Strange Comes: I Loaded The Boss Template

063 The starting price is 2 billion! The shock brought by the orange epic gem!! [Second order for fu

063 The starting price is 2 billion! The shock brought by the orange epic gem!!

The first sapphire auction is hot.

After dozens of rounds of bidding, one of the two veteran rich people - a catering tycoon with a wealth of wealth but unfilial children - was auctioned at a price of 580 million!

That is to say.

without considering its efficacy.

According to the valuation of the jeweller... This sapphire, which is not of outstanding quality, finally sold for ten times its original price!


If you add the sapphire's ability to restore mental power, eliminate fatigue, and will not cause damage to the wearer's body... This price is quite reasonable.

in addition.

The name Hailan Heart was just made up by Xiao Wanqing casually.

Since this sapphire is so precious, it must have a name worthy of its price.

Without considering other factors, the price of a sapphire named "Sea Blue Heart" must be several times higher than that of a sapphire named "Blue Shit Ball"!

The first lot is over.

The atmosphere at the venue was also thoroughly heated up.

It's just the first lot, it's a sapphire with extraordinary efficacy... What will the next lot be? As the final lot, what kind of treasure should it be? What kind of efficacy does it have?


There are also some rich people who don't take this auction seriously, but they have to come because of favor and connections.


They are glad they came to this auction!

After the specific situation of this auction is spread out, those few rich people who were not able to come either because of disdain or because something really happened, I am afraid that they will regret it.


The veteran rich transferred the 580 million yuan from the auction of sapphire to the account designated by Xiao Wanqing on the spot. He also got the packaged sapphire as he wished.

Take the sapphire out of the small box and place it on your body solemnly.

Feeling a cool breath constantly penetrating into my body, my mental state has never been so good, even after getting older, the exhaustion that has been with me has disappeared without a trace, and the old-fashioned rich suddenly can't help but laugh. Mouth 25.

he was thinking.

With this sapphire with extraordinary efficacy, he can at least maintain abundant energy for more than ten years!

Since the children are not filial.

Zhi Dacai sparse.

On weekdays, I just stare at that little family property.


Have another child and practice a trumpet?

When this old-fashioned rich man began to change his plans due to the appearance of a sapphire, the second lot that many rich and wealthy people were eagerly awaiting was also picked up by Xiao Wanqing's assistant.

Open the small box.

Put it in the spotlight.

Xiao Wanqing glanced at the glass-like transparent crystal in the small box, and said indifferently: "Soothe glass, the effect is to nourish the body and soothe the nerves, wearing it on the body can greatly improve the quality of sleep, only three or four hours of high temperature every day. Quality sleep makes for an energetic day.""

"The starting price is 100 million. Each increase cannot be less than 10 million.

The effects of this clear crystal and blue gemstone overlap slightly.

All act on the mental state to ensure that a person is energetic.


One is to restore mental strength and eliminate fatigue through extraordinary power; the other is to soothe the mind and keep the body healthy, and ensure daily energy by improving the quality of sleep.

In terms of effect, there is no doubt that the heart of sea blue is more powerful; but in terms of practicality, there is no doubt that the soothing glass is more popular!

in addition.

Rich man.

A group of people who pay the most attention to health care.

Xiao Wanqing naturally said that the Heart of Ocean Blue will not cause any harm to the human body, but who would dare to believe that there is no harm at all?

On the other hand, isn't this soothing glass... the way to improve sleep quality to ensure daily energy, isn't it what they admire most? Even if there is damage, it must be the least one, right?


When the second lot started bidding, the number of rich people who participated was significantly doubled, and the competition was even more intense than the first sapphire!

in the venue.

Jewelry tycoons are also in the bidding.

He is not too young, and often feels that his energy cannot keep up.


He also suffers from severe insomnia.

The effect of this soothing glass... It's like it was specially prepared for him!

This time, the jewelry tycoon did not continue to explain the quality and value of the gems on the auction table.

without him.

It hurts to be beaten in the face.

If it's all about gemstone identification and value, Jewelry Tycoon is a professional. He is confident that even if a hundred Xiao Wanqings are tied together, they are not his opponents!


What people auction is not the quality and size of the gemstones, but the incredible effects that come with these gemstones!

This touches his knowledge blind spot!

How to judge this?

want to?

Just grab it!

Silently complaining in my heart, the price of the jewelry tycoon is higher and faster every time.

After another dozens of rounds of offers.

The jewelry tycoon finally took this soothing glass into his arms at a price of 610 million!


It is difficult for people who have never experienced insomnia to experience the pain and anxiety.

His sons and daughters are both filial and filial, and his abilities are also good. The biggest trouble on weekdays is this severe insomnia. I have been to major hospitals at home and abroad for an unknown number of times, but nothing seems to get better. On weekdays, I can only rely on a lot of pills to get by.


Touching the calming glaze in his arms, he felt the peaceful aura that was constantly radiating out, as if pervading his heart... The heart of a jewelry tycoon has never been so smooth as it is today!

The second lot auction ends.

Still an exorbitant price.

This time, these rich people in the auction venue no longer have to worry about whether these items are right for their prices.

They will only regret why their worth is not high enough.

They will only look forward to the next auction, whether it will be what they need.

The two consecutive auctions completely pushed the atmosphere in the auction venue to a high tide.

The female companions who were brought in by the rich were stunned.

They had never seen such a crazy auction.

But whenever they wanted to remind them or say something, they were greeted with rude and dissatisfied interruptions from their backers, keeping them quiet.

Most of them are vases, canaries raised by these rich people.

If it was an ordinary auction, these rich people wouldn't mind them being coquettish and cute, and by the way, they would buy a piece or two of decent jewelry to make them happy.


it's here.

When more than 20 millionaires compete for the gems with extraordinary power... they are not only not qualified to express their own opinions, they are not even qualified to speak!

Just like these girls.

Those young people who were brought to this auction venue by their fathers or elders were also trembling under the glares of their fathers or elders at this time, and did not dare to say a word.


A few more lots.

Jade pendants that can escape the heat, diamonds that can protect from the cold, pearls that can avoid and divide water to a certain extent, earrings that can increase their own charm... and so on!

Because of the foreshadowing of the previous two auctions.

Even the two kinds of magic gems, which are not of great practical significance, have been auctioned for a sky-high price! They are far more valuable than they should be!

And among these auction items in the middle of the auction, the auction item with the highest price... turned out to be the earring that can increase its own charm!

Heart of beauty in everyone.

For earrings that can increase their own charm and prolong their youth in disguise, the seduction of a woman is far from what gems such as summer, cold, and concentration can compare.

Charm earrings as soon as they appear.

The ladies who were brought in by the rich went crazy.

They tried their best to get their patrons or lovers to take pictures for them; but most of them were greeted with an indifferent rejection.


After this auction, they will be abandoned by their gold owners or lovers in a very short time!

This kind of vase that can't see his own identity and can't recognize the form of the venue, don't you abandon it early, and keep it as a shame for yourself?

take a photo of?

send them?

Just because they look good?

Don't even look at the starting price of this pair of earrings!


Not all rich people are like that.

Among the less than thirty rich people who were invited by Xiao Wanqing and received invitation letters, there were rich people who loved their wives very much, and rich women who were worth a lot of money, no less than others.

These two groups of people are the main force competing for the charm earrings!


After hundreds of rounds of bidding, this pair of charming earrings was photographed by a rich woman who had settled in Taixia, but had already joined the oil country and held a certain amount of oil shares.

The final auction price was... 1.01 billion!

In Wang Yan's appraisal, the glamour earrings are a pair of purple accessories of perfect quality.

In addition to increasing its own charm, this pair of earrings carved from the same gemstone also has the effect of slowly improving the wearer's physical fitness and improving its metabolism.

In general, it is worthy of the auction price of 1.01 billion.

at the same time.

This pair of earrings was also the second-to-last item in the auction organized by Xiao Wanqing.

In Wang Yan's hands, there are naturally more and higher-grade gems.

But this is just the first auction for Xiao Wanqing to make the name of this auction, and there is no need to come up with too many precious gems.


A final gem is still needed.

The finale was high enough, valuable enough, and attractive enough to give this auction a happy ending; it also evoked the wealthy—and those who will hear about it in the future—more interested in the next auction. Big anticipation!


When her assistant took out the last gem and placed it on the auction table, Xiao Wanqing knocked on the table.

When the auction venue quieted down.

When all the rich people, female companions, and their nephews and nephews in the venue focused their attention on their side.

Xiao Wanqing just opened the last small box.

Still a gem.

An irregularly shaped, uncut, emerald green gem the size of a baby's fist!


When spotlights and projectors displayed the high-definition image of this gem on the big screen, those rich people were surprised to discover... This emerald-green gem is not only of excellent quality, but also crystal clear and free of any impurities.


There is a faint layer of mist... emanating from this gem!

Even the emerald green of the gem itself seems to be flowing!

Crystal clear!



If it weren't for the previous gemstones, when they saw the real appearance of this gemstone, I am afraid that no one would believe that this is a naturally born gemstone!

They will only think that this is a work of art carefully shaped by Xiao Wanqing with some kind of high-tech technique!

Seeing the rich people in the auction hall have successfully been fascinated by this gem.

Xiao Wanqing just showed a faint smile.


With her slender and perfect fingers, she held up the emerald green one, Sakura opened her lips lightly, and said lightly:

"Gem Name, Light of Life. Years

"Gemstone effect, improve physique, enhance physique and prolong life.

"The starting price is 2 billion. Each increase cannot be less than 100 million.



When Xiao Wanqing revealed the name, effect, and starting price of this gem, the entire auction venue burst into flames after a moment of silence!

The rich and powerful looked excited and waved their arms, not even knowing what they were talking about.

Their female companion stared blankly at the emerald green irregular gem, her mind was blank.

Their sons and nephews were even more shocked. Several 897 people could not even control their emotions and stood up directly from their positions!

After a few minutes.

This noisy auction venue, like a vegetable market, finally calmed down.

An old rich man with white hair stood up from his seat in the front row, wiped his glasses, and seemed to want to see more clearly: "Xiao girl, what you said... are all true?"5

"of course it's true."

Xiao Wanqing's attitude towards this old tycoon is obviously different from that of other tycoons: "Isn't the few auctions just now verified?"

"Even if I, Xiao Wanqing, have the courage to deceive all the rich bosses present... at least I won't deceive you, Mr. Sun. 35

"I can guarantee that the effect of this gemstone will only be more exaggerated than the information I just said, without the slightest falsehood!

"I also believe that you will not deceive me, the old man."


"The starting price is 2 billion! 35


The old tycoon who Xiao Wanqing called Sun Lao was also worth several billions. Although there is not much cash flow, he is one of the industrial giants in Taixia.

This is not critical.

The key is that this old rich man quite likes to help newcomers. Even Xiao Wanqing got some help from Elder Sun when she was settling the Haisheng Group's affairs.

at the same time.

Several of the richest people in this auction hall... It was also because of Old Sun's face and connections that they came from all over to participate in this auction.


Xiao Wanqing still respects this old man.

The effect of this gem, which Xiao Wanqing named "Light of Life", is not false.

As she said, the effect of this gem will only be more exaggerated than what she said! There will be no falsehood!


This is the only orange epic quality magic gem that Wang Yan has come up with!

As an epic-quality magic gem, the real effect of this emerald green gem is to slowly absorb the life energy in the air and continuously improve the wearer's physical attributes.


Every other day, a purification technique is automatically released to purify the abnormal state of the wearer!


There is an upper limit to the improvement of this physique attribute. At most, it can increase the physique attribute of an ordinary person to the level equivalent to that of a third-order investigator.

But the improvement of physical attributes must be accompanied by the enhancement of vitality!

In the real world, it is life extension!

Coupled with the purification technique that is automatically released every other day, it can almost remove most of the abnormal states that appear on the wearer's body... Wearing this gem all year round, it is difficult not to prolong life!

Improve your physique!

Enhance physical fitness!

extend your life!

It is precisely because this orange epic-quality magic gem has so many super effects that Xiao Wanqing set a starting price of 2 billion for it!

Even if the auction is passed in, she will not have any plans to lower the price of the auction!

PS: The second is for full order~

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