory dragon, its essence has changed from a Samoyed to a juvenile body of a purgatory dragon!

Black Charcoal can go it alone.

Because whether it is a cat or its current essence shadow hunter, they are all loners. Except for the breeding season, there is another monster race that shadow hunters do not want to see.

But iron bones are not.

It's a wolf!

When it has not been selected by Wang Yan to become his third retinue, Tiegu is the head wolf of a wolf pack in that mountain and that forest!

And now.

Has become the fifth-order lord monster, transferred to become the iron bone of the winter devil, and is the wolf king among the wolf kings!

Since he is the wolf king, how can he lack subordinates?

The greatest significance of this halo skill... is to constantly transform one's subordinates, surrender to one's own wolf pack, and evolve in the direction of the Frost Demon Wolf!

the longer the time.

The more thoroughly transformed by the frost element.

The closer the wolves are to the Frost Demon Wolf.

With the passage of time, a group of extraordinary frost demon wolves who master the power of frost elements without killing evil spirits or integrating monster templates will be born under the iron bones!

Cultivate your own Frost Demon Wolf population and grow your own Frost Demon Wolf population... This is the greatest significance of this halo skill!


When Iron Bone is still in the lord rank, the limit of the subordinates it can cultivate is the fourth-rank Frost Demon Wolf.


With the advancement of Iron Bone, the upper limit of the subordinates it cultivates will continue to increase.

When Iron Bone is advanced to the epic monster Winter Wolf King, the upper limit of the subordinates it cultivates will be advanced from the fourth-order Frost Demonic Wolf to the fifth-order Winter Demonic Wolf!

When the iron bone is advanced to the legendary monster Doomsday Demon Wolf, the upper limit of the subordinates it cultivates will be advanced from the fifth-order Winter Demon Wolf to the sixth-order Winter Wolf King!

That's right.

It's a nesting doll!

Theoretically speaking, Iron Bone can nest dolls infinitely, taking all the wolves in the world, or all the groups that can be judged as wolves, as their subordinates, turning them all into frost wolves, winter wolves, and even wolves. Winter Wolf King!

Just an iron bone, naturally not the opponent of the purgatory dragon.


Even after evolving to the legendary rank and becoming the Doomsday Demon Wolf, Iron Bone cannot possibly be an opponent of a Purgatory Demon Dragon.


If it has multiple Winter Wolf Kings, hundreds of Winter Demon Wolves, and countless Frost Demon Wolves under its command... I'm afraid, even the Purgatory Demon Dragon doesn't want to provoke it, right?

Iron bones.

It's finally transformed.

After reading Iron Bone's attribute panel, Wang Yan let out a deep breath.

It is both gratified and proud of Tiegu.


For other winter demon wolves, it is almost impossible to evolve from the lord-ranked winter demonic wolf to the legendary doomsday demonic wolf.


For his third family, for Iron Bone, who can obtain template fragments by hunting adventurers... Is this possible or impossible?

It is destined to grow into a legendary doomsday wolf!

It's nothing more than, spend more time and hunt more adventurers!


After the Iron Bone completed its transformation and evolved into the Winter Demon Wolf, the three dependents under Wang Yan's command all embarked on an avenue to the sky that leads directly to the legendary rank!

This kind of event, of course, should be celebrated.

As for how to celebrate...

Call out the system.

Wang Yan starts the next round of battle!

Since it is a racial transition, and since it is an increase in strength... Naturally, you must use the enemy's life and blood to witness your own strength and celebrate your advancement!

position conversion.

Wang Yan's figure appeared on the Frozen Throne of the [Northern Wild Calamity] dungeon, and the figure of the three pets was left on the large ice field below the Frozen Throne by him.

Immediately after.

A vortex of black mist emerges.

Northern barbarians appear.

When the total number of the northern barbarian army reached 15,000, they gathered and started to move towards the Frozen Throne. The three pets began to act.


Whether it's Boob or Black Charcoal, it's clear that Iron Bone is the protagonist of this battle.

They also join the battlefield.

However, the biggest and most exciting stage is reserved for the iron bones that have just evolved and urgently need a battle to verify their strength!

The purgatory dragon appeared.

Paddle on the edge of the battlefield.

Shadowhunter hides.

Rest in the shadows.

And Iron Bone... is at this moment, showing his true body of the winter devil wolf!

Right in the center of this icefield battlefield, a steel-bone over 20 meters tall stood majestically, with a bit of indifference and cold eyes, quietly watching the northern barbarian army that was charging here. array.

This is an icefield, a battlefield.

The frost erosion range that comes with the Winter Halo can fully cover a radius of five kilometers with the iron bone as the center!


When the iron bones appeared in this ice field, when the northern barbarians broke into this battlefield, they actually began to be eroded by the frost element, and gradually appeared many negative states such as stiffness, deceleration, low temperature, frostbite and so on!


This is just the effect of the passive aura skill that naturally emanates from Iron Bone and does not require any consumption!

When the northern barbarian army is getting closer.

There were more and more negative states on the body of the northern barbarians with a total of 15,000 people, and when the speed of travel was getting slower and slower, the iron bones moved.

Standing majestically in the center of the ice field battlefield.

Iron Bone raised his slender neck, opened his wolf kiss full of sharp teeth, and screamed in the sky!




The extremely penetrating wolf howl sounded on this icefield battlefield.

It is not dark.

The silver moon has not yet come.

But the cold wind that seems to be blowing from the polar ice field has already appeared on this ice field battlefield!

This cold wind, at first, was just a cold wind.

But then.

Large flakes of snow fell from the sky.

The cold wind blowing is getting colder and stronger.

Cold wind + snowflakes.

A storm gradually formed.

And a few seconds after it took shape, it was just a storm that made people feel a little difficult to walk, and it became a polar storm that covered the entire battlefield!

Wind blades are like knives!

Snowflakes like arrows!

Frost as thorns!

In this sudden polar storm, the 15,000 northern barbarian adventurers, including the first-, second-, and third-order adventurers, have not even reacted.

It was torn apart by the wind blades, snowflakes and frost mixed in the storm, and together with the equipment on the body, it turned into pieces in the wind and snow.

The fourth-order adventurer is only difficult to resist, under the attack of many negative states and extremely cold storms, the health value is rapidly declining.

Only the fifth-order adventurers, especially the casters among the fifth-order adventurers, can barely stabilize their body and save their lives in this polar storm that seems to blow away even the heavens and the earth!

Northland barbarian, son of wind and snow.

Winter Demon Wolf, Winter Walker.

In the confrontation between these two races that are also favored by the frost element... Obviously, the Wrath of Winter represented by the Winter Demon Wolf has crushed the power of the wind and snow represented by the barbarians of the North.

The violent polar storm covered the entire icefield battlefield, turning the entire icefield battlefield into a vast expanse of white, allowing the northern barbarians who broke into the icefield battlefield this round,

The only remaining fourth-order adventurers and fifth-order adventurers can only desperately maintain their figure.


In this kind of environment, the winter devil wolf is like a duck to water, not only the life recovery and body defense have been greatly improved, but also the speed and flexibility have been greatly improved!

With a feeling of returning home, it broke into the polar storm gracefully and quickly.

The obscuring storm did not obstruct Iron Bone's sight.

on the contrary.

Every snowflake and every piece of ice in this storm has become its eyes and ears at this moment, allowing it to know the enemies in the polar storm like the back of the hand.

A winter breath spewed out.

Bringing together more than a dozen high-level adventurers who use the power of the group to fight against the storm are all turned into ice sculptures.

The figure of the iron bone appeared on the other side again.

One claw killed a fifth-order peak spellcaster.

Elegant and swift.

A leisurely stroll.

Just like a winter king patrolling his territory, Iron Bone slaughtered all the adventurers who were trapped in the polar storm in a seemingly slow and leisurely way, but was actually quite fast. kill!

After a few minutes.

The storm has ceased.

The figure whose iron bones were not stained with a trace of wind and snow appeared again in the center of the ice field battlefield.

And on this battlefield.

The total of fifteen thousand northern barbarian adventurers... have all vanished under the wrath of Winter!

PS: The third is for full order~

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